Monday 16 January 2012


26. Moderator
Without serious about controlling it well
We can not achieve the goal,
How do I desire for others?
Wealth's effort, pure absurdity!
Prior to abandon passionate pleasure
Being tied tightly into cycle.
Must be preserved over the ordination vows -
Chu whole of this Bodhisattva.
Monday practice fifty-six of the Bodhisattva is the cultivation of virtue without moral meaning to life. Without morality, we can not achieve personal goals, so trying to achieve something else is laughing. Our goal consists of two things: one is for personal achievement; two is all good for others. Almost reached one of two, all of us must practice on moral satisfaction. This Buddha has been clearly established in the Special Deliverance Business (Pratimoksha Sutra), taught, "As a leg do not run, a lack of moral righteousness could never escape from moral beings. ' Of both praise and benefits of the rule is clear on the Buddha taught in detail in Special Deliverance Scripture. For example, if we live in the monastery, for every fifteen day called us to do penance, and we listen Special Deliverance Scripture.
What is morality? The definition of morality really is, or voluntarily seek to stop the evil act. Morality is used as a wall of water to prevent the evil of the book. When we reach moral behavior, the waters of all the evil of the future will be stopped. There are special rules for moral conduct of the Special prayer deliverance (Pratimoksha) [sufficient detail about the monks and nuns and monks], the Bodhisattva's vow, tantric vows. But the vow was not anything like it, still need to practice with the natural moral destruction of the moral life [Cross immoral].
27. Ring members
Bodhisattva of merit attention
Bridges accumulated a lot of good,
Treat troubled vandals
Try their vows, as a gold mine
Because it should only hatred
And hate yard work with his evil;
Deep meditation on human perseverance -
Chu whole of this Bodhisattva.
Cultivate patience, rather than hatred, for those who harm us, Monday is the practice of Bodhisattvas fifty seven. There are many stories about patience, but here, the ring is comparable to a treasure. A man found a treasure will be extremely happy, because the wealth away. When people seek the wealth of virtue sufficient to meet someone who hurt her, like a treasure found, because it creates opportunities to practice patience. It became a great source of joy for him. Since then, we can give up anger, and concepts arise rings for all beings. According to Lam Rim Chenmo, great Lamas Kha Tong Ba (Tsong Khapa) said, giving such attention as a European security agreement meeting the expectations of others while rule as cool heat of desire. European security as you are giving; absorption cooling greed is the rule; and serious effort is excellent patience.
Patience is the perfect item for solemn people strong. Influence of patient starting from the house with people living together. If we live with his teacher, it started with the teacher. At home, it starts in children and their spouses, and leaving home is to the surrounding neighborhood. If we understand the devastating impact of hatred and anger, all without having trouble meditating patience. Of course, the greatest effect of anger as it leads to hell. Again, all we achieve that virtue is not dedicated to Enlightenment will be destroyed by a moment of anger. In particular, if the anger towards one or the teacher's body with it, the consequences are more severe. If we become angry with his father or mother, or the sick person in a state of weakness, the consequence is quite heavy. The intensity of the influence of anger, depending on the object. If our object is the source of great faith in me, the anger becomes disabled passes. For patients, they may not take kindly to me, only because he is in frail condition, so angry they are very harmful. Of course, the break up friendships so often that anger out. Golf can be a source of division among parents, siblings, spouses, or friends, because once the train yard on fire, making it difficult to calm. Dramatic start of contradictions, and gradually led to discord among people. If the effects of meditation on the airports, we will not have problems as an adult patient care.
Tolerance means not only endure provocation without anger. Rings also beyond that. For example, if we overcome the infinite painstaking process of practice, to endure the hardships it is a form of rings. When the Bodhisattva must execute the extremely difficult issue, and you accept all the hard work for the noble and exhilarating. It is a form of rings. All of us find it hard to endure hard for the traditional process daily. For example, after a tiring work day, when we had all arrived home a little effort, so when you sit down to practice, we just want to make it faster and shorten whenever possible. It's a clear sign that we lack patience before difficulties.
We can endure hard times by saying, "No matter what happens or how much trouble I could not harm the practice. I have a full practice with his ability, to fulfill obligations to advance personal, as well as receive task for others. I can not prejudice. " With that attitude, we can treat the difficult moments in each day, and put to practice his French on every paramount. The positive outcome of the hard patience is great. So it's worth every effort to maintain patience at any time.
28. Members should
If Pratyekabuddhas and sravakas
Want to cultivate our personal nirvana,
Efforts to achieve smart, and virtually
Whatever the burning leaves is not direct.
Try to see how to use power
By people from the others;
Enlightenment needs a lot of effort -
Chu complete the Bodhisattva way.
Monday practice twenty-eight of the Bodhisattva is the effort to cultivate diligently for the benefit of all beings. This passage says, even the text bar text (Shravakas) and Pratyekabuddhas (Pratyekabuddhas) practiced almost attained for individuals eager to work well. If our hair on fire, we must act quickly almost extinguished the fire. Similarly, you should do the same speed. Of course, if the fire, we can not sit still minutes to extinguish that right as quickly as possible. Thus, if the text and Pratyekabuddhas, only work for your personal effects, had to do so in full force whole professionalism; we work almost attained enlightenment for all sentient beings bliss, all but have to work hard at least equal or more.
What is effort? Effort is clear interest in doing something virtuous. In America, people are using the word "capacity" (energy). But, I think the effort and energy are slightly different. That way I understand it, "capabilities" similar courage. So we can courageously in both the good and the bad.
We can work real hard work for something negative, even as sweat, but sweat is not the result of the diligent. Even though to wipe sweat from his forehead, the sweat is not so diligent. Define the vocabulary of the effort is the enforcement of the enthusiasm of virtue. This is important for all of us, because we need to start from the achievements of diligence.
Chandrakirti (Chandrakirti), in his book The Executive Director (Madhyamakavatara), sure that all knowledge is followed diligently. Effort leads to knowledge. Also, Lama Kha Tong Ba (Tsong Khapa) wrote in Lam Rim Chenmo, if you wear armor diligent y, all knowledge will increase gradually in us as the full moon. That's why you have recommended us to always keep tons of inspiration poured out like water flowing. It can not be fragmented or interrupted, excitement and then a few hours to relax. Instead, we need very fine professional, maintain continuity it month after month, year after year. It is important we need to bless capacity in daily practice, and work each day filled with enthusiasm, not to remind anyone, that makes yourself.
29. List of
Super integration in essence,
Show really shows how existing objects,
Just starting out emotionally disturbing noise
With a pure heart to the legs.
Beyond the four formless world
To cultivate the most prime real mental disorder
And enter the university on a full -
Chu whole of this Bodhisattva.
Said Section twenty-nine of the meditation (samadhi) [eighty da] beyond the four heavenly invisible world, is one of the practice of Bodhisattvas. Or just (shamatha) is based on a center of tranquility base or an object [any disorder of mind]. Coordinating center was calm and competent reviews (vippasyana) [Insight reviews, insight wisdom] can subdue all the virtual structure. By the same token, meditation right concentration, or one based on, invisible world beyond natural gifts, is one of the practice of Bodhisattvas.
Most of the time chief nursing eighty meditation brings rebirth in the realms of performance is formless world. If the effort is to develop an in reaching a formless existence, the results are not much useful for us. We must achieve tranquility for something beyond that goal. In one of the business, the Buddha told the Bodhisattvas not expected for delivery in the formless realm, as being in a realm that can not see each other; so that not an appropriate place to practice French. Because that formless realm is a lack of freedom of the eight places where we do not want to birth. They also belong to the same kind of god of longevity does not have the opportunity to practice French.
What is tranquility or calm (shamatha)? Mind and tranquility that any disorder in most subjects point. This is a tool we all must possess. Want to get the tools that we need to meditate on the development of it. With the help of police, in cooperation with the competent opinions, we can achieve. We need to be consistent consultation division. Thus, the assessment reviews (or reviews without identity property) [not ants property, not ants] is like a sharp weapon, and calm like a strong person with solid shoulders. If we use consultation with the help of police, all can be effectively cut off the root of all the virtual structure, which is the source of all suffering.
There are so many people preferred to meditate an [only], but if the only issue is that each property lack of insight meditation [bar], all calm meditation is to become one of the media lead us wandering in the cycle of life. With consultation, we not only say something to stop the virtual coarse structure, which is a subtle examination ants can cut off the roots of ego. In itself, an not to give us any means to free from any moral being. An provisions, not only in Buddhism, which can be found in many other traditions. For example, there are many Hindus can attain calm by meditation on the floor of the eighty's. With the heart of tranquility, they can birth into formless realms of gender identity or gender. With the help of police, people can temporarily exclude the virtual structure of the crude sensuous planes and even the realm of gender identity, thus born in realms invisible world. With calm, one can move to the top of the rotation being the highest in the world four formless realms. Because they overcome all temporary rough structure of the virtual realm and education about gender identity, they feel has achieved a freedom often avoid the virtual structure, and no longer anything to residues passed away. They feel like they have obtained liberation.
But again, the business office in the land that will gradually dry out. Once dry, they are about to see the next place of rebirth in, that's where they had departed. The great frustration that makes people lose faith in French or Catholic, because they had thought that you have become complacent full freedom. When you realize you have not been free, they initiate such an evil look or harsh [wrong or evil ants], for France. That gives them back again to fall into the lower realms.
Lama Kha Tong Ba (Tsong Khapa) said that, tranquility, or to, like a king completely dominate the mind. When the mind is set on a second object to that action, it will head real estate like Mount Meru (Meru) giant. Thereof, if the direction of any point of virtue, will integrate the dispersed without. By virtue of the provisions, both body and mind put into a state of extreme development, integration of modern mental happiness. If taken seriously in calm meditation, we can attain within six months. However there are many people who try cases in three months - or three years, five years or six years - without achieving anything.
There are people that are meditative calm, and when asked how long meditation techniques, they meet about six years, but has yet to master the mind. Actually, I think in that case, no fault of calm meditation, but the personal approach of the author wrong.
30. Property List
List generosity, patience, morality,
Meditation with not enough effort;
Without List Tue, year on
No member may take into Buddhahood.
With bodhicitta chief legal support
That the agent intellect, action,
And to see such real property -
Chu complete the Bodhisattva way.
Said Section thirty, no prajna (prajna), or wisdom [prajna wisdom], one can not attain enlightenment, whether chronic done all year Tuesday as security (paramitas) above. But wisdom can not it work. It must go along with the method, which is bodhichitta and compassion. Three life cycle that is able to act, actors, and actions. Knowing that all three were missing legs exists, is wisdom. Coordinate intelligence is the same method in the practice of Bodhisattvas.
For example, if for example of meditation (samadhi), the main mediator agent, is to be defined, and meditation on the main action. The mind senses the absence of all three legs on the property is the property interest. Wisdom here is aware of for over the.Trong Tibetan called Sor, which means an individual, and tok pa, which means knowledge; so is wisdom to be understanding of a particular . In Bodh Business Administration (Bodhicharyatavara) said that, five types of members or paramitas is a method to help us go to the Friday of wisdom. All five are paramitas the Buddha taught to understand the property, paramitas Friday. It can be found in chapter nine of Bo's menstrual Shantideva (Shantideva).
We need almost daily efforts to learn about paramitas Friday, paramitas property, or the property. Be very diligent almost reach that understanding. I think the importance of knowledge precisely because it is the instrument or weapon really helps break ego. In particular, overcoming darkness obscures the direct knowledge of the current situation, wisdom must be assisted method, ie on paramitas year.
For example, the text bar text (Shravakas) and Pratyekabuddhas (Prateykabuddhas) with property reviews, but because of lack of methods, have no possible means by which to effectively combat the dark veils direct knowledge Next on the scene.
31. Paragraph error
No apparent effort to analyze
Configure virtual kingdom and brought confusion,
Whether practicing outside France,
Still more the wealth of France.
Because it should be reviewed through
And virtual mistakes, our errors,
Then kill them whole -
Chu complete the Bodhisattva way.
Tuesday practice of the Bodhisattva was twenty introspection and examined our mistakes in everyday life, and eliminate them. If we do not bar prosecution or review your mistakes and errors, we are able to do the multitude of French rather than French. Because that, in everyday life, we need consistent review their own mistakes, not just the customary review, but any time to see them, to stop immediately and try to eliminate them. Try eliminating errors is one of the practice of Bodhisattvas.
I have repeatedly referred to the consistency review activities of our body and mind, and whenever you realize something is wrong, should learn to let go. I also repeated comments about it. Another method is to verify that the actions of four times a day. At around noon, we should review the work done in the morning and review, "Am I doing something wrong or something good he?" If you do something good or virtuous, we can attack their own promotion do more, but if you do something wrong we should regret, and to get rid of it. When he left office, we can sit in the car before driving home again and review the work done from after lunch until the frequency. So make a list of what to do, and if you do something right, you can enjoy it and if do something wrong, so the work done penance. Then, before bed, we should review the action, and see what I have done that day.
32. No error if the
When people talk, the virtual force structure
Errors made me the head of others,
If the Bodhisattva cracked swimming
All our products are name spoilage.
Make it another allusion
Mahayana has to lead to liberation.
Just mention our fault -
Chu whole of this Bodhisattva.
The first paragraph says that thirty-two, who entered the Mahayana should not be directed if the mistakes of others, especially if that person is a Bodhisattva. If someone did something wrong and make mistakes, and he chose to conceal, that's their job. Not our responsibility to publish their mistakes.
On the other hand, if we do something wrong, need to confess that it is wrong, admit, and purification. I talked to other people's fault that such a problem. Again, if a specified error is inherently a bodhisattva, just because of our virtual structure, which is an injury to ourselves.
Even though that person would not be a bodhisattva, such as a colleague with me, no reason to fault if a person unnecessarily. Also, if you see errors of their parents or brothers, should be ignored and do not go yet; do so wisely. If you have a good reason to say that their error, they must do so, especially when we have a witness in court. When you know people that have sinned, we have to stand out and say it. However, if the sincerity of one's threatening to harm others, should avoid going over. This is very important.
33. Cut the mandate of charity
Controversy family or friends,
Most respected or something,
Makes it impossible to listen to French,
Reduced or meditation practice.
The risk of permanent family home,
Just as your family or familiar,
Letting go of Rights binding on -
Words full of such other Bodhisattvas.
This passage says, to cut the love scene infected with parent or guardian is one of the practice of Bodhisattvas. Why we should cut our love infected with the owner or pilot? If any constraints on them, any dispute will usually start up of the service or gift would be, and this dispute will harm the practice and meditation. If one in forever homes where friends or sponsored, what happens is whenever there is a dispute, he tried to intervene, and as such we are interested in starting their work. It's truly just learning and practicing French.
I've seen it many times in my life. I have several candidates all, but every time they visit, I only focused chanting meditation and reading. I never interfere in their work. Sometimes I have the urge to pay attention to their work, but my owners such as a very cool person I do not want to mingle with them. He always wanted to leave me alone in the shrine. The reason is, if anything in the way of retreat, reflection, and meditation - our main goal - to make sure that such engagement even more valuable. Because of that, we should give up tied to the sponsor, or your male or female, and does not have an attachment. Rather, we should view it as a house guest. That is wise. For example, if you rent a room in the hotel, will never have to intervene in the management or affairs of that hotel. Similarly, we should have an attitude like that whenever we visit friends or experimental host. That is the best way.
34. Do not pay harsh language
Uttered harsh language when angry
Causing the pain and mental disorder action;
And we, try the Bodhisattva of
Recognizes familiar practice declined.
Starting from words found gross errors,
The preferred term is too difficult obstacles,
Take the same way people persecuted -
Chu whole of this Bodhisattva.
Tuesday practice of the Bodhisattva twenty four is not harsh term response we receive from others. Harsh language is often difficult to hear - no matter who speak out. That's why we did not want to say harsh language with anyone. Word of the heavy crude will make another mental disorder. If the mental disorders they are, all will breakdown of the Bodhisattva to cultivate our own.
One of the practice of the Bodhisattva is never harsh to say good care of others. Any word actually another active psychosis, creating hatred and negativity in their hearts or increase their suffering, we must avoid is the word in everyday language. So we have to try real sense never to answer heavy crude, whether to tell anyone, no matter who it is high, equal, or humility. Never use harsh language to anyone who is a regular effort of ours.
35. Except for bad habits
Type of rapidly into bad habits
Once familiar with care infrastructure;
Professionals are essential to efforts to
Created for the degenerations to combat infection.
Armed with awareness, in memory
Attacking just before infection as part;
Except for a problem stumbling block progress -
Chu complete the Bodhisattva way.
The third paragraph says fifteen, when I noticed iris starting with attachment and virtual structure, to eliminate immediately. We need to control them right the first stage, as if to receive a virtual structure and allowing them to his head for a while, all we will file a gradual growth habit. If we do not subdue the virtual structure, it will form hard tough resistance. We need awareness and keen to observe any virtual structure very close to this has just started. Sometimes I deliberately do something wrong, but excuses like, "I know it's wrong but I want to experiment." If we accept this type of care, as long as it's head, grows outside the subdue. For example, if someone says, "I know you do not drink or smoke, why not try, just once." We can respond, "No thanks, nor helpful." As we know, if there is a battle to prevent the border invaders any more effective, otherwise, they would enter and dominate the whole territory. Then they will expel more difficult. It is best to prevent them from immediately outside the border.
36. Always aware
In short, what we behave
In any grace or landscape meeting
Resources must be made aware always
Fully understand the state of mind.
There must be vigilant and in concept,
Helps focus, ready to serve,
We act for the welfare of beings -
Chu whole of this Bodhisattva.
The first paragraph says thirty-six, maintaining awareness in an effort to benefit others almost every day is one of the practice of Bodhisattvas. The welfare of others is important, and to help effectively, we need awareness and keen. In each of the body, speech, and mind, please carefully review consistent with the mind alert, and never let anything in all three become entangled in evil before.
37. Dedicate a full merit
All efforts merit analysis from
Provide guidance on good practice ethics
I virtually free of pain
Mothers of countless generations,
Their full dedication to the Buddha,
With the knowledge reviews, others not quite fall
And merit, not total truth -
Chu whole of this Bodhisattva.
Tuesday practice of the Bodhisattva was twenty seven full dedication of merit were made in general enlightenment for the benefit of countless beings. This sentence says it all merit accumulated through the crystal specialist, will purify the virtual structures and countless afflictions of living beings. This intellectual freedom in the foot very useful attachment. With numerous attachments intellectual liberation of the three legs to be there, and the merit for general enlightenment, is one of the practice of Bodhisattvas.
Above is the thirty-seven practices of Bodhisattvas mainly, the Bodhisattva Togmey Zangpo write very concise form. This is the practice of Bodhisattvas directly, but indirectly have implications for anyone with Mahayana seeds inside and decided to become a practitioner of Mahayana. Even though some of these practices could not as strong as we want, or not effective as of the Bodhisattvas, we can still try to close something that a Bodhisattva must act.
The author confirmed that he wrote according to the texts taught in all the excess [Show teachings] and esoteric [tantric], the sacred language of the great teachers. His presentation on the thirty-seventh test, the purpose of helping those who have left the direction to become a Bodhisattva. The author writes, "Because of poor capacity and my limited knowledge, I have no writing talent makes poetry scholar pleased, but thanks to the classic track and practice of the past Professor Noble, and because the essence of personal understanding, what I was drafted here is the practice of Bodhisattvas without the slightest mistake. However, the realm of Bodhisattvas impossible to evaluate and immeasurable infinite , for someone like me with limited knowledge it is difficult to measure, so if I can put in what seems wrong, contradictory expression, or other unexpected defects, sincerely apologize. I would rather tolerate academic air drill. "
It is a way to reduce our arrogance and conceit of himself.
Next is the merit of the author has developed harvest by these texts. "Because by virtue achieved by editing this text, may all beings be endowed with sufficient both relative bodhicitta and ultimate, and no longer keep the cycle of birth, or the satisfaction of the heavenly kingdom personal goals, and may all be accomplished as Avalokitesvara virtue. "
Literature is summarized like that.
Very important for us to merit the end of the meditation or any activity after the French do. Because by virtue or merit received when implementing any practice of which, pray for the Dalai Lama, and all Noble German Ambassador sublimation legal maintenance and longevity very long lecture. May the Buddha Fa is boundless forever for being full benefits. May the Sangha whole team in the world exists in pure well-head, free from any dispute or indirect ly, and achievements in the practice of meditation. May all nations of the world escaped the disaster of disease, hunger, war and conflict. May peace prevail and lasting eternity on earth. May all beings free from suffering moral constraints arise and achieve peace, lasting happiness and enlightenment.

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