Saturday, 5 April 2014

The fourth book
(Subsequent court photographers Wednesday in separate subjects)

* One time, Buddha in the Quang Nghiem. as has Her Flip Bhikkhu (Licchavis governed) name Thien-Hien, genuine personality, physical action, The homage to daily Sun. On it, he's going to meet In secret at Buddha's Death Forces between dark chocolate and two Mystery-dark chocolate and Places often have resentment for generations. Two Mystery-dark chocolate and tourist places of interest in human space travel to the Quang Nghiem, on the scholarships meet Sage, ask:
This friendly, Gentle-people going?
-False, I wish to Buddha.
The other two says:
-Meet The ton, have to say the word donation. So who has the magic words to win over Him?
-I do not have.
This Friendly-Hien, who came to see the Buddha should say "Pumpkin-dark chocolate it's pointless Death Force, illegal actions, acting with his wife, Hanh Pham impure work Ba-la-city-ca". The Sun listening so sure a wedding Festival.
Friendly Sage heard complete, to see The Sun, my foot close to Buddha, standing aside, Bach:
-Ton, Nuclear-Power Real dark chocolate Pumpkin doesn't have very good quarter, illegal actions, along with the wife of his lewd acts, work, net non-breaking Three-dollar market.
After saying so, the Gentle Friendly cheers. Buddha told the Mystery-dark chocolate:
-Flip-over e-mail Bhikkhu say defamatory misrepresentation, please do post ma Phu bat for him. If there are such cases, as well as the following sequence:-Cover the Court, hitting hopea maces proclamation, then mass gathering, sai a pumpkin chocolate-legal listing Bach's single Ghost: "out of sight, Germany increased the elderly listen, flip-her-Prince-Goodness-Bhikkhu, using Three L Ca not vu's pure dark chocolate secret grip Force. If the appropriate time to Increase, Increase present listed partners Boost agrees, ma, Phu bat for Gentleness ". This is the operative word. Increased collaboration particularly rich finished Bowl, Ghost-dark chocolate is not to the people, if not to sit on it, not eating, not the sermon for them.
Buddha told A Nan Da:
-Master come to accommodation of Good Old Growth Sage, that has worked to list his bowl of rich ghost
Sun Jia A Nan Da Shan Buddhist order, Yes to Sage, meet at there home, he should ask his wife:
– Mr Gentle Friendly are you?

-False! He is going out. You need to see what His Goodness?
-Should be aware that the old Tank was last listed ma Phu bat for her family.
-Out of sight, Germany, ma, Phu bat?
-If the family who would be old Growth material work Phu secret then the Bowl magic dark chocolate is not to the people, if there is to not sit, not be aware to eat not the sermon.
The woman says:
-Out of Germany! Pursuant to this, the Scriptures they played cards up bylaws shall not go down with us. I have error that gets funky bowls?
-Meet Buddha, Good Changing her husband said: squash-dark chocolate it's Electronic Resources with no shame, illegal actions, along with his wife, and lewd acts, working impure Hanh Pham Ba-la-contest.
His wife heard the complete linkage of back room, return false.After finishing work, Improving His return home. The wife says:
-A guy, you know, Holy Ghost bat they've listed work Phu for the guy.
The Gospel instead of Phu bat! Very good Phu bat!.
The wife asks:
-You know what is a bowl of rich?
-Do not understand.
The wife says:
-Who is Patron Saint of them secret, the Bowl hosting the rich not to her, if not to sit, not eating, not speaking French. Is this guy has seen the pumpkin-dark chocolate it's Power Electronics with you to work out where the illegal right?
-Do not see.
-Guy come to repentance with An engineer. If steps Out from Sun Tzu to good, as intolerant, do not step into the House.
Listen, the Friendly Sage shame fears, going right up to meet Buddha, my foot, and police pieced together hand-Bach: ground theater
-Show Respect! According to the child's prayer usually every morning after bathing, going to the Australian public, middle of the road I met two Mystery-dark chocolate and Add. They ask me:-you going? The answer:-would like to see the Buddha to feasts. They asked me to see the Buddha have any good does insurgent Buddha I answer No. They taught me to see the Buddha should say something like this:-ton, Nuclear-Power Real dark chocolate Pumpkin pointless, illegal action with wife of the lewd act, working non-violation, breaking the Three-dollar-ca. words left by two other children say, ain't no mistake.
Meanwhile, The Sun said the Mystery-dark chocolate:
-Friendly Sage defamation but which had not by themselves, so the legal threshold of bowls listed ma him. If there is such a case, should proceed:-Cover the Court, hitting hopea maces, tell all they know. After the meeting, set up the Friendly Sage comes before the venerable, hand-pieced together squat ladies are as follows: "An old, listen to Increase Germany's Friendly Sage gets educated evil make the mistake should bring the non-truth trumped cynics for real Power.So the old Tank was last listed ma funky bowls. Now the old listed partners Boost pleads ma threshold Bowl. Beg the great old French child Increases the threshold of the German Bowl, from"introspection. (spoken three times).
Then put the Friendly Sage to see but not hear pieced together the hands stand, and a Pumpkin-white chocolate single legal listing ma: "out of sight, Germany increased the elderly listen. Flip Video is Charities that Gentleness to her evil Bhikkhu knowledge make the mistake should get the real life stuff is not Real Power to grip vu. Old growth has particularly rich for him Bowl ma. Today he asked the Sage old Increase Friendly cooperation listing ma threshold Bowl ". This is the operative word.
If the old Tank was last listed ma threshold when the pumpkin Bowl-dark chocolate to house them, allowed to sit, eat and cognitive theory.
NIE litigation Thursday in special subjects.
Born chi wing as the scene
Real vi ca Dance
Promise works ca the Bay bar
Lili Bowl openings.
* Fate of the ventricular side of La, there is a Mystery-dark chocolate Pro tu President but when sitting in the old urban planner born genus remain turgid. At another, it follows the real-life class, after qifu gangui son arrange y bowls, wash your feet, under a tree to sit straight thinking, most recent anniversary front the b. genus turgid. Is this your brain bothering exercise buoyancy yard, taking his rock puts on more students, and then use rock smash. The pain can not tolerate this situation, thinking: "I'm suffering brain scorching the mind, So why not graciously Respect trade idea?".Then, the remote brain gauge this, go to the next who Chief Sensory Variables asked:
This chocolate-secret master do?
This unit remain in full. Buddha said:
-Y-Master didn't hear Me teach, when secret sexual mind infants infected should be a impure, prevent sexual abusers, because why do fools si, need to beat the thing back to hit another one.
Pumpkin-chocolate mousse look so very good you silence. Multiply this, Buddha taught the Mystery-dark chocolate:
-Not before I did not teach for the master, who shall arise when infected sexual defilement tu Quan, when anger arises, tu a compassionate, when foolish mind arises then the tu a twelve human fate. Anyone not French practice is practice, not to need that back beat another thing is guilty beyond France.
In the city there is a Head fake, married how long yet, born was a son figure handsome everyone cherish, nurture love gradually matured, manufacturing in the law of Buddha. the fate of should go out from the forest becomes the Most travelled in humanity. Unfortunately on the rise pimple scabies treatment, go encounter skilled physician does not use Acupuncture needles should this mouth distorted deviation. When travel is completed, return to the garden of Anathapindika, not the old know welcome visit, it should be asked:
-Out of Germany, does not know me?
-Life Stuff, I don't remember the name, who is the master?
Other recounts the former, my name is ... The other amazing says:
-The day before the primary, now respectable Teacher face why distorted deviation.
Other restatement of the incident. Mystery-dark chocolate giving the white Buddha. Buddha said:
-Should keep the as hold Conference, should not unintentionally to a physician not stinging. Violation is guilty beyond France.
As Buddha said:
-Do not let bad physician treatment, code-named-dark chocolate face was warm, like to inject less hot blood on the forehead but can't find a physician order.
Buddha said:
-If there is no upper level physician, thanks to high blood make a physician.
In this city there are two groups of people make friends, a group of the transaction class, a group that Ms.-la-Mon. Skilled trades group dance than group Ba-la-keeper but lost on the fight.In a group, sometimes She-la-Mon says:
-Trading Group dance better than us but we fight about than us, how do we dance over them?
Have people talking:
-If they want to win, we should dance.
They left the table to:
-This is or, but we should learn to dance with?
Back to the table:
-Group six false taste good at music, about dance again crossed over the other. We should go there to them, the greed, before property, should need anything then we deliver.
After the discussion, they together came to Record them, wealthy girl watch desk legs dear:
-Out of sight, Germany please charm of compassion, teach us to dance.
Record them a:

-If you offer the left wheel, we will teach you.
They heard so often provide gear, be green, they taught dance. After school, during the Carnival, they fight the other team wins. Trading group bringing dance were they win consistently, so says:
-We used to dance over the situation, the fight we won, why today the strong position both; How does this work?
-Because we tried the dance study.
-Who taught you?
-False Record them graciously teaches us.
Who she-la-keeper sounded so were born the mind aversion despise:
-Sa-subjects Like electronics Executive trạo, ca Dance Frolic also teach people life.
The Mystery-dark chocolate giving the white Buddha. Buddha said:

-Do dance there are such errors, so the Mystery-dark chocolate not been learning dance. Violation is guilty beyond France.
When The Sun was not allowed to study dance, has She forgotten subjects-music, came to the continental us please review them. Record them a:
-The institutional Respect not dance.

Brahmin Bach:
-If so, probably pruning.
Record them a:

I'm pruning for you.
Sees the She-la, they teach the pruning changes has tools for dance. Then, when meetings of her dance performance-la-Mon is not equal to you. The Ba-la-subjects are disgruntled students decry:
-Sa-keeper Like Prince implicitly cause embarrassment to make us lost.
Mystery-dark chocolate giving the white Buddha. Buddha said:

-Mystery-dark chocolate not replaced diminishing another's dance instruments. One alternative, being guilty of overtaking France.
At another, She-la-keeper came to the continental US, my Lord:
-Please teach me funny music.
Table of contents we do not teach. They are distinguished:
-False! If you can't teach, you only temporarily present where we are winning.
Arrival, when they appear, the performers know they see linkage of shame can not play music, so discontent blameless:
-Sa-subjects Like electronics back and forth there where dance.
Buddha said:
-Mystery-dark chocolate not be intentionally to appear in American dance. Mystery-dark chocolate would do it yourself dance, soak the Gulf, teach people, or help or himself to appear were guilty beyond France.
(Hereinafter là Ton of people Supposedly Friendly)
* In His fake head has a Bhikkhu Shaanxi named Australian, Leanne contour needs, my wife's pregnant. False religious Symbolism later said the other fetus to develop will be certified plat result wins the Colonel, so He came home. Meanwhile, the head of credit capital, the center of false refuge tho. Since then, the fake Religious often came home. One day, He walked alone there is attendant to the Home Secretary. Question:
-Out of Germany! Why go it alone without the fake?
-The Sage! How do I find grass in the forest there is attendant, the place where you get the people who made the fake.
-False! If so, his wife's pregnant if born the son will make his attendant.
False religion from his retirement, after I pray:
-Hien, praying for a healthy baby.

After eight, nine months, the Chief's wife supposedly gave birth to a boy, small, lean-bodied sound amiable. After 21 days, the fake invite, assembled in congratulations. So irritable father son please people named. People are talking:
-This small, lean-bodied Baby sounds, the Chief's son, An author should be named for you is Good.
The dates gradually by, Friendly Peace has come of age. In the morning, wearing pseudo Religious Death Symbolism y carries the Bowl His first real qifu gangui class, Bhikkhu, Henan to the Australian Charity. Major fake looks that celebrate the cheerful welcoming ceremony, wealthy girl ground hand pieced together, and sometimes get a bowl full of fruit cake, place the three insurgent Ton.When the Prince Thien Hoa out watching the Saints. False religion is false Leader makes general recall old stories. Instant fake Chief told him:
-When your child is still in the womb, we gave the disciple of false Religion. So far I go in practice.
Election officials, suicide is the ultimate body bearing should be very easy to be absent from the secular left, associated in practice assumed return to stay. False respect for his life and then the Spice world, tools like France stubs. The diligent effort not lazy, paragraph except negativity shown to result A-la-Han. Now, Pumpkin-chocolate Goodness Even soaked the Gulf spreads chanting sound echoes throughout France, taking advantage of Brahma. There are countless beings hear this sound are cultivated radical Evangelical free, until the Eagle, the listener to form friendships with students are worried this marvelous headset. Then, The mass human Religious gathering, everyone:
Hey Nick-dark chocolate, in France, among the disciples have sound cultural micro magic, Mystery-dark chocolate Charity Concert stand at number one.
Due to her vocal performances sound amiable makes the listener play mind wedding Festival. Mystery-dark chocolate have physical separation, both abandoned her daily, just listen to the sound lauded.
One day, when the night near the remnants of the Majesty of Optical Wins, Beautiful White Lotus Flower elephant ride a Slapped together La Entourage, there is work out, it should go to the other place. The forest becomes the Most secret, dark chocolate Charity Concerts are higher voice chanting. When the elephant of the King to hear your favorite sound so'm all ears are listening, not subject to. Manage objects using the hook hook hits the foot but elephants remain standing. The King statue preservation:
-Make the elephant!
-Royal United Kingdom! I've been taking force toward but it still doesn't, don't know what it's like to mean?
King said:
-Feel free to drop out so as it goes.
Manage audience drop hooks hook, elephant sailings to the garden Level-you, standing right temple doors'm all ears to hear the sound. Chanting is done, the pumpkin chocolate-Friendly Concerts read four articles shelves play a vow:
Chu, A-tu-la, Medicinal massage
Who to listen to France to press center
Support the Dharma for live
Always practice the word of Buddha
The French player here
Above ground or in the air
Always mindful of the human species
On the night itself were true France
The will of the world is usually an OK
Providing more blessed, position to benefit sentient beings
How career criminal all goals except
Depart the agony on net President.
Often rubbed his body with the perfume world
His meditation even sealed body
The makeup all over by United Visual wisdom
Live in any place also at peace.
Hearing this the King's elephants, the shelf idea is out of business so the scales, step away, as fast as the hook sentence controllers. King asked management to:
-Now, why it goes in my khanh?
-Unknown false Saints in the temple Court reading classics with marvelous American sound, elephant preferred listening should not be going again.
King says:
-If so, please come back to visit elephant asked a Ton other creator, I pray to him, y upper cult rises to tomorrow will come up there.
Manage objects well commands turns elephant back. When the old lady, not to Win Man surprised why the King hastily returned, should ask the reason. King recounted the incident in full on, and that:
-Lady take the ultimate canvas sheets, I want to give myself the other scribes.
After thinking "or false Charity Concert used sounds marvelous American reading classic mock, praise her ugly appearance, owned his love to the handsome, as against its will not just be contempt side regrets homage before. We try to make the King not to meet ", wife of the win-the Man my Lord:
-Dear your Majesty! You to the other end, I will bring the fabric up to the Sun.
-Wife should get another plate, probably would do this that Overseas countries Slapped my poor become Dollar shortage?
Lady of silence. The King soon brought the best fabrics to the forest becomes the Most. Meanwhile, the life instrument A Nan is Da Jing ran in front of the temple. Just saw, King down elephants, my legs, my pseudo Religious police:
-Out of Germany, earlier today the false Religion would read chanting?
-What the United Kingdom out of that question?
-Out of Germany! I want to take this medicine himself thinks the rise.
False religious thought: "life Stuff in good sound marvelous American Republic, echo the chanting sound French Canadian neighborhood Super pants, but its appearance was ugly too, which the King before the vine beautiful. If the King saw it, will not mind, despise the students respect, so we should not let him meet "; so dear:
-Out of the United Kingdom, provide medicine for me, I will dedicate the time.
-Out of Germany! The Su n the hand I dedicate worship is paramount, so now I want to hand her surges.
Meanwhile, in place in the daytime, Sun Jia Shan Peace under a tree was sitting an old urban planner. Sun Jia A Nan put the King to place his position, told the King:
-An Wang, who sat under a tree is venerated in imitation of sound micro magic.
Kings forward, looked down seeing her ugly appearance, b. despised no longer trusts the mind anymore, turn around the crease, to the y plate down and then discarded.
See the King's action, the Charity says the shelves:
Who uses good see I
Use the audio player I
AI infection disorders they
May not be.
Anyone know is inside
Without seeing outside
According to in which demand results
Being passionate for hours.
Who knows only the outside
That is not found in the
According to externally request result
Also, because of the crush.
Who does not know the inside
Also don't see outside
Divine Lady is karma
Also, because of the crush.
Who knows the inside
The diplomatic sees outside
Ranks, it will export the cups
From the enchanting.
Now the Mystery-dark chocolate are born suspect, Bach World Religion:

-What's the secret, Because charm-ugly body Republic Friendly Brownies which sounds, to be the practice of the Dharma, but most of the smuggled evidence resulted in A-la-Han.
The Sun told them:
Soviet secret-Friendly Concert to take career has created ... broadly so as the shelves:
Though spent hundred lifetimes
Career did not take
When workers destined
Getting back the result.
The Sun said the Mystery-dark chocolate:
-The master listen to Eve, in his past life, when humans live to four thousand years old, there are Buddha Questions-save Ton full ten marks.
After doing the Buddha the fullness, The other to honor Buddha entered Nirvana y residual loads. Now, the other end tough Pros property donation – seat of Buddha he should build the Tower perimeter a do-good-na, another high-friendly Monaco, wrong turn construction craft CEO. This person has trusts, like Sage, diligently working hard not found. Someone make excuses to see the tower so high, born of hate organised says to you:
-Present the King built the great Tower, hao wasted much effort people, knows to complete!
The curator says:
-Who can not do any more the discretion away elsewhere, why speak out his anger problems.
The other silence cannot speak again. The curator wants to pursue on the other guys, but he's sorry and come back. When the Tower wasn't finished, he organised students hate. The curator used sticks to chase him down, asking forgiveness and do it again. Sees when the tower is completed, people watch watch lost both tired. Hundreds of thousands of sentient wedding Festival. The problems of hate before the remorse born thus: "before we worked real good, saw the Tower giant should tell his side of the balloon. Now we should shopping this page of donation ". He successively used the money are lately, doing a beautiful golden ghost brought hung on the tower. Hey Nick-dark chocolate should know, he's the other Friendly rental-organised by mind hate with the tower should now do a body with ugly appearance, due to donation component in gold should voice, make the listener are all very wedding Festival.
Meanwhile, the Mystery-dark chocolate also has Italy, remain with The Sun:
-German chocolate-Pumpkin Out Thien Hoa ago created what does career health career read chanting sound French wines make the Brahma.
The Sun says:
This chocolate-pumpkin-listen to the alibi. During the past, when mankind's life two thousand years old, there are Buddha Ca Regency Three full? ten titles appear in the world. Between the city and the forest Contest loc, forerunner of fallen, Ba La Ny private trees-fruit. There the birds or live where this tree. One day, early in the morning the Buddha Ca-Three Photographers wear y carries the bowl to qifu gangui. When the bird he saw the Buddha strictly as a respectable article General Gold Mountain, raising the take-sing with marvelous micro audio, noise around the Buddha three laps and then fly back into the mountains. Every day just like that, to see the Buddha, this bird interference around and sing, and then fly into the bushes live wedding Festival. On another day, with Falcon caught, after death and bird made it into the great She-la, and from then on is not cascade into the kind of lower evil way, to this day the human births still voice touch or hope to take advantage of Brahma, as others favourites. The Mystery-dark chocolate should know, birds or there is Goodness-Peace.
The Mystery-dark chocolate has other facilities, Mr. may That religious affiliation:
-German chocolate-Pumpkin Out Thien Hoa had done what the industry, industry should have sound marvelous American number one disciple of the Buddha?
The Sun says:
Soviet secret-Friendly Concerts due to voluntary force sensors discovered should be bitten. Such is the Karma?
-At the time of Buddha Ca-Photography, Good corporate citizenship, Inclusion of the Su the renunciation was then head of the guidelines echo the chant in the disciples of Buddha Ca stock photography. But at the time, Friendly peace of home debut until old age, but the final date, but almond cultivation does not show anything, when dying play the prayer:
-We practice renunciation in the holy teachings of the Buddha Ca Regency, his death is not shown to be voluntary, said this worker wins the Buddha's life is a life Regent Shifts when humankind had one hundred years old, life of Buddha's birth mark Houses Ny Primary Sensory Response, cosy VictorianWe are exporting their practice of the Dhamma of the Buddha, the minus negativity shown to A-la-Han. As my Professor himself in the Dharma is the number one apprentice ranks, I also lauded as such, met Buddhist renunciation, the ranks of one of the initiator Guide.
Due to voluntary effort, good faith Inclusion spice cultivation according to the Dhamma, of the disciples as teachers guide the chorus chants the number one. Mystery-dark chocolate should know, Karma has created if black, pure black Thoroughbred bitten, if pure white, pure white thing coming, if the industrial junk thing coming fray.
The master should throw away the black Thoroughbred Industry and xen, plain white business practice, as broadly in place.
* Frida made as before, when the Mystery-dark chocolate chanting, not fluent audio maximum depending on the sentence that reads, as well as the empty pot on the apples. While the other pagan reading chanting with sound soak the Gulf. Every day, the head of Her Class usually independent from imitation to close 24-Bai Th? Ton, listening on the road with the other pagan chanting, should think: "The Pagans came in the law are not good, read the classic Gulf immersion suit with audio programming from easy listening. The saints of us not fluent audio maximum discretionary discretionary sentences should be, chanting, as well as to other pots apples venting. This is the white one should with An engineer ".
After meeting the Buddha, my foot close to him, sitting aside, head fake white Buddha:
-Show Respect! The other exception comes in bad law, which the Court read a classic Gulf with easy words sound like. The false negative novice's manifest must follow words according to the sentences, chanting, as well as venting in apples. If The Buddha Religion graciously agreed to then allow the Scripture they use sound to soak the Gulf to chant Scriptures.
The Sun allows the silent way. Fake Chief sees silent Buddha allows should anoint cheers. Buddha told the Mystery-dark chocolate:
-From now on after I allowed the master to use sound to soak the Gulf to read chanting.
After the Buddha allows, they squash the peso used to soak the Gulf to read chanting, commandments, sometimes, last of the white to do the same. Multiply when pundits independent from Her Level Head to the temple to see the sound of monks uproar both pagodas, so dear:
-False! This blue-old formerly where France universe now becomes Single Maternal Thát.
The Mystery-dark chocolate giving the white Buddha. Buddha said:
-Mystery-dark chocolate should not take sound soak the Gulf read chanting, including praying sometimes taught, last of the white are not to do so. But there are two things, the use of a Gulf, Muse is an exclamation of approval, two German German Australian is chanting Impermanence (Revelation), and should not do.
Buddha allows use to soak the Gulf in two the German exclamation of approval is the Buddha and chanting Impermanence (Revelation), there is a Pumpkin-young huh, do two things but do not know soaking the Gulf, just read straight as the venting of apples.The Mystery-dark chocolate says:
-Do the two things, Buddha allows soak the Gulf, why not do it?
-I don't know.
Pumpkin-white chocolate Buddhas. Buddha said:
-Study said.
As the Buddha said, Mystery-dark chocolate depending on where in the living room, the hallway, the door, the Chief Justice ... are learning Mandarin immersion. Head fake in the temple saw it, well organised with hate as before, Bach:
-False, yet to be put into many Z Thát.
Again the white Buddha, Buddha said:
-Learning Should soak the Gulf where possible, should not be in the way, who were charged with violations across France.
* Frida made as before. There is a Mystery-dark chocolate stand pull the Bowl off the bat bag. Mystery-dark chocolate says:
-Life Stuff! It should stand out Bowl withdrawal.
-At fault?
-Hit the ground ruptured fault, isn't it?
The other is silent. Providing the white Buddha, Buddha said:
-Mystery-dark chocolate should not stand taken his bowl, bowl inside the bag should not stand for washing or drying. Violation is guilty beyond France.
NIE litigation Friday in separate subjects.
Ðạp y essential Chu College
Humiliation is one counter tool
Huu Duyen ly t y
The continental race in mind.
* One time, Buddha in the forest Department, Hostage, Test mount Jiang Zhu Bajie. Prince visiting the Buddhist Bodhi and increased donation ceremony setting where floor Magic flowers. On this floor, all around the fabric coverings are red or red dawn as GAM top dimensions. Arrival, seeing where the fabric coverings are not stepped up. The Mystery-dark chocolate also dare not set foot on. Bodhi Prince Bach:
-Show Respect! Pray That Religious compassion comes through.

The Buddha also did not step up. Prince saw it, arrange fabrics, new Buddha next step. Layman listener like that, says:
-Sa-Overseas electives Answers Ma yet mosaic that the donation should not dare step onto the canvas GAM of Prince cover.
The Buddha knew this, the Mystery-dark chocolate:
-If She-la-Mon who settled there fake singer precious cloth coverings now out of the way, sometimes the Mystery-dark chocolate:
-Pray gentlemen open compassion walked up. To win the mind falls side of the layman, the master should contemplate the impermanence to go up, OK.
* Frida made as before, there is Mystery-dark chocolate are carry the Bowl come on line, tripped the foot should Bowl drop. Multiply the omission should bring the white Buddha. Buddha said:
-Mystery-dark chocolate should not carry the Bowl by hand, use the y angle wrapped bowl of hug.
Failed again as before, Buddha said:
-Should make pockets for the bowl to take away, so do the wire carries up the shoulder, hugged. Who do the contrary, been guilty of overtaking France.
* Frida made as before, there is Mystery-dark chocolate made with the merchant convoy traveling in the nucleus. Of the people who go there, She-la-his sudden illness should go to see doctors:
-I have such diseases, expecting him to therapy.
-This Disease should use Ha-Le-Lac district is off sick.
-On the go don't search it would be.
Y says:
-Sa-subjects Like suicide to know better the drug, as they make will be for.
He came to chocolate secret question:

-False! Do you Ha-Le-Lac district.
-I have, he used it to do?
-I have the disease, doctors said to use it, please tell me.
Before him, the pumpkin-dark chocolate opened the bag to find Ha-Le-Lac district, first take out the sharp knives, and broken the skin, and the drug issue or the clean soil. BA-la-keeper saw junk objects should UE says:
-False, Mystery-dark chocolate you normally work not so pure, I would rather die rather than suffer this profane oral medications.
Pumpkin-chocolate brought this white Buddha. Buddha said:
Secret-dark chocolate should shop the three kinds of bags, one bag Bowl, two pockets for drugs, three bag of junk.
The Mystery-dark chocolate using the belt carries this bag three abreast under the armpit, open medicine presents the bag out. No man sees that damn smile, said:
-False! He's carrying the drum under the armpit.
Pumpkin-chocolate brought this white Buddha. Buddha said:
-Do not use the same belt wear, should follow Friday class short length carries for a match.
They bring little belt by damaging the body. Buddha said:
-Should do a large, padded interior with fabric and use the motor columns back, don't let lack of class. Who do, be guilty beyond France.


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