Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Speaking as the chief French
M ot of the important issues that we often recommend Buddha, need to be cautious with regard to speech. Say how beneficial and say how beneficial is not a problem for us meditate. The Chinese proverb that says: ' Spare sick of importation, exportation spare graphics 'means that students sick by eating, talking calamity that.
From real life to see, words are not the blade, but it has the ability to kill human life by saying cruel words caused others to commit suicide or live in hatred and misery. In contrast, speech is not healthy doses, but it may be the material makes the listener feel cheerful and happy. Perhaps that is why the Buddha explained the origin of suffering birth to now mention three: body, speech and mind now. Body and export is now the gateway to signify two now. In a career that border gateway very important, is where to execute the will to let go of the words bad or good. Of course, talk with bad words is one of the reasons people bring their suffering or unhappy; on the contrary, say kind words harmony, it not only makes others feel comfortable, but please make yourself happy, as well. Perhaps that is why the Buddha to Buddhists regime 'not lying', because lies are not bad people but bad for myself.
 However, there are some exceptions, can not outspoken, because honestly sometimes harmful to themselves or others. For example, to find the bandits to plunder the property, I knew he was hiding here or there, but just can not honestly point person for bandits, here is a good example, in fact in life still do not know how many stories left horizontal. If so, according to Buddhism, how called a liar? Based on the criteria to not fall into sin lie? Or in other words, how words have called the benefits and how words are not useful?
It is also said that foreign direct Nigantha questioned Nataputta, United-denominational religious na-Prince Abhaya fomenting trouble Exalted victims, to humiliate question Exalted with two hooks, are recorded in 'Doing Great Abhaya death '(Abhayarajakumarasuttam) [1] No. 56, as follows:
This prince, go to the recluse Gotama, having to tell the recluse Gotama as follows: 'sir, Tathagata words can say, by that statement, others loathe, not drugs? ' If admitted recluse Gotama have to say the words as such, the prince put the issue recluse Gotama: 'White Exalted, Exalted behave if so, what the difference between those who do ordinary with him? because the ordinary man speech he made others dislike, dislike. If recluse Gotama replied he did not say the words as such, they questioned the recluse Gotama: Then why Devadatta outrage, not happy with the teaching of the Blessed One?
This prince, recluse Gotama, when the prince asked two questions such equipment, will not be released, and can not swallow. So as an iron hook stuck in someone's throat, he can not spit it out, and can not be swallowed. Also, this prince, recluse Gotama, when the prince asked two questions such equipment, will not be able to release it, and can not swallow .
Through this event, it suggests to us that, although the Buddha's teachings that speak out the truth of life, but it is contrary to what people think of contemporary India, especially those who bring ideas devotion She worships his Brahmin or other philosophical schools. Because too devotion to his religion, so the teachings of the Buddha became the object of criticism or criticism of pagan, because he was speaking the truth of life. The fact that inadvertently hurt the survival system to their teachings. In fact, his teachings are not intended to attack or broke any religion, and is not intended to acquire followers or personal gain, his teachings are teachings speak the truth of life Was it not the meaning of the saying:
I will not argue with anyone in the world, only people in the world to argue with me . [2]
Indeed, throughout his life turned preacher, he was without malice want to hurt anybody's life, tolerance always get treated everyone. But while His teaching, presentation of the truth is not how to avoid dissatisfaction of people with no opinion. But there is a point where we need to be aware and sympathetic is, thoughts and life of the great Buddha, the charismatic and attractive to intellectuals and kings, who have the money 's, who became a disciple of the Buddha, the Buddha and the Sangha support, which is why gentiles envy Buddhism. They want to survive and keep credibility, there is no other way by containing or reducing the prestigious Buddha, find faults by arguing with him. The event incited Nigantha Nataputta Prince Abhaya to argue with Exalted is a typical concrete. However, that dream can be fulfilled or not, it does not depend on his desire that depends entirely on the ability and truth. The result of the debate of how we listen to Buddha replied:
- This prince, Prince think? If this kid, by the accidental death of the King, or unintentionally due to most of the breast, poke a stick or a stone to swallow in the mouth, this prince to do?
- revered sir, you have to hook up. Venerable sir, if you can not hook up immediately, while with the left hand holding his head back, with his right hand, fingers do the hook, I'll hook for that object, the oil has to bleed. Why? Venerable sir, for I have great compassion for the child . "
Buddha did not directly answer the question of Prince Abhaya, the Buddha questions answered in reverse. It means taking the enemy's answer as the answer for yourself, here is how the Buddha is often used when the enemy has confounded the debate and perhaps that is the most convincing way to answer and not lose the lengthy debate right now. Here, if the secret Buddha Abhaya want to start by asking two hooks, that is how it answers fall into the trap of the enemy. But here we see the Buddha did not fall into this trap, by his skillful, he asked another question similar to your opponent answers. That means the answer to how, that's the answer of the Buddha.
Here, the Prince Abhaya to answer the question: If a child swallows an object or stone on the mouth, the nurse or the parents how to behave before such action? That should let your baby, hand crocheted or dangerous items out of fear that the baby is crying objections, to swallow baby animals that ingested dangerous? With this question, Prince Abhaya only answer is single, accepted for crying baby to hook dangerous items out. This answer is synonymous with acceptance perspective Buddha, sometimes legal, he said, there are words that people are not willing to hear it and nothing is not logical, because sometimes people are listening enthusiasts credit or are biased or poorly qualified young, then he certainly does not agree with his teaching, thus disagreement Buddha's view was common. But that does not mean the word has no value or with malice. Buddha Events said those words make people happy is not for the purpose of benefiting from it, and make other people being unhappy with the center back. In this sense, the Buddha has a thorough analysis of the case to say or not say its as follows:
Also, this prince, (1) words Tathagata does not know as fact, not as truth, do not correspond to the purpose, and words that make others dislike, dislike, not to say the Tathagata that statement. (2). Tathagata knows what words are as true as truth, do not correspond to the purpose, and that statement makes others dislike, dislike, the Tathagata does not speak words. (3). Single word Tathagata And know that as fact, as truth, corresponding to the purpose, and words that make others dislike, dislike, Tathagata knows the time here to explain that statement. (4). Speech the Tathagata does not know that as fact, not as truth, do not correspond to the purpose, and words that make other people like, like driving without a word he said. (5). Tathagata knows what words are as true as truth, do not correspond to the purpose, and the word was made ​​popular and like others, Tathagata does not speak words. (6). Single word Tathagata And know that as fact, as truth, corresponding to the purpose, and the word was made ​​popular and like others here, Tathagata knows the words to explain it. Why? This prince, thought Tathagata compassion for sentient beings . "
The content and meaning of the passage has led on to us, the Buddha said words are always based on three principles: First is the truth ; second purpose (ie what you want to say it is related to enlightenment and liberation or not); and third, listeners preferred or not . Based on these three conditions, further analysis Buddha, the Buddha has four cases not say, only two cases Buddha said, but must choose words. Four cases of the Buddha did not say that:
1. Public speech as the Tathagata knows no truth, no legs, no corresponding purposes, and words that make others dislike, dislike, Tathagata does not speak words.
In the first case, the Buddha did not say because it's not true, is not related to liberation and enlightenment, and hear people also dislike dislike.
2. Tathagata knows what words are as true as truth, do not correspond to the purpose, and that statement makes others dislike, dislike, Tathagata does not speak words.
In case 2, the Buddha did not say why because it does not relate to the enlightenment, and the audience did not like, so the Buddha did not say.
3. Public speech as the Tathagata knows is not true, not as the truth, do not correspond to the purpose, and words that make other people like, like driving without a word he said.
In this case, the Buddha did not say, for some reason, it's not true, is not related to enlightenment and liberation, but that it is the preferred one. For example, with sweet words praise for profiteering purposes.
4. Tathagata knows what words are as true as truth, do not correspond to the purpose, and that statement makes others prefer and like, Tathagata does not speak words.
In this case, the Buddha did not say, for some reason, it's not related to the enlightenment, but it is true that the right is another favorite, but still not what the Buddha said. For example, the hunter asked the deer have not run into this direction? If you go again, the Buddha advised us not to tell the truth about this case.
In addition, there are two cases where the Buddha says:
1. Tathagata knows what words are as true as truth, corresponding to the purpose, and words that make others dislike, dislike, Tathagata knows the time here to explain that statement.
2. Tathagata knows what words are as true as truth, corresponding to the purpose, and that statement makes others prefer and like, here, Tathagata knows the words to explain it.
In either case, the second case, there is nothing to debate, but in the first case, we need to explain the problem easier to understand. In the first case, even though it is not other people like, but it is true, more related to the enlightenment the Buddha so choose words that tell the truth. This is the case of the Buddha to speak the truth of the world has led to the gentiles do not like, but can not so that the Buddha did not speak to the truth of the world.
In summary, in four cases not certain that the Buddha said, the main factor is that it is not related to enlightenment and liberation. In contrast, too, two cases in which the Buddha said, the main reason is that it is related to the purpose. So, from that we can put the issue to a conclusion with regard to enlightenment and liberation, the problem is that the Buddha said and vice versa, will not be discussed Buddha.
Based from this sense, we can define, words that are not related to enlightenment and liberation, the words that are considered lies, or rather, words can not benefit , Buddha's words suggest that Buddhists should not say; and conversely, any words related to the practice, useful for enlightenment and liberation, then that statement is considered true words, words have benefits. The Buddha advised us to speak words that, even though people do not like listening to loathe.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.3/4/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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