--- Ooooo ---
(Continued litigation fourth in the second of difference).
(Speaking of the king Thang Quang Buddhist and believe evil things they massacred Born Like ...)
One day, Prince Born Evil against evil consciousness, the agency secretly plotting with the usurpation. Five hundred courtiers of the king will listen, is the only one who is anyone in the king's name next Chief Executive in accordance with this agreement no. Then, said Chief Executive Born Evil:
- Did he not want me to be a king or what?
- Why Prince say so illegal? The King is old he will soon ice, he will of course throne. Why because that seat against harmful ploy to bury his name in bad places? But theft think god foolish but should not.
Born Evil says:
- I tried to say that his heart, his mouth to keep anyone listening.
Chief Executive said:
- Spirit did not dare to disobey the order.
Then the king and his courtiers Quang Thang Chief Executive Dean travels the touch but does not bring together his entourage. By place, find a place in Nha Lan A clear light mineral complex purification from impurity, suitable for meditation practice your soul, the king said Chief Executive:
- Win this origin, Exalted An engineer can stay here. How close we are to serve Him offerings? Do not know where moral restraint?
- God is Exalted heard in gatherings like them abode Kiet Tuong touch.
King asked:
- Near or far red light?
- The following three-sentence plot-residence.
King said:
- I want to close that Exalted.
Chief Executive board:
- Please obey His will.
Want to see the Blessed One, they turned around, the garden Kiet Tuong, walk down to the car. Then the Blessed One was meditating in the room closed the door. The Executive Secretary-out of're doing. Seeing the Secretary-number, sir king ceremony and asked:
- Blessed are?
- He was meditating in the room closed the door. Want to see the Blessed One, great king go to it and gently knocked on the door, said the Buddha himself.
King has five wins grave ornaments: one golden crown; Second umbrellas; Three is for treasure; Four waving a treasure; In the golden shoe.
Then, it will come to the grave to close Exalted, he ordered the School Administration:
- Communications and treasure for years to khanh and front to watch.
School of thought: "The king ordered the things we hold in front looking always, will not busy, to secure the Buddha met, so here we go." Up to the room, knocking gently king. After opening the Buddha, the king celebrated in the foot-long male professor and said:
- Long time, no see the Tathagata, this area is fortunate to religion should face the unspeakable joy.
Buddha said:
- Great King! Why can he stoop to submit graciously to me like that?
King said:
- The very teachings of Bhagavan believe, because glasses make you believe should release attentive respect. Furthermore, the Exalted Buddha Enlightenment Application Offering preached teachings, making them into office are to serve under, no one do the opposite.
He says:
- Great King! For that he has the legal services offered by the glass?
King white Buddha:
- In the past, I've seen the Sa-Ba-la-technical subjects other less intellectual self-construction high, making books to refute others. So are they good for analysis, according to his understanding People would follow. So they set up separate sect of his doctrine. This work is done, they think: "I see your List recluse Ma Qiao conversation together. If no response is, we will humiliate him. If he explained properly, I would say the opposite : This interpretation is not correct irrational ".
After having such evil thoughts, they came to see the Buddha. And when I saw the Ambassador's charismatic power, they did not even dare look at him, let alone be able to direct discourse. Thus arises the profound faith with Exalted. Do glasses make you have credit class such respect.
Again, the Exalted Buddha Enlightenment Application Offering skilled preacher law, making them into documents were served out. Again, venerable sir! 've Ever seen: The Ba-la-other subjects at the intellectual high self-construction, etc. ... want to create refute the doctrine of the Buddha. Contemplating Exalted, they did not dare to ask, also commended: - An engineer who is the first lady of France-kingdom of heaven people. Knowing all His smooth, uprooted all the evil root to make the path to follow. So, I have a deep faith with Exalted. Due to godliness, making the class play such respect.
Again, the Exalted Buddha Enlightenment Application Offering skilled legal theory, make them into office will serve out theo.Lai again, venerable sir! 've Ever seen: the Sa-Ba-la-technical subjects other less intellectual self-construction high, etc. ... create doctrine, the Buddha wanted to polemics. By meeting the Buddha, the Exalted admire, they ask questions not complete. Buddhist answers to their questions in a complete response. Listen to me, they are excited, transmitting large center-protected refuge, school-life over the land. So, for the Exalted, born deep devotion. Do you have faith as attentive to such respect.
Again, the Exalted Buddha Enlightenment Application Offering preached law, makes them both worship Thanh-office executive. Again, the Exalted! 've Ever seen the recluse Balaam other subjects have little intellectual high self-construction, etc. ... want to refute the Buddha. When you meet the Buddha, the Exalted admire, they asked a complete question. Depending on the base, the Buddha replied by saying more complete response. They are extremely happy to hear the profound meaning of the Buddha should dispose pagan, obey and please devotees Dharma ordained, was ordained-sufficiency, dignity, diligence practice, not much longer life than cleaning the ceiling structure, A-la-drought proof, enjoy peaceful liberation and think: "I know how to do for themselves vain deceit, not to be recluses recluse, not Balaam's she-keeper for la-keeper, not the A-la-drought for the A-la-drought. Hitherto, we are the true foot Sa-Ba-la-technical subjects, A-la-foot draft. Exalted! So should you xa.vv have deep faith ... as above.
Again, the Exalted! In the past I've seen the recluse Balaam other subjects pallid countenance shape depression, physical disability, it does not look good. Seeing this, after thinking: "Why should he do not like to be celibate, or long-term illness that debilitated so, or are working in that wilderness of sin that should carry concealed this body" . He does not look good, I asked:
- Why do not you beauty, emaciated imagine, people do not want to look.
They said to me:
- Great King, I was craving to torment this body.
Hearing this, I thought: "The left is not harmful passions should be the same."
- If the actions craving, craving sex should be growing strength, beauty beautiful?
- That is not true.
- Why?
- The sovereign power as free full enjoyment of sex is supposed to be beautiful physiognomy wins super great, but it was not so. So do not know the sex, but close to the beauty and strength growth. But people are foolish love sex. You see them problem from the Buddha, the holy love should light body clean, fresh appearance money, live happily, often afraid craving, like deer in the forest, no noise Lifetime homogeneous, transparent bar Full, full of dignity. So, I have deep faith xa.vv.. above .
Again, the Exalted! I remember sitting in the hall sometimes handle the water, that there are so many people in education should see your children, or parents of male and female siblings that intellectual property litigation with each other, good and bad arguments, let alone with others.
Again, I have seen, there are two secret-of-the secret of the competitive world that must be discharged. But two of her secret-not to say a little about the errors of the Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, only themselves to blame as extremely evil people who have unfortunately not able to cultivate purity of morals to live life according to the teachings of Buddha, the mind is not violated. So, I have a glass center ... credit as on .
Again, the Exalted! 've Ever seen a Sa-class technical Balaam tried to keep quiet the mind, maintain life of dignity, after eight or nine months of training and inciting communal facilities work defilement law, tangerine wrap sensual pleasures Year . You see the problem from the Bar-practice Buddha fullness of dignity, purity, living life according to the teachings of Bhagavan, the mind is not violated. Therefore, I have deep faith ... as above .
Again, the Exalted is the country's performance with power Quang Thang dominant land themselves in women? C this, not killing people deserve to die, should allow the dead are raised, who also ruled in respect of water important. But courtiers were proud vizier Ba-la-ethnic subjects, Sat-de-profit, chief author. When discussing politics, deposed his men, the ships while they are still the pride, attitude is not serious, court facilities disorder. I saw Bhagavan's teachings in the middle of countless hundreds of thousands of public, who have all noticed the sky to admire the religious title, no listen together scattered, silent under the court not to hear oral or written, How much more noise. Then in Congress, suddenly have a cough or speak, besides the joints:
-'s Fake! Please do not make noise silence him. Did he not hear Exalted at the right time is wonderful sermon as top-secret.
Having said so, there are instant silence. I heard that, I thought: "The great power losses inconceivable, not punishment that sticks a knife to subdue people, all liturgical observance." Thus arises the profound faith ... as above.
Again, venerable sir! Do you two courtiers, a name Tien Tho, a name she saves. All the business of wealthy land their fame thanks to all the places, often from small to enjoy this peace. For me, though they do not remember eating warm with reverence for the Blessed One.
Again, a full stomach, the dominant codes out of the military except the enemy, will try to crush the other two courtiers. For children and Buddha, who they matter more. By vaginas, I asked them:
- When sleeping, for us and the Buddha head and one leg toward the khanh?
Then, after the Buddhist merit praise, and say the blessings fill Dharma, Sangha, and as such, they said towards the beginning of the Buddha, the king turned legs. Hearing this, the more I respect Exalted has great power is inconceivable, because they are dependent upon the grace perks of fame wealth should be peaceful. But they are for children, not the reverence of the Buddha. So, I have a deep reverence for the credits ... as in ...
Again, the Exalted! You are the king of Kosala, the Buddha also in Kosala. I was born in the course of surveys to gain, just iron Buddha interests. So far, the seniors have lived more than eighty years old, and Exalted longer than 80 years. You are the king surveys to gain empowerment, Exalted is His Holiness ranks supreme. Compared to the Buddha, the power of example can not be compared. Because of this fact, so I have deep faith ... as above ... until all liturgical practice.
Just before the Exalted, after the show presented clearly heard, with the magic done, King Quang Thang bowed under his feet and then two farewell. King has gone, the Buddha told the Secretary-number:
- The teacher should keep in mind what the king had said, the law should maintain life magic words recited. Why? Because the full text and meaning, in agreement with the Dhamma, achievement of dignity, can make sense of the result variable Member Blogs Nirvana so intelligent. So, the teacher must be diligent study.
When the Blessed One teach words finished, the Secretary-credit of worship are joyful act.
Litigation in the previous summary:
About four classes of persons
through Jesus body lean
two king with reverence
for the Buddha not equal.
Then said the king met the Buddha, after thinking: "Five hundred of King e? Born Evil u take sides, do not follow alone, so how can they work great achievements take on water duoc.Ta, Born throne brought evil and pursue two Lady Wins Man, from supply Astronaut ".
Chief Executive courtiers left guard dog, in the car to leave. By the fact that Phiet, Chief Executive told the Evil Birth:
- Now to the throne Prince wants it?
Born Evil replied:
- That's what I want.
Chief Executive and the planned establishment of a new king, ordered his wife to two kings came to the old.
Hanh Vu Thang Man and Chief Executive asked:
- Where Now the king?
- The king is in the garden Shakyamuni Quang Dieu.
Two walking lady looking old king. Then, out to the gate, not that head-out, the king asked the Secretary-number:
- Venerable Sir! Seeing my great god is going?
Secretary-of response:
- Great King into not how long, Chief Executive got into the car to leave.
After hearing the king walking slowly. Then, go to the Great Buddha-relics. Between the lines, see Astronaut, the king asked:
- Why khanh walk so far away?
- Great king! Chief Executive courtier Born Evil plotting up to the throne, card chase them out, we had to come here looking for the great king.
Hearing this, the king told Wins Man:
- Previously, the Vatican Secretariat of perquisites enjoyed the grace of the king her husband, now temporarily returned to receive the king take care of children. Astronaut from here and I do not come back again.
Being back Phiet honestly, Man walking in a straight line and crying.
Same goes gradually toward the United-residence, to the territory, find a garden, king of stop and warranty Vu:
- I advance here, was inaugurated in the city, told The Birth buckling king, great king Quang Thang Verse countries are referred to as the garden, want to meet him.
Hanh Vu went to see the king buckling analogy tugboats on the job. Heard finished, amazed, King told The buckling-Born Astronaut:
- Quang Thang King Kosala country has great power with four other soldiers mighty, why the sudden we not know?
Hanh Vu replied:
- Now the king had a prosperous troops, plot against Prince occupied the throne of his father, the king only according to this card only.
The buckling Sanh said:
- If so, we would recommend him as king this land ourselves back into the Prince.
After summoning his men, he ordered:
- King Quang Thang great lord of the country, the king of surveys to gain empowerment, this suddenly come here, should serve reverently, the khanh edit to clean roads in the city, dominates with four other soldiers hundreds of thousands of people, we want to welcome the king himself here.
These obey the king, drumming sounded correct to report people domes, sweeping the roads clean so happy garden of God Sakka.
During this time, King Quang Thang has long fasting, marveled why should slow a messenger from the garden in search of food, afraid to go to general garden planting vegetables. Then, the garden is kept ordinary man, should put King in tubers. So too hungry, eat the roots and leaves king. After eating, being thirsty king came to drink too much water and so physically debilitating disorder, remember to Win Man should step forward, losing his balance fell to the ground, his mouth was sucking up debris land died.
Four types of military dominance to a garden, but do not see an analogy buckling king, and he sent the four soldiers search code. There is a rider to the garden renovation, ask people in the garden:
- You have not seen such people?
- I see a new person come here, then please beets from the water edge.
Rushed to look, he saw the king, king die-hard bodies inside corner, went off to tell the king micro-buckling. Listen to the report, the king exclaimed:
- Disasters instead! Now we again are more notorious. Previously we have bad reputation father won the throne, this was called the friend of his father's murder.
And immediately the king sent troops to countless shows death in service, and ordered his courtiers:
- This is the king Quang Thang, great king surveys to gain empowerment, having ice danger so here, have a solemn ceremonies cremated bodies.
As the king commands, and put away the decorated body parts to complete the Academy cremated.
The king came to see the Buddha, bowed legs look, sat to one side, white:
- Great Buddha! Do not know now what to do before, but this king Quang Thang from eating beets miserable death?
Exalted said:
- Great King! King Quang Thang receive due retribution as the industry has done. Great King! Past Tense in a village where his Brahmin She never married long, was born a child. Growing up, people begging for alms to survive. One day, the mother of radish rose, he said: "I wash, I wait for the return of rising food". This great king, at that time no steps Enlightenment sense only appearance in the Christian world, from the feeble introspection loner, preferring to live peacefully, doing good for the earth fill. Then, have a unique position in the human sense of travel, in the morning, dressed in a carrying alms bowls, go d? N the other. This Enlightened instead of reading the form strict radical purity six bases, the Ba-la-wife took it beet subjects offered for him. Get the complete offerings, read sensory jumped out of nowhere mental processing. When ordinary man saw the miracles, the mind is subdued, very happy the mainland toward worship.
After bathing, the person she arrived home his Brahmin replied:
- Mother giving baby beets earlier.
Mom says:
- New Bich Chi to both the alms here, we've offered him.
Hungry, heard thus incurred the anger is bad idea: "I hope for him disordered eating radishes die".
Great King should know, any other child to someone else, it is the king Quang Thang. Life before, because malicious sense to read, so this should karma in countless hundreds of thousands of years of hell under suffering, due to the rest of the newspaper industry underwent sixty times that were disorders die . This team, although they're Born, karma balance still remains the king should eat beets disorder that died. Great King should know, Quang Thang karma from this life no longer necessarily an end. Great King should know, now white retribution white, now black black retribution, retribution industrial complex. So now abandoned two black and magazines, white business practice, do not say bad words. When listening to Buddhist teachings, joy king micro buckling both body and mind, pay homage to the foot of the Buddha, credit life goodbye.
After the Born Evil Prince ascended the throne, a day at the court where courtiers forestry representative, Suffering Blood Vessels:
- Remember the Great King, the day before, in front of the public, he was a lion roaring sound: If I came to the throne, first of all, destroyed the name they like, reports our first feud.
King asked format:
- There should not perform my words?
Suffering Blood Vessels:
- Now the Great King was on the throne, should remember the words said before their conquest Like, right now, the city does not lie, please select the date you ordered the military, all four types of soldiers far from the object code are derived , eager to sample armor, drum bell peal, the truth is out toward the water Phiet La Lives rate, favorite, destroyed them.
Listen to the words of the format, Evil Born King ordered troops to be sent to other countries conquered. An engineer with knowledge Exalted completely sure know the like from being killed. Right side of the road, the border between the two countries, the Buddha sat under the tree straight tiny little twig. Seeing The Sun, Evil Born King came to the place, transparency:
- Venerable! There are many shady garden with dense forest, why he left to go to this place?
This little tree is the lack of shade, how permanent is?
Buddha said:
- Great King! There's nothing shady tree kinship!
Listen Buddha said, after thinking: "Just Like their domestic La lifetime rate are relatives of the Buddha. Tathagata trade them, we should not oppose, Evil Born King immediately retire to the country."
Up to three times, sometimes format, destroyed bridges, and finally with the courtiers, the middle court, the king told his men:
- People Like their lifetime in the company are often called me the son of serfs, plated heavy humiliation, not to be forgotten. But they are kin of the Tathagata, the Exalted loved, I had to swallow dares not proceed, destroyed, how payment was scolded this feud!
Suffering Blood Vessels:
- Spirit recluse hear Ma Qiao List cups self-proclaimed sex. Education Level ly no relatives in mind, if there are no interested relatives to sexual isolation. Act, further, different, great king should decide ... Great king, was killed when they stay liked.
Then the evil king who wish to dominate the four other soldiers massacred. While the king has not come, the Buddha went to water the garden variety tree of La Lives rate, after thinking: "In the city, the Empire is not their favorite, as they battle with Evil Born King is no chance for recommendations. "
Listen to the Exalted in her garden, focus Like the people they came to him, bowing to the foot, sat to one side. Exalted depending on the base of the karmic like them that preach the Dhamma. Then, in Congress there are countless hundreds of thousands of charming, great benefits, or save the project attained, Japanese, Real Full, A-la-han, or cause sight read receipt, or create a karmic sense Chief Position .
Then there are countless beings refuge in the Three Jewels school life over the land of the Buddha's teachings liturgical practice. The general interest in the lifetime of this company are the complete legal interests, bowed out of the bye.
Then, King Evil Born four dominant types of infantry near the La lifetime rate.
Specifically Life Moggallana went to the Blessed One, Lord Buddha to the foot, sat to one side, white:
- Exalted! I hear ignorant dominant Evil Born to kill four other soldiers they like. Power of the Spirit can move her troops to other distant places. Exalted beg compassion allowed, I used his powers to turn into iron turns out, using a large grill cover on, do not see the Evil Born into La Lives Ty, how clean is your stay.
Buddha said:
- I also know that you have divine power level of liberation, but by now like them had sufficient cause, this mature industry suffered retribution, such as water fountains can not stop him, should have to receive ... as on . Exalted said shelves:
Suppose hundreds of thousands of lives
lost Karma did not
see each other when karmic
retribution taken prisoner.
Great Buddha Section Contact:
- Be aware of the world are due to receive karmic retribution, so that students karma, because karma that office. All living beings are so evil that now take retribution.
Not satisfied, Moggallana Buddha farewell.
At the rate Lives La, hear Evil Born King brought modern military wants to destroy, the race favorite and quickly ordered four other soldiers armed resistance of the enemy, they did not volunteer military preparedness of Evil Born King. Recommendations are level so it does not work like them murdered, just whip sticks, waved waved to the left to hit, or shooting arrows with a bow made off the belly straps to horse, or you do fall crown, armor ground, or two ear shot, winning on the bridle belt, just do not fall head injury to the body, not killed.
Meanwhile, the evil forces were scattered Born, the victorious general interest.
After all generals in the army, closed, up to, they ordered:
- We must not harm the Evil Born and soldiers, who are not in violation of their favorite.
Evil Born Like This strain shows the full and timely personnel from large sample size should be told:
- Let's military collection, temporary home.
Suffering Blood Vessels:
- Dai Vuong sad, like them at La lifetime rate recommendations are level, could not even kill flies, let alone two. If you do not believe, thou viewing experience, the last major battle not hurt anyone. They re-ordered, not harming living beings Evil Born and soldiers, who are not violating their favorite.
Fleet, Born Evil beings remain silent. Having a name like them Shaanxi Ba are outside the control of agriculture, hear Evil Born King dominant four other soldiers to destroy the lifetime rate like them, but did not hear the command of general interest and is not a recommendation, Force should lead to scupper Born Evil. The two sides battle, she lost badly Shaanxi army troops massacred nearly all Evil Born.
Then, evil sentient Format:
- Just now, you said the sole witness to the Love do not kill flies, let alone with people, this alone Shaanxi She marched to the beat, murder and much, much more in the Lives Like other strains of the Company is led war it's hard to beat deal, a temporary return, only to die to win.
Suffering Blood Vessels:
- Great King, Shaanxi She came from outside, a lifetime ago in the company are not, do not know the regulations, should give rise to violent combat, they are not in contact each other outside, ask him not to worry.
Then, like from Shaanxi she wants into the city to open the door to call. The concierge asked:
- Who are you?
- A:
- We are Shaanxi sure to tell the three people like them.
In the wrong mission to protect:
- From now on, you no longer belong to Shakyamuni, please go arbitrarily, because you have violated the city ordinance, so do not get into the city.
Shaanxi she asked:
- They say we dictate what offenses?
- We have not been ordered to kill evil soldiers Born, who is no longer a violation of general interest.
- I'm not listening, please tolerate.
Ask the same but people still do not agree, Shaanxi She told them:
- If not entered, please take my family out.
They put the family out into Shaanxi Ba.
After a family reunion, Shaanxi She came Exalted, bowing to the foot of the Buddha, the Buddha sat through a transparent side:
- The general interest in the human incarnation of the Company is pursuing, please give me compassion Buddha souvenirs, often offering to the Tathagata worshiped.
With compassion, Buddha brought her hair and nails Shaanxi She handed.
With respect attention, Shaanxi She received the hair and nails of the Tathagata and goes to Tea elderly Mrs. water.
Heard rich taste of their favorite healthy Shaanxi name she came here, entrepreneurial people together in that table:
- Let us work together to negotiate should follow him or not?
People in the country are concentrated in the lower mountains this desktop computer. Then, to his entourage in a hidden place, pretending himself a messenger brought a letter, marks a sharp sword under his arm, to where they gather, Shaanxi she said - you should know, like from Shaanxi She has great power hard power against, sent me a letter to give to you.
- What for?
- He wants to be king dominate you. Whether to read the letter.
People say:
- Here there is no such animal to sit on where to sit?
The messenger pulled tight rock melon into pieces and inviting people to sit and sit. Seeing this, everyone admires strange, asked:
- Tier macho as you, how many people is he?
- I was the postman had nothing to say, there are other good ones I multifold.
Hearing this, people are terrified, said to each other:
- Messengers even so, Shaanxi Ba alone, above all made him king.
After reading the letter, they write a report and told the messenger:
- Protestant rather great king! We admire the style, hope he soon descended.
After leaving, the old place again, Shaanxi Ba jewelry to relatives, regulate water entourage go on Mrs. Specifically Tea. Young and old people rejoiced wholeheartedly serve the demand, which had to give up as king.
From afar, the water in the water she heard Specifically Tea Shaanxi She Likes strain name became king, establish effective national water is Shaanxi Ba.
After ascending the throne, Shaanxi She built a large tower, hair and nails safe place to make offerings of Tathagata, Shaanxi She named the tower.
Previously, she does not believe in the Buddha, Temple ordered up domestic gods of worship continue until today.
BASIC NOTES Sarvastivada
-billion-COMPLAINTS probation
-billion-COMPLAINTS probation
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