Saturday, 26 April 2014

Buddha was born and liberation in Buddhism.
Lambini, ST image
Each year almost to the day of Vesak, Buddhists we have the opportunity to reflect on the historical context - social, in that Buddha appears and Buddhism was born.
Reflect on historical events of importance, the goal is to identify the valuable lessons for human forever more practical for people of all Buddhists in Vietnam are living in the era tend globalization of the material civilization venerate. The problem, practical values ​​of Buddhism, which freed properties will contribute to inner peace and happiness for people in the traditional spiritual journey.
The idea of ​​liberation in Buddhism
The Buddha taught that: "Just as the sea is only a salty taste, directed by Tathagata is also a liberation." Liberation is the ideal man to reach to eternity, not just in the era Buddha. Accordingly, Buddhism turns people overcome delusion (ignorance), recognize its nature and Minister of things, integration into the universe with absolute authenticity, using direct perception sense, both real and spiritual experience. That is liberation.
Freed moksha is Sanskrit, Mukti. "Good" means removed, take them off, splitting off or explain clearly; the word "exit" means beyond bondage, beyond the constraints of the legacy of birth, aging, illness, death, birth and death of the yoke, which made the reincarnation, who also suffered.
According to the philosophical texts and ancient Indian religions, it has a lot of meaning liberated and it can look through the different aspects such as status, purpose, method and results. It is also possible to consider it in the present ontology or epistemology, philosophy, psychology and ethics, religion. In Indian Buddhist philosophy, ie the status of liberation of the human spirit lives beyond all constraints of the sensual world, is the "kill" every desire, achieve nirvana scene with absolute purity of mind, unborn, eternal and free, in order, by way of empirical spiritual roadmap About - The - Tue.
We recalled Prince Siddharta, while at the palace, many times having to play suburban scenes of the sick, the elderly, the sick and the fourth having a practice with posture freed. Of course, that gait liberating practice of the Prince met outside the city, to reflect, to express inner deliverance was, if not it will not be such a profound impact as crown prince So the Prince was determined to abandon the palace to demand direct renunciation.
Inner liberation as the current policy Buddha often said, is the freedom of mind and mental liberation, liberation from negativity and ignorance. The true liberation must be achieved from within the interior, and then exposed to the outside of deliverance minister, not just wear brown river, head hair shaved minister deliverance. Design thinking, the West was right with the sentence: "The clothes do not make the monk" (L'habit ne fait pas le Moine). And Confucius says so right when he wrote in  the University: "The central U, U exchange". That is the inside leg is exposed on the outside. Deliverance or liberation are not exposed outside.
Coast bibles (Mahàvastu) recounts Sariputra after seeing his enlightened Moggallana on the go. His Moggallana saw Sariputra asked unusual appearance: "Hey Venerable Sariputta, Venerable pure appearance, charisma venerable dignified, peaceful people make glass. Did Venerable had been drinking immortal nectar, has found major road leading to liberation? The venerable countenance like enlightened level, it's as pure as lotus blossom ... "(Transfers from the book Buddhist Thought In India-Mahàvastu).
As Vietnamese liberation superiority of Buddhism in social life
All religions and philosophies were not raised in the desert, which is in the historical context - given society. Buddhism is a religion of liberation, appeared in historical context - the ancient Indian society, dominated by dogmatic very special deliverance of his Brahmin teacher Mrs.
Why say dogmatic deliverance special? She dogmatic deliverance of his Brahmin teacher in that particular only to the caste she-la-Police-class subjects and imperial-capital (ie class cleric and royal minister); also caste untouchables, Prime-momentum-theft listening experience is that  Veda  shall be subject to hot oil poured into the ear; Vedas thieves see the hot oil poured himself into his eyes ... The doctrine of liberation of his Brahmin She also unique in that it considered economic Veda  is divine, so that calls are written in business is the absolute truth , to believe and obey not be debated.
And also according to the teachings of the Vedas, the legal institution of sacrifice is the ultimate offering, sacrificed to ensure the protection and blessing of the gods. However, to be able to organize international civil regulations, it can not rely on the cleric class Ba-la-professional, proficient in Veda books. Since then, people including kings to worship Ba-la-class subjects as the highest class in society, caste can communicate with spirits, can even use false gods.
Such measures called liberation of his Brahmin teacher She really is turning people into slaves of the economic health of the herd  Veda , class spirit and Ba-la-goal.
Call liberation but in fact enslaved. One of the revolutionary features of Buddhism when it appeared in India is an Indian liberation from the binding, and presentation drawings for the Indian path to true realm. As Dr. Radhakrishnan wrote two books while opening episode Indian Philosophy: "The era of the Buddha is a great source of spiritual philosophy ... Buddhism India acts as a dose of bleach, rinse spirit from stiffening influence of the old obstacles and bottlenecks. Skepticism, if honest, it will help the religious organizations on the basis of its nature. The conservative forced to adjust their views, and defend them logically ... "(Indian Philosophy. Vol 2 p. 17th. Radhakrishnan).
We can say, with the arrival of Buddhism, philosophy face criticism becomes equally important self-defense aspects. Unlike all other religious teachings, the Buddha never claimed to be divine and requires believers to believe and obey her as divine. Buddha to mankind as a man but as a perfect man, and show him all the way to become perfect. Humanity of Buddhism is that it.
The realm of liberation that Buddha presented to humans but is not inconceivable, super Vietnamese language and secular thinking, but the path to that realm the Buddha and described in language teaching , and was later transcribed into text itself, which is the path About - The - Wisdom; path of ethical life (sex), net of interest (to), and intellectual lit (on the basis of gender). That is the way it yourself try, endeavor yourself every day, every hour, every moment of life.
Moral life daily in the morning will gradually bring to mind the calm and clarity of mind, from which wisdom arises Bat-elegant. That is the path most solid, even though everyone was ordained under or in part.
King Tran Thai Tong said the key ideas in the book with the Clerk Damaged questions that almost anyone Tran dynasty Buddhist studies by heart and mind are not unforgettable minutes: "Mac primary seat belt hidden problems, any questions Increase further, monastic house, only weak measures heart ... "(No mention is in hiding in the mountains or in the towns, not including the increase or continue, as ordained or in part, the main thing to do is measure the heart, ie training of the mind, heart rehabilitation ...).
Also in the ceiling, Tue Trung Thuong Si, in all cases of the famous Buddhist center, also said: "Buddha is the mind, the mind is Buddha". And his students was King Tran Nhan Tong, Sister organization of Truc Lam Zen, in bare Cu rich heretics, the expression of that thought with something like: "Nine Buddha's lap, waiting for her to ask health tentative Matsu ...; "Pure is pure in heart, do not doubt to the West", "Di Da is the quiet soi, buy hard to find the Bliss ...".
Rightly so, in the spirit of Buddhism is the career for truth, seek liberation, look for Buddha, find stuff not so far away, in India or even in the Himalayas ... but his inner.
That was the message of full humanity and full of revolutionary Buddha Shakyamuni sent to mankind when He appears not to be in the aura of the divine, but as a human being finalized, to people.
There are people, many people, not a few people, see Buddhism as something distant, supernatural, paranormal. But "where there is the lotus that grows in remote mountainous wilderness, which grows right next to the road, in the mud." Photo example lotus rising from the mud, the lotus is beautiful in a furnace greed, hatred and delusion of the five aggregates body image is a very significant example, very deep, we deserve to failure investment and mind daily, moment in life.
We are also close to the Buddha by his whole life with the mind towards enlightenment and liberation efforts to live by the motto, "It does not matter how small the damage done; whether the interests of small and try to do ". That is the path to happiness life, happiness for themselves and their communities. The value of properties in the Buddhist liberation is. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26,4,2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ),

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