Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Book ninth
--- Ooooo ---
(Continued litigation photography in particular the second of four).

Then, Evil Born tabloid form:
- It's hard to resist the mighty strains Love Lives in the company are, they closed up and in on defense, so how can we kill them, let alone retire.
Response format:

- For the great city, using the methods of attack are destroyed. Than ever heard of the old saying: There are five of them decided to win. The year was:
Interaction, tacit bribery
Fraud, succeeding toxic
Then, using military force
is the site of action.
According to counsel, the first to use the method to defraud, sent messengers to bring order to the king say to them:
- For you, a loved one, not malice, but there is little need to go into, lets hope he is open to the moment and could not back out at the right time.
Under this plan, after the implementation of the messenger, who in the negotiations together:
- So let them in or not? Someone tell on that person not to, it is said to focus the card, the card any more heed her side. According to him, everyone together card.
Then, after thinking: "I usually track recluse List Ma Qiao find his negligence but not be, this is where we should harm his dear". Mara immediately turned into a favorite old mail sitting on high chairs begins before the tag. Seeing him catch the card, turn the others, they all say:
- Tier halls have received, why do we not get?
Then, in much the card associations. Seeing the card much, so asked the soldiers opened into. Born Evil King ordered:
- I got rid of the name they like, arbitrary killings.
Hearing this, four types of military generals ward officer, Sun Drums flags, cheers up the land, killing everywhere, no mercy. Seeing this, it is at the mercy of their relatives brought untidy hair, Thich Dai rushed to meet Evil Born said:
- Please give me great king wishes.

King asked:
- For what?
- Would you like them to have peace!
King said:
- I will not excuse the other is like them, but relatives of the departed who are arbitrary.
- I would dive to the bottom of the lake, while I have not emerged please dear I was running away.
Hearing this, the king looked at his men. They answered the king:
- Great list buddy this is the first king, he should be satisfied.
King said:
- If so, drop them in a while.
Let the king, with grief mercy mind relatives, pronoun hurry to jump into the lake, diving to the bottom of the water, and with her hair tied to the roots, it died there. Then, the public does not like them now in the past, run out of, or in water Mallas, or to women? C Ne Ba La, or to other cities converged communications. The communists in the past now, run out the door closed on the South, running out the door to door South West run, run run to the door to door North West, running out the door to run to the door North East.
Seeing this, his men before the king:
- The general interest is burning himself. Because I know that? Those who are out of the running on it. After asking:
- Let's see why this pronoun long dive, the king sent for review. Great list was found dead, they said before the king. Knowing he was dying, more and more indignant, he ordered his courtiers:
- Do the high court, the court will, to see with his own eyes, if not see the blood flowing flooded roads, never leave this building.
Then the king on the throne. When powerful people were killed, blood is not flowing much. Men at the table together:
- You should know, this evil king Born cause major sin, self want to see blood spreading, why there is so, let's get cooking minerals burgundy red color, thousands of average filling, pour over the paths, see it flowing blood is no different at all.
After following this plan, they said before more:
- Blood flow to!

Seeing it for the blood, Born Evil thoughts: "I've looked satisfied, then go back."
In this game, Evil Born fools kill seven thousand seven petitioners like them. In some, there were many recommendations. After killing the friendly gentle like finish, Born Evil faction led five hundred men and five hundred women like them in the garden is a resident of pagan origin.
Suffering Blood Vessels:
- This 1000 home are plaintive, why not kill all go?
King said:
- How should kill?
- Sai elephants their shoes.
Then, in five hundred like them very healthy person, beat Russia and thrust out your hand. Seeing this, the format before the king:
- Great King that healthy people are not?
King replied:
- I see!

- If released, they will be detrimental to him.
King said:
- Can anything kill them?
- Digging up buried alive peeked, used for crushing iron play.
Then, there are two pupils rushed to the Buddha. Exalted wanted to let everyone know there is real karma, god should be used to validate large bowl and let them hide in, but still nine RUC in bowl.
When two die like them, Buddha headache, Ananda said:

- Take a ladle full bowl of water, bring to us.
When Ananda rising water bowl, two or three drops of sweat on his neck in the Blessed small bowl, make the honk of steaming hot iron pieces such as taking away the water.
Then, after an error:
- You shall stay here, if the Buddha had to say about us, please hurry and to report back, Evil Born King bring five hundred women in the country.
Seeing such things, the secret of all-white Buddha should you have any questions:
- Venerable! because his headache now what? The general interest rate in a lifetime what is made now, but not this crime was killing fools Born Evil?
Ananda Exalted said:
- I let go of the Secretary-called concentrated in the garden of heathen, I will now talk about causal sufficiency of the Evil ignorant beings like them slaughtered Born.
Obeying the Buddha, venerable lodge with them increases.

Then, with the Secretary-Bhagavan went to the garden of her. Between the lines, there she saw his Brahmin Exalted, says:
- Hey Ma Qiao List, ignorant Students create lots evil evil deeds, injustice is killing many innocent like them.
Buddha Ba-la-subjects:
- Yes! Yes! Born Evil foolish create countless evil deeds heavy, like them massacred innocent unjust.
By the other garden, Buddha saw the men who were iron-copper female closing flickering alive. When you see the Buddha, they were crying.
After standing to one side, spread cushions, sit down, Bhagavan told the Secretary-number:
- The general interest in the La lifetime rate has been three times to kill other people, the sky cries rang. The past, the fishermen kill acquatic, killing many people in the village, now they are killing Born Evil, and no breath remains not cry rang up another old days. Hey Nick-numbers! Having heard the hunters butcher, nourishing this now that the majestic elephant horse away not strong?
- Buddha! Never seen such a thing.
He says:
- Bi-Protestant instead of! I've never heard of that, but we hunters have such powerful soldiers. Why? Because they butcher crime because the mind is always looking for animal life. Who caused this occupation, the military can not get away from the powerful object code, asset rich. Why? When these types of animals like goats etc ... are killed, use the center to kill the evil look, so they do not get away from the object code and more powerful asset. Hey Nick-numbers! When those who are visual animals also makes them evil four other soldiers and not many assets, let alone Argentina Born too foolish killing of learning the full ownership virtue pure morality, which develops the remote object code of the property, be secure and not be destroyed, it can not. The teacher should know! As dragons stand looked to where that place is destroyed, the Kosala this too, evil fool sample size was Born with the fire burning sun cries rang, oppressed and suffering in hell Infernal immensely. So, the teacher should know! For dry tree also should not have evil mind, let alone with other kinds of beings.
Seeing this, the Secretary-numbers are suspect, venerable sir:
- Five hundred like them did not foul and do now what karma he should be killed unjustly fools Born Evil? What do again now, when they were murdered, the Buddha had a headache?
The Buddha asked the Secretary-number:
- The teacher listens for the common interests of the industry and I did. Kamma other when they meet ripe karmic making, as stored water can not prevent wild land, one would rather not be, etc. .. to suffer retribution on their own.
Hey Nick-limited, past tense, the other side of the river five hundred fishermen live there. There are two big fish swimming in the river from the sea, resurfaced. Seeing these two fish, fishermen are glad, and let down your nets big catch them. Seeing them too big, they squabbled:
- Now what to do, big fish too, if they kill all the meat will not be run because the end user.
Someone table:
- Kill a human and a water column. Or table:
- Both are great, if they kill a meat apart it was so central to the head in the water column, not to die, when you need to eat raw meat removed.
They all agreed and divided the meat together. Agonizing pain, personal wine roaring sun.
Now, there are a bunch of fishermen in the pupil, so enjoy that. Two big fish thinking: "We unfortunately suffered a sudden, in living life to the future where they're born to it. Yet they are innocent, we also make the pain killing".
Hey Nick-numbers! Do not think the other two fish and that this is the format Evil Born, five hundred and five hundred fishermen prefer this. Since the year for two hundred fishermen fish suffer should this be vehemently Evil and Suffering Form Birth buried alive used to make iron play like them extremely distressed. The other is the general interest of the people at that time, according fun. At the death of the fisherman's, I was, because that kill fish, create joy born into now. Due to her career, but has attained Supreme Bodhi but I still have a headache. If I had not been blessed like that, with infinite merit, they also murdered like the others.
Again, the Secretary-numbers! Hear about the career of a lifetime like them cause the Company is already in the past. There are five hundred enemy to plunder its towns possessions. There are two upstairs bourgeois enemy was called off, but disobey. We told the enemy:
- If not down, making you die.
Suppose meet:

- I would rather die than down.
We closely enemy fire to burn the wood floor. Fire broke out, burning very painful, thinking Mannequin Head: "I am innocent suffering what was this, in future life where you born on, we also born there, you are making this hard" .
Hey Nick-numbers! Do not think of anything else, this is the other two authors Chief Born Evil and Suffering Form, five hundred and five hundred brigand this is like them. Because they killed two enemy head fake, so far the two people killed them. So, this the Secretary-number! Black karma retribution black, now white as white retribution, karmic retribution magazine magazine. Therefore, the teacher should give two black and industry magazines, white business needs practice, so learn it.
Kill like them done, on to the fact that Phiet, Evil Born King going on. On the top floor, crown prince and the possible diverse female ensemble music, enjoyment of sex. Hearing this, Evil Born ask is, courtiers replied:
- The Da Prince.
King said:
- Let's call here.
Prince goes to obey.
King responsibilities:
- I went up enemies being tired, why sensual enjoyment in your house?
The prince replied:

- Great King! Unknown god, who is this enemy?
King said:
- The Billion Lives Like a death in La is our enemy.
Prince says:
- If death is the enemy Like so who's close friends?
I heard that the king was angry, the courtiers Report: - This is also the favorite factions mail, please hurry and stay away.
The instant kill the prince. After his death, the prince born into heaven 33. Because not all too conservative to win in the world, the prince was enjoying heavenly bliss.
Then the Exalted meaning to say this, so tell proceedings:
Life is joy, life after the wedding
So blessed work, two lifetimes
Self glad to know this because before now
born again moved to improve the land.
Life is bliss, after death communication
So blessed work, two lives lost
touch Self knows this because before now
Born to other places peacefully.
Listen Buddha intruder theory, specifically white Ananda Buddhist life:
- Venerable, I do not understand the meaning of this verse.
He says:
- Ananda Da Prince may not have mistakes, fools were killed unjustly Born Evil, but wins in the human vengeance yet, should still lived bliss in heaven. So I did the verse theory.
Ananda quiet happy life signal.
Then, with the female being able to stay in the palace, the king of evil himself boasted of Birth:
- I am the mighty power levels have rare, unparallel in the world with no one?
Heard finished, five hundred to women by speaking evil about shelf life:
They are the Buddhist
precepts For
Now and then kill him
yourselves to do?
Shakyamuni hear women say shelves finished, the king was enraged, saying courtiers who tell us:
Kill the dragon, female dragon keep
our reproductive toxicity
Let's quickly dismember
color schemes according to kinship.
The favorite courtier-female lead five hundred to three lakeside truth is, their limbs tightly. So this lake called Lake dismember. The first sentence in the business: "Buddha dismember lakeside, the result of this." Severed limbs, the pain unbearable, five hundred Like women thinking: "We are painfully unbearable agony, perhaps Exalted pronoun does not have mercy."
Often the law is not what the Buddha does not know. Then, with compassion Bhagavan went to that place, that the female is sitting complicit favorite picture.
Seeing this, the Exalted world is starting up position. As is often the way of the Buddhas from the eight worldly, well known to the Buddha insects. If the starting center of the world, until Pratyekabuddha Sravakas not know the Buddha, let alone other sentient beings can know. Buddhist thought: "You instead! Should be a far goddess attire and bring water here is very appropriate." Buddha just thinking, communal goddess immediately know the Buddha, should be thinking: "Why Exalted concepts from the world, according to the statement we want to know Exalted Conducts legal theory for five hundred Like women should be dressed and water" .
After thinking, holding five hundred celestial nymphs, y, Infinite Heat average user to draw pond filled with water to give Ph? T, the foot worship Him, transparent:
- Venerable! We bring hundreds of natural health and magic lotions.
He says:
- You go to the Shakyamuni comfort women, for they showered and dressed.
Communal turn to follow the Buddha's teachings. Then Tathagata uses psychic power to make five hundred Like women not suffer anymore and says:
- Hey, good woman! Themselves caused this mature industry, must be taken, no one replaced.
Finished teaching, the Buddha went to another place. After the credits with net interest Exalted, the favorite female died, born Kings skyward. When men or women are just born to heaven have three thoughts: "I am dying from any place, wherever arising, so did what now?" They remembered her from the realm of the dead, now born to heaven The Kings, having been born as a pure center Exalted respect.
Five hundred nymphs think if we are not to worship the Exalted disrespectful and not right, so he lost jewelry shining beautiful, natural medicine using flowers Wen bowl containing la, ma started, first sentence materials , cordon, Maggie mules. At midnight, with radiant light illuminated the forest can kick, five hundred to see the Buddha goddesses, celestial flower offerings, bowing at his feet and sat close to one side to listen to Dhamma. Exalted depending on the base of the natural female preference but Buddhist psychology theory, making them the realization of Four Noble Truths.
Then, the goddess used baseball diamonds located 25 mountain break down prejudice, Project Save attained. After the recommendations, three venerable sir:
- Venerable! Thanks to Bhagavan Buddha makes the results attained were liberated, not by their parents, the king, the gods, recluse, Balaam subjects, friends, relatives make. Son of the Blessed One is seeing good levels of knowledge to help make escape hell, eagle born, hungry ghosts, stay where magic wins the heavens, the road will end samsara nirvana, the sea dried up blood bone mountain passes , used baseball diamond smashed down position is accumulated from beginningless, Project Save attained. From now on for the rest of my life, I go for refuge in Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, school life over the years until the land is not killing no alcohol. Pray for the tri Exalted proof is in Persia Ca.
Shortly before the Buddha, they clasped hands reverently said shelves:
We ask Buddha's power
Closing off three evil paths.
Sinh magic wins the heavens
forever Direction sugar nirvana
Con thanks to Exalted
Being pure eyes
to see the truth island events
will escape from suffering
Overcoming the heavens
argues suffering mortal
existence is hard to see the Buddha Sea
The meeting should be free
Dear son solemn
Tinh Buddhist center leg may bow
to subtract noise animosity
celestial Please come back.
After presenting their wishes, as are children who to trade? Tinnitus benefit, as farmer harvest agricultural products, as people who win wars mighty foe, as healthy people are really sick, five hundred joy goddess farewell celestial Buddha returned.
It is said that, the Secret-of all doubt, the Exalted said:
- Five hundred Like this woman ever created by the energy industry and now anything that makes this life but not guilty but was cut unfairly Born Evil fools limbs, it's what are now born into the sky, listening to the Dhamma of the Buddha Stock base management?
The Buddha asked the Secretary-number:
- Industry of the other women did Like, when mature, causal met ... as mentioned above, are solely get his retribution. Hey Nick-numbers! Hien past in this life, when human life two thousand years old, have launched Brand Buddha is Tathagata Ca Photography Application Offering Three Enlightenment, Additional Minh Hanh, celestial body, the World League, Supreme Officers, Tools Defence secretary, Thien Nhan Master, the Buddha, the Blessed One. Five hundred Like this woman ordained in the Buddha's teachings, as Secretary-string array of nuns often requires hands to cut the legs of the Secretary-ni school property, uneducated. Due to this karma, they sink under the burning in hell suffering in countless years, this redundancy so often now firmly in the hands of five hundred feet away, until this life is so miserable. Because of their purity of mind for me, they are born to the sky. Past due as of Bi-ni have recited the Dhamma life over, I should see, hear attain legal recommendations. Hey Nick-numbers! This will by now ... as stated above .
Then, listen to the Buddha predicted, whom King Evil Born leave, returned to the king. Question:
- Exalted say about us?
- Great King, said Tathagata thus: "Over seven days, Kosala country will break away, Evil and Suffering Form Birth consumed with fire, fall into the endless hell".
Heard such negativity Evil is Born, arms around his forehead. Seeing this, the sample size:
- Why great king sorrow?
- This format! How can we not be sad. Exalted forecasts in the seven days after we khanh data scorching flames and fall into the Infinite-cockroach hell.
Suffering Blood Vessels:
- Great King! As She-la-keeper, in the begging mendicants. When not given anything, they'd make that house hundreds of thousands of job is not healthy. Much more recluse Ma Qiao List has been great king kinship kill, do not say how heavy resentment, depending on which category cursed evil mind. If the king is afraid of the lake in the backyard, making a floor e? P and to be there for seven days, by which time the new back on it.
The king agreed and gave the wrong done long ago the same format to provide people upstairs. After one night, Suffering Blood Vessels:
- Great King! Forums overnight Friday night only, will work together on it.
Thus, two, three for the seventh day, Suffering Blood Vessels:
- Today peace, let us into.
Then, suddenly floating cloud cover four sides. Generally people prefer watching female jewelry, so sure after another:
- Keep jewelry to finish in the.
We offer private and dressed worry. There is a provision for Optical female Japanese pearl on the pillow, and went to makeup. Then, it was light tan clouds, sunlight shines on the jewel out, convergence pillow emits fire, flame shoots up to the burning house floor. We supply workers to flee from the New. Was on fire, Evil and Suffering Form Students want to run away, but non-closed so they can not get out. Then, the fire was burning pain Lens heart, Evil Born tabloid form:
- Rather costly! We are suffering because of fire!
Format said:
- Great King! Spirit too.
The body is both raw fire burning nine split up screaming violently, immediately fall into hell Infernal agents, subject to suffering.
Exalted said shelves:
This hill was burning, burning life after
guilty Create, two lives were burnt
cheerio burned by bad karma
then sink into evil ways
Life is suffering, life after suffering
two life who cause suffering guilt
from knowing this suffering due to bad karma
also suffer again where other realms.
Listen Buddha had finished speaking, breathing apparatus Ananda Buddhist transparency:
- Venerable! I do not understand the meaning of this verse.
He says:
- Ananda Da! Born Evil fools with the format being destroyed by fire fall into the Avici Hell. That's the job, this shelf with the theory I was ... wide as mentioned above .
Born Evil, destroyed after they like, leaving her in the ornaments as you touch, ring ... Seeing things that, the favorite female crying, sorrow. After thinking: "When the owner of this animal alive Increase respected them, so they do give rise blessed by monks." They give him things to monks. Be given to them, even when we bring out body jewelry, go to the company are first class lifetime alms. Seeing these ornaments, the women cried Like as before, said:
- Holy Family! We do not want to look back on these things should rise to the position to not grief. Now, the children are making them remember it.
Luc them silent. The Secretary-count of the white Buddha. Buddhist thought: "As the Secretary-communication of his jewelry, bracelets, gold strap should have such an error." His statutory:
- From now on, the sacrament of non-jewelry items are multi-colored. Who is guilty beyond legal violations.
Photography separate proceedings in the second of the year:
Ordained own torpedo
Real Life sloughs school money
Audience old theory momentum
Yen promised Brass hearing.
* Origination at Phiet honestly. In other converged communications, there bourgeois happy married life. Then before long, family detached property is no longer, so he thought, "I have grown old, can not make money to use, our kinship is not. Therefore give us further ordained. " After thinking, he said to his wife:
- Collect! I am old, can not make money, inheritance and kinship that is no longer, should wish to retire.
The wife replied:
- Good! But to return to visit me.

-Being! The husband replied.
After the card has to forest, met the Secretary-limited, two-foot observation ceremony, the husband said:
- Holy Family! I pray ordained.
- Collect! This is good, he will be contentment. As Bhagavan says: "Those who have seen in this location should benefit preferred ordained.'s Five Things:
- One, we are free benefit others can not; So people should demand ordained position.
- Two self ignoble know who we are dictated by others, after they were ordained praise and worship and reverence; So people should demand ordained position.
- Three, will attain supreme peace nirvana; So people should demand ordained position.
- Four, died at the heavens will be born here; So people should demand ordained position.
- year, usually Buddhas, they bar text and the ladder's praise; So people should place ordained for perfection in law ".
He discovered this mind, it is nice.
The Secretary-ordained number for this position and approach life member. Over two-three days after the official teaching of the law, they tell you this:
- Collect! Deer do not feed the deer, the fact that the Buddha is vast realm of the Buddha, should go for alms to feed life.
In the early morning, dressed in a hug fact that the Buddha bowl for alms, met a woman like his wife, so he thought: "Before we had promised his wife, will be ordained after the visit. Ta was ordained, so please keep promises, do not make her sad. " Alms done, forests can kick back, and then he said to O Ba Da Da:
- In the past I have promised my ex-wife is going to be ordained after the visit. Would you allow.
The teacher replied:

- He went arbitrary but cleverly upholding his mind.
- Please obey.
After leaving, he headed towards the old village. I have just seen, wife welcome rushed forward, shouting:
- Welcome! Saints new element! And he wants to keep holding the bowl.
Secret-of says:
- Want to do this manually?
- To pick up the robe and bowl.

Secret-of says:
- Do not touch the bowl y.
- Why?
- I worship the teaching of Ba Da Da Oh upholding mind is clever.
- Saint-mail! People keep yourself interested, interfere with what I do! She still care arrangements bowl, cover buildings sit down and get water to wash feet.
- Want to do?
The wife replied:

- To wash your feet.
- Do not touch my feet.
- Why?
- I told him to obey the holder to mind.
Wife said before and just washed your feet, then bring to want to rub oil. Secretary-wife of that so ask and respond foot dab want. Secret-of says:
- Do not apply to me.
FAQ as before ... he taught me to upholding the mind .
Wife says:
- Saint-mail! The center yourself holder.
She wants to eat the food and general cleaning.
- What are you doing?
- Away for a long time, not eating blackberries, general desire to eat.
Bi-numbers disagree, question and answer as before . She then underwent a mattress, said:
- Saint-mail! Walk away tired, please rest a while.
After washing of the feet, Secretary-of lie. The wife comes, want to lie down together.
Secretary-of questions:
- People want to do?
- Saint-mail! Forums are no longer common, now wants to lie down.
FAQ as before ... not for the Secretary-limited, but she's still great to hug. The woman truly toxic exposure. When exposed, secret-center of agitation being emitted instant bad idea to have sex. After living for several days, Secretary-wife of protection:
- I want to return to the temple.
After thinking, he informed with our investment, outsiders do not see, we should make the people know it, the Secretary-sure of deportation and return with me, she said:
- Holy death should not go not, bring less food and set Xi (money that time).
Secret-of says:
- I do not hold items such as gold, slag ... Given how carried away.
The wife says:
- I will try to do so without touching.
After she brought the animals hanging on wooden staff, she said:
- Be taken away.
Bi-held area of ​​staff went to Phiet honestly. Normally, when we Secretary-limited rather not have to keep the door in no. Respectable out front, he saw the Secretary-limited to the first as owls, long lashes drooped, after thinking: "This is what he came here, to welcome us." Oh Nan Da Ba contrary, exclaimed:
- Hello! The venerable Hello!
Secretary-of the other replied:

- Please feast! A multi-core Homage skin.
After thinking: "Bi-Bi-sure of the age of stupid fillers should not know in Ba Nan Da, Da unknown A multi-core, let's ask him where it came from." O Ba Da Nan asked:
- An elderly man come from?
- A multi-core Skin! I'm going to visit his ex-wife.

Nan Da Ba O says:
- He was a good man should also keep the old grace, who also praised the grace to remember the old. Exalted also said: "Behold the Secretary-numbers! So often learn to report gifts, small gifts even notice how much more great gift!" Do you remember the old kind, not so met his wife?
- I have met.
- Peace is not?
- Luckily sheltered should remain peaceful.
- What materials hanging on his wooden staff so?
- It is because of the slag-wife in exchange for food journey.
After commended: - The old man, he really has mercy, to visit his wife this benefit again, O Ba Nan was thinking: "See figure gesture can make his own job, let him peacefully questioned . temperamental With naive, Ma Ha La after all the things that do.
Nan Da Ba O says:
- Take what he did to little to Ba Da Da Oh listen, he all excited.
Came to me, he told them. Hearing this, the teacher said the Secretary-scary. Secretary-count of the white Buddha, Buddha asked the Secretary-number:
- Bi-fillers of this old fool did not know important contempt, not willful. If anyone had ever heard of four measures three poetry nor committed.
- Hey Nick-number! For this reason, access members after transmission, four methods of preaching three poetry (for life). If someone is not guilty beyond legal theory.
BASIC NOTES Sarvastivada
-billion-COMPLAINTS probation


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