Saturday, 5 April 2014

Book Monday
--- Ooooo ---
(The next part of the proceedings Monday in separate photographic subjects first - talking about Chief biochemistry)
* One time, in the garden Truc Lam Buddhist, Rajgir.
In the name of a bourgeois Compassion Hien, many properties enjoying affluence, are complicit image pagan beliefs, how long married, his wife had thai.Vao morning, bearing wear Exalted bowl, on the far, by alms class, turn to the Good Hien. Suppose that Exalted home, immediately put his wife met Bhagavan, extra visiting:
- Silver Bach-old German-range, pregnant wife and child will be born male or female?
Buddha said:
- Head of the authors, would certainly be male, as radiant flourishing family, full of wonders gods minister, ordained in the teaching practice of mine, kill all, or, attained A-la-drought.
Suppose audiotape, providing delicious food pure filler bowl, rising Exalted. After paying Suppose healthy volunteer, Exalted out.
Not far away, there is complicity heathen saw Exalted formation, thought to himself: "I usually just have the food offerings, this recluse is also courting overseas dam. They asked me to try to see justice so, what are prophesies ". After arriving, rich pagan hall:
- List Ma Qiao recluse ever come here?
- There comes.
- Please tell us hear it?
- Holy Family, the pregnant wife, so he asked about the birth. He heralded the birth of a son, the family made radiant, full of wonders gods minister, ordained in the law practice he, or get rid off, attained A-la-drought.
The mastery of this pagan calendar number, closely observe the correct calculation of yin and yang as the Buddha said, to think: "If I praise depending upon the facts, the more homeowners revered him. Therefore we should hide truth, in other words. " After thinking, pagan immediately on hand to hand combat are thinking. Seeing this, Head of the author asks:
- Cross, why fight hand to hand?
- Words of truth anymore recluse anymore damage.
Suppose asked:
- It's nowhere like?
- Born son is true, as radiant clan is not true. Speaking of radiant heat is the other name, this is the very blessed, just finished burning birth family. Saying the same thing is full of gods is a lie. Suppose this! Have you ever seen someone who was born in species that are full of gods is not the same thing. Ordained in the teaching practice he also true, because after being born poor and hungry cold, lacking even starvation, natural to join in the legal recluse. Then unless all or certificates A-la-han, also a lie because recluse List Ma Kieu cut off negativity has not attained A-la-han, let alone the other disciples.
Good Hien bourgeois heard of this, so unhappy, said:
- Cross, how this child?
Heathen said:

- This bourgeois! I was ordained precepts maintain life, not arbitrarily lying, rotten truth behind how this would clearly.
Saying so, pagan goodbye.
Compassion Hien thinking: "Let's kill the other in the abdomen abortion go". Compassion in connection gave her an abortion pill, but the body carries the final, but was turned into poison but healing medicine. Head of Pricing bike on the left side, the right pregnancy is over; pedal on the right side, move to the left pregnant. People carry the body eventually smuggled out yet can not die halfway. Over many months, while the other woman was strangled abdominal pain, then cried.
The shrieks around, ran to ask Head author:
- His wife cried Why so?
Suppose meet:
- My wife was having abdominal pain.

People around hear so give false ve.Truong thinking: "I can not break fetus in the womb, so bring mom to the wilderness where no man, and killed him". Suppose brought along his wife, executed malicious killer, then smuggled back home, told relatives and neighbors: "My wife died suddenly in trouble." Body of grief are sadness, bring five color silk wrapped body, leading to cold forest where cremated. Gentiles heard this, very excited, too excited to have the building, go to the king, the roads around the streets, loudly Ad to:
- Hey everyone, let's review the prophecy recluse Ma Qiao List. Hien Vo Truong Thien author born son, made glorious clan, full of wonders gods minister, ordained in the teaching practice of mine, unless all or certificates A-la-drought. Now, bourgeois wife died, leaving cold see the forest, like trees without roots covered foliage fruit, how can this be acceptable?
France's atrium is Exalted in time to observe all hear all beings know, often have compassion for the benefit of all, the head of the rescue, Strength does not say two words, y in Property appears to release three smart, three-school practice fully, completely subdue three now, over four reserved, quiet place in the four-sufficient spirit, always happy to practice the four regents, except five hindrances discharge, renunciation year spending, get rid of sugar, six bases full, then fullness, generosity throughout with seven holy talent, enlightenment bloom seven, eight victims away from the practice of the Eightfold Path, the nine permanently eradicated, through During the nine, ten full force, compliments around ten hours, a crucial in order, to be fearless legal victory for evil ghost, emerging big thunder, roaring lion hour, six day period always Buddha eyes use earth observation: "Who increase of virtue, who fell virtue, who encountered hardships, who walks towards evil, who were sunk in the mud sex, who can you help, as a means to rescue they get out, do not have the resources to be holy saint resources, intellectual medication-na An-friendly break ignorance eye opening, making the cultivation of virtue is no virtue, virtue makes people play development, bringing humanity to the path of God, peace is not the obstacle to nirvana. "
As can all recite:
Suppose customs agents tide,
when there are overdue,
the Buddha with good guys,
just do not ignore Savior,
for the Buddha beings,
from the tragic Always thought.
Thought for helping them
keep the mother buffalo calf.
're Walking, Exalted smiling mouth emitted aura of magic in color, slide to the ground, into the sky illumination. Light Infernal Hell and other prison. Where are the cool instant hot, place the sink in cold water is warm.
These beings are peaceful there, and thinking: "I am with you was born to die from hell here or what?" When making Exalted beings then he found faith, the other generals present. Friends love to see other generals, think again: "We are not born to die here, but elsewhere, we certainly thanks to the power of virtue Supreme Jubilee level, making our bodies and minds that enjoy peace ". Glass center after their birth, the credit is no longer suffering, life itself is nice in the sun, the air show will be the legal level of light de.Anh leg upward, illuminating the heavens make ends Sac. In this aura suffer legal discourse, not, impermanence, selflessness, and theoretical two verses:
Pray glass production,
Diligent practice of Buddhism,
samsara military victory,
as with a grass bucket.
soon in this law,
usually live no distractions,
negativity sea drained,
Termination realm of suffering.
Then, her halo projector around three thousand great worlds, swing back to the Buddha. If Bhagavan Buddha preached the glory go past it on the back, if they preached the futuristic aura to the chest, if preaching about hell is going on beneath the aura, if students are lectured on bladder glory goes to heel, if preaching the halo ghosts go on your toes, if they preach about human aura goes on knees, if preaching the kingdom of glory moral force go hand in contrary, if the transfer of moral preaching about the kingdom to glory in his right hand, if a lecture about the sun, the glory goes to the navel, if the sermon Sravakas aura goes into your mouth, if the theory of sensory Reading aura going on between the eyebrows, if the theory of Supreme supreme Buddha, the glory goes to empowerment. This aura Buddha revolves around three laps and then go into the mouth of the Buddha. Specifically Life Ananda Buddha's palms reverently transparency:
- Exalted! Tathagata application offerings Enlightenment natural smile not no causal.
The venerable Buddha said shelf appeal:
Mouth release the aura of magic,
great natural lighting throughout many forms,
covering state ten degrees,
throughout the morning as the sun nowhere,
Buddha is good for human beings,
except Hay pride and sorrow,
Charming Should metal gate Buddha
Smiled make the rare faculty,
the Exalted knows intimately the
May He teaches people want to hear,
like great thunder roaring lion king,
Let Him give us comfort solutions,
like Magic Kingdom in paint great sea,
if not causal unshakable,
who smiled in self-compassion,
may He stated that predestined.
Ananda Exalted said:
- Yes! Yes! This, Ananda, not causal but not Tathagata Application Offering Enlightenment manifested smiling. He tell the Secretary-limited, Tathagata going to go where, how, who wants to follow specific life please wear.
Venerable Ananda, the Buddha taught obedience, protection of secret-of:
- Instrumentation life who want to follow the Buddha to where, how, let's wear.
Then, the Secretary-number to place the Buddha. When the ambassador's faith should be subdued subdue surrounded; so calm self tranquility surrounded freed up surrounded freed, should peaceful tranquility surrounded by friendly agreement should improve upon around, A to A-la-la-han-han surrounded by glass so sex ly surrounding sex, so virtuous virtuous surrounded, as sheep herd to herd sheep forest surrounded, as should the elephant elephant princess surrounded, like the lion king lion surrounded by large buffalo buffalo surrounded by Princess , personal branding as king surrounded by his Brahmin as she had students around, as there are good physician around the patient, such as military generals have troops surrounded, as good a master who guided tour surrounded by such great monarch surrounded by courtiers, treatise as the King of thousands of people around, like the moon surrounded by stars, like the sun halo of light surrounded by thousands, as Tri Nations there we will need a heavenly king surrounded her, as growth Aries Uranus have tea table surrounded them, like Square Uranus item has surrounded them dragons, heavenly king as multiculturalism have been deleted surrounded them, as provinces have their asura king fin around, as have the devas Sakka Thirty three surrounding sky, like great discounts them monarch had surrounded area, such as deep sea during quiet large, as large cloud spread around the blind, such as termination of drunken elephant princess wild, subduing the senses majestically calm, solemn thirty generals, eighty beauty jewelry itself, a circle of light reach thousands more brilliant sun, walked slowly stabilizing as portable treasure mountain turn, have the power of ten, four fearless compassion, three pillars concept, location boundless blessings are practiced, are immeasurable merit fullness. Illustration A has Kondanna gods, Venerable Ma Wins, Three venerable Mrs. Wax, Great Venerable Danh Vo-Kills venerable, venerable relics Electronics, General Items Contact venerable, venerable Ca Ba Photography , Venerable Ananda, the Buddha's venerable Hiet order. There are countless great saint-secret documents and the memories of the countless people who like sun, surrounded reverently Exalted, wants to Thi Lam.
Buddhism traveled eighteen wins benefits:
1. - No fear of kings.
2. - No fear of bullies.
3. - No fear of water.
4. - No fear of fire.
5. - Do not fear the enemy country.
6. - No fear of beasts lion tiger corridor .
7. - No fear of being shut down.
8. - No fear tax wharf.
9. - No fear of lack of protection.
10. - No fear of people.
11. - No fear inhuman.
12. - Always see gods.
13th. - Being heard gods.
14. - seen a great light.
15th. - Listen to sound prediction.
16th. - Life Together Dhamma field.
17th. - enjoying food together.
18. - Body not sickness.
When the gods and Buddha mass according to Thi Lam, cool breeze blowing in four forest cover. Then, in Rajgir has two pupils, a series of surveys to gain a line of Ba-la-keeper, sail together. Suicide sole benefit greatly faith, pupillary Balaam credit courses without glasses. Verb She told his Brahmin pupil surveys to gain:
- You know, your teacher Tathagata notice bourgeois wife Hien son Shan, with glory family, is fully deva, monastic practice in the teachings of that, except for the period or certified A-la-drought. Now his wife has died, leaving Lam found in Execution, not the words of the Exalted wrong or what?
Suicide, said shelf to the core:
Suppose the moon and stars are falling off,
land forested mountains into the air.
huge sea waves dry clean,
not words Exalted falsehoods.
She verbs his Brahmin said:
- If so, let's go to the place on fire found dead in Thi Lam, testing real damage.
- I go along.
When the benefit from Iron to see Exalted, to say the shelf:
Ny Form majesty not joking,
they are in heaven who gathered,
he would voice roared lion
Victory others words, do not be afraid,
An engineer is coming in this examination.
cooling wind blowing across the wilderness,
Unknown beings are contemplating,
Good looking out Diaoyu miracles.
Photo Wins the king heard this: "Exalted forecast Hien Vo Truong Thien author born son, made glorious clan, full of magic Minister gods, monastic practice in the teaching of the Buddha, the exception of or certified A-la-drought. Nay his wife died, leaving see where this examination. Tathagata An engineer and sravakas, mass close to places far and a Funeral ".
The king left thinking: "Can not go in vain that the Exalted Lam Thi, sure as the wife of Compassion, received subdue it with grace beings. Should I go there and see it." The king ordered the army to think about, and post-pilot prince in the palace ... and the entourage out of the contract. When the king saw the death benefit surveys to Favorites Win, shelves should say:
 Please see the monarch out,
together with the army under the protector,
I think that this mass:
Sure thanks good benefits.
When you see the Buddha, mass immediately open the way forward. Exalted smiles go on in public. Group nude figure are thinking: "A Ma Qiao smiles going on in them, do not kid probably is not dead?". They told bourgeois:
- This is so blessed beings do not die my life.
- Holy Family, now meet this disaster, what to do here?
- Suppose we are home people, keeping precepts, just know good concept, later known thy self.
Then, bourgeois wife took him to the wood truss, cremation fire, the fire burned brightly around the body but not injured abdomen. Even in the womb, and he cracked a lotus sprouting green. During the baby shower has a beautiful body, calm sit still looks so adorable. This mass is very amazing things really unprecedented. Heathen are morale, flat out arrogance. An engineer who is chief author Compassion Hien said:
- He just carried the baby in the fire.
Suppose still look to face pagan. They told bourgeois:
- He entered the fire, be sure to die.
Suppose heard it, should not dare to tremble carried you. Phuoc Thi Ca Exalted said:
- He took the child into the fire go out.
Thi Phuoc Ca thinking: "Exalted wrong not to do the non-originating non-time, let the fire took the child." With no fear center, Ca Thi Phuoc to hold the baby is in the fire. The gods said shelves:
He tells us he into the fire,
Bong baby, do not fear,
by the force of the self in Buddhism,
Make hot fire into a cool pond.
Phuoc Thi Ca Exalted said:
- Recently, he was on fire, the body has burned burns?
- Buddha! Children born in the royal palace, grew up in the palace, aromatherapy body rub each ox head herd sheep, but not as cool feeling today.
Compassion Buddha Head Hien author:
- Now, he just carried you on.
Then, the head is assumed to be obscured evil mind, should still not believe, looking back heathen. They said the same wrong:
- This head fake, this little baby blessings, violent temperament, can eat fire without burning it all is, to prove that it is full of malevolent beings curse, no obvious immediate need say much. If you take it home every disaster, certainly threatening his victims die.
People in life do not love nothing more than my life, disaster Suppose hear ngay.Khi immediately shun him, Bhagavan told the king he may:
- Great King should take this baby.
The king hurried hand take the baby, then peered around the Exalted said:
- So this kid is named what?
Buddha told the king:
- This baby born from fire, so named biochemistry.
Then, depending on the base Buddha hobby people that sermon. In we have countless memories of thousands of beings be happy wins, or save the project attained, Japanese, Real completion, or production stage or evidence except the A-la-han, luminaries or ovum prime virtue, or Development Center office Bodhi bar, or give rise to toxic Bodhi sense, or made ​​supreme Bodhi mind, or take refuge in the Three Jewels, or precepts life over, have a deep faith. Photo Wins King delivered her baby for eight samples nourishing emulsion ... broadly as elsewhere . When he, the great uncle of former pupils Biochemistry possessions brought trade in the other, listening to her pregnant sister , so glad to hear Exalted be expected to bear a son, making radiant clan ... so ... so ... the results. He immediately sold his goods, other items collected and returned Rajgir, hear dead sister should think: "I signed our life Exalted born son will be attained, how can a lie not true? ". He asked his neighbor to find:
- My sister is pregnant Buddha prophesies, so excited not long, it's dead now hear contrary to earlier hopes, words can not Exalted not true?
The neighbor said:
- Yes, the words of the great master Buddha falsehoods not only because people believe in the words pagan husband, should kill her unjust death. Influential son was born with a large sense, in the fire, but it's alright, now being raised in the royal palace.
The boy heard that, went to meet the chief author Compassion Hien, after greeting, said:
- This bourgeois, who work absurd.
- What did I do?
- People hear the word of the infidels is evil, you're pregnant, to death unjustly killed, the baby was born with great prestige in the middle of the fire god was not harmed, now being nurtured in providing vua.Viec This was so, not only to say again, if you bring the baby here, we will tolerate. If you fail to do so, we will gather the village kinship with card chase you agree that your vote does not know it all, you proclaim the bad reputation of all walks: I do not have compassion bug Hien unjust killing. The killer of women is not talking to anyone, is handling crime law execution.
Suppose heard this, very sad, thinking: "just say the words, he certainly does not excuse us." Photo bourgeois king came and said before the win over such things ... to be guilty of hypocrisy, pray for the gift he gave to the pupils. The king said:
- We do not recognize your pupils, the Exalted Buddha directly handed to us. If you need it then to ask the Buddha.
Bourgeois came to see the Buddha, bowed beneath police, said:

- Buddha! The child has a very familiar pain ... blame broadly as before ... until being guilty of hypocrisy, for Buddha's compassion for the pupils to ask. Exalted thinking: "If this does not get bourgeois child, every movement of hot blood and die." Exalted said Ananda tool life:
- He just went along to meet the king bourgeois Photo Wins, I wish to convey the king's health, and say I'm great king pupils pay for Mannequin Head biochemistry. Suppose if the pupil does not get any hot liquid spilled blood and die.
Venerable Ananda went to see the king presented to all Buddhist teachings. The king said:
- The venerable station level information is admired, adjacent Exalted, will serve out the Buddha's teachings.
After blessing the king's health, Venerable Ananda retired from leaving. Suppose the king said:
- I obey Buddha nurturing this child, is loving it, so then we have a new covenant is to return every three days to bring into my presence, was then taken away arbitrarily.
Suppose meet:

- Spirit did not dare to disobey the order.
The king ordered the upper robe wearing, jewelry full touch him, putting up baby elephants escort home. Typically in the world, when his father was alive, my reputation is not brilliant, after his father died, and manage e Biochemistry inheritance, a belief in the Three Jewels, spot the day before mother and father land , temple building equipped Increase of living, from the offerings to increase, called the demand Phuc Lam. In doing so said: "Buddhism in Rajgir, Nhu Phuc Lam garden." Previously, each fake field Compassion traders go wrong in the other trade. They hear Suppose deceased father pupils rather Biochemistry Managing Attorney inheritance, have large credit reverence to the Three Jewels. Traders are much above the upper bowl of fried burdock first miracle, and he brought a bowl full of storms, sent messengers to offer for biochemistry. Once received, this bowl Biochemistry layout on high banners, notices everywhere:
- Those who do not use ladders, stairs, or recluse, his Brahmin She has great psychic power in order to get the gift I bowl to him.
Then, in the early morning wash the heathen, banners high tops that should tell bourgeois:
- This is something?
Suppose all of the present instant. Foreign direct response:
- Head Like fake deaths this ancient glass, he'll get it?

Foreign direct spoken removed. There are many secret-sufficiency in a period of alms, see the banners high, bourgeois were asked:
- This is something?
He stated. Secret-of says:
- Shall I bowl because that show off her or what?
As the Buddha taught:
- Concealed reveal the evil good, happy person is ordained.
Saying so, they walked away. Specifically Life Photography Three hexadecimal Ca pass then, asked bourgeois:

- Cord is anything?
He also stated. The venerable thinking, "I whispered to the death of this multitude, for unjust afflictions home has nurtured, we are converting discard nothing., Should I take the head of karmic invited authors, make him satisfied. Venerable closely as heliotrope big hand to grab the bowl on the top banners sheep herd, take xu.Bi-resident of that question:
- The venerable ox was the first bowl wins this herd sheep somewhere.
The venerable recounted the incident to the Secretary-Secretary-number of nghe.Cac said:
- Was he came because this wooden bowl that does miracles?
- True or false, I did well then, this somehow?
The Secretary-count of the white Buddha. He says:

- Bi-out of the force is not the secular front. Who is guilty beyond legal violations. But there are four categories bowl is made of gold, silver, lapis lazuli, crystal. Then there are four types of bowls are recorded in quartz, copper, white, wood. Four types of bowls before, if not there before are not recognized; if available, there must discard. Four types of dishes after, if not before it received no; if the option is available at the receiver bowl used as medicine. Be aware, there are legitimate bowl using two types of iron and clay.
Later, biochemistry where pupils appear magically full of heavenly generals. From the Astrological Three to Rajgir, in between stations taxes. The student died in tariffs are removed species, warned in a dream night with their children:
- After his father was born in the species are removed.
Spot the tax, set to be cleared temples father, hanging in front of a vibrating bell. When there are those who bring animals passing by, but not paying taxes, bells rang immediately, then call them back, the tax take and give. On the day, the children told the kinship of his dreams, and together consider where necessary, safe place god shrines, bells hanging outside. In the third wife Lady Zhan-la-goal. She thought: "She-la-discipline due to the activities, resource materials have been collected, we often get used, not to sit and eat this do not survive at all, it really should not ". So in her life in the market to buy fiber into yarn is set on making smooth, weavers told them to bring beautiful textiles, cloth two thousand gold coins value, and said to her husband:
- This fabric Approximately thousand dollars worth of money, take him out and get the money. If people buy the good, with no one to ask, so Ad to: - On the market not; to go to another place.
The husband carries approximately fabric sale, rao thousand gold coins but no one's paying the price, so that fair to Ad no. Then he was placed in cloth roll approximation rolled bamboo parasols, and the trade unions went to Rajgir. They go down to where the temples are removed. Innovation taxpayer done, he just wanted to shake up the street and rang the bell. Tariffs hear the bell, said to each other:
- Bell exclaimed, animals must also not pay taxes, do not go back to control losses.
They keep the trade unions and carefully controlled but not whether something is not taxed at all, should the trade unions on the road. Bells chime again. They carefully controlled the third time. Trade delegation marveled angry and disgruntled student, told tariffs:
- The people want compression should retain the present story.
Meanwhile, trade union tariff classification into two groups. They do not have to settle for the team his Brahmin She was on the street and dumbbells. When the group left, the bell rang up the road. They re-classified into two groups as before to give and to keep. After that, the trader goes out, leaving only the Ba-la-goal. Tariffs were withheld on the road, his Brahmin She said:
- Consider carefully the people who have something they can have it. Upon closer inspection there's nothing, so he was going. The bell rang, he was holding back. They told Balaam subjects:
- Whether you have an animal, we do not take any more, let's be honest, do not lie to god. I would like to highlight that the Holy gods.
Brahman said:
- If people do not lie, I will tell the truth.
He took in rolling out two canvas parasols. Seeing this, the tariff was amazed, commended the stranger:
- Protestant rather not report false gods. Tariffs and got a plate dressed up for spirit. Ba-la-keeper said:
- They made it clear that no tax grab, this view seems to want to take all of me.
- Do not be afraid, do not remove the object, just wanted to commend the words of delusion no courtier, should bring a plate to a temporary sedative and will report back to the bear away.
After receiving the approximately fabric, she rolled to his Brahmin in Qianlong and left, to Rajgir, go to the market, opening up approximately cloth to charge thousands of gold coins, but ultimately no one to pay the correct price, so in the middle Ad Market up:
- This is no fair.
When the pupil from the basilica Biochemistry, riding elephants in the mall, wants to go home, heard the Ad should ask:
- The Ad that's why there is not fair to call him to ask me.
Ba-la-keeper came, Biochemistry question:
- Why can not people talk in the market.
- I have two sheets of cloth, worth a thousand gold coins, but no one is paying the price.
- Please bring me here to preview.
He brings to the process. Born Fire protection:
- A new longer plates, one plate was even then, we've broken even pay two hundred fifty gold coins, plates not even five hundred money.
The Brahmin said:
- What's that say Italy, the two plates are not used.
Biochemical said:
- Make clear to the viewer to experience real damage, yanked the unused open-air bounce it back as head umbrella falls slowly, and then spent the fall immediately to the ground.
Employers found to be the less so, saying:
- Head of the author, he has great location super sense wisdom pants.
Born to Fire protection:
- Plates not used to the thorns, spearheaded not get through. Plates were used and all equipment thorn prick on the nose.
The truth just as it says. The Brahmin left is rare, said:
- Head of artificially intelligent intellectuals, so unprecedented, according to the price paid, you take take approximately fabric.
Biochemical said:
- He was a wholesale customer, please pay the price for not doing less.
Get thousands of coins enough, She-la-keeper excited to go.
Then take approximately bourgeois fabric used for servants to wear, and even less is used approximately swimsuit.
One day, the king and his courtiers Photo Wins high upstairs. Just finished washing clothes drying in the corner of Biochemistry blew floor was before the king. King said:
- Costumes of the use of the gods, where fly back here?
- Spirit heard, ancient kings name Mandala, raining gold treasure in seven days. Now, there he fell down to the king, long gold'm not going to.
The king said:
- I hear the Buddha biochemistry growth prediction full of sun the same thing. Health nice sky from falling on the air. Wait bourgeois come, I will donate.
When Born to Fire, King said:

- Exalted Gen. Khanh good prediction of the sun. Y heaven coming down from the air, festivities go get dressed.
After he received the hand of the king, see Technical Biochemistry, known for his character, so smiling, said before:
- Great King, he was not exposed to this material?
- Yes.
- He was holding dirty clothes, please wash your hands. This is not the clothes of heaven, which is of lower mental towels.
King asked:
- How do I know?
- There's also a plate again for the servants dressed like this, you have to experience.
The king saw this as very strange, told the pupils:
- Currently, the sun magically appeared minister khanh place or not?
- There appears.
- So, why not invite me to the khanh?
- If the great king allowed, god please invite him today.
King said:
- Khanh go home prepared food and drink.
- Great king, if people have good general appearance of the sun, they do not pit natural labors, now ask the party asked him to come home.
To the bourgeois home, saw one of the maids, the king immediately looked down at the ground. Mannequin Head said:
- Why is he looking down?
King replied:

- I avoid khanh wife.
- It is the maid outside, not the wife of the god.
King said:
- It's rare!
Then the women found in the home, the king also look down. Suppose you ask, king replied as before.
- It is also the waiter, not an atheist.
The king heard taken as bizarre. When the door in, found during ground lapis as pond water, even on personal computer store layout, in ground balls, king for the pond water, remove your shoes.
Biochemical said:
- Why remove shoes great king?
King replied:

- Sort go through water, so afraid of wet shoes.
Biochemical said:
- This is the lapis ground, not water.
King asked:
- Why do fish swim?
- No real fish, just fish ball machine.
King did not believe they untied the ring thrown to the ground. Rings cry rang ground and rolled aside. The king and the chisel on the throne forever. Then all the people in the cult king list. No time to stand up, these women were in tears. King asked Biochemistry:
- Why do the people in the house that we are moved to tears?
- They must not cry! Since the king was dressed in incense smoke inhalation marinated deep fried shui man, the smell of human harm they do to shed tears.
Then the king he may enjoy the bliss wins as the heavens are difficult concept, interested not so boring, not subject to the provision, abandoned all state affairs. The hull with micro-buckling Prince:
- Great King in the growth of our country biochemistry, craving for sensual pleasures court refused. Pray that he reached the great king invited back.
Born buckling to meet the king said before:
- Great King, why he did not look back here EMG?
The king told the prince:
- There's inauguration can not be assumed that the water in a day or what?
Prince said before:
- Great King said only a day or what! He has made provision to seven days.
Hearing this, the king looked into the face of biochemistry, said:
- It has been seven days ah!
- Great king, yes.

King said:
- So, how to distinguish between day and night?
Biochemistry board:
- The Great, because that bloom and closed, and no bright light gem, birds singing or should not know it was day or night.
King said:
- But we still do not know.
- There are night blooming flowers closing date, closing date night blooming types. There are dark days bright gems, kind of dark night bright day. There are birds singing at night, singing kind of day.
The king heard very taken as bizarre, told the pupils:
- An engineer Exalted Word of truth is not frivolous, as what he foretold, this khanh have enjoyed both.
BASIC NOTES Sarvastivada

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