Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Venerable Master Chin Kung rebirth Order

normal flower 211x300 khong Master Chin Kung rebirth OrderAccording to some Dao Huu said Master Chin Kung December 25, 2010, while teaching, he said: "Next year will be the Western World of Ultimate Bliss waiting for everyone." Four practitioners they heard this, all come in amazement, asking hurry call. Teacher is teaching business people lineage, people express their urgent appeal, the head teacher of compassion, teaching legal texts, teacher of all beings.

Dear Every Great Venerable Master Chin Kung permanent world, university transfer Falun:
Teacher teaching legal texts for nearly 60 years, as to all parents of primary, because the survival Dharma, for the world to harmony, but not from hard work, because like the practice widespread, the open class teaching, missionary activities and fostering talent. Through the hard times, do not hit Galaxy hardship, the spirit-self, preaching Business communications agency, expects all who hear, can give rise to true, net monastic career, beyond the three worlds.
Dear yes Buddha's teachings: "Get hard to master, as he's taken"; y in ten vows of Samantabhadra "From time to turn the wheel of dharma, visiting the Buddhist universe"; to [hard] tu "Ba Phuoc Hoa Friday Authority" ; practice "enlightened disciples Regulations", "Thai Supreme Heavenly Touch", "Ten Good" and "Sa Di Amenities Act", except remove Join-away-Si, single-mindedly recite the Buddha's Pure Land birth to, use of true faith, the urgent appeal Venerable Chin Kung, permanent world, moved higher moral law, population birth benefit.
While the current age was over eighty, but Master Chin Kung is not tired new transmission path preaching Dharma, he continued his work, travel and around the world, from Asia to Europe and America to preach the Mahayana Sutras and propagate Pure Land teachings. The fruits of his practice has flourished, suggesting he had a partially realized in the practice, and this has inspired and attracted thousands of Buddhist practitioners in the practice.
It Therefore, a life yourself and tell people to recite the Buddha for Buddha, the Venerable Master Chin Kung has brought peace and happiness for everyone in this world. life practice and the practices of the Master is a shining example for every post-study follow. His life is a remarkably vivid evidence of the process back to spiritual roots, in order, peace, liberation and enlightenment. Any chance that practitioners in direct contact with him will be what his experience is achieved through tone, voice and face of his, one can recognize the right of his report and medical report had achieved a fullness.
Glass visiting the Great Venerable head unto immortality
- Rao teaching of the Buddhas teachings
- as a template for the world
- as a place of refuge for the world

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