Friday, 11 November 2011

Friday, 11 November 2011


This book aims to present some teachings of the Buddha on Peace and Human Values ​​is divided into four chapters.

Chapter I contains the essence of the law through his lectures, his goal when preaching the Dharma, his attitude to other religions, the opposite doctrine, and compassion for his business idea with beings of the world.

Chapter II refers to the Dharma, his teachings on five important basic issues: 1. Combating and harmony. 2. Anger and need peace. 3. Harm and no harm. 4. Hatred and friendship. 5. Killing and respect for life.

Chapter III refers to the Church monks, monks-nuns (Sangha), the focus of his rule built the basis for making a complete harmony between the agreed co-Pham well, the advice the renunciation of his disciples to live together in consensus beliefs completely and the rebuke of him as the monks do not live as the Buddha's teachings.

Chapter IV introduces two classes of people. My favorite class aggression, conflict, war and the natural grade on a life of harmony and peace agreement.

First class of people who do evil, ignorance of people, filler and reference rooms for installation of people, living life across Bohemian museum.

Second grade is doing the happy sound of body, the words, the mind, the wise, the Sages, they become self-Knowing.

To highlight the contradiction, every class of people with opposing parallel mentioned together. So it comes to a Grade Products to do evil and do good of people. Products introduced two categories of people are stupid and intellectual level. Three face products launched between land and people who know themselves to subdue her.

Again, in each chapter, each product, especially the introduction of the general editors for each chapter, each product, then the quotes translated in three languages: English Pali for your attention to and original Pali, English for English speaking readers, and Vietnamese for the Vietnamese audience.

As mentioned before, the deduction can not offer as complete fulfillment, and many valuable teachings might be forgotten. But the editor would only hope that this book is a humble dedication to the teachings of the Buddha of Peace and is a small contribution to the cause of preaching the Dharma can help us do today.

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SETTING SERVICES The teachings of Buddha to PEACE

T otal to 45 years of his sermon, the Buddha made ​​it clear that he only teaches two things: suffering and the cessation of suffering, in addition to not teach anything. War brings suffering. Peace means the cessation of suffering. So he was honored as "the messenger of peace".

He encouraged his disciples traveled to preach and explain the virtues of life, the happiness and welfare of the population being, because compassion ideas for life, for the benefit, for the happiness of gods and species The.

Buddha clearly stated purpose of his sermon is not to argue with religious leaders and not compete with rival theories. There is no dispute in his sermon. He only shows the path to enlightenment, and liberation of all suffering.

Buddha is always filled with compassion for all living beings. Until the rest, he also "Mind from, being injured," and he can preach just because of his love for all species.

* * *

"Behold monks, then and now, I only speak the suffering and the cessation of suffering." (I. 140 Central)

"Behold monks, go traveling, for the welfare for the masses, because the public peace, for compassion ideas for life, for the good, for happiness, for peace, for the gods and mankind who . Do not have a place to go two. This monks, let's sermon, good primary, secondary good, good climate, ie, a letter. Make reservations virtue theory completely fullness, purity. " (Corresponding to I. 128)

"Behold monks, I will not dispute with the world. The only dispute with me life. This the monks, who said no legal dispute with someone in life". (Corresponding to III. 165)

"White Bhagavan, I heard the following:" Cao common, kindness dwell. "" White Bhagavan, Bhagavan themselves face to face for the moment. White Bhagavan, Bhagavan kindness dwell "-" Hey Jivaka, the so-called greed, anger, hatred is si so arises, take it, pitch it, it is si rid Tathagata, close to roots, making as ta-la tree, which can not be born again, can not arise in the future. This Jivaka, if so, meaning he'd say, while I agree with you. "-" White Exalted, so it is the meaning I want to say. "(Central Coast II. 370A-370B)

"The way no anxiety,
no fear when sleep
does not start up on the night,
disturbing busy pleased.
I do not see the harm,
a place in the world.
Therefore, I lie down,
mind since, often being " . (Corresponding to I. 136)

"Hey Sariputta, who said choosing a right to speak as follows:" A sentient being the dominant si, was born in the lifetime of happiness for the masses, because peace and harmony to the masses, because compassion idea for life, for the good, for happiness, for peace to the gods and humanity. "He would talk about me choosing a district as follows:" A sentient being the dominant si, was born in life, for happiness for the masses, because peace and harmony to the masses, because the idea compassion for life, for happiness, for peace to the gods and humanity. "(I. 83 Central)

"He knows all,
he presented the Dharma.
Because compassion, from introspection,
respect for all living beings.
He lifted the curtain opened,
Master has eyes everywhere.
no defilements, purified.
His dazzling world ". (Business file. Heat 378)

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SETTING SERVICE teachings of the Buddha

PRODUCT 1: Struggle and harmony

The guiding principles for education as we know the origin of struggle, resistance to war, conflict and war.

"Another cause of struggle and conflict is the comparison between oneself and others, see the other person is by his, her or lose her better."

A method to calm the debate is the sense, is here, "in this debate, we are all destructive."

There is a real case is embarrassing, as the Buddha pointed out, is to slander someone who has no slander, no nhiec nhiec scolding rebuke him, causing the people without cause. All the slander, he scolded nhiec naturally revert back to the people who yelled nhiec. Just as food is to invite the invitee does not accept, the dish will be back with its owner.

Buddha's attitude to the debate is clear. He had no argument with anyone in the world. His sermon just for the purpose stated on the path of suffering. He never made himself the only true law of his, in addition to damage the prospects are. He explained his clear French people came to see for yourself to see and critique.

The best method to avoid the controversy and conflict, the Buddha advised us not to have started on the review hope, delusion, and misbelief. And in case they arise, the best attitude is not to rejoice, celebrate and grasping them. This attitude will stop fighting, conflict, war and the immoral law.

War always brings suffering immeasurable boundless. Winning born hatred, suffering tasted defeat. So the best method not to use war to solve conflicts, but must seek peaceful means to end the disagreement and conflict.

Thus the saint gave up family, will not create new ties. The position ended all debate, with any one.

* * *

"Again, these monks, so do human sex, sex work by grace, by sex that caused by the work of education, King won the competition with the King, Police-winning stand-town competition with iron-base- Capital, Ba-la-license with her picture win-la-subject, the landlord wins competition with the landlord; mother won the war to me, I won the competition with her mother; father won the competition to me, I won the competition with his father; brothers won the competition with his brothers: he won the competition with her; she won the competition with him; your friends compete to win friends. When we engage in dispute, debate, competition winner, they attack each other by hand, they attack each other with stones, they attack each other with sticks, they attacked each other with swords. Here, we go to death, went to almost painful death. " (I. 87 Central)

"Again, these monks, so do human sex, sex work by grace, by sex that caused by the work of education, we pledge form and support, they wear a bow and arrow, they are arrayed two-sided and shooting each other names, executioner not throw each other, make each region guillotine. They shoot, stab each other by name, they are throwing, stabbing each other with knives, they beheaded one another with swords. Here, we go to death, come almost painful death. " (I. 87A Central)

"Bang, win or lose me,
thought that fighting started,
all three do not oscillate,
Bang, winning does not start up ". (Corresponding to I. 15)
"Other people do not know,
we here (in this debate) decline.
Who knows where he,
quieter debate is settled. " (Dhammapada. 6)

"Frustrated, no joy, She-la-subject Akkosaka Bharadvaja went to the Blessed One, after the words to say not good, bad language, defamation and yelled nhiec Exalted. Are told that, the Blessed One said to Ba-la-Bharadvaja Akkosaka subject: - "Woman-as-subject, how do you think? The friends relatives by blood, the guests have to visit him? "-" Mr. Sun author Gotama, sometimes the blood relatives of friendship, the customer has visited me "-" Hey Ba-la- subject, how do you think? He has prepared for them the kind of hard food, and other soft items tasted it? "-" Mr. Sun author Gotama, I sometimes prepare their dishes of hard, soft and the taste map " . - "But this she-la-subjects, if they are not admitted, the food was on it?" - "Mr. Sun author Gotama, if they are not admitted, while the dish was returned to us."

"Also, this Ba-la-subject, if he defamed we are not defamatory, nhiec scolded nhiec we are not abused, insulted we are not insulted, we are not admitted to the He was from, this Ba-la-time license, the matter was returned to him. Hey Ba-la-subject, the work was just about to him. Hey Ba-la-subject, who was vilified when libel, nhiec nhiec yelled back when scolded, insulted when being insulted, the time so, this Ba-la-subject, he is considered to have enjoyed life, had shared with him. But we do not enjoy life along the through the use of He, not the same share it with him, this she-la-time subjects, all of it back with him and all the work he was just about the only. " (Corresponding to I. 199)

"Hey Sage, the teachings of Ta, in the world with the devas, Mara and Brahma, with the subjects they Sa-Ba-la-subject, gods and men, no argument with anyone in the world ". (I. Central 109A)

"Behold monks, so any causal What a delusion of hope review haunt a person, if there is nothing to be happy, worth celebrating, worth grasping, such as the time period to take part custom domain, custom domain of the full court, the ants take the free option, the suspect take the free option, the option alongside the free end, the friends who take the free option, the ignorance take the free option, the full period approval for staff approval, the fight, avoid competition, competitive review, anti war, ly indirect speech, false speech. It is in this, the evil of bad ones are being destroyed, not left disabled. " (I. 110 Central)

"Win birth hatred,
suffering tasted defeat,
Who wins out, quit defeat,
President of the net welfare effect. " (Corresponding to I. 102)
"Divine Master left the family,
no residence Traveling origin;
For the villagers,
not the corollary effects.
Strictly no desires,
no vain hopes,
put an end to all debate,
Any one who ". (Corresponding to III. 14)

* *

PRODUCT 2: anger and HOA NHU

Act as an anger tightening the grip who fell into the control of anger, and is considered harmful to life.

Therefore, it is better not to speak harsh words to anyone, because harsh words brought the words of hatred and training staff to touch people.

Until the natural host is also advised to not to like anger, because anger crushing the evil, as the rocky ground.

Therefore, the order is location "photography to anger with anger is not."

Who deserves the title Ba-la-subject, between hostile to friendly, peaceful between the rampage.

Who stopped the anger rising new car deserves a degree type, while others do not do so, only worthy to be called a draft contingency situation.

Home celestial gods do not recommend to prefer to photography to anger, do not get to pitch against our anger, because anger will not hurt her, harm, damage both.

Wise have eradicated religious outrage deserve good claim to be wise.

The real outrage is not the peace. Worse is both scolded, yelled back pay. The winning both his victory and the victory, when he made no offer.

* * *

"Fire with fire any part,
abide by any hatred,
any nets with a mesh si,
which River Delta Fraternity ". (Dhammapada. 251)
"Grass farms hurt,
anger harms the life,
generosity who leave the field,
thus the huge impact. " (Dhammapada. 357)
"Do not say evil,
evil speaking, be said again,
Unfortunately angry words,
Truong to touch people. " (Dhammapada. 133)

"Behold monks, ancient, natural home in Shan-line to taste, want to calm down in the realms of gods Thirty-three, then say this verse:

"Let photography for anger,
Keep friendship does not fade,
no carrying, for the network,
not to say the two blades,
crushing the evil Frustrated,
As crushing the rock. " (Corresponding to I. 305)
"Get angry not upset victory,
winning is not good For good,
For one victory San greed,
feet Get spoiled puppet win. " (Dhammapada. 223)
"Amity between hostile,
aggressive mid-Moderate,
No contamination between infected ago,
I called her-la-subject ". (Dhammapada. 406)
"Who stopped the anger,
as the car stopped rolling,
I call the type vehicle,
the Other, outline contingency situation. " (Dhammapada. 222)

This monks, ancient home to accommodate natural, in Shan-line, to make gods in the realm calm Thirty-three, then say this verse:

"Do not let our anger,
Photographer to dominate him.
Do not let anger,
hatred treated with respect.
No outrage, harmless,
often dwell Divine Master.
Wrathful crush the wicked,
as the rock crusher " . (Corresponding to I. 305)
"Just one damn cut,
root, except the,
who was killed pitch location,
is called the donor charity. " (Dhammapada. 263)
"For you are not outraged,
Frustrated from?
Living tame, right livelihood,
right through intellectual liberation,
He lived like that,
Life is citizenship.
defamatory scolded, the
worse both,
Who is libel,
not slander against,
he was enough to win,
Victory for you, for
He found benefits,
for both oneself and others.
And he has slandered,
self understanding, the first villages. " (Samyutta I, 200)

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The two do not harm anyone, even as against the wind kick up dust, with the result that itself must be the result of their actions.

Buddha in the mind of every observing human beings have announced that all commercial species of its self is paramount. If we trade our own self, do not hurt the ego of the person. All species need peace. Harm to their demand for peace is very low budget. Do not damage the upper new books for their happiness. For the Buddha, only those who really do not harm anyone, the new value name is the "real damage".

Divine Master, a rank position does not harm a human being. Action of him, bodily, verbal or any damage that business entirely. That is why he is called the Noble.

* * *

"Because the thought of personal gain,
should damage the new robbery,
robbery When others harm;
is harmed, it harms people.
The stupid think so,
when the evil is not ripe;
When evil is ripe,
he suffered stupid.
people who look closely;
Wins person who wins;
rebuke him, who yelled back;
human brain, the brain.
Do karma progression,
which is harmed, it harms people. " (Corresponding to I. 103)
"No contact, no touching,
there is contact their impact,
if damage does not harm people,
That have contact, a touch.
Who does not harm people harm,
The net pollution,
picking the evil fools,
as against the wind kick up dust ". (Corresponding to I. 16)
"Our mind all along.
All of the earth,
It is not found,
Who more than self itself.
Self of everyone,
so too cordial,
Who love of self,
self Do not harm people. " (Corresponding to I. 92)
"They are born for peace and
harm people who use the rod,
Find peace and harmony to his
next life is not lost. " (Dhammapada. 131)
"They are born for peace and
not harm the staff used,
Find peace and harmony to his
next life is enjoyment. " (Dhammapada. 132)

Ba-la-subject Ahimsaka said to Buddha: "You are Ahimsaka, my Ton author Gotama. Ahimsaka I am, sir Ton author Gotama." Buddha speaks with her verse-la-subject:

"List to match people,
who must be real bad.
Who with the body, speech, and mind,
not to harm anyone.
Who does not harm others,
He was real bad. " (Corresponding to I. 203)
"In killing creatures,
called Hien St. Auctions.
not harming living beings,
is called Hien St. New ". (Dhammapada. 270)
"Who lives free jewelry,
photography, but for peace.
Living persistent virtues,
not harm any living soul.
He is Pham Chi,
or Sa-subject, begging artist. " (Dhammapada. 142)
"Wise not harm anyone,
Body usually tame,
Achieve immortal scene,
come here not sorrow. " (Dhammapada. 225)

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PRODUCT 4: hatred and Friends

Buddha said very clearly that, a heart full of hatred and hostility, such people can not figure out a good way, not to say a good way. A nurturing embrace of discontent and resentment will not assuage their hatred. With the concept alone, hatred can not eliminate. With just one day enjoy the heart of any damage to the heart of introspection and for all sentient beings, so new people can end hatred.

"Law of collecting thousands of hatred can not be determined to eradicate hatred. Only love is new to eradicate hatred. Thus, instead of the joy of our lives, if we live no hatred between people hatred ".

A photography to know how to end all hatred, all the enemies, who thus achieved Nirvana, because Nirvana that there will be no hatred.

Buddha, with the business idea from any living being is not interested in vengeance. So he will do all I could do to alleviate, ease and end all hostilities and hatred in this world.

* * *

"Mind he was unclean,
and full of hatred,
How nice to know?
How do I say nice?
Who to hate photography,
Photography for opposing center,
remove all hatred from the heart,
He knows well,
The He said fine. " (Corresponding to I. 222)

"It won me, beat me,
it won me, kill me. "
Who held belief that anger,
Hatred can not be calm. "(Dhammapada. 3)
"He abused me, beat me,
it won me, kill me. "
embrace faith not hate him,
is from Hatred. "(Dhammapada. 4)

Manibhadda deleted go to the Blessed One and said to this verse:

"Good place, regular mindfulness,
Through thoughts, optimistic growth.
There are thoughts, beautiful tomorrow,
Hatred be free! "
(The Sun):
"Good place, regular mindfulness,
Through thoughts, optimistic growth.
There are thoughts, beautiful tomorrow,
Hatred is not free.
For one, full day and night,
The mind communication, real bad.
From the heart, all beings,
He does not hate. " (Corresponding to I. 260)
"Hatred killed hatred,
life is not going to be,
not anger destroy hatred
is collected thousands of laws. " (Dhammapada. 5)
"Fun place we live,
no hatred between hatred,
enmity Between people,
I live, not hatred. " (Dhammapada. 197)
"Do not hate, all duty,
morality, no craving,
Photographer for the last body,
I call her-la-subject ". (Dhammapada. 400)
"If their own quiet,
as the bell was broken,
He showed Nirvana,
he did not even anger. " (Dhammapada. 134)

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Exalted respect life, any life that, for the life of insects and the life of plants. His own practice, do not dump their excess food on green grass, or get flooded with all kinds of small insects. The Buddha advised his disciples not to have to kill the Buddha and offered his disciples, as if to do so, we accumulate non-merit.

He clearly shows that killing leads to rebirth in hell, animals, hungry ghosts and retribution killing lightest man is born with short life expectancy. Again, the murder being brought to the fear and hatred in the present and future mental pain and do arise, priority attention.

Therefore, the Buddha advised to not killing living beings because of that fear of punishment, for all living beings life is most precious in life. About the first of a lay life to lead a respectful life, not killing living beings. And a Ba-la-subject worthy of the name, a saint worthy of the Holy, to make respect for this life as a whole and complete.

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"And the rest of the food waste we need to throw it away. If he wants, eat. If he does not want to eat: I will throw away food that has no green spot, or I will get bogged down in no water insects. " (I. 13-13A Central)

"Hey Jivaka, if someone as Tathagata or the Tathagata as disciples, to kill an animal, he will be filled with so many non-merit in the cause. When he said:" Go and walk the interesting to "the first cause, he contains many non-merit. the beast was taken away, because his neck manipulated, priority should feel unpleasant, that is the cause Monday, he contains many non-merit. When it is said: "Go and kill this beast," which is the third reason, he is filled with many non-merit. When the animal was killed advantages pain sensation, Wednesday is the cause, he is filled with many non-merit. When he offered Tathagata Tathagata or a disciple illegally, that is the cause Thursday, he is filled with many non-merit. This Jivaka because if someone Tathagata Tathagata or his disciples to kill an animal, he will be filled with so many non-merit in this cause. " (Central II. 371A)

"Behold monks, if killing is done, practiced, made for fullness, leading to hell, will give birth to the human bladder, leading to the hungry ghost realm. Fruit acclimatized very mild (sabbalahuso ) of the killing, is the man with short life expectancy. " (Anguttara III A. 230)

"Hey Jivaka, who said:" For the Sa-subject Gotama, they kill the organism. And Sa-subject Gotama, but that still use the meat for his murder, was making her "who did not say the word, they misrepresent me, not as truth, not like it. Jivaka me this said the three cases, the meat is not life: Look, listen and think (because you were to kill). I say these three cases the meat is not life. This Jivaka, I say this in three cases, the meat is life Description: Not seen, not heard, no doubt (because that killed her). This Jivaka, I say this in three cases, the meat is life. " (Central II. 370)

"Of a verity, killing, killing generated conditioned fear in the current hatred, fear hatred created in the future, causing pain sensations priority attention. From left to kill, not create fear hatred in the present, without fear of hatred created in the future, not that feel unpleasant mental superiority. The killing up to calm fears of this hatred. " (Anguttara III B. 176)

"People are afraid of punishment,
all fear death.
Get yourself as an example,
not kill, not to kill ". (Dhammapada. 129)

"Here, these monks, saints disciples thought as follows:" To life, to the A-la-drought make the kill, abandon killing, Minister of search, said Tam you, have compassion, mercy lived happiness of all living beings and living beings. Today, this night and day. We also make the killing, abstention from killing, Minister of search, know your mind, with compassion, mercy to the happy life of all living beings and living beings. With this information, we follow the example the A-la-drought, we will practice on boy sex. "(Anguttara III. 232)

"Minister for being,
fearful or resilient,
not kill, not to kill,
I call her-la-subject ". (Dhammapada. 405)

"Here, these monks, St. disciples take the kill, from left to kill. This monks, St. disciples abandon killing, bring (a) not afraid to countless beings, provide (a) no hatred for countless beings, bring (the) no harm to countless living beings after countless beings, without fear, no hatred, no harm, he will be sharing countless no fear, no hatred, no harm. This monks, this is the first charity, the great generosity, are known at preliminary, are known for a long time, not the Sa-subject, Ba-la-subjects with intellectual contempt. " (Anguttara III. A. 229)

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When the Buddha Sangha established the first group, he noted that most institutions concerned to put some basic rules to ensure a life of true harmony between them increase agreed. Thus, he taught six measures need to remember or allow air six glasses. He advised his disciples to live together in happy harmony with each other as countries with milk, looked at each other with eyes full of sympathy. When the monks at Kosambi arguing, Buddha's rebuke was tough and outspoken.

God is all to taste great respect for them up, because they increase component represents "no war between war, calm the knife sticks". To like to see the sort of man who is winning twice, for his victory, victory to others, who, when reviled, reviled not again.

The Buddha advised the monks to make smart Jurisprudence lecture was shining with happy patience and harmony of their needs; should live a life of serene and calm, a really happy life, when feelings of you achieve peace, peace in ourselves, peace in the world.

* * *

Then Bhagavan told the monks: "Behold monks, had six this need in mind, creating solidarity, mutual respect form, leads to harmony, which leads to not argue, harmony consensus . What is six? At this point, these monks, monks from the body of an accommodation for the same qualities, both front and back. France should keep in mind, creating solidarity, create mutual respect, leading to harmony, which leads to not argue, harmony, consensus. Again, these monks, monks from the gate dwell from the mind of ... an administrative resident for the same qualities, both front and back. France should keep in mind, creating solidarity, mutual respect form, leads to harmony, which leads to not argue, harmony consensus. Again, this monks, to get proper legal resource, legal, until the resource in the bowl admitted only, not the monks who do not share the same resource get, must be common share for the same moral virtues are. Fa ... (as above) ... taken to not argue, harmony, consensus. Again, these monks, for the without violating the rule, not spotless, with no cloudiness, no inert impurities, liberation, is the location of praise, no attachments, leading to meditation, monks living in the gender achievement that law with the same qualities both front and back. ... French (as above) ... harmony, consensus. Again, these monks, with respect to knowledge, from the saint, possibly upstream direction, causing the practice to take away the suffering righteous, monks live achievements such knowledge, along with the same qualities, both front and back. France should in mind, creating solidarity, mutual respect form, leads to harmony, which leads to not argue, harmony, consensus. This monks, is this Friday, to remember, creating solidarity , made ​​up of mutual respect, leading to harmony, which leads to not argue, harmony, oneness of mind ". (I. 321 B Central)

"Hey Mr. Anuruddha how to live in harmony, rejoice together like water with milk, live at each other with eyes of sympathy?" - "Bach revered here we think as follows:" It interests me instead! It's rather smart for our benefit when we are living with the same qualities that? "White Exalted, so for this behavior are accomplices, the industry arises from the body, front and back, arises from the verbal front and back, I started that business from front and back. Bach revered, so we think as follows: "Let's give our heart and mind of living in accordance with Religion is the author. Exalted and transparency, you give your mind and living in the heart of the Sun was assumed. Revered Bach, by itself, but we like the one mind. "(I. 206 Central)

"Behold the ratio - monks, brothers think? While he lived competition, review competition and struggle, hurt each other with weapons mouth, while he was the resident has an issue from the body for the same qualities both in front and not behind? The teacher is an import from the residence for the same qualities, both in front and not behind? The teacher has an idea of ​​residence from the contract for Pham well both in front and behind you? " - "White Exalted, no." Thus, these monks, and he has accepted that, while he lived competition, review competition and struggle, hurt each other with weapons mouth, while the body was not an issue for residents from the virtues of both the front and back, not an issue for residents from the gates of the same qualities both front and back, not an administrative resident from that for the same qualities both before and after back. So this the other fools, so ignorant, so he lived to see what the competition, review pictures, fight and hurt each other with weapons mouth, and he is not self-understanding, and non-acceptance mediators. So this the other fools, I will have to bear the misery, suffering for a long time. "(321A-321B Central I.)

(To taste):
"War Tu-la Devas,
humans will make war,
not wars between aggression.
calm between the training staff,
does not allow the attachment,
so that the feast of them. " (Corresponding to I. 299 to 300)

Sakka king of gods speak this verse:

"The full strength,
poor bear the ring,
he called the supreme forbearance,
traders who weakness.
The power of fools,
is considered the power,
The strong force
is called weaker than the stars?
The strong upholding the law,
saying no response.
Being yelled at, scolded nhiec, the
evil bad worse.
Being scolded, do not bring
victory twice,
and won the Victory yourself. " (Corresponding to I. 280-281)
"Ba-la-subjects citizenship,
always live peacefully,
not pass the ball of desire,
bar food, not being medical or
any charity degenerations cessation,
mind subdued anguish,
citizenship live at peace,
harmony achieved Thoughts average ". (Corresponding to I. 265)
"Tathagata, enlightened,
compassion on all beings,
who refused to accept,
sin is revealed,
Places, popular anger,
Hatred as consistently tight.
I do not like hatred,
I plead guilty to Mr. ". (Corresponding to I. 29)

* *




Generally speaking, there are two classes of people in the world. Rank brawler who favored, favorite and tends to cause the war. There are categories of people tend to live in harmony, joy in friendships and tend to peace.

In the first class, can be sorted out evil, ignorance and class of people who live immoral. In the second class is graded out of good people, people with intellectual class, of people who live to conquer it.

Buddha clear classification between good and evil urge all his disciples do not do evil, do good and keep well clear mind. He knows that evil is easier, more difficult to heal, but the disciples to know to choose between evil and good, for evil to go to hell and take a lot of suffering, while steps will be to realms Compassion Heaven and enjoy happy life. Also ranks as the mountain snow glare compassion for his good deed. But the evil darkness covered the darting black night.

Therefore, the Buddha advised us not to make friends with evil, you sound just friendly. He stated that, if we want to live, we must avoid the evil as poison to avoid, because of a hand injury can not handle the poison without harm. Good level of French is not lost, but the healing to take place and lead happy healthy walk. The healthy happy to welcome people to heal the world come from this other world, as she welcomes you far from your loved ones to return.

So the question is clear and definitive. Evil and good are his by now created. Taken to fight evil, aggression and war. Also taken to improve harmony, friendship and peace.

* * *

"Do not do anything evil,
achievement and good behavior,
keep in mind that clean,
the words of Buddhas teachings. " (Dhammapada. 183)
"Easy to do evil,
And the bad thing itself,
also the interests and well,
It's hard to do the ultimate. " (Dhammapada. 163)
"Not to do evil deeds,
Done suffer consequences.
Compassion surely do well,
done, no repentance. " (Dhammapada, 314)
"Some students fetus.
Ke evil hell.
The good heavens,
Radio contraband of Nirvana. " (Dhammapada. 126)
"The good oil at a distance,
as clear as mountain snow,
Ke evil oil here,
also not seen,
darting black night. " (Dhammapada. 304)
"Who used the well-skilled,
professional Do blur the evil,
this life will be bright,
As clouds the moon exit. " (Dhammapada. 173)
"Do not be friends with you evil,
who shall not sub-human body,
Let your body healthy,
your body's upper ranks. " (Dhammapada. 78)
"At your path, more of,
people trafficking to avoid dangerous road,
To live, to avoid poisons,
Stay away from such evil. " (Dhammapada. 123)
"The hand is not injured,
may be held poison,
not poison avoid injury,
Do no evil ". (Dhammapada. 124)
"As king gorgeous car,
finally breaks the old,
then this body will age.
Only the Good law degree,
from being victims of aging.
So Chi Thien grade
level speaking up for compassion. ' (Dhammapada. 151)
"Customers long exile,
far from peaceful,
her children and friends,
welcome to celebrate. " (Dhammapada. 219)
"Also, the blessed career,
welcoming the healing,
one lifetime to another,
as family members welcome. " (Dhammapada. 220)
"Do your own evil doing,
do it yourself defiled.
not bad by themselves,
make themselves pure.
Thanh net, not pure,
all by himself himself,
serene No one. " (Dhammapada. 165)

* *

PRODUCT 2: fool and wise.

He saw the different attitudes of fools and wise for this world. Foolish passion, delusion and become slaves to this world. But the location does not have passionate, no attachment, and behave as the owner for life. But the Buddha's statement, fear, frustration arises only disastrous for the stupid, do not start up for a wise man, is a stern warning to us all. Then the Buddha continued to claim that fool conduct a self made an enemy. And when fame to fools, fools suffer misfortune and suffering. Wise action is different. Wise essential to the reporter who dat, who awakened the sleeping, moving like a horse, left after those foolish weakness. Ma and wise conquered Mara and redress justice center, meditation practice, perseverance, effort and thus enjoy the happiness of Nibbana. With his intellect, wise dazzling life consists of ordinary blind and stupid. Wise upright like a beautiful lotus-scented incense and identity, born from the pile of garbage thrown away on the main road. Happiness Nirvana Peace and happiness to the wise only, never to fools.

* * *

"Come look at this life,
Like cars splendid king,
who last stupid passion,
passionate rulers do. " (Dhammapada. 171)

"Behold monks, if there are afraid to start up, they start up for fool, not to the location. If there is anything disappointing start up, they start up for fool, do not arise for the location. If what a disaster arise, they arise for the fool, not to play. " (Central III. 188)

"The lack of intellectual stupidity,
Self is the enemy.
Do not good karma,
must bear bitter fruit. " (Dhammapada. 66)
"In itself under misfortune,
when title to the fools,
Transportation may be compromised,
brain tan head was crushed. " (Dhammapada. 72)
"Tinh need the rooms for installation,
Province of love between populations,
such as Wise and horse,
the horse Skip cowardly. " (Dhammapada. 29)
"As birds flying swans,
magic thrown in mid-air.
Victory Ma, Mara,
this wise escape death. " (Dhammapada. 175)
"Mind panic vibrations,
difficult holder, hard photography,
Wise and centered vertically,
as workers name, the name ". (Dhammapada. 33)
"A constant meditation practice,
often make an effort,
wise enjoy Nirvana,
Ace peace, supreme. " (Dhammapada. 23)
"As the sticky heap,
throwing them away on the main road,
thither lotus blossom,
Thom clean that person "(Dhammapada. 58)
"Also born between populations,
UE infections, blindness, secular,
intellectual disciple supreme,
Shining with wisdom. " (Dhammapada. 59)

* *

PRODUCT 3: THE LAND AND TIER Noble correspondents.

Buddha knows the mind of sentient beings trends. He knew that the foolish liberal professional life, let go of lung, but who does not mind the free land, such as preserving your assets. He therefore recommended that a place with no effort, no release dat, smart conquer, build yourself an island that can not be filled with flood water. Who lived before this life of immorality does not release this land will shine like the moon escaped death cloud.

For the Buddha, a winner of thousands of enemy soldiers in battle can not be compared with one who had his own victory, because that is his own winning the ultimate victory. A self-manage to his regular life. And a smart self managed and smart thing to become a fulcrum valid and reliable, it's hard to find. Those who are sitting alone, not independent of depression, self to know, such people can live comfortably in the jungle. Such a person will be the Master reliable, given that smart to subdue his own and then teach others to smart thing. Thus the Buddha advised everyone to take their own thing. Only the smart self, who does not know the release of new land route to terminate debate, arguing, aggression and learn to live in harmony, cordial and happy life in peace.

"They are ignorant, evil mind,
Specialist bohemian life.
The mind does not release dat,
As you hold the asset. " (Dhammapada. 26)
"The effort, no rooms for installation,
Self, smart tame,
rulers built the island,
filled with flood water is difficult. " (Dhammapada. 25)
"Who let live lung before,
not after living rooms for installation,
this life will shine
out as white cloud ". (Dhammapada. 172)
"Oil in the battlefield,
Wins thousands of enemy troops,
won his better self,
It's the ultimate victory. " (Dhammapada. 103)
"Self-better win,
win more than others.
The smart thing for her,
often self-managed life. " (Dhammapada. 104)
"I rely on my own,
Which is another fulcrum.
Thanks to its smart thing
To be the fulcrum is difficult. " (Dhammapada. 160)
"I protect themselves,
by themselves his refuge.
So let himself be subdued,
gentle horses as commercial customers. " (Dhammapada. 380)
"Who is sitting alone,
along the, not bored,
Self-recovery alone.
He was comfortable,
quiet in the woods. " (Dhammapada. 305)
"Let's make themselves,
as what we teach people.
Kheo self, the person,
rather difficult, self-recovery. " (Dhammapada. 159)
"A glass of water,
as the name adapter name Ke,
The carpenter tetanus,
Tier self, the body ". (Dhammapada. 145)


A: Anguttara Nikàya
Dhp: Dhammapada
E: Kiswahili
M: Majjhima Nikàya
P: Pali
S: Samyutta Nikàya
Chi Tang: Tang Bo Kinh Chi
Trung Bo: Bo Kinh Trung
Tuong young: young Bo Tuong Kinh

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