Sunday, 20 November 2011

9. empowerments and precepts of Tantric Spiritual Practice


Empowerment or wang (Tibetan: dBang, Sanskrit: abhisheka) is the transmission or introduction to awaken the esoteric wisdom, competence or awareness in the mind of the disciple. Discipline (Tibetan: Dam Tshig; Sanskrit: samaya) is trained to comply with the rules of tantra (tantra). To receive the empowerment and compliance with rules is a precondition of the Tantric Buddhist practice, including practice Ngundro. Get empowerment and responsibility to keep the rule is the creation of Tantric result, the growing power of the omniscient awareness seed of Buddhahood. These form Tantric path on which we come to the best achievements of bliss and emptiness. They are the result esoteric, or convictions, the essence of awareness and the Buddha nature products. One can feel the concept of empowerment and the rule here is very different from the precepts of Buddhism as appears teachers, but in fact is no different. In the exoteric, we speak of virtue and industry. What career? It is a chain of cause and effect or process. Also, we talk about the birth of grace, all the processes that operate over the causes and conditions. Empowerment and the tantric precepts based on the same principle. When you get transmission capacity and transmission security awareness empowerment, which acted as the cause, and if that conservation transmission by maintaining discipline, you will reach that goal as a result of it. Therefore, it is business results. This is not something based on a different principle, that it has a different character. In the Buddhist school, career and life of grace, the process of spiritual practice and results, as the process of growth of a tree. Plant lineage is, it works, it developed through a process, but it works less powerful, it's slower growth, less potential, and also less dangerous. But empowerment and gender is the same as current law, a process faster, more energy, power, more quickly and also much more dangerous. The term empowerment can also be translated as "ceremony subjects ". Receiving empowerment is the reception of esoteric, or secret communication, the transmission of Buddhist monks from a diamond, and that is the entrance of the path of tantra. It is also the wisdom-awareness and intellectual energy that everyone is available, like the light switch. To complete the path of esoteric wisdom and fullness awareness, the essence to maintain the continuity of the transmission capacity is to comply with the rules. A person with high intelligence is the ability to complete introductory the practice of tantric Buddhist empowerment by receiving. Then maintained for practicing and perfecting the tantric practice with dedication whole life, mind, awareness of their spiritual path through the most skillful of keeping discipline. According to Tibetan Buddhism, it means the most skillful and fast to reach Buddhahood. From the tantric practice is a transformation. Here, the meaning of the transformation is important. If not, especially in the inner tantra, like the conversion of iron into gold, turn bad to good; it is the conversion of existing phenomena into the true nature of it is true as it is available. When you receive the empowerment and compliance with the rules, what would be converted? The mean cover of cognitive and emotional distress will be cleansed, and the enlightened mind will shine by recognizing what you really are. Through the recognition of empowerment we recognize Buddha essence, it is called the primordial wisdom, sense of empowerment among us. By keeping the rule, we recognize and maintain the Buddha nature and achieved Buddha nature products, present in us from the beginning. Unlike nature we attain Buddha and the Buddha nature products from external sources; but rather the nature and the nature of products in our own presence, from the original obligation, are purified and refined.

THE PRODUCTS YOU On behalf of nature

Tantra teacher like his father in practice tantra. The teacher must be a full nature nature works, not just a regular preacher and scholar. Only perform the ceremony and will not talk enough. This can be just as performance or performance, and would just like a mirror. Teachers must demonstrate the qualities nature nature follows: 1. Teachers who have received the complete empowerments. If the empowerment of a particular text, before he himself must have received the empowerment of particular texts. If you do not receive the empowerment of this text, he can not do them, though they can be a great teacher. Even if you have received the empowerment of a high tantra and tantra texts is low, the teacher is not possible without the empowerment received transmissions of that particular text. 2. Teachers also have to be ordained and to comply with the rules. Even if you did not receive the empowerment that precept, not enough character product identifier. 3. Teachers must have knowledge of the unique tradition of separate lineage. Even though he may comply with the rules, but do not know very traditional song (Phyag-bZhes) of the lineage, he is not qualified nature nature. 4. Teacher must skillfully in performing ritual initiations. Even though a unique knowledge of the tradition and received initiations, if not done skillfully in the empowerment ritual, he is not qualified nature nature. 5. Teachers to improve or complete the recitation of mantra sadhana texts that special. For example, if the teacher made ​​Rigdzin Dupa empowerment, they must complete the chanting mantra 13 million times in strict retreat. These texts have different systems clearly defined number of chanting to complete the retreat. But that is an exception. In many cases it is difficult to meet this requirement. For example, the file Rinchen Terdzo hundreds of texts and sadhana, it's hard to find someone who has complete recitation of all of them. Nearly half a life-consuming to complete recitation of all of this text. Therefore, it is generally accepted that if a teacher has completed the recitation of an original tantra, such as Guhyagarbha-myjla-tantra, he will be able to implement empowerment to others. 6. Teachers must be unstained by the violation of any vows that. If he himself violated any rule or the original heavy crude which, like water in containers back, the kind of intellectual energy which he can transmit to others?

The nature of the mandala

Mandala or the altar, like the mother in the transmission or empowerment practice tantra. Regarding the transmission of empowerment, which is representing the deity assembly, complete in several different symbols of empowerment. Prior to the empowerment, teachers make their own deity sadhana without the presence of any disciples, to prepare themselves and the mandala symbol as the deity of wisdom, Mandala, and substance whether empowerment. In the implementation of the preparation known as empowerment (dBang sGrub), the teacher works full esoteric nature as holy mandala mandala symbol of the deity practice. In each empowerments empowerments many different materials (dBang rDzas), and each material has a symbolic meaning and different capacity blessing of teachers. There are four main Mandala internal tantra empowerment: empowerment vase, Confidential, Intelligence, and Language. 1. Reviews of The Mandala empowerment (Bum dBang) is the body mandala. The Binh on empowerment, we often use a bottle. However, in the true sense, represents the average for the entire mandala of the deity. It is the empowerment of the body or the physical realm of the deity, and therefore it represents all the material aspects of the mandala, including the deities, the castle and poetic. Body has three categories: high-level introductory Mandala jar is the mandala itself - physical and psychological aspects of family practitioners are the intellectual, the mandala of the deity of our true nature. Mandala average level of introductory bottle is a mandala is drawn. Mandala's low introductory bottle is a sand mandala. 2. Mandala empowerment of Secrets (gsang dBang) is the relative bodhicitta, pure translation. 3. Empowerment mandala of wisdom (Sher dBang) is the spouse and shower her secret. 4. Mandala empowerment of Other Languages ​​(Tshig dBang) is absolute wisdom, enlightened mind, which is the highest sense of empowerment purposes.

THE PRODUCT nature of Quaternary

Disciple esoteric like child's father (teacher) and parent (mandala) in tantric practice. There are five essential products of a nature nature tantric practitioners. 1. He should have the confidence, trust or honesty. If there is no trust or honesty, you do not have a pot to take any kind of blessing do. You are not a reservoir for the esoteric achievements. 2. Should be practiced diligently. If you are not diligent, then even if you have received empowerments will not be protected transmission capacity and effort towards goal. 3. He should persevere in meditation. Even if you are patient, if not meditate you will not progress or there are many benefits. 4. He should perform sadhana, meditation rituals and tantric phase of development and completion stages to achieve results. No doubt meditating on the means of the fund is not achieved. 5. He should keep the rules and discipline to help maintain and improve the transmission of esoteric wisdom, to reach results.

Classification of empowerment

Empowerment are classified into the cause of empowerment, empowerment and the empowerment of the way of results. But there are two different ways in the delimitation of what is the cause of empowerment, or the result path. Although there are two classifications of this empowerment, but there was no way this story is true and better, while the other is wrong because they are different. These classifications are based on different aspects. For example, you can classify people as high or low or it may be classified as young or old. These two classifications are not contradictory but based on different criteria. [The following is the definition of one:] 1. The presence of the Buddha nature and Buddha nature in our products is the cause of empowerment. Buddha nature is not something outside or by the teacher gave you. Rather, the teacher helps you through the empowerment to realize or awaken your intellectual property and always available. 2. Aspects of transmission performance ritual initiations by the teacher and meditation on the transmission process by which a student empowerment path. 3. Transmitted and received path, he should improve as the four Buddha and Buddhist intelligentsia. This is empowerment results. Monday classification system is as follows. 1. Empowerment given to the disciples previously unexploited interest is classified as empowerment causes. 2. Empowerment given to the disciples to develop or improve failure recovery vows damage is classified as empowerment path. When you have not previously received empowerments which was first realized it would be the cause of empowerment, since empowerment becomes a cause, a beginning of your tantric practice. For example, if you have never received Rigdzin Dupa empowerment and today you get it, this will be a empowerment causes. But when you receive it to help improve and restore degraded damage vows, it became empowerment path. 3. Empowerment given to the disciples ready to finally achieve success and help them achieve the end result is classified as empowerment outcome, because they bring the final result. If the omniscient, you do not need empowerment. But before reaching full enlightenment, you need to receive empowerment to help you initiate or enhance spiritual awareness. The classification of this empowerment depends on the recipient rather than the self-empowerment or teacher.


We often wonder about the benefits that would have been if we receive empowerment. There are three main benefits are listed in the text. 1. Highest efficiency of empowerment is to help you recognize the primordial wisdom, sense of empowerment. If you are a gifted and having everything perfect, while you will realize the empowerment primordial wisdom, the meaning or the true purpose of empowerment, the real goal of spiritual practice. 2 . The average efficiency of empowerment is to help you develop communication experience joy, and not-concept clarity. 3. Lower efficiency of empowerment is to start up the confidence in the perception of three gate of yourself (body, speech and mind) as the body, speech and mind of the deity you. That is the distinction of three performance Results are recorded in the texts, but all three seem too lofty or difficult for many of us to achieve the empowerment. My own feeling is that when we receive an empowerment, even if we do not have any one of three types of experience, then as long as we have peace, joy, or devotion to an open mind , serene, calm and quiet, this will become a blessing transmission of the teacher and you deity, and it will establish a connection with a tantric practice specific. Therefore, we should feel lucky. Also when we receive transmissions from a true master, at least, we also received permission to study and practice of a particular doctrine. We can not even get the lowest efficiency, but we should still be proud of their good fortune.


Empowerment involves two aspects: first of two causes, and then the four conditions. The two causes and meet four conditions to complete the requirements of an empowerment. The causes are enumerated as follows: 1. Cause like (collectively or jointly) (mTshung lDan rGyu Gyi) is the presence of nature as the essence of Buddhist practitioners, freedom from artifacts from the original obligation. It is also present in the nature of aggregation (five aggregates) five elements (five age) and five emotions as the five Buddhas and five male and female primordial wisdom of our true nature. 2. Contributing cause (Lhan Chig Byed Pa'i rGyu) is the object had been blessed of initiations, such as pots, pictures, crown, etc. .. These conditions include the following: 1. Conditions cause (rGyu'i rKyen), which is receptive disciples, have faith, there are three kinds of hard (in his duties, and the two others), and keep the rules. 2. Given the right conditions (bDag Po'i rKyen), which is fully qualified teacher learning in nature has aspects of tantra: (a) calculated as the market of self - awareness of emptiness, (2) the as marketing of the deity - the recognition of three doors, three Vajra, (c) calculated as the market of tantra - the fullness of the two phases, stages of development and perfection, as well as four activities: ie peace , gain, powerful, and anger, (d) calculated as the market's chanting - chanting the mantra is complete, and (e) calculated as of the release of export market withdrawal and collection of blessed light in meditation . 3. Conditions subject to objective observation (dMigs rKyen), which is intellectual recognition of the teacher (knowledge) of the ritual, the deity, mantra, and the contemplation of empowerment. 4. Conditions directly before (De Ma rKyen Thag), which is the empowerment before because it opens up opportunities for empowerment serial.

ACTUAL empowerment

In general, each section includes the empowerment of preparation, the chief holidays and the end. Part preparation has two aspects: penetration outside and inside. Part festival district has two aspects: the year of the five empowerments usual four empowerments of the Buddha and not common. And then the empowerment end. All tantra empowerment of local need will not cover every aspect, and some may be more, but they will be done in the most complex empowerment.


1. The entry begins with the outside door to the church and gargle with holy water to remove impurities, and ending with flowers sprinkled on the mandala to determine your family's Buddhist. 2. Penetration inside the navigation starts with flower crown deity back to you by the teacher, is symbolized by the Lama scatter rice, and ends with the display of the mandala.


The main part of the empowerment of Kriyyoga will consist mainly pots and empowerment crown. If the empowerment of Charyyoga will have five years of the Buddha empowerment. If the empowerment of Yogatantra, will include five years of the Buddha empowerment, the empowerment of the deity you, and the empowerment of the teacher's activities. On the inner tantra, Mahyoga, Anuyoga and Atiyoga, in addition Five years of the Buddha empowerment, etc. .. empowerment also includes four non-proliferation. All internal tantra empowerments are included four non-proliferation. So, the special Atiyoga What? With Dzogpa Chenpo, special emphasis is on empowerment uncommon Wednesday, empowerment mouth. Many of us have received empowerments Nyingthig Yazhi (sNying Thig bzhi Ya). It has a detailed Anuyoga empowerment with four aspects: empowerment details, simple, simple and absolutely simple. empowerments uncommon Wednesday introduced directly to your inner awareness, the nature Buddhist. In Mahyoga and Anuyoga tantra, empowerment uncommon Wednesday to introduce you to great bliss, the meaning of wit, which arise as a result of Tuesday empowerment, in which the practitioner recognize mental icon congenital (dPe'i Ye Shes) through the path of skillful means in the contract based on publications (Mudra). In the fourth empowerment, through relying on the experience of empowerment Tuesday, the authors recognize the direct sense of wit (Don Gyi Ye Shes). Thus, Wednesday's empowerment and Anuyoga Mahyoga tantra is different than the empowerment of Atiyoga Wednesday.

DISSEMINATION IN THE FIVE empowerment transmitter

By year five empowerments of the popular Buddhist practitioners receive capacity to metabolize ordinary nature of their products into the Buddha nature products. 1. The comments by the practitioner empowerment metabolism aggregate of consciousness (of) the Buddha Akshobhya (Real Estate), elements of nowhere (not great) the consort of His anger and feelings of legal wisdom gender (dharmadhtu) about the nature or location France. 2. By empowerment crown, he transformed the practice of feeling (feeling) of the Buddha Ratnasambhava (maternity), the element of water (water agency) to his consort and the feelings of intellectual arrogance equality Equality identity or location. 3. By Vajra empowerment practitioners aggregation transformation of the concept (idea) of the Buddha Amitbha (A-di-da), the wind factor (magnification) to his consort and the emotional desire to measure intellectual particular position or observations. 4. By Bell empowerment practitioners aggregation of metabolic formation (of) the Buddha Amoghasiddhi (Real No Achievement), element of fire (fire college) to his consort and feelings of hostility to intellectual The achievement of all or location of work. 5. By Name empowerment practitioners of body metabolism aggregation (identity) of the Buddha Vairochana (Lo Price Na), soil factors (local university) to his consort and emotional confusion into wisdom reflects all both as example or general officer position.

Four empowerments uncommon

1. The bottle with the empowerment practitioners receive the blessings of the Buddha's Vajra body, bodily purification and obscuration of the practitioner channels and achieve or set the foundation for achieving perfect way to accumulate, Vidydhara state of rest, and Nirmnakya. 2. By secret empowerment practitioners receive the blessings of the Buddha's Vajra language, verbal and purify the obscurations of wind power and reach of the practitioner or the foundation for achieving complete path application, the state of Vidydhara control over their lives and Sambhogakya. 3. By wisdom empowerment practitioners receive the blessings of the Buddha's Vajra mind, purify the mind and the obscuration of the industrial nature of the author and get or set the foundation for achieving perfect way to observe, status of the delegates present and Dharmakya Vidydhara. 4. By Mouth empowerment practitioners receive the blessings of the Buddha's Vajra mind, purify the karma of the universal platform and the obscuration of intelligence practitioners and achieved the foundation for achieving complete nine stages of the path of meditation, the state of natural Vidydhara Svabhvikakya achievements.


After receiving an empowerment from the tantric master, he should maintain awareness by means of spiritual or view, experience, perception of tantra and life in accordance with the teachings. These compliance rules (samaya). It is the continuity of spiritual attainment and deepest of esoteric practitioner, received while empowerment.


In Buddhism, there are three separate major precepts of bohemian or (sDom Pa). The first is the rules of the Vinaya, the bohemian of Buddhist monks and laymen secular. Vinaya Vinaya rules mainly about themselves. Monday is the Bodhisattva precepts. The practice is based on a wish to maintain and dedication to serve all sentient beings do not have any interest any. Therefore, the Bodhisattva precepts mostly mental. Tuesday is the esoteric precepts. This rule is based on raw intelligence duties. Upon receipt of empowerment, one should understand and realize the meaning of empowerment is wisdom, and then maintain that intellectual discipline by maintaining purity. So intellectual obligation to maintain discipline is esoteric reasons. As such, Vinaya rules mainly based on the conduct of body, gender based Bodhisattva based on mental attitude, and tantric sex based obligation based on raw intelligence, pure awareness.


There are differences when you get many different disciplines. In the Vinaya or practice of the Bodhisattva, the texts explaining the rules and practices that are learned first, then the practitioner to decide whether the ordination. But in the esoteric, first received empowerments, and then the school. According to tradition, he should not be seen, read or heard anything about tantra until receiving transmissions by introduction into the bile tone. Here, one can doubt, "How can I receive esoteric rules that do not know about them?" That's the core! Tantric only for special preparation and without a doubt. Tantric is not for people who do not know whether or not prepared. In tantra, after you have received empowerments conservation rules. It has potential benefits and harms powerful. On receipt of empowerment, the student must have special skills, the teacher is an enlightened and blessed mandala as intellectual material. When there is a combination of three products of this nature, there is no need to go through the previous process and then decisions made ​​or not. Being ready means to be admitted to tantra.


There are many discipline categories. In the inner tantra, tantra same for both new and old, have fourteen fundamental breach (or destruction of basic, rTsa lTung), and eight violations of crude (or destruction of secondary, sBom Po).


After going to the local practice tantra, we must refrain from violation of any of the fourteen following basics: 1. Despised teacher that you have received transmission tantra. 2. Violation of rules regulated by the Buddha. 3. Vajra angry with your brothers. 4. Desire to harm or to give love to any living being. 5. Abandon the Bodhi mind, the mind thinking to benefit others. 6. Ridicule religions or sects, as Hinayana, Mahayana, Hinduism, Catholicism, or any other religious tradition. 7. Communications secret esoteric doctrine for the immature. If anyone is ready to begin teaching you the secret, but if he is not prepared traditional teachings that you will harm yourself and others, because they will misunderstand and abuse. 8. Do these five pain of your own body, which is a refuge of the Buddhas. The meditator should not abuse my body to take care of it. 9. There are doubts about the nature pristine purity, as well as doubts about the platform, path, and the results. 10. Failing to exorcize the forces of compassion because negative downturn. You can perform the exorcism to help people. As you know, in a previous life the Buddha was a man killed to save others, and this makes him the merit is multiplied. This is not typical of tantric practice which is a public practice. But to perform the exorcism, you must have a high ability and achievement, not a normal person. 11. The concept of the legal world, the ultimate field, which is beyond all concepts. 12. Harm the heart of devotees, that hurt the feelings of religious belief. 13. Not enjoy the property of the rule. This means that refuse to accept the assets of the rule, as in nectar, a party matter, and other esoteric material, a non-discrimination. 14. Ridicule or contempt for women, which is the nature of intelligence.


After going into the inner tantra, we should refrain from violating any of the eight crude violations following: 1. There is usually a spouse, has not been entered into the path of esoteric subjects. 2. To receive nectar from an improper source, a spouse is not esoteric introduction. 3. Do not hide the secret symbol of esoteric channels with irrelevant, subjects who did not enter. 4. The verbal harassment, the body in the assembly as the tantric ritual feast offering. 5. Not telling the truth or do not teach people proper channels, but tell that to someone else. For example, if someone is a suitable channel for Atiyoga but put the teachings of the sutra (teaching tone). 6. Stay in a group lacking respect the views and practices of esoteric than seven days. The important point is that you should always check and evaluate what is best. 7. Pretend you are a braggart Vajradhara (tantric teachers) of tantra with pride, even though you do not have such wisdom. 8. Bringing people secret teachings that had previously received secret teachings that there is no trust.


For subjects who were entered into the practice of Dzogpa Chenpo, it is important to follow the precepts and particularly popular following to maintain and perfect for meditation and awareness of them.


Common category is about twenty-eight, divided into two groups. The first group of twenty-seven world in terms of external, internal, and the secrets of body, speech and mind of the teacher or principal Lama. The whole world is one of the measures of teacher tantric mandala. Every aspect outside, inside and secretly divided further into those aspects of external, internal, and less secrecy. About twenty-eight last Monday, is set as the collection of branching rules. First, the original twenty-seven precepts (rTsa lTung): A. The rules on teacher's Body Original 1. Secrets of the curb outside the slaughter. 2. Inside the outer curb misconduct. 3. Outside the outer curb theft. 4. Outside the control of the party in contempt for their parents, their brothers and sisters. 5. Inside the control of the party in disregard of the Dharma symbol. 6. Secrets of the interior is lightly restrain the body themselves, as this is the mandala of the deity. 7. The secret of secrets is to control the ball even step on the teacher. 8. Inside the secret is to refrain from harassing the teacher or spouse of the Vajra brothers, even joking. 9. Outside of the secret is to refrain from beating Vajra brothers. B. The rules of language teacher's Original 10. Outside the outer control lie. 11. Inside the curb outside the division said. 12. Secrets of a curb outside a vulgar saying. 13. Outside the party in control is the lack of respect to the teachings. 14. Inside the party in control is the lack of respect to people who are reflecting on the Dhamma. 15. Secrets of the party in control is the lack of respect to people who are meditating on the absolute nature. 16. Inside the secret is to refrain from making fun of your partner teacher. 17. Outside of the secret is to control the Vajra brothers mocked. 18. The secret of secrets that you refrain from mocking him. C. The Italian rules on teacher's Original 19. Outside the outer refrain from greed. 20. Inside the outer refrain from malice. 21. Secrets of the external restraint is not wrong. 22. Outside of the refrain in a depraved act. 23. Inside the control of the interior is quiet and hand over the election in the meditation. 24. The secret of control from inside the depraved perspective. 25. Outside the control of the secret is not to think about the teacher and her partner during the last full day and night. 26. Inside the secret is not to refrain from thinking about the deity during his last full day and night. 27. The secret of secrets is not refrain from thinking about the comments, meditation, the last time a full day and night. Monday the twenty-fifth branch rules (Yan Lag): A. In disciplines where the practitioner should make use of skillful means extraordinary one. Elimination [free] or exorcism. The main objective of this implementation is to remove the clinging to ego and ignorance in the minds of the authors identify, and remove them from the minds of others through works of compassion. 2. Merge. This has two aspects, relative and absolute. Aspect is the relative combination of material, which brings bliss, the symbol of intellectual resources responsibilities. Absolute aspects of meditation and recognize the unity of form and emptiness, that arise directly higher absolute bliss. 3. The items are not for, when the goal is greater. 4. Lying for the sake of others. 5. Purposes of worship lead others to Dharma. B. Men do not give up: In this case we do not talk about their feelings generally, which is the energy with pure intention. 6. Do not give up desire - the desire to all mothers beings with compassion. 7. Do not give up hatred - hatred that removes wrong. 8. No waiver of ignorance - ignorance is not thought to distinguish because of the ease of recognition of reincarnation and Nirvana. 9. No waiver of pride - pride in the confidence that has seen equal. 10. No waiver of envy - envy not admit that the views and activities in the field of duality of ultimate nature. If you envy, you will not want to anyone in the door. Likewise, not to envy the duality into the realm of ultimate nature. C. In world of adoption: This expression constitutes anything without distinction. 11. Accepting assignment (purysha). 12. Accept the urine (mtra). 13. Accept the blood (rakta). 14. Accept meat (mmsa). 15. Acceptance of semen (shukra). D. In recognition of the pure world 16. In aggregate (five aggregates) as the five Buddhas of the Five Buddha. 17. Five factors (age five) as in the female partner of the five Buddhas. 18. In five subjects felt as female Bodhisattva. 19. In five senses as male Bodhisattvas. 20. In colors as in primordial wisdom. E. In the world of achievements: Through the years the capacity of previous knowledge as to realize these five are the five Buddhas, which is achieved the status of the Five Buddha. 21. The achievements of the Buddha. 22. The achievements of the Diamond. 23. The achievements of the Security. 24. The achievements of the Lotus. 25. The achievements of the Operational.


Do Dzogpa Chenpo recognize and maintain awareness of it, he should keep these rules in particular - Reviews, meditation and practice of Dzogpa Chenpo, which is spontaneously accomplished, the whole, pass through and exit summary concept of experience, discrimination and limited. That's four special rules and Thogal Thregcho in Dzogpa Chenpo. Thregcho The world's first not exist (Med Pa). Dzogpa Chenpo with a view to avoiding or rejecting. This rule does not imply recognition of the self that exists beyond the violation by the knowledge, experience, or awareness to recognize the intrinsic purity of the four principles. 2. All around (Phyal Ba): By maintaining the essence, nature and compassion through meditation natural four (Chos bZhag bzhi) of Thregcho, all hundreds of thousands of rules will be improved, like hundreds of water is a bridge across. The world of Thogal 3. Unique (gchig pu). Thanks to a special reception transmission of Dzogpa Chenpo, he should obtain the complete cycle of reincarnation and nirvana as one, and it pervades all phenomena exist only through the power of inner awareness. 4. Natural Innovations (Lhun Grub). If one has complete awareness of Dzopa Chenpo, when actually give platform to harm others, he has perfected the Vinaya rules compliance. As a practitioner of non-conceptual compassion for all living beings are not aware, he has developed for the benefit of thinking others should have completed the Bodhisattva precepts. Because the practitioner has completed the internal sensory nature, should have complete tantric precepts. Such a person has completed all the rules with a unique identifier.


He Panchen Pema Wangyal summary of the esoteric rules in the following lines. In short, if you realize the body (ie body, speech and mind) as three of Vajra (body, speech and mind of the deity). Then compliance with hundreds of thousands of millions of esoteric disciplines are included in this recognition. There are many different categories of rules. What I offer here is the main rule in particular about tantra (tantric) and Dzogpa Chenpo (Great Perfection). If you study the various tantra, tantra, each discipline has its own system. But in essence, if you can maintain awareness and pure, all esoteric disciplines are included in it. See all phenomena as Buddha, found that every word as mantra, the pure language of the Buddha, and to recognize the mind as the Buddha's enlightened mind is pure awareness. But maybe this is too deep for us. Just a thought respect to any phenomenon, anything in front of us, that is pure awareness. Obtaining such pure perception, there is a positive, always with compassion and respect, that is all that covers all the tantric precepts. At the end of the implementation of empowerment Longchen Nyingthig , Dodrupchen Kyabje Rinpoche gave us the essence of the discipline to maintain. He said: "There are fourteen rules as violating basic, but it is important and also easy to implement, you must have a good relationship between student and teacher; good relationship between you and the people around, close to you. If you get angry, do not express [anger]. If someone becomes ill or encounter any difficulties, please try to help them. " This is a set practical and popular on the show, behave and live with rules, and it is the discipline of tantra. Last year, when we gathered for a weekend of meditation on compassion, most people are interested and benefited by it. But some people think that compassion is not Dzogchen and that's not enough "high", and it is not emotional or traditional practices of Tibetan Buddhism. Type meditators rhetoric that suggests that our tolerance would lows despite how well the direction of compassion and chanting the title of Avalokiteshvara. No trace of the open university that Dzogpa Chenpo . The problem is we do not look at ourselves, we do not see where you stand and our situation is. Life is revered pure awareness, and compassion that is open or expansion process. Living respect and compassion towards people or things around you, with whom you treat with the breath and flesh, is turn the practice into practice the spiritual life and truth. Think about the attitude or feeling we have with each individual. We often feel "better because I have more money, higher position, more handsome, more beautiful, etc. .. He or she inferior to me." It is arrogance. We have instant fresh feeling bitter and think: "He or she better than me." It's jealousy. But if we think: "He or she was so happy to know how, there is more progress than I am. I'm happy for them." That is the heart rejoice. It is a testament to the practice of Dhamma our progress. If while still keeping all of our negative feelings that we talk about serving the whole world and people in distant continents, the people have the right sense would laugh at us . If you really want to help others must first start with ourselves and then to those around her. You might think that when Rinpoche said, let's respect and kindness to each other, it is not a doctrine and do not have any esoteric meaning, just as social ethics. But if we can use it with most of the esoteric meaning. Kind and helping others typical of the Vinaya rules, bohemian life of the body. It consists of the bodhisattva precepts because the interests of others. Homage a manifestation of esoteric disciplines, with pure awareness. So, the good, the help and respect other people are essential in the esoteric disciplines.


If we violate any rule that, then we should do? We should correct mistakes through the practice of purification, such as Vajrasattva ritual. Any type of practices which Ngundro, life refuge, Bo-developmental problems, or mandala offerings will be strong in the purification of negative karma; that the chanting and meditation of Vajrasattva is unique and particularly in purifying negative karma and the trace negative emotions, help restore and strengthen our discipline. Regarding the practice of purification that is necessary to complete the four capacities (sTobs bzhi): 1. Capacity support (rTen Gyi sTobs). We need someone, a force of enlightenment, to rely on. Since we are still dualistic mind and judge, so we need to help themselves a higher power with which to rely. We must believe in the capacity to support, in this case is Germany Vajrasattva. 2. Capacity regret (Sun 'Byin Pa'i sTobs). We should attack his misdeeds with strong regret what I did, just like people mistakenly drank poison. Without regret, we would not want to hand at acting bad because we will not feel any negative side of us. For some people, killing an insect also makes them feel bad. For some people, even the killing of many people who can only make them feel complacent. The ability to reverse the negative of life we can not rely on anything we do, that the perception of our work out why. Thus, the regret is very important in changing attitudes and processes of life. 3. Capacity commitments (sDom Pa'i sTobs). We should make a vow, a promise, no matter how well does not violate again. People think: "I do not want to give any commitment, because the commitment is made ​​the starting point of the offense committed." But if we do not make commitments you will not have anything to breach. Scriptures say that making vows is important, because a rise vows determination and strong will is not repeated bad behavior. 4. Detoxification capacity (gNyen Po'i sTobs). This is the capability of the method to purify the impure. In this case, is or sdhana practice (sadhana) of Germany Vajrasattva, which we purify traces of bad karma, emotional habits of evil, the nectar of the blessings of unity male and female Buddha Vajrasattva. The support, regret, promise, and then the actual purification - four very important ways. Generally, the Vinaya, if you break the precepts, if you cancel any of the four forbidden sex basics, you will not be able to recover them. Bodhisattva's possible recovery through the power of yourself and others. In tantra, the rule can be recovered by the practice of your own. Therefore, these rules may be canceled of recovery, and they will recover by using the four capacities. About pure and perfect law, the continuity of intellectual and esoteric capacity, and the main focus of tantric practice. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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