Desire not chase the French practice; to pursue desire is to practice Dharma. Things as simple as that. All the essential meaning of opening the doors for the holy Dharma, the teachings derived from the metal gate of Kadampa geshe - what they had to practice and experience - is cut off eight worldly, take exit to be attached to this life. Whether you practice French or not, evil thoughts of the eight worldly is the source of all obstacles and problems. Everything from unwanted thoughts about these eight worldly. When you are told to give up desire, you feel like you can be sure is to sacrifice your happiness. You give up desire, and you are not happy and nothing. Just be you. Your desire was confiscated; your stolen happiness, and you see empty, like a ball was deflated. You feel like thetrai heart no longer in your body again, as if you had lost your life.
That's because you do not understand the mistakes of the desire. You do not realize that the nature of desire is suffering. Desire itself is a mind suffering, sickness. Because of desire, the mind generates the illusion, and you may not realize that there is a happiness, a true happiness.
nhukhi desire Such an object and its beneficiaries, you assign to this experience is "happy." It appears to you as happy, but in reality, only ladau suffering. When you just do the action, such as eating, your happiness has not increased but decreased. When your stomach is full, then your happiness into suffering pain. Before we see the nature of the act of suffering, it seems to be happy, but when he realized it, it becomes hard suffering. When pain khokhong recognized emotions are attributed to the "pleasure" and appear as pleasures, but when you continue to act, feelings gradually become painful.
The peace that you experience by desire to abandon you to the Nirvana, the state is not suffering. This peace is the absence of desire, allowing you to fully developed to achieve enlightenment. You can experience this peace permanently. Right from your first to free themselves from thinking about the legal world, from the desire, you begin to develop peace in the continuity of your mind, and you finally experience it permanently.
If you feel that by sacrificing your desire is to sacrifice your happiness and there's nothing you, remember that all your problems is based on the desires and thoughts about the legal world. Do not know the nature of desire is suffering, you may not realize that there is a better happiness. You do not sacrifice thenhan that by thinking about the legal world through your mind free from desire, you have real peace, real happiness. Happiness does not depend on any object external senses; it was developed in your own mind. With your mind, you can develop this peace.
nhuban example is a skin disease that makes you itch. To relieve itching, scratching a lot to you that you are in pain. Rather than assigning marks for pleasure alleviates itch that scratching action gives you, not what the disease did better than I? Abandoning illnesses better why not? Having desire is like having this skin disease.
If there is no desire there would be no cause for any problems arising from the desire. There will be no progress. If we do not have this body, there is no birth and death, which was created by the industry and have delusions and delusions of seed contamination, we will not experience the hot and cold, hunger, and all dekhac problem. I will not have to worry about the existence of one, or spend too much time and money to take care of our body. We are busy just to keep this body for good looks. From the hair down to our toes, we tried very much to adorn this body. I too wasted our precious human life in it. However, when you get sick, even if the medication is not always possible for you to heal. So, no body, no mortal is no better than I? Then you will not experience all these problems.
There is no desire, you will have a lot of peace of mind - a peace that can be developed and completed. This work is the end. Search pleasures of life and death in the reliance on the external object of desire is a task without end. No matter how much work you do aimed dichdo item, it could be at an end. Like ocean waves appear after the other tranches, the work that never ceased.
First, the happiest time, is something dependent on the external sense objects, in the nature is suffering; and design, whether you do, there was no way naode finished work to achieve temporary happiness. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).QUANG TUE LIEN.( TSERING DOLMA).TAM NHU.LE VINH=( TAM THANH PARENTS).
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