Sunday 17 June 2012



We often hear Buddhists vow that "psychological obstacles except May afflictions, may attain wisdom buried willow .... "So what are eight chapters? What is sorrow? Intellectual work and how?
eight chapters translated from Pali: Tayo kiñcana. Three things that are greed, hatred, and ignorance . Eight chapters are sometimes called three real virtue . The third obstacle is the cause of all suffering beings and makes immersed in the cycle of birth and death. Results caused by eight chapters called Sorrow. Only the intellectual comprehension of the truth of things can kill the three obstacles and be rid of negativity.
Join Tennis Si in each living being existing in two forms: Turkish generals and subtle. So let us turn to analyze each real form of every virtue and how to remove it.
1 - First of all is Join distention . Crude form of minister, taking out with many expressions or gestures different attitudes, making other people can see, as the act of stealing, alcohol, sexual misconduct. Subtle form, participation becomes a latent in the subconscious minds of all beings, often referred to as free lobes. We can hardly recognize the potential of taking subtle mind. But so that it has created the effects for the process of liberation.
To eliminate rough part of the general interest, not morality, Buddhist and giving. When the precept not to steal, not misconduct ... we have to take to prevent heart smoke out using gestures or vulgar behavior. More positive, we practice charity for mental development generous sacrifice. Whereby instead of greed plundered the wealth of others, we help, to proclaim to the people.
We can steal to charity is not? That, is not encouraging, for generous altruism can not evolve to where the main interest perfected by greedy and selfish. So while the charity and morality, we must have a clear idea that craving is expected soon to be eradicated.
For the Location subtle, we must use to prepare for meditation and wisdom to the Removal.
2 - Second floors . Crude form of walls, floors, exposed out by actions, speech or the identity of each person can make others see, as the gray face, the heart beats stronger than, muscle contraction and aerobic dynamic and therefore heat of the moment that often quarrels, beatings, brats ...
Tennis detect subtle form of potential, hardly recognizable. Sometimes the excuse of not knowing what we feel depressed sad without understanding why. The sentiment appeared feeble that we can only feel a vague way, or even can not recognize. However, there are subtle forms of mind that airport at least we have attained Arhat can be eradicated.
Want to rough treatment of the field generals mind, we must keep the world, especially the no killing and no bad language, behavior, patience and compassion. Patience is not the patient as an external pressure, which is an attitude where knowledge comes from the heart to try to stay calm, unaffected by the challenge words, lashing criticism, or review dam of others.
On the other hand, we must develop compassion. Buddha taught us the undeniable truth is that: 'Hatred is never extinguished hatred, only compassion overcome hatred. "
For Tennis subtle, we resorting to methods of meditation with the mind from the title, that is neutral to the fresh, gentle, to others, pray for others happily, even with our enemies we are also happy. More ultimate, we must use care to legal methods of Buddhist insight to analyze the activity of the heart's deepest, exposing the subtle concept pitch to eliminate.
3 - Finally, the Si distention . General form of raw, si evident through actions and words of fools. These people are often their conservative ideas, stubbornness, prejudice, bigotry, comprehension of the slow, dull and ignorant face. Their opinions are often wrong, which means betray the truth.
Under subtle forms, ignorance is not actually identify the real property of things. Confusion often exists in the form of subtle deep rooted in the life damnation. It has both a driving force supporting the attachment and anger. Craving of sensual attachment, craving to be present and craving for that "death is the end" is the embodiment of ignorance in the realms of samsara.
general method for rough treatment of heart si is improved by learning the knowledge, practices, knowledge by reflection. A study by know, listen, reflect on the principles that can improve their knowledge to similar kinds of crude si gradually mind.
For the Si subtle, we had to use a development method by intellectual practice. Practice here refers to two aspects of meditation is "Only" and "Quan". "Only" helped pave the way for pure heart "Quan", and brainstorm directly get at the truth wins.
greed, hatred and delusion as the name of it: eight chapters, has impeded progress on the resolution being drainage. Like to extinction three real virtue of this, Buddhists have always tried to persevere never back down.
a spaceship to the moon to go through a journey to distant and dangerous, if the non- skillful practitioner does not control, the scientists miscalculated a glass a moment, would not go to the target spacecraft, scientists do not reach the goals that the astronauts are in danger to life. Yet also not dangerous and difficult by those who come from parents to the sensory terminals. They must pass a long journey is not calculated by year, by month, and faces a stormy waves, always intrinsic in themselves. So, if they persevere, ardent, if the boat About-The-Hue their unsustainable, permanent, then how to overcome suffering damnation tank?
thorns often deterred those who lack the but it is mind casting material calcined spirit who persist, such as mud make more pure lotus flavor, making the stones more sweet grapes. Do not mourn that "other star rose too many thorns, spines only on the other side not afraid to get roses. If you are sure that the end of religious paths have a fresh flower petal Radio intellectual advantage, radiating from the fragrant, ready waiting and it was more shy, we do not rush to shorten the distance for early Duo c welcome How Udumbara great flower? . "
In short, to eliminate karma and afflictions, to have been buried willow wisdom, we must be diligent, persistent under About-The-Hui, the only route being taken from parents to sensory terminals. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.( TAM THANH ).MHDT.18/6/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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