Sunday 3 June 2012



One of the temple's favorite word used is "Development Center" or "play the Mind", that same word "voluntary" or "voluntary".
a job voluntarily with the following characteristics . First, it arises from our mind to do, not by the pressure of circumstances to promote (a debt, of love that goes from obstacles such, are not called "Development Center" to be ordained) . Monday when the work was carried out, because it is not governed merit blame, not so hard, which move on. Tuesday we ready for the consequences whether good or bad, honor or shame in the sight galaxy. Finally, as an arrow shot out, how well win a seat, earnestly mind voluntary work, too, when he found out the work will be completed soon, not in this life, there lives, not later public life is a rose.
nouns found out such care means "play the Mind" shortened. Bodhicitta is the mind for the supreme position of the Buddhist sense, fully three intellectual virtues are faith, virtue and grace the faith. Faith is not intellectual ignorance. Paragraph faith is run out of affliction. An ethics for the benefit of all beings.
To Mind that is generated, developers have to do the Buddha's teachings in the Diamond Sutra: " Of course not-self, meanest, invisible beings, very false life, necessarily practice dhamma "(using the four generals do not mind that doing good). Back to the features mentioned above that: when doing a job without merit dominant mode, there is no general fall (if any ego, pride, shall be processed immediately emerged indignant, immediately praised pride). Did not sound happy to praise, not angry because the criticisms do not care to distinguish people who merit criticism, it is not general staff . Before the comments of all sorts of people, the mind still is not general real beings (not a compliment mode, which many, many compliments processing). No matter how far a long time, remained silent on the way forward has chosen, is not general fake life .
In short, the "invisible residents", as experience teaches "Children born residents responding countless public interest" (please do not residence, no problems, but found the Mind), a sentence that has heard Huineng was sudden awakening. There are three space problems: falls (hence the birth of three generals: human, sentient, feeling fake), legal (approved or six bare scenes are matter, sound, smell, taste, touch, ideas), and illegal (not). Any attachments or place obstacles in the three seats fall into four "General" above. Self is self, law covers all things, material and spiritual. Is that not illegal, in contrast with the law. If "law" means that yes, the "illegal" is simply not . If the law as "dharma" is the story of illegal pagan world. If the law is good, the evil is illegal. If the law is illegal nirvana is samsara. Come to understand the Buddha's teaching "French upper discharge application, Galaxy illegal situation" (measures also should leave alone illegal) in the Diamond Sutra as follows: nirvana is samsara should leave alone. So that Buddhism is not based (at) nor mortal Nirvana residence: residence life and death are all that different from ordinary, but Nirvana resident how sentient beings are. The reason he was honored as divine, "Bi-sufficient religious" because he stood two feet [1], one foot in life and death, one foot in nirvana. As the enlightened one (great location) of course he is always happy, always nirvana, but why not stay Buddhist Nirvana? His mercy is for us, He is not quite nirvana, but it except to press a heel down this sad realm of life and death: the compassion of the Buddha. In samsaric suffering he did not like us because he has great location, so can not call him a residence life and death.
Development Center, or develop bodhicitta, so set up that is the wish of the vast intellectual achievements as Buddha (the Buddha for the upper) and compassion like Buddha (lowering of living beings). Wish he made ​​large by the Buddha's teachings "of countless beings that real beings are not the "important words in which it: has seen countless other beings are illusory, new How much can rate, how long is not short. Mind that it has just started and the beings we are degrees, only "the" couple had three children are tired, do continue to emerge? I just saw the (general self) is associated with beings that are the (general staff, Gen. beings), we have time crawling in realms of life and death to sentient beings (fantasy life). Indeed, there is time for ego, if not the stated milestones are falling , there's no past, present, future, short or long.
A concept that started as a living being. Every day, hour, minute, we do not know how many nails up thoughts: that infinite beings. One thought is due to ignorance oviparous species (in the crust of ignorance), so thai greed are born, by the cruel wrong birth is low (because that fall into lower realms), followed by delusions do not stop the biochemical (such as species evolution, the mind also turns out plenty eyeballs) etc.. All these "beings" of consciousness is the source of endless afflictions if not stopped in time passing. Crowded mind the afflictions they can not learn any one of the Buddhist teachings of Buddha to be. So just the "infinite beings", then the endless suffering will not have the mind quiet emptiness will easily penetrate countless Buddhist teachings to become the supreme achievement.
But they want the infinite it is vital that students be realistic that we did not really living, only by false illusions born. As well as delusions, afflictions arise, then there is like, when is completely gone without a trace. So, what really is "the killing of living beings."
Play Mind in short, every good work voluntarily without attachment (very patient), disapproving do not (should new work) also disagree with (should not fear flesh glory praise mode) is not hate life and death (because of intellectual life and death seen as illusory) no attachment Nirvana (because of his great compassion to save sentient beings.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.( TAM THANH ).MHDT.4/6/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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