Wednesday 13 June 2012


Topic conversation and Champion lt often focus a lot in Buddhism. I think, other religions also have myriad of Lt but maybe they have a different perspective. However, in terms of philosophy and wisdom of life, i.e. through common understanding about infinity lt development tri to acknowledge a life then everything we must thoroughly it is: normal state or "natural" of life really is ridiculous. Infinity lt was, is and will forever exist.
If you really know how to recognize the natural state of life unintentionally lt will get you a lot more confidence. Left to right at the moment, we are living in fear, we are being covered by these fears. Even, we can not believe or do not realize that, that we are very afraid that something, that fear has reigned in the us.
Why so? By the time we also manipulated and Wei created life, Wei created natural life no longer holds copies of it that are distorted. Therefore, it is not being respected. Meanwhile, everything becomes chaotic, because we are confident in what we are doing.
Ignorance generates references to, and want to create fear:
From the perspective of Buddhism, we confirmed that the ignorance of ourselves has created all these illusions. Ignorance generates references to, and want to create fear. These are the ideas I want to post gắm to you and wishing you please ponder uncertain about them.
From the standpoint of Buddhism, we always said that ignorance is the cause, make reference to, also want is expected to urge a something, and when it does appear, always bring the fear. This is understandable because these emotions as below will appear: "I'm just seeking something but do not know whether or not can be found. And when there was, I would not know what to do with it? ". The emotion fear that when terminated and they are always associated with want.
Says so, doesn't mean taking want is bad and scared is bad, because it is an integral part of life. And life needs to be "experience" in a natural way, not manipulated, apocryphal. If you have fun or fear appears, whether in any form whatsoever, just that they don't pose a roadblock for us, then let's keep living with them. Of course, you need to live with them in another way, i.e., the Government must always and discerning. This is the framework that I want to mention.
Even, I don't let that emotion emotion involved would like to say on-airport, angry or jealous, are the toxins that you need evading or hateful. I think they are a part of life. Life still keep going; You people must adapt to life, but life will never adapt to you. We always arrogant, want to manipulate, disguise and control my life, but this is impossible. Thus, life must be respected. So you have to cherish life like? By the way you can in the sense to face life? This is a meaningful question and if the discerning, you please ponder uncertain about this question.
A way of generalizing, ignorance run from ego-"ego":
Extensively then initialization from ignorance, ego that ego is the ego. The concept of what I'm very solidly, fanfare and has always existed, but the fact that we do not know what I do to hide the form. We do not know it scientifically recognized. From the standpoint of religion, I said that the unprecedented who found the mine, but we each still have me immensely powerful. This is exactly the problem of affordable-the guys cause turbulence, which is the subject of our discussion?
So, here's the main problem that we are discussing. Because the concept of what I bring to all kinds of feelings, not only conventional but also emotional defilements. I don't know the differences between them more or less, but I must say that nothing the emotion itself is bad, it is a part of life. However, it will become a barrier if the emotional negativity, because it brings to the suffering that we absolutely did not expect. And meanwhile, the fear will show an indispensable. The emotion is not copied because it is not dominated by the ego (ego or, if you prefer to use this word instead).
The robust, extremely flashy and it is the absolute reign of our life. I for example, we keep thinking "I want this, I need this person to bring her happiness, I want this, I want the other ..." The notion of what I actually solidly!
If you don't have a picture of what I then solidly in his life, you can still have other ways to say I want this, I need the other etc, but you don't feel miserable; the wish was also there but no feelings hurt or scared. For example, I want to go to one place, but if not possible by any reason, I will not regret or distress. This happens because I am aware that the ego is not strength, though I did use the term ego and take pictures of what I own existing, are going somewhere, are in need of this, other stuff, or are there a ... wanted to do that.
I have attended to by without reference to the no life, and if so then we are non-existent. So, when we welcome Hy lived here, in this world, then we must have feelings to continue living and emotional essence is craving.
Catechism taught that, that we're living realms is education world. So, we can't avoid the want. The wish to always present everywhere and promote action: because we want to join so I need to; because participants want should I need to drink water; because we want to be involved are here. Tonight we all here not as a reference to that or? Things on what's wrong? The us have participated to be wrong? No, please dear there's nothing wrong at all.
Feelings of fear derived from angry:
When the ego or the image of what I strongly and to influence the wish-which means taking want to be manipulated so much by ego, ego-involved wish will become distressed and leads us to fear. Misfortune, in the day-to-day circumstances, would always be manipulated and Wei created very powerful by the ego. Later, feelings of fear all will become angry, enraged airport. Maybe we don't realize this, but in General that is the reason why in this world, who also pitch.
I can feel that, who also had a little courtyard, which can no more but are a bit. Though, sometimes we are urgently trying to restrain, but we still always available at the airport, angry that somehow, even when no reason to stage angry at all. We are very irritable, uncomfortable, pressing under the influence of anger. Terrace of wrath is truly such fears, it is anything at all that's just the emotion of fear.
So, if someone says the words left the then we will feel anger and insecurity that is quality really fear. This is exactly how we pitch causes. Basically, the anger comes from ignorance and want, which involved want also ignorance.
According to the Buddhist term, three types of emotion is the main three "independent". But we must assume that, that's really not the poison that is "intellectual"; If you wish you can call by another name but really that is intellectual. It is a part of life, we are not bothered themselves should they inherently good karma not wicked. I suppose that, instead of bringing the roadblock, these feelings are granted for you to breath and life. From samsara mortal to enlightenment, everything are based on three feelings on, they really are the foundation of our life.
Regardless of any sense, if you're really interested in the Enlightenment, if want to achieve enlightenment, you must have the emotion, it is joined airport, si. All these emotions on the having the same existing, the same operation, this is very helpful and really it was the catalyst on your path. Of course, you may not be interested in the Enlightenment, but you still have to work to live comfortably and captain in this world, to live a successful, serenity and harmony. All of the above are also dependent on three types of emotion.
If you don't know how to convert these feelings in a way, sure you will get in trouble by which the fear will come; While probably the fear should not be present here. So what would you do if you don't want to fear? You still have to live with three types of emotions, but with the look and behave like? Actually, essential that we have just discussed is don't live in delusion and don't let it govern.
This means anything or not, last evening I will take the time to answer your questions. I was discussing this issue with a couple of people here, but when someone ask questions, I again found it very hard to understand. Because, when questioned, first people often ask about what they are thinking, I don't know what to answer, so I must ask again: "this is a question not you?!" I have ever seen so hard, especially in the UK. In some countries, people often ask the question very clearly so I find easy answers. Of course also because their English is so I do not really understand their questions. When asked, people use the word difficult or unclear which I find somewhat confused.
This is a situation I've ever made. So why do I feel fear and reluctance about it? By itself I have created what I very solidly, and then his next to, what I created "You" very solidly and you were speaking English very complex, the main things that make me feel afraid.
I'm talking about this case as a typical example. This is not fear large or painful, but sometimes it can turn into suffering, even prompting some people. This main level have the same fears. The people in this field, so they can't be angry to take advantage of the fear, desire, anger or any kind of emotion to metabolize into wisdom. They cannot metabolize them into intellectual property and use them to benefit, by the conception of ego at this very strongly and solidly. That is really the ultimate anguish. It makes everything affective sinks and becomes very limited.
Love and wisdom must be used to serve the dreaded:
We must use the unconditional love and wisdom as the French gas efficiency to serve the emotion of fear. True love radiating from within existing intellectual property rights, longer where you help you can share the love to the organic whole. I don't suppose there is a big difference between the love and wisdom. Therefore, intelligence is immediately you must practice exercises. Usually, we said that intellectual property was a "format" of the mind or of consciousness, wisdom is helping others. But that's not entirely true.
Yes, wisdom-free Great bi can be considered as such, but essentially intellectual is the raised knowing that the existence of the ego is an illusion. This is the essence of wisdom. If development is understanding this then your ego could not govern you anymore and you will become vastly larger to be able to cover all chan. Right now, the concept of ego so strong and embraces, to the extent it took away the ability of you and really no longer leave gaps for others. Therefore, the ego that "I" out there who is important-the "I" is more powerful to the extent that at "I" also doesn't really exist anymore … Even, I also do not accept yourself. Such is the point I want to suicide, by myself I also not left anything. Sees himself that I was not interested, then how can spend loves for others? The ego occupies most of the space in my heart. Therefore, we would need to wisdom to dispel the illusion of the ego. Intellectual property is truly a process for converting your ego, your ego. After which, wisdom into love for heating to all sentient species. You are ready to submit the power of love to everyone, share love with them, first with the family and to all the others in a way that does not discriminate. But love is not only radiate like a method, it is also a way to help you in myriad.
Love has unparalleled capability, helping you no longer fear feelings. Once you grow to be love (attention from) then would no longer room for the fear. Fear will not be appearing by heart from the opposition to it. When you fear, the mind can still show an Agent from, but only to the extent not yet fully developed. All of us are available enough where her unconditional love. This is the tremendous blessings and grace is reason to help you still might exist was out of this world, even be angry. The capacity of the love that we had really extremely powerful. However, as is the ego dominates then we have not been able to develop wholeness is love. Do I have to wear the intellectual senses should be obscured from the Center, and also be overwhelmed if there is only the onset can be directed to some objects we accept in advance only.
Essential to know clearly where are ego and indeed what it is:
Some people also have doctor AI but only for species that are not for animals; because the fear was making that person does not take the love lover for animals. They said that if love for animals, that will probably arise immense trouble, obstacle. So, their love is only for humans. The fear has hindered their love to the whole beings. This is also a form of barrier for the raised Center of pronouns. And again, the rationale again coming from the ego or the fear. For example, if I don't love anyone, that does not mean that interested Representatives from no presence, nor does it mean that people do not care from. Actually, I still have the feeling of love, but too strong feelings of fear has prevented my love for all people. So only "I" is important, I bundle hard soul himself back and only care for myself only. By mind from feelings have hampered also fear too strong, so there are many other similar fears in you are always parallel. Therefore, we do not ever losing takes the opportunity to raised from the Center.
Focal pronouns is not a morals that we created, that it always displays an everywhere in life. Our lives are always overwhelmed from the mind and the whole world is interested from the University. Such is the gift that we are. However, many of us, or more precisely, our ego and mind to manipulate from the roadblock, bi, negativity. Love that we use at this like a second weapons destruction, no longer from the more that actually is angry. Mind from turning into bunkers and then it becomes negativity. A lot of the mess that has been created in the life and society of ours under nominal interest from. Feelings of fear created by the ego is the root causes of the chaos. Therefore, that we must know clearly where are ego and essentially what it is.
When talking about the ego, you must comprehend that it's part of life. I take the example, in all his dialog, when you say: "I'm coming, I'm coming to this place where the other", "I did this, I want to do the other" ... anytime you use the words, sentences, then you're being ego dominates. Therefore, before you say or do something, try self-judgment: "the drill already! Please wait a little bit, I'm talking about what's this? The "I" are talking about this? "
These questions so initially may sound very stupid and simple, but then, such as the evening comes, you may be considering, shining more and you will see the full meaning magic penetration; It is not only meaningful but also give you a lot of power. I assure you, if you are cunning in this practice, you will accumulate more power and can reduce the ego as well as the fear in you. Soon, you will realize that ever, you were scared of everything and the fears are completely dominant yourself ... Once there, you will be freed by has fully proved that the ego does not really exist at all.
Of course here we have conversation about Satori paramount which is just a pure perception – a simple understanding, but it also helps you very much relieved to go along with a sense of freedom, self in. It is the feeling of true freedom and true; a smile and a true happiness. Such new things happily endure, because at this fear was being realized and inability to govern. The conversion to the ego through the raised love is very important. You also do not necessarily use the term religion as Center of pronouns, that when you use the word ego, be consistent projection walls make sense: "I'm referring to what? It encompasses what? " Just put out simple questions like, you will gradually fully proved to be magic. I mean, whether you can not understand anything, nor matter what, the observation that will eventually bring you feeling of confidence and understanding. Even before there was confidence — whether you should not wish there to be confidence and knowing this, so look forward to that still hope and fear – you will feel a tremendous change in life. It is the results of meditations on the simple questions that you put out. This is like the light dawn concert ban mai, rays first for your primary is proof of intoxication.
All of us are the pursuit of happiness:
It is also part of my experience. I'm sharing my own experience to you, not just voters comments that the whole experience again. This experience will bring happiness loving you've never known. This is beyond the American presentation of the language, but you have to experience them. And I think you will not much difficulty in finding ways to experience this. Many people think that in order to do so you need to study a lot, must have the capacity or is a Buddhist meditators, a devout ... I said that is not necessarily so, that you have to be consistent, the considerations of accountancy.
At this point, you're not consistent what set projecting tu. All you do is just something I obey. Anything what I urged you both insubordination under it. strong ego ego or to the extent that you are a slave to it in all the time; whenever the ego up, is that you must run under ... World! You never know where you're going, but still keep running under, though that makes you tired, but you still run under the flow of desire, was motivated by ego in a vague and nomad. You keep running forever by ego keeps up, and eventually you too tired and exhausted. Not only that, you also live with feelings of fear, so you do not have the freedom to infinity Lt, no status freely, there is no real happiness and sincerity.
Without this freedom, you will not be able to reach infinity Lt, cannot reach happiness that probably have brought countless lt for you. But when lack of feeling invisible, you can search for happiness? Actually, all of us are in the pursuit of happiness, from the fake spirituality, the merchant, the women, the Wanderer, all of us. People are keen to get the whole happy; are looking for happiness, but we are not happy.
You make yourself look really natural considerations are happiness or not. I can't answer for you by each of us is a special case. We have different concepts, the feeling is different, different experience in his own way. According to my experience, we rarely have true happiness. Therefore, we always pitch angry because we have no happiness.
By always fear should we not have happy feet. Fears for always present that the root causes of it is due to our own ego. All this fear to fear, the fear this caused fears of the other endless like a long string. We are looking for happiness, but we find that without knowing the fear and ego really is how we govern.
Many people may think what shared above in the category of religion, but the reality is not so, the concept that is a big mistake. Myself also not really followers of religion, to be honest I don't want to become a binding religious bigotry. Can I have a religion, but I personally prefer her not to accept the procedure on religion. I would like to assure you of this. I never accepted into appreciation clinging to religion, why do I have to do? People keep thinking that, when you talk about ignorance and it is the cause of this or else then it is religion, but actually not so.
We often think of religion as an external object very solidly. For example, if there is this necessarily have an else created it, like the belief in the existence of God who created happiness, want happiness you have to please God. Or do you think people are called Buddha and you will have to do for hỷ Festival that He made Him happy, then he will delay his happiness for you. That is the procedure type of religion, if you think so then this will just double the trouble your barrier up.
I'm conversation about his own experiences, thoughts, consistent projection of themselves and not by others. The trouble annoying would double if I keep believe Buddha's attention to himself, He must take responsibility when I'm not happy, then I have to blame him. I've poured out to misfortune for Him, this error means I'm in big trouble. I'm here, expect him to join a something, and even sometimes delusion to some degree I think perhaps thanks to Buddha that I currently have this beautiful period, there was a piece of cake, a cup of tea and something great so kind.
But around the time the happiness that you are having is not due to the Buddha of compassion family maintained that the Government is dependent on you, people who are brewing tea and delicious that it work or are doing this. It is thanks to your industry; Here we use the word industry. The main industry is the law of cause and effect. When you do something and the results come from the things you did, that is.
The Buddha taught that Thích Ca Conflict Ni you have to manually raised all things; regardless of anything you want, you have to manually create it. He teaches: "I am here as a guide, just for you to see what is going on and just so only". Such is the head from his own legs and precious to all of us. Therefore, essential to the goals I have just as we must necessarily comprehend the ego. Any comments you have to be a devout man, a philosopher, a fake, a Buddhist or just an atheist, any comment is nothing more then you must believe that the ego is the root causes of the trouble the roadblock.
I think that understanding this problem is extremely critical with everyone. If you have peace of mind and firmly believe that you comprehend what I comprehend it, which is not the obstacle, then two understanding this authentically came to maturity. Until then, everything will be whole fullness. If not, you must first comprehend what I was, because it is the cause of creation of all complex problems. You do not have feelings of hatred as seen on ego, by hatred is in fact never nice, it creates twice as annoying obstacles in life.
The emotion fear can be duplicated by clinging to religion: mortgage
The clinging accept capital about religion often gives rise to the notion of hatred; religions often make you have the notion of guilt or sense of his sin. Sin is hateful. You hate something, and the notion of sin to appear, this is hatred. All of this makes you fear and fear emotions are mirrored. As such, the emotion fear can be duplicated by bigotry on religion.
Of course, many Buddhists traditionally Buddhist fanatic is a religious belief and this is a huge mistake. Buddhism is not a religion. I can represent Buddhism that said so, that's for sure I had the right and the permission asserts that Buddhism is not religious fanatics. I can't on behalf of any other religion to assert such a separate Dharma, but never a religion.
Thus, as the devout or more precisely are the practitioners to practice spirituality, we should not be "religious" Buddhism. this very important, by chemical action always provoke more religious sense of fear where we. The starter, you've always had a fear, then the mortgage capital and religion will again cause you many other fears. Therefore, you have a lot of fear. That is the cause of the dreaded chain immense suffering successive you available. I'm not opposed to religion but in fact, the fanatic, accept on religion to cause barriers, negativity so here.
So we have the sense of reality, rather than keep wandering drift in "somewhere" and thought that things really going on there. Real General things are not so. There are two currently exist, in one you can see, can think about and can touch, and also a reality in which the ego needs to be figured out. If there is one I present elsewhere then you must seek out shelter of the ego. Is it being hidden in the body? It's in my head, in my hand or my feet here? What I am? It is in the General? As such, you must thoroughly demonstrate what is made Prime Minister of the ego. And despite what is hiding under the Prime Minister does, it is still an aspect of reality.
If you can live in the reality, the captain will reveal:
Throughout life, we are always in the presence of captain at, when you touch the foundation of reality show an unintentionally lt immediately, because when there's no longer any reason why you have to fear anymore. If there is fear, you also comprehend that at the moment you are the foundation of reality. You will know and certainly will feel that.
And right now it is not, you do not have feelings about reality by all has been manipulated, or at least most things have been manipulated. I'm talking about the fact that we can see, the people around us, about how we see each other. It seems like reality, but in fact are not, because we don't stop disguise both themselves and the outside world.
For example when I said: "People are really cute, the other hard preferences; people are really bad, the other is ", then this means I'm labeling them, are apocryphal nature of them. So it is not real. I'm Wei created a lot of stuff, but for past past a way of ignorance that it is real. If so then what is your reality? You that: "the reality of me: he is a cute, she is wicked-my reality is so there." Do you think it is real, the inference of you have indicated as such but in essence it completely wrong. So, the important thing is you have to first comprehend what is reality.
We are conversation about Anonymous captain during the French era dresses, dark day or many people also known as the era of decadence. We say "dresses" means a dark period. We always say the times are changing and are increasingly becoming worse, but in fact the concept of the new US Government is becoming chaotic. The chaos that is the cause of social and human in this era seem to become worse. We also blame modern society that causes trouble and cause the relationship between the people who become degraded, the psychic or spiritual values disappeared, decadence. But the fact is not necessarily so! That's just how we perceive and see the world is perishing. Maybe I shouldn't say that only slightly decadence, a bit chaotic. We should not blame anyone or anything, or think that today people are becoming worse.
In fact, this era is not worse, people living in the modern era, including you and I am also not worse. I just feel it's slightly chaotic, but in circumstances of turmoil, we still have time, there are remedies to metabolic ourselves better. Simple things that you need are always awake in life, just the only. So what is awakening? You don't have to make a great reform or a tremendous effort initiative. Actually everything existing fluency in a natural way as inherent. The only thing you have to do, as I told you earlier, is to search and discover myself, to know what "I" are resided where, "where are you", everything from where to appear. You need to understand that everything is derived from the ego. Therefore, make the concept and awareness in all activities whether they are small, then everything will gradually be clarified.
This world contains full solutions and opportunities:
If by some religious perspective, we can say the times are very bad, this is the time of ignorance are dark and decadent. Yes, it is true that the decadence are present, but we still have a solution, a solution has ever been given. If we believe in hell and heaven, even when an down to hell, would still have methods to break out of that. Therefore, we always have a solution and the opportunity to escape from misery, fallen. It's a great message, so should not have any reason why you stepped, frustrated or disappointed, scared. The only thing you need is the knowledge. As with real life, you become invisible.
As I mentioned earlier, live in reality is extremely important, instead of blaming everything. For example, you blame, blame your friends or someone did you pitch, abdication, frustrating, but what have you done? would the Bureau You have the right solution for the clown. Your solution is to continue the struggle by instinct and make his life, of both the family and society more chaos. Perhaps this will create as many suffering brain in your life, you can see it clearly. The right solution for you is to face reality, don't blame anyone. The blame is not the true way to exist in this world, it stems from a lack of confidence, the feeling of insecurity and the lack of a sense of freedom. Government therefore we always highly depends on people, on things outside and totally accept that cling to things. Review about the philosophy, spirituality or religion, you depend entirely on the diplomatic scene and then the blame will reappear. Therefore, you should not depend on anybody. You need self-reliance, independence, you have to freedom. This is what we call freedom freed.
Self help immensely important, although you can live with your friends, with the family under the same roof. Of course, family shelters are needed to cover for you. Anything you need a relative in this world such as family, children, business, etc. are all part of your life and should be respected. But along with the interest taken in relatively, you have to understand that absolute reality awareness is also essential. Relatively reality which we are conversation is useful, family, social life and all things similar. But at the same time, there is also an absolute reality, which was the center of the foot (the foot fall) of us. This fork legs come from? Her legs fell like?
Therefore, this reality is really a treasure for humanity. The organic status of other animals, although there are wise to also cannot perceive the two truths, especially the absolute truth. This is difficult, due to the force of karma and the newspaper industry. I don't know whether they can be understood in a different form, though very cuteness but hard to get out of the relative and absolute truth. However, the humans we have treasures of their own, which is capable of insight throughout the two truths, and recognize the value of our legs. So there will no reason making us fear or anger, depression or despair even ... This type of feelings will never occur, because you've got two legs are real.
The realization is freedom will lead the entrance take you to true happiness:
For that reason, the insight two relative and absolute truth is extremely important, it helps us not blame and bring us a lot of freedom. Aware of freedom will bring you happiness, shaking any unhappiness or fear.
Happy that we are discussing is not the type of happiness is expressed in the form of outwardly like laughing, dancing or singing. This is true happiness. Also the so-called happiness that we experience, as everyone knows, not authentically and strength. Tonight, you have a great time at a party or a fun, you can eat and drink and everything in it are very fun. But early tomorrow when wake up, you will suffer a severe headache for the first greeting of a new day, followed by the negative experience lasted all day! Here is an example of temporary happiness.
This means this is not happiness, not true strength. I, let's discuss the strength drill eternity because ourselves is also not yet peace, although only in a few days. The peace lasted only for a few hours, it is very fragile and is just a confused sense of key, not authentically happy. I don't claim that it is a pure bliss absolute. The happiness that we feel will be completely different when in the us no longer scared, when all considerations, kiosks projectors take the wall what I'm doing and what I was. Whether you are in turbulent circumstances or in a State called happiness, although you have been scrambling in work or due to external circumstances, inside, mind you still stabilize, you may be relying on that title. Even then, make sure you do not need relying on other people by title you have independent "on the inside".
Love is the light from the main shared san, bi radiate the dawn:
Although on the outside, you may still need something but on the inside, you've got a Princess title. Outside, you can rely on family, work or a lot of other stuff and all those things are nice. You completely happy, full of love and compassion, you are perfect. You share the love with everyone who visits your family, those who know you but you can bring happiness to them. This is something that we Buddhists called the radiate light from the Aurora, bi. However, we do not necessarily have to say those things.
Is a normal person, you also can feel out of this world always have people that you look forward to living and sharing. Although they are not the greatest, these morals such as tolerance, patience, friendship true selfless also radiate out from an evangelical school and space to those around, by morals that inherently inside them. In many action by way of contrast, though superficially seem perfectly fine but if you sit with them in just a few minutes you will feel uncomfortable and worse. The frequency of oscillation of this completely different atmosphere because of their inner bit error, no compassion whatsoever in that. Their heart filled with fear. Though not intentionally, they're turning the external environment becomes negative, instability. Someday this can also happen to you, so you must be the feeling of aware of the status.
Six Three la confidential is the method of practice is very special and useful for us. For example Bell Three la confidential is the sharing, you share the love love and understanding. This doesn't mean you have to share the material things, such as flowers, water, food drinks. Before you can share the things that belong to the material, you must know the share loves. Loves to be found inside of you first, that is my understanding.
Therefore, after growing understanding within, new friends to share happy loving goodness. The friendly happy loving the dāna, share. You share the money, clothes, widgets ... what any other people that need a unconditional way. This is a friendly happy Bell Ba la confidential comes from the Unconscious. If the fear, you will never be published and if so share it also attached conditions. So you would create trouble for the recipient and for yourself. You will not welcome you don't know for sure, by Hy should tell or not and so you will be very sore pity. It is better not to tell if even feel regret, because for such deferment is not the wedding which is a pain. However for that may well be a work should do, as we often say "no hardships, there will be no success."
But in this case, we should not regret when Bell which should share the wedding Festival. How you can create acclaimed Hy? First, you must know how to share the love, that is, Three la Bell stood first in la confidential. After that, you will practice the next Three la confidential, such as Maintenance, the ring world humiliation, meditation, wisdom in the same way as above.
If you want to become the captain, first of all you need to live in reality: Awakening
If you want to achieve Infinity Lt, you'll first need wake in real life. When discussing this, I always ask her Sisterhood live awakening in real. I never discuss things impracticable, far, in fact until the clouds. If you wish, I can say that for several days. But I really don't want to, don't welcome Hy, comfortable when doing this. I don't like impracticable because it is not real. The reality is the way that you have to solve the problems in our life. If you comprehend the reality, you will reach the truth, can call it is Nirvana or heaven, or any name you like. You'll achieve that right in his life, right in the moment. That is real credible. Why we are not looking for it, instead of wasting your time on things smoothly 205 drivel could not have been?
The first problem is real. Of course when it comes to reality, people who are suffering can be found that: "the reality is that suffering, what should I do here?" Actually, such feeling is not real. Suffering, fear or anything else similar is not the reality of you. It is the second was Wei created by ego, by desire and hopeless. All of this came at the same time and then made into a State called the suffering. This is a consequence of the lack of wisdom and understanding.
For example, if you are sick or weak physical pain in the body, as if the spirits among you will have effective methods of treatment for the disease. The main spirit is among the independence, freedom. However, many may be too late to develop among the spirits, because when you too sick, frustrated, the magazine will appear. That is why we must find solutions to equipment before the body becomes hard strain aging. The hard physical strain not only disease but also means the body is all in big trouble took place in our lives. The trouble should be neutralize through our mind. Therefore, if you are interested in peace, the progress of the development of spirituality in your life then this is great.
This is about Dhamma studies of glasses that we desired reality. Therefore, you should know the importance of don't blame anyone for anything. You should not be blamed for the time, for anybody else, including themselves. For example, when you do something bad, don't blame or blame yourself because you will never get rid of even feel guilty. I'm not saying you've never blamed, but really it's a very difficult situation. The remorse blaming yourself is totally useless. Instead you should blame the enlightenment got wrong about ego. You should say, "because I should've misidentify mistakes doing the wrong thing, I became aware of not discerning. I've misidentify ".
This means that the Act of the wicked, sinful, the estate that you created can be a very useful lesson for you to realize the true source of happiness, is the independence, freedom for my regretful "I did worse there, I'm uselessI feel ashamed with yourself ". Regrets is a type of pitch, you are becoming increasingly angry with yourself airport. Meanwhile, you are promoting a form other i.e. the Airport Airport angry angry with yourself. I don't suppose the regretful or angry with yourself is good and healthy, but of course it also depends on the appreciation and recognition.
In the case of Mr. Milarepa, I don't know his secret motives, only know the motor outside of him are afraid an hell due to bad karma in the past He had caused. The fear of suffering is a typical type of fear. However, the fear that has been transformed, have been utilized to Him can become Infinite rank. This is a lesson for us! When fear what we should turn that fear into lessons. It will become a wonderful experience and leads to liberation.
So, whenever you feel fear, let's cherish the fear as a part of life and make use of it than wear, metabolic or sticking it on the shelf and pleasing growth despite airport angry at his place. Angry deck is also a form of fear, it will promote us to the real action. When fear appears, we need to see consistent projection awakening fear from where to, due to what the industry creates, and then trying to figure out the solution to metabolic and take advantage of it. You should try to direct and metabolic fear rather than hid or fled. Although we may not want to flee should you make peace with it and make use of it. Fear is also a part of the reality that we need to learn how to tame. If you run IE you escape reality, this is really not good. Wisdom does not is nothing more than to know the reality and life awakening in seeking to transform the adversity around her!
In my opinion, is far from the reality that, far from understanding deviant comments wrong:
Some people claim that lowering herself very well, they used it as a form of practice net billing or penitence greatness. They claim that it is an effective solution to net culture. Although not want to argue about this, but in my opinion, is far from the reality that, far from understanding deviant comments wrong. Flaps are the root causes of those problems complicated.
When the deviant comments appear, intellectual understanding needed to be present there, you need to realize that you have understood the mistake was thinking and action mistakes. Therefore, if you want to blame, blame the Government's concept of the ego are very solidly. You do not have the right to blame anyone in this world, even if they have treated crude and worse with you. After all, says one way the practices, the better off you find out the causes and roots of actions blamed, then you will have the proper understanding and will be able to find a viable solution to be equality, harmony and autonomy with everyone. If you keep blaming others, then this again creates chaos for you and the world around. The world has too many conflicts, wars, conflicts and all similar things ... The basic causes of the conflict is because people do not comprehend each other so there is no way to find out the proper solution. In contrast, solutions for always dominated by trends duality, i.e. no distinction and accept the procedure on the "ego" and "object", "we" and "people" ...
What I am very solidly, ego so solidly! Although a power to the extent that people are still dominated by the ego. Despite their efforts to bring peace to the world, they are still being driven by ego. So they have to struggle so much, they have to use weapons and similar violent solutions. However, that is not the only solution. True solutions is finding out what I'm hiding somewhere!
Of course I am no authority, I who is not at all to this conversation with the authorities, because they are the ones who seem to put her up on everyone. Although keeping silent but I'm also very eager to prove they have the inner light within and find out how to discover who they really are and what their actions stemmed from where. They should dig deep to take the root of the problem, then they will realize the solution to bring true peace to the world. This one is extremely necessary for peace, the happiness of all of us.
Although the number of people attending the French today is negligible compared to the entire population of the world, but we should bring intellectual property that we have been through the discussion this home and share with others. You can say: "Germany France United was preaching about two extremely important content: content first is in real life awakening and understanding the two aspects of reality. Content of the second is don't blame anyone, even for ourselves ". Here are the two points that you need to know how to comprehend the most suitable living in this world. If not, you will not be able to terminate those complex problems and achieve foot happiness or peace in his life.
You should not disguise anything:
Next, we discuss falsification in your lifetime, so the blame is the second step of disguise. The first step is that we often paste labeling for things, then sticking to the labeling that is acceptable. This is not true, it leads to a lot of trouble. So instead, you shouldn't cling accept that let everything naturally as it is. For example, when you assume that someone is good then the bigotry will lead to more trouble, sorrow. This is not true and that is causes that leads to fear. You also can look straight into that person that said: "this is a bad person." If so then you are talking to? You really don't know, just a guess only. As my way of saying "I think this is a bad person" is better. I mean everybody should respect when someone says: "I think this is a bad person." No need to argue about this.
However, if you decide for sure 100% that "this is a bad person" or "the good people" then this will cause a lot of trouble. You should not make such a decision. Because such things are definitely totally out of this world. If you feel assertive so much trouble from the sorrow will appear useless. tracking mortgage For example, for a friend, if right from the first meeting, you have to make sure he is a good person to live together, although this speculation sooner or later will also create a series of trouble twice or three times. The assertive or have prejudices about an external object, although temporary glitches in a can around the time first, but then will not bring anything good and lots of big trouble will appear in your relationships.
If not sticking his opinion into accepting, you can live with that whether good or bad, because you know the key of the track. If no skill or understanding the best should not be assertive or attaching labels to objects. You don't comprehend what I run far from where, how ego can assertive this? If the assertive assertive originates from where and how? Thus the two terms "assertive" or "falsification", I'm using is the same as each other. You have a bad disguise this person, this is not good at all because it makes you that that person is bad even yen. If you get out and stated that: "I think this person is bad", then why not, but you did not say so. Because you are apocryphal; you have decided that what you said is completely true. This is also one of the causes leading to fear. So, it is really an obstacle and you should not disguise any one what.
If not apocryphal, should we treat all your friends, enemies and everything else is a part of his life. According to the voters comments and in my experience, treat everything as a part of your life are important and useful. This is a lesson, a lesson of France incredibly critical. But this does not mean I force you to follow, I just want you should respect that lesson through understanding his own foot.
Understanding that is not the revered in terms of form, such as the theater or the ceremonial bow. You are also not bowing enemies and confess this is falsification. You only need to behave in a sincere, just to keep the relationship to them, and then everything will smoothly. Your life will be freedom, truly great by everything which supports, carrying cover for you. Even enemies will also support you, get you more understanding wisdom, love, compassion and practice. As such, you will reach the entire Dhamma studies. I call it the Dhamma studies of glasses, not knowing other people have used the term or not, but really very great French glass work. You encounter enemies and enemies will bring you a perfect French, a lesson the significance. Have you met a friend and of course people that also gives you a great solution. Although you have to go through anything as hot or cold weather, difficult or favorable ... then all of those things are great experience, as they will help you demonstrate achievement of intellectual content and purpose-the largest gift of a past life, people!END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.( TAM THANH ).MHDT.14/6/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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