Wednesday 18 January 2012


Thich Hue scene, the Access Asia, practitioners in the temple of Enlightenment in Chan. After the play, Master's austere public efforts. Pure hospitality scene, the Master made two favorite songs and Di momentum, daily worship and offerings.
At sixty-seven years old, full moon day of January, Hue scene a dream that a monk body color gold, saying:
- You want to see Pure Land Buddhism and reasonable warning?
- Sir, I have long wished to see more!
Sa granted subject to the bowl and said:
- Look into the bowl!
Hue to take and look at the scene, suddenly like us to other realms, the scene solemn Pure spacious, exotic and precious things. Land full of pure gold, gold wire road boundary. The palace floor with the same message does not end, in which the natural fun leisure travelers. They are Bodhisattvas, Thanh cloud motion so wide as the sea, surrounded Assembly to hear the Buddha preach.
At that time, Hue scene that precedes the Sa subject, followed his footsteps, was to place the Buddha. On arrival, the subject suddenly disappeared Sa. Landscape lily hands in front of metal content, suddenly heard the Buddha asked:
- Do you know the road that leads reasonable Sa subject?
- Bach Blessed! I do not know.
Who from Zun said:
- It is the Buddha Sakyamuni, but it is Amitabha, the two objects that were created. Buddha as his father, we as mothers, they bore me in her world like a naive innocent, mistakenly dropped mud. Father to hold you up place deep mud, high and dry on shore to clean, to hug her children raised and taught not to come back muddy place. We also like that. Buddha taught the evil beings in the realms of love One night before her, do you open the path way where the Pure Land. And we in the Pure Land is the duty of photography, making it no longer beings reincarnation retrogression.
Hue Landscape heard crooked happy start, want to take worship near Buddha, but the scene suddenly disappeared.
Awake, body and mind felt happy, as in meditation. Since then, the more confident the second ritual Tathagata.
One day, the dream that Hue scene when the first monk said:
- Twenty years later, people will be born on Pure Land.
Listening to him, day and night to add Division of practice, not when lazy late. By the age of eighty-nine, one day and that, Hue retired from the public scene, calm and rebirth. Being then, is the increase in interior room, a dream that they hundreds of thousands of Holy Communion from the West Division to go. Out of nowhere, the sound of music and landed a small remote times, many others were heard.
(Extracts from: New World)
Life Options, Thich Hai Hui, Zhang keep their identity, origin of the Vo-Thanh, Thanh Ha origin. Once ordained, the temple where monks often live at An Lac Giang City. The understanding of texts, lawyers do not like to say mystical magic table, just honest practice, taking place as Pure as the user. Daily, professor Buddhist contemplation, inspired by many things.
One day, a Bhikkhu Thich Linh Dao in Te Chau, bring stock to a statue of security:
- This is the graphics object Bhagavan Amitabha, the Buddha in the center, surrounded by fifty bodhisattvas, all sitting on a lotus. This phenomenon originated by a Bodhisattva in the beginning that the origin of this temple Heavenly Bamboo, uses magic to Dewachen, describe the solution to grace kim credit towards them I was born in her. This statue is one of the walls begin painting again, I would like to take this glass donated.
Customs has long favored the Pure Land practitioner, it is true that the statue is intensive with integers, thought this was a good grace. So, for the statue, Master of all religious devotion worship offerings. Usually when the ceremony early, the statue suddenly flash out rays of light rays strange gods. Seeing this, the more confident Master, bring all our mind painting a different picture, thanks to voluntary virtues soon be out of suffering, living on the West.
In sixty-nine years old, one night after holiday shopping, for before the Master, shall recite the Buddha sitting cross-legged for a long time. In the morning that was still sitting, to see the monks, the monks have rebirth, joyful peaceful face as survivors.
(Extract: Increases High Street Stories)
Life Options, Thich Giac Opening Tool temple, moving from the Pure Land. Professor Amitabha statue of wood chips now, three-foot high wood. Whenever the director, Master Buddha was often to the top.
One day the director whether the ball off steam, warm chest, seven days of life suddenly say:
- First, I found myself with a sage rebirth to a golden pond the West. Sage to noise around three round lotus flower blooming out immediately, he entered the sitting in the middle. I also went three rounds of noise around the shower, but the flowers do not bloom. I clawed open petals, flowers in hand boar. Then, Buddha Amitabha appeared to suddenly said: "You are the chapters, go back to her realm I use lotions and bath repent. Why wait for tomorrow when we will grow to the procession. But why do you create objects that are too small? " . I replied, "great big Buddha Mind, Buddha tiny little mind" . A complete large statue suddenly filled the void. "
Said period, they cooked up by director Du fragrance. After the bath clean, before he went to Buddha repent even at night. When the morning star rises, we would support transparency Tool concept. Directed they gather large enough to recite the Buddha's been a while, all that metal-ray bright, of the Buddha from the West coming in procession.
Looking back it was hands Tool rebirth. Then, to the eighth year of Hoang Khai.
(Extract: Voice Application Stories)
From field Tho Tinh people in Asia, but with good care, but live on the job of killing. After his parents died, he definitely watch business, found the Buddha mind. So to save his parents, he created the Buddha Amitabha three meters high, to the hut where the old church of parents. Everyday Life Resources will lead worship concept, floral candles usually continues always.
One night, after locking the ceremony, his dream that in a brilliant halo. In light of more than twenty generals noble family seated on a lotus. Two of them flew to the previous call:
- Life From field!
He asked who, then replied:
- We are the child's birth parents money. Although we know Buddha, but as popular wine meat, fish kills too many birds, should fall into hell when they die Swapping Dance. But hell, but thanks to recite the Buddha's power, the boil water into cool. Yesterday, with high gold monk body three dimensions, to the sermon. We share more than twenty co-workers where the hell are born out of suffering in the West. Because of conditions, we have to tell your kids to this. The sitting lotus position is that the colleague is rebirth.
Finished speaking, all the flights on the West.
Disillusion, the source light Tho to bring the temple was sparse questions. One monk said:
- It was created by the mind of his studious glasses is the best touch, the Buddha to be rescued by the hell colleagues, including orders from the serious (serious side, from the sample.)
(From the record: Tinh European Register)
As Thich Dao, who at Tan Chau Tinh Duong. Transitions from Pure Land, a disciple of religious mysticism of Taoism scratches teacher. As Director of mind from nature, usually beings in every eight maps suffer, vows to create body-high Buddha Amitabha a staff of six. Since tu bar, means missing less, so three years after completion of the new. Master the constant ardent offerings, pray through Buddha's power, beings in the three maps were soon super-beings.
Night, sitting in contemplation before the Buddha statue, Act Like a dreamy way into the dream suddenly, proving that a message of bringing gold to protect:
- This message is the message King Hell rejoice the vows of the shaman.
Religion As a further open view, shows that roughly says: "Mage for mercy to save sentient beings suffering in the three maps, creates Buddha Amitabha, the hell that often, free light, sermon to save sentient beings, as living Buddha. The benefit was inconceivable! The light industry beings in hell will be fun-suffering, out of place An Lac ...
Regained consciousness, the more engineers dedicated to Buddha, pray. The days of boys, where Buddha is often larger chest clarity, but ten years only six people were seen. There are guys dream that Act as embodied in the golden place of hell, or into the hungry ghosts, animals that sermon. The induction like a lot.
"Friends of organic feel" Europe is a course.
(From the record: Tinh European Register)
Song Dynasty, the temple Like the Spratly increase in Ca Lang Giang, usually recite the Buddha's rebirth to the West. Ambassador vows to create a high momentum of the A di six staff, all of bronze, but not enough material for several years should have been the failures. Italian unyielding, university professor heard the mountain temple at Dong Khe Chau Also have Bronze, want to encourage the spirits of the material for making statues.
Heart has decided, up to present the European Satisfaction with the use of scarce things, help for two boats to and one hundred and coated doctor. First user said:
- I hear he is very spiritual temple, there are those who died there, it is the Man guarding, fear of success e difficult.
Song, Zhang has granted to us and the boat. The party has not arrived, or god has previous night, as wind and rain blind, brute urge screaming. But great teachers ahead of time to which professed vows, the tan mist, the sun shine, the sound of silence is also interesting situation. Dapper who continue to follow later. In more than twenty of the way before temple, has found there are two poles to copper cauldrons, each containing several hundred deck Convention. Suddenly there was a large snake, more than ten staff, from the cauldron to exceed, their horizontal lines pick. One hundred pages back who are terrified to run away. To edit subject Tomato Sa sa Cao, vibration analysis staff, strictly looking solid right spirit and said:
- Vietnamese people because of poor life expectancy before the new solid body, if not rely on the Three Jewels, then how is freedom? Now we want to create high statue of Buddha Amitabha a staff of six, heard there are more copper, would now cause Blessed Vietnamese coast alms, helping the fullness of virtues.
Snakes raise my head up, look at University professor quietly for a moment and walked away. Increasing Cao immediately call the escort to get things quickly. Both groups entered the temple to see the four huge spittoon near my bed, a little over one meter long worms crawl out crawl in, the ambassador told not to take. In addition, the heavy animals over to the left, and all small bronze brought down the mountain back to the boat loaded. The Temple of Man holding large though, but did not show resistance.
Sa brought the subject up high statue of the temple ground. Tho ninth year of sources, complete statue, idol serious radical, sparkling light. The spirits take to admire the statue, to be transmitted over the place.
(Extracts from: High Rising Food Stories)
Water Security in southern border area Germany, countryside character's true, at least know the Dhamma. A degree, a very large bird flew to his martial arts, light golden color, the alternating blue and white. Birds that speak of, having greeted everyone called sparse, so people are from the King to love. There are guys that big bird though, but seems less essential air force, immediately asked:
- The use of chi?
Vo said:
- I do not use more items, just listen to recite the Buddha is no sufficient body healthy. If you want me to beg for my recites "Male models Amitabha Buddha."
Therefore, people to see birds, are scrambling for Buddha, birds flying around that this greeting and recite the Buddha replied.
Over a long time, he flew to the place crowded martial, said:
- The scene you want to find good affordable peace?
There are guys responded
- Want to see.
Bird said:
- If so, to sit on the back, I will go see:
Few people heard his wife sat on his back, birds fly, but very weak, immediately said:
- The nembutsu row should be healthy enough for me to put away.
Little bird sitting on the back of y words, martial arts and he flew away to the west, always go back.
That the king and the court aware of it, were surprised, complaining, talking together: "This course is Amitabha incarnation means bird used to guide the people of our country. The forward is that it not embody the rebirth of it? "
The king immediately to establish a large temple on the spot birds fly, performance is Vo Tinh Xa. Temple church that remains is the Buddha Amitabha to, is still. The boy's day, many people have to recite the Buddha.
Because of his grace, the News An understanding of Buddhism is less, but the idea was born the Pure Land Buddhism occupies plural.
(Extract: Foreign National Register)
At the very far southwest of Executive Leo is an island. On the island there are more than five hundred houses, the people there did not know dharma, professional fishing for food.
One time it did not know where to drift around the island on a multitude of large fish. Like fish who could talk English, often initiated to up: "Male models Amitabha Buddha." The island of unknown cause, any fish known as Amitabha Buddha. There are residents there to mimic the English coast fish called straight "Male models Amitabha Buddha," the more bold the fish swim up close and not go around. He immediately began to feed the fish kill, is that meat is very tasty. It was spread out, people want to eat meat on the island, were to recite the Buddha's coast it comes close to catching example. There are strange things done when they noticed that the fish nembutsu delicious, low memory, then you do not go to the most personal. Do pretext that the lead individual instance, though it has not yet started to approach them, waited for it to recite the Buddha a long time, the latter under arrest. Those who preferred the taste of fish immersed, much longer than the nembutsu. Over time, the old predatory fish die first. Third month following the expiration, the person riding the clouds to find flights to the island shore, reporters gather light them there again, saying:
- I'm a meat-based diet is the first and most nembutsu. After the public network, I gave birth to the world of Bliss very nice peace. First big fish that is the reincarnation of Buddha Amitabha is. Buddha's mercy that we are foolish, the fish incarnation, to lead us eighty Buddhist mindfulness practitioners. If you do not believe, try to return to view, fish bones are lotus.
The islanders heard very happy, to a place with fish bones, found all turned into lotus. They suddenly feel enlightened, stop watch and all recite the Buddha's career.
Later, all the inhabitants are the Pure Land rebirth, not a deserted island. An arahant is the Executive Leo false religious sacrifice, or use magic to the island was, as recounted to return the relic and the work.
(Extract: Foreign National Register)
Induction nembutsu HELL ARE EXIT FORMAT
In the A du sa origin Thien Truc, a foolish Brahmin not believe jewels, often create bad karma. His wife is a pure faith, understanding the legal, religious, Buddhist mindfulness eighty. She often advises her husband to recite the Buddha Amitabha, but not listen.
Brahman's wife is beautiful, so he loves holding, that does not seem bored. She is getting clear that his wife, told her husband that the new facilities:
- Spouses adjacent birds, why do not the same as my practice? If you are not depending upon my opinion, all the married couples without uniformity, from now on in all things I do not agree with him depends.
Husband said:
- I should not be less religious as she is, know how?
His wife said:
- You take a while, when I typed in the bone recite the Buddha, the idea to follow. So I'm new to the room.
Brahman as wives often want to close, reluctantly conformation.
Three years later, the Brahmin pain on and off a bit mediocre, but where the chest is hot. The wife of doubt, it is not yet cover shroud for burial. Over the five days he suddenly rose, told his wife that mourns:
- When you die, I fall into hell with line generators, see demons closely held La irons beat sinners. First order and both clubs into the boiling cauldron, there came a sound "dizziness" was great. I suddenly remembered the drumming of her voice suddenly high-concept to "South tissue Amitabha Buddha." That instant, the red fire of hell boiling oil into the pond are powerful, full lotus grows in it. The sinners are freed. La Devils look to bring back Minh Vuong sparse. King spare me the, sure to bring the inspiration of this earth to tell people that. Minh Vuong said that extra verse:
If the creator of many crimes
Fall into hell fire cauldron
Di concept has momentum effect
Fire data into the cool water!
Once healthy, the Brahmin brought the traditional narrate it. Everyone heard of, just terrifying, just happy.
(Extract: Foreign Quoc Hien Thanh Signed)
Qi Dynasty, Dam Loan is tuấn level heroes, the feeling of impermanence, simulation training to take on the Indian Residential school art. Training given to ten books First Business , which is a legal sure immortality.
On the way, Dam Loan Pham met a spending increase as store Bodhi. In a conversation, asked Pham Dam up:
- In Buddhism, there is no legal or business is more affordable?
Bodhi save more smiling, said:
- In what way is this legal immortality! Although the practice is alive, but life must also meet the three realms of samsara, so not only immortal but immortality that time!
Finished, Pham increased business volume awarded to Quan Boundless Life insurance:
- This new law is the immortality of the University who first senses metal. If y in practice, will be born of Bliss, is no longer permanently freed reincarnation again.
Dam Loan happy, burning of ten books Kinh Tien and ordained, priests by Pub Business.
Over decades of practice, was going to die, Dam Loan that Nagarjuna Bodhisattva said declaration to the market. He immediately Lowland home furnace turning on the Western notion that Buddhist rebirth. Then, the mass listen to the sound of music nowhere mystery emerged, it was once hidden away in the West.
Life Food, Best Director shaman Buddha, the economic health of Boundless Life Quan, Quan Shui practitioner permitted. Night, a dream that Master immense bearing on the water clear, a boat carrying hundreds of people toward the West. Dao Tran would follow, not for people on the boat and said:
- Teacher not chanting A di momentum and bathrooms for the monks, net business should not go unfulfilled.
Awake, mind magician, from then on medical practice as counsel.
Until then, Best Director again a dream, saw a silver princess castle waving bay to say:
- Pure Mage's career had become members, students decided on the West. I came to this notice, please use heart smart!
Upon death, the top director Tran hot as fire mage, flying around the temple strange perfume. Every student in the chest preparation business, find new pen di know what happened.
(Extract: Voice Application User)
Thanks Bhikkhu Increase in Tinh Chau, constant chanting Di momentum and Quan Boundless Life , Pure for life. Night, Master himself dream that was born two wings, full text on the left wing economic Boundless Tho Quan, the cultural right wing economic Amitabha. mind flashing wings start to fly, but the body also weighs less fly.
Awake, the more trust Division, specializing in business process was two things. Three years later, the dream that has long wings, but not fly away. Reciting more than two years, in a dream, felt itself gently away in order, immediately took her up nowhere in the Western bay. Go to a nice dignified realm. Hypersensitivity to meet Buddha and two Bodhisattvas said:
- Health chanting of the border area only to the Pure Land. So you take her back to me, singing every day forty-eight books, three years later will produce upstream in the Bliss products.
Disillusion, Master y by religious teachings, but the result of three years after the rebirth.
When it passed, are suddenly springing up nine seats lotus, seven days still beautiful.
(Extracts from: New World)
His Father Ly dynasty, who in Cancer Du Chau district, people defame Buddhism, dream that god rebuke, drew blood ill and died. Million glasses a refuge station Mahasthamaprapta, recite the Buddha, Bodhisattva praying for him. He hired skilled workers to create body-Mahasthamaprapta high moral dimensions to three offerings. On ground, ground suddenly shakes all over, many for the earthquake, good and bad discussion wondering. Two months after the city, Dynasty dream that a metal body, head of team security, to say:
- I am Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva. Do you know the reason affordable day before the earthquake? This is because people make the vow, I came here to prove, as set foot in this world, great natural vibrational realms, which are beings out of suffering. Ta y according to the subject of infertility nembutsu rings, photography nembutsu beings in the ten directions. You have to make the Buddha, so we have saved your father out of hell, to the Pure Land.
Ly Dynasty hear, see Bodhisattva hands, just want to bow down prostrate, suddenly startled awake. He was just happy to have touched, from which specialized late nembutsu not lazy.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).19/1/2012.

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