Wednesday 18 January 2012


Great Master Hui Tan Far away as the Contact Group Profile Tong, they Say, the origin of Sprint PCS. His mastery of the Confucian and Lao. At age 21, An Act to hear shaman Prajna teaching experience, hot natural treatment, complained that:
- Nho, Dao permanent flow are just trash alley.
Immediately ordained, vowed propagate Buddhism. Him An Act praise:
- Making religion is circulating in Central Highlands to rely on his Far!
After his head at the temple on Lot Lam Son Dong, director of the leading mass , digging ponds and planting lotus. Lotus on the water drop twelve wings to turn the water wave define moments for day and night time practice.
He along with Dan Liu Di, etc. ... more than a hundred and twenty three people all up and continuous light The Social established, six times for delivery nembutsu West. He was thirty years in the mountains never set foot in the mundane; specialized media Pure Land, settling our system concept, sacred objects found all three times, but still not published.
One night, when he has made ​​of, suddenly Amitabha Buddha found themselves crowded both of nowhere, Quan Yin, The Chi on two sides. Found water, divided into fourteen luminous branch with flow up, pouring down, speakers Abhidharma.
He tells us:
- Do the four principles should force us to comfort him. After seven days he will be born on that plane!
Those who have been reborn in the United Xa ago as the Civil Liu Di, Da Da Buddha Xa etc. ... are almost the Buddha. Master said:
- At last we here, three times that sacred object, and now it is seen, surely will be born on Pure Land.
By the time he coordinates federation citizenship, life eighty three years old.
(according to Lam Dong Stories )
If the minister is good that people immediately want to say that would have been willing that cause aberrant behavior caused rot losses. Please imitate him, but did not say that three times, only to say at last dying alone!
God they did not go to pick
up Tibetan monks * Great Tang Dynasty, the origin of Ha Tay. Childhood ordained, the church nestled, all respect, not suffering from tuberculosis. Seeing other people's health increase immediately wash gium, and then crash. On extremely hot teacher undress for candidates sitting in the grass of flesh and blood for the mosquitoes, ticks.
Every day, he did not recite the Buddha's name should write, just remember in the mind, never missing. Until the full report, see the gods in order to pick up, he will not follow. He suddenly told everyone:
- Medium satellite, see the flowers on the upper spreader's not good.
Then recite the Buddha's hands that turned.
(By Cao Increased Stories, set 3)
* Horizontal ambassador Tang Wei County people. The Western media, voluntary birth Convalescent. After living in his temple Application Report, said it was time went before the fortunate protection: early August will break. By the term, his high court, Quality incense smells strange, they lead from the Bodhisattva's life, teaching the essentials. Suddenly we see people bustling, weaving von pinch. He told the public:
- heaven to welcome our rates, but God is the basic direction of birth and death, not where we wish. Generally expect our birth satellites, may this not be agreed or what?
Music unmute the sky suddenly. From the West, incense, flowers, music, skyrocketing to pull, turn around on the head, all people see. Oh sure:
- Nay Western generals to pick. I go here.
Finished Joint, life sixty-nine years old.
(By Cao Increased Stories, set of two)
At death, separation of elements is always so? Devas turn to pick what is this scene? If the signal level is not voluntary, immediately solidified in time, for the sight was forced to master how well? This is a true example for those who practice meditation so Pure career. If not, a phen born in heaven will the vicious cycle of reincarnation. Do not be mistaken for being pagan believe the kingdom of God.
Nembutsu no rest
Ambassador Tang is The Path of The Apostolic Monday. People see static pages by former director of the Food Act scratches Zen master, he took joy said:
- This is the major way to a Buddha. From the different behavior of Sharp ngoeo difficult; just as quickly exit the practice of birth and death.
Since then, he was diligent, hard-working holiday concept. Shortly after, the scribes, he encouraged them gifts. Each retreat, often kneeling straight Buddha, if they did not leave exhausted. Even at the freezing cold, he still [till nembutsu] sweating [last time] to honor the media.
Often when he nembutsu an hour, with a luminous light emitted from the mouth . Ten questions to thousands of questions are also so, they all see. In addition to the Buddha, say lawyers immediately took Pure Land teachings, did not open any work at being good.
More than thirty years, he has not been sleeping, except when bathing, he never took off y, civil morality such products of the machine. Very good idea the name, no laughing. Every time you go, he often went alone, not for anyone to go along, afraid to discuss problems of religious life career direction. Ba y, bowl, hold him personally, get washed. Mass formula for delicious, raw unfinished form for his own; the first milk, peanuts, so they are not to taste.
All these things are all dedicated to the hard copy his horror was over ten thousand books, drawing more than three hundred pictures St. West Landscape, repair, build towers, lighting wise in such constant connectivity. Both the increase and continue the education of his people chanting Di Da from ten thousand to fifty thousand variables; update lock recite the Buddha from a thousand to ten thousand. Of him, who attained eighty, Pure Land rebirth can not record well.
He suddenly told everyone:
- This body is boring, will the West!
Willow immediately climb before the temple, towards the West, for:
- May the Buddha to guide you, help you make the Bodhisattva took such mindfulness, Convalescent be born!
Faced with that status neatly.
(According to flyers Register)
Grand Master is the reincarnation of Amitabha, the Buddha only display wide bohemian concept of being. Please imitate him great fame that, for Buddha did not rest.
Can get the gold exchange
Amb they Cao Hoai Ngoc Tang, the Dan Sewing origin. To observe morality laws, eating one meal a day. Chanting Da Di thirty thousand variables, course date nembutsu fifty thousand sentences, often of penance. Suddenly they see the West St. crowded nowhere, holding a radio to pick up silver. Master said:
- I am a born Buddha, achieved gold station, why is not it?
Scripture they immediately disappeared. He even more diligent, and twenty one days later, the radio back to Lowland said:
- For the weary effort should be promoted to production. Please be seated Buddha placed in waiting to receive.
Three days later, the strange light filled the ventricles. Master said:
- If you smell strange odor, the network will take notice.
His writing shelves:
A super ten ascetic life life
She leaves Sa Mai satellites.
Immediately flood losses scent, they freeze nghit holy. Buddha and two Bodhisattvas with gold stupid to pick. He smiled the President.
(As high up the series, book 3)
In business, just order a new birth blaspheming God dwells vajra station. If it multiplies diligent, industrious hard, cut super ten lifetimes, how to achieve that? AT may prove successful, can surely be agreed voluntarily. Please join his effort to imitate, can achieve gold stations.
Get the benefit of being the head of
Sugar ambassadors from hunger, the origin of Uncle Lang. Made in small, undergraduate Business, Law, Reviews diligently throughout the nine years, texts are always deeply understood. After his head at the Chongqing Institute of Mountain Forestry Son Binh, picking fruit, gathering vegetables, eat only one meal a day, give rise to long male statue and Bi Quan Yin Buddhist temple construction.
Meet at the long term, mission-control Ocean origin is Zhang asked him for rain. He Conditions for emergency mental statements long, heavy rain poured down immediately. So, for all converge on one another chen, casting is the forty-six meters high, the temple is completed.
He immediately challenged before now, Holy vows rely Pure Land force early delivery. Suddenly see two direct metal-ray: Amitabha Buddha and his two Great Artists from the luminous descending, spread your hands to remove yellow head teacher, said:
- Keep the prayer did not change, taking the advantage to be first born. Birth place wearing golden pond fulfilling sex.
Later, the relative who suddenly see in the upper torso rattan, said:
- The West has provided engineers come!
He sat cross-legged before the statue of Guanyin.
(By Cao Increased Stories, book 3)
Ordinary things such as creating objects, setting up the temple, praying for rain so good people ... are Pure compel industry. Bring these things back towards the West. Do do that so He tells us: "Leave no change, taking the advantage to be first born." If he did not have secret happy Buddha, Buddha's how I was beginning to clear?
Professional ascetic conception
Great Path redundancy is Far away Tuesday Organization of the United Apostolic. Jade attended his Master of Public Selection, is wrong to live in life taught Hanh Son.
He lives under rocks in the southwest include the mountain, one for the food to eat, no one to eat the dirt. Body lean face darkening, rice regarded as sticks. Teachings of ordinary people, he would be witness to them quickly so they often teach specialized concept. He wrote [advice specialist concept] on the street, alley, carved up burrows, take counsel capacity, number of persons out of his goods to the thousands. Everyone brings clothing, cut trees, coral stone, stone lined room. No planning, no power calculations that are fully temple, named Temple Di Da. The amount of construction remaining contestants bring to the poverty, disease. Then, the French ambassador in Lot Screening Son, to enter the realm of An Lac, that there are virtually standing Buddha wears torn. Buddha said: "This is he in Thua Far Hanh Son" . Manufacturers shall, engineers, and went looking for, please attend, missionaries everywhere. After the temple Thua passed, ninety-one year-old life.
(In Lieu Ha Dong Van Tap)
Eating ground, wearing torn: ascetic used to eliminate karma. Generosity of the public offer: no area implications contained to mind. Teach the specialized concept, but was virtually living Buddha, his unfortunate love story, rebirth Superior Products no longer question about it!
Phuoc Hue tu song
The French Ambassador Mats Ng Tang, the Organization of the United Apostolic Wednesday; head at the temple in Acts Van Phong Chau. Diligent practice not lazy, the Bodhisattva Manjushri physically imposing holy spirit into five long scenes. He performed the ceremony, said,
- immense Buddhism, religious teachings which are most essential?
He teaches Manjusri:
- Nay, then he recited Buddha's time. In the unfortunate subjects to cultivate, no subject was any more Buddhist mindfulness. Offerings to the Three Jewels, but religious wisdom blessing. Two subjects that are most critical shortcut. In past lives, and we recite the Buddha by making offerings to attain First Set Tri Race.
So, in all legal Prajna Paramita, deep meditation, even Buddhas are from which the nembutsu. So know that Buddhist mindfulness is the king of the law. He should generally not to interrupt thoughts.
Teacher asks:
- Mindfulness like?
Manjushri taught:
- The Western world is the Buddha Amitabha. Buddha was not inconceivable volunteer force. He should no idea straight to the public network disruptions when decisions rebirth, not perpetual retrogression.
Bodhisattvas are golden arm outstretched deleting, life sign:
- Because he should recite the Buddha of Infinite will soon Upper supreme Bodhi. If those good men and good women would soon be a Buddha is no more than is legal for Buddha, Bodhi will soon witness.
Oh happy ceremony, back out. From here, steep even for Buddha, day and night did not leave the bed, comparable provinces. Suddenly show up Buddha Da Ba Pham Loi said:
- His lotus fullness. Three years later, the flower will bloom.
By the term, he told the public:
- Here we go!
Doan coordinates the president.
(By Cao Stories set up three and Lac BangVan Type)
Manjushri Great Master was open market "offerings to Buddhist mindfulness, wisdom blessing song tu is the most rapid emergency key." Please do believe yes, day and night not to drink, swear Pure Land birth, color of Bodhi.
Nembutsu example children
Major General Professor Long Yan Tang Khang is Thursday Organization of the United Apostolic. Him they Chau, the origin of Tan Van, ordained as a child, through texts, good Vinaya.
After he came to White Horse Temple in Luoyang, so that all West Van Hoa Dao's ambassador to the temple Path optical zoom An Truong Quang Minh at the ceremony where the station now occupies the shadow of the great master Dao Thien; feeling is embodied in the Great Teacher did not teach:
- He taught obedience, width of the property status. The next day the put together, Convalescent birth.
He immediately via Tan Dinh, unknown to him. And he asked for money to entice children to recite the Buddha: every idea is a sound for a contract. Soon, young Buddhist concept of money to be frozen. Teacher says:
- Our nembutsu ten hours for money.
How many years, as many boys, girls, young and old see the Buddha Amitabha are sparse. Nembutsu French wine all the way around.
After he came to Mount O Long, Pure Land founded the VTP, set now three ranks. Every day boys, good build up credits completed; he took up the high court, loudly recite the Buddha's voice in air mass. Seeing the nembutsu an hour, a Buddha from the bay mouth. Ten hours of ten Buddha like beads.
He said:
- The Buddhist position that there be genuine rebirth.
We are delighted. The launching ceremony to several thousand, who also has not been found. Master extradite him up suddenly, the process:
- increased heart attack should start with Pure Land, being separated from the epicenter of Hell subtitles. Currently, he sees the clarity of it is true that my disciples.
Finished directed immediately released some incredible clarity and citizenship.
(By Cao Increased Stories, set 3)
Apply for a financial nembutsu example young candidates and candidates for broad measures of the beings. Buddha from the bay mouth, the optical zoom is that President nembutsu success, surely born Convalescent so!
Operate strictly
Ambassador Minh Vinh Dien Tho sensation around the Song Dynasty is the Friday of the Contact Group Tong. He is the house in Tien Wang Road, looking after the tax. He used public money to buy animals born reporter should get the death penalty.
At about family formation, Cash Office See United error that he did not see the spy change colors, tha king ordered. He immediately ordained, taking him to study with the National Teacher of the concrete projection of Eden, developed weak heart.
Do not the old chapel, he departed Value Nham, made ​​two visits "single minded meditation" and "operate strictly Pure Land ", a steep fine for our island, seven withdrawals were winning the Pure Land visit. Therefore, he had cultivated a professional Pure, use oranges are virtues Yin Road sprinkle into mouth, attained great eloquence, composed of Total Shan Dong Lu and Van Quy set provided only that province.
After Vinh Minh Pagoda in his head, Each day a hundred and eight Dharma. Night on other mountains, walking Buddha, people could hear music booming air space. He recite the Lotus Sutra is one thousand three thousand; student one thousand seven hundred. Bodhisattva Teacher's usually transmitted to the general public, for food for spirits, give ransom delivery network for animals, [these things] are both dedicated satellites.
[One day], he suddenly burned incense, call the college we sat out by the President, seventy-two year-old life. Later, a sick monk, found themselves down to the underworld, Pluto church that a painting left power, diligent worship. Ask the Professor knew God was reborn production. King in his virtues should feast so.
(According to Us Bang Van Type)
Grand Master is the reincarnation of Buddha Amitabha, pulled by seven times by visiting Pure Land should be a new concept, are generally upstream product delivery. Because even in meditation should be happy he must be discharged on Pure Meditation practitioners to mirror.
The mutual economic incentives
Create Ambassador For The Love Song Dynasty is the Saturday of The Tribe. Him they received, the District of way. Seven-year-old ordained, seventeen ordained. He took the rules consistently, specialist titles profess, develop bodhicitta, the commune to encourage each other as chief of that province.
His head Chieu Khanh Pagoda in Hangzhou, portable fans Son's Room The Hue Plot Far be established behavioral Commune. Among the artist wife of General Assembly United Nations Office chief citizens so ... one hundred and twenty people were claiming to be behavioral practitioners, also increase, up to one thousand magnetic industry.
He cut copy business qualities blood Hanh Hoa Nghiem's ​​business. Each day a copy of text, three bows, noise three rounds, three turns claiming the title of Buddha. Copy the thousands of books, for the thousands of people. He used sheep carved sandalwood Buddha of Boundless Life, kneeling before the statue, the vow:
- The same mass start from today onwards develop bodhicitta. Until the ultimate future life, the happy bodhisattva. May this be the end of a newspaper delivery Convalescent body.
One day, while sitting reverently recite the Buddha, he suddenly shouted: "It has come!" , the natural chemical. Public land that are colored gold. Life Master sixty two years old.
(According to flyers Register)
The true economic incentive is mutual self-interest, benefit others. But for this practice in the present, must have own moral level plus the rate of mass cultivation, a mixed male and female rider. Without such is not predestined by the potential closure, numbers are also easy to be more diligent!
Religious vows to death
Ambassadors from Tuan Van Tri Thuc Bach Song Dynasty, the origin of Ninh Hai, they Diep. Law school at first, after studying concrete teachings of Eden, always industrious suffering, self-motivation. After he was through the temple Justice Bao Chau Van Tam Mei, hardship that drew blood, his legs apart the skin, vowed religious to death.
His dream that only faith in Guanyin mouth, kheu a few worms, using cam sprinkle on the highway; awake, body and mind bar food, the disease gone, wisdom, eloquence very afraid. His writing signed comparable Western; and links to professional associations and religious Pure Increase business.
Some time later, he returned to West Services, founded monasteries, mass productivity leading professional eighty Buddhist mindfulness practice. Old age, he was abbot of the temple Chieu Khanh Linh Son etc .... in Hangzhou, ask the local rule is bad Han Wang Tay Ho approved for use as pond liberating life.
He who prepared the legal procurement capacity of the gate, took Pure Land make you interesting. He composed Pure Land Policy Resolution Hanh Mon May Yee and Cross proposed measures mindfulness in the early morning, write brief rebirth etc. Stories circulated in my life ....
Suddenly his poetry from the weightlifting world and show farewell mass , said he was going to master status. He immediately manifested a little sick, refusing medication, said the legal strategy for low mass, burn incense and worship Buddha, Buddha sometimes prove Convalescent rebirth; it also expressed its wish to place on the President Quang Pure Land . By the way, he coordinates of, sixty-nine-year-old life.
(According to flyers Register)
Want you to be rich in the present must also strive to death, let alone to kill birth and death, entered the holy divine u? If death do not take the oath, how the coordinates of, disregard rebirth Quang provinces to be President?
From time to increase support concept
Screening of ambassadors from the Song Dynasty, they Yang, the District of way. Childhood studies with his comprehension of the Enlightenment Spirit is primarily just a lot. He cut off the blood copy of the Lotus Sutra and ten; for every word is a bow.
His economic distress are five organs, visceral horror to ten, a thousand of the Lotus Sutra. Festival of the Flower Adornment Sutra, Brahma Net Sutra, Pure Land, etc. seven business ... two hundred seventy books. He specializes in Buddhist mindfulness practice eighties am building a small named Van Duc, Thanh Tam carving. Each night, just recite the Buddha taught the fourth watch. Lazy monks heard the notion that he was trembling. Each month, on 23, Su-leading performance Increase system memory to St. Tam. During the thirty years, often to public groups about a thousand people.
He suddenly told that they:
- I dream that staff six gold Buddha, this is the rebirth.
Instant increased support required seven concepts. By Saturday evening, he suddenly thick aluminum, folded hands, loudly recite the Buddha, sitting cross-legged, the encryption options. At the cremation, his teeth glow like pearls.
(According to flyers Register)
Great Transitions from Buddhist mindfulness thirty and eighty years before Buddha's death, but also sometimes dream that support memory up. Four ordinary so we should pay attention to this point.
Walking into sunken spots
Professor Dai Nghia deceive himself, the origin of Li Wen. Head in earth am tons of coal in Portuguese, update key concept Amitabha Buddha more than ten thousand hours, morning afternoon without interruption for more than fifty years. Him walking away into the wound hollow tile, or perforated down to the bottom. Others try to alter, shortly after the wear the same.
At first glance, poor self-feeding did well, to live by [the temple]; long day, he do evil. Master rebuked: "You are right the enemy!" He went his accomplices estimate appointment, Professor of the night to beat. Reload the first time, hours to recite the Buddha is still reverberating. Reload again, is not definitely known nembutsu. Until cool air, the highest standard status.
(According to Tu Bach Lao People Episode)
Ambassadors from Bach praised: "By the time of death, hour nembutsu is not over. Even thigh was broken, he can still sit cross-legged to death. If it is over fifty years willpower resilience make do, how well achieve that? "
It just means a lot of life left, so the encounter karmic debt just before rebirth. Do not be mistaken for a lifetime nembutsu should suffer evil!
Width of good practice
Ambassador life Tri Minh Hoang Buddhist Huizhou is the eighth Organization of the United Apostolic. The origin Nhan Hoa, Ho Tram. Was seventeen years old, was named as the birth chart as teacher education and virtue deserves.
He hears a neighbor over the Buddha's name, not something that takes the disease, said nembutsu is not inconceivable merit , please send instant slope where the Pure Land, write "birth and death is the great" (birth and death of college) early in the project directory to hang himself reminds his commandments. In thirty-two years he ordained, taking up the great aging capacity variable, Xiao Yan ... take questions at "the nembutsu is?" with the leaders meeting.
After his head in the mountain still is. Because the mountain is very tiger, he went because people chanting visa, victims tiger immediately terminate. In the long run, people ask him for rain. He walked around the field for Buddha, according to his feet immediately pouring down rain. Everyone happily went shopping together to repair the temple construction materials. Increasing our increasingly converge on, select a single instant become forest. And he initiated Pure Land, Zen Cuong accountability systems, ranging from the benign to the Pure Land from wages.
At that time, World Forum has long prohibited. The world has enough for three of the previous y applying Buddhist precepts, he proved them. His son now san of scientific thought and ritual Du Luc Thuy Diem Import Older, established pond liberating life, composing all About Police Office for pain relief in the underworld. He wrote A Di works had panicked and Van World Star French Vocabulary Management solution and the Assembly, three based photography system. Who was very much of him.
He suddenly they all say goodbye to both increase and, sure:
- I'm going through another place.
By the term, he teaches the older disciples, make it for Buddha, and Buddhist notion that Western-oriented president, life and eighty-one years old.
(According to Van The French Vocabulary)
Birth and death of large, often very quickly, an alum who lost relatives, thousands of lives was difficult. Often thought of this, it will naturally recite the Buddha's feet up, earnestly. Range from the good, old, make it nembutsu. French major Pure Land is a full package of two words.
Dedicated nembutsu
Great Indian Appetite Son Trung Minh Duc Thanh life, their home is the Thai Kim Lang. In nineteen ordained, dedicated to Buddha, Amitabha dream that embodies air, intelligent optical contrast.
From there, the brightest saints are always present before his eyes. After his term to five self-adhesive, developed her own mind is available. He cut copy Economic blood chemical tests, each brush stroke down is a question nembutsu. Over time, the net exactly the same.
After his retreat in the Lao Son is born alive Locking pagan. At first, nobody was listening to the title of jewels, but long after, everyone knows nembutsu. Empress Dowager ordered Li to build temples for gold, the name-plate is Hai An Pagoda. King angry, he went full Leizhou wrong. By the way, he hung the family coincides Tao Khe.
Later, he was spared edict of the king, went to Lot am the Son Tinh Industrial tu as more specialized efforts. He suddenly went about creating gaps, the disease is mild, bath, burn incense, told us that the map:
- Think of the great birth and death, usually very quickly.
Doan coordinates the President, with bright luminous sky projection , life expectancy of seventy-eight years old, is still flesh.
(in Mong Du file)
Holy is the common, the most pure as the right is from the planet so ardent Company. As such attainment has little enough of his flesh should be permanent. Considering that, surely he must be born in Shanghai Commercial Alert Sanh where It Pure Land or injury Quang Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss in the world.
Clear Pure Meditation practitioners
Dai ​​Yan accidental death Ich Thanh Tri is the ninth group of the United Apostolic. Him they Chung, the Maize district. At young age, self learning Confucian do take responsibility, writing Uncle Buddha. Until he read the works of the Bamboo Pen Song Custom Van the party burned the books he had written.
In twenty years, people recite the Main organs of the press play, every day recite the Buddha's name. In twenty four years old, listening to lectures German stock trading wizards, love suddenly suspect play, visit the research center, realizing emptiness. He immediately retreat retreat in Wujiang. Ill near death, his latest idea for Pure Land birth.
At lower bit sick, he went to pay the intellectual rebirth seven days. Afterwards, his retreat at Linh Phong, before art works Xien Ocean Pure Land widely circulated.
He suddenly market is sick, extradition after his cremation take your ashes mixed with dough to bring candidates to the species birds and fish to the West they are married. Then, when the disease has completely healed, he sat cross-legged, towards the West, raised their hands that status and life expectancy of fifty-seven.
Three years later, open the container examination flesh out his hair grow longer has the ear , looks like at present still alive; subject of such mobile network should follow it up in the church tower Linh Phong.
(By Linh Phong Tong Reviews)
Meet up at the new Zen patient near death magnetic. Buddhist Mindfulness Books Online Only write:
"not so little effort is small or large but ill grace the happy idleness. If the business is sufficient error should ever caught using karma Best Design Basic Pure Land Dac Da Ra Ni Sanh. Tri once, kill all the crimes: five reverse, cross the evil in the body. Tri thirty thousand variables, to be born on Pure Land. "
karma Business Octave Setting Basic Pure Land Mantra Dac Sanh said:
"If this procedure shall be addressed Amitabha Buddha he often sits on empowerment, day and night to support such resentment has the opportunity to harm. The usually peaceful life; at the network out, custom rebirth. "
Thus, when he has less disease associated losses over seven days pay. Those who desire Divine Song Tu imitators as he took the importance of special training.
The special training am
General Circulation Books suppression was born Thanh Tong Contact Group's tenth, was the son of the old small-Yixing All bones in the district. He dreams to see the great void of the Son, born of him; of that, his name is Mong Ham.
In twenty-three years old, he was ordained at the temple in Vu Lam Lee. For five years, never put yourself down mats, cutting thorough legal sources. Shortly after, his head in Bao An Temple, was a British meditation fellow shamans in hard tu News Am recommend Pure Business, Master in Money niter path instance concrete teachings he learned of Eden, went the same type Net loss, Justice Hoa Tam Mei. Further insight to cut through his supreme teaching comprehension marrow.
From there, he went up in West Khe am for special training of Hangzhou Pure career, where his name in the United Negative Am (am lotus). Later, his head in at the Prussian Academy of Human Ngu Son, advocacy, inter-communal inspiration, propagation characteristics of victory. Those of his writings such as the Tibetan Volume, Pure Land Landscape Language etc ... is circulating in my life. He died at age fifty-five.
At that time they have Wu Zun Han people getting sick and dead back to life, are told that: "Being sent home underworld error to less power, suddenly saw bright luminous sky, the King of Hell La prostrate to the ground, welcome to The Great West Division. Rolling it out as he looks Removal Save. Thanks to the clarity of his should be spared the reference to " .
(The Pure Land Covenant Theory)
Application thorough legal sources, the understanding that the ultimate teaching marrow after that is the special training am excited to initiate missionary activities Contact Social benefits delivery. Whatsoever that those who have not attained their level of people there that want reasonably affordable?
Ten thousand Japanese course
Am Ambassador City life Thanh Hien Tu Te It is the eleventh Organization of the United Apostolic. He their time, the district enjoy. Did not eat meat from small, seven-year-old ordained. In twenty four years old, ordained, careful to keep a curfew, do not you lie down reclining projection.
Medium allowed to lecture, he showed clearly that both his undergraduate and General Nature. Afterwards, he took part in the study are realized, then said: "I dream and provinces" . He closed am three years, on the reading of Tibet, Buddhism took effect as regular evening courses.
He came to the King Asoka Temple tower ceremony. On Buddha entered Nirvana, he set up both large and set to solemn offerings, burnt fingers before Buddha, found forty-eight great vows, feel free optical relics. He designed and Nirvana Sam Bodhi Mind Extension Development Office to encourage them gifts, many people recite the preferred rate.
In old age, he was on the Tien Lam Pagoda in Hangzhou, the Lien Tinh Commune of special training, they must prepare written agreements same mass sworn for life to take all the time. Photography of all three units, measures of benefit all around.
Ung Winter eleventh chief, he said before the fourteenth day of April following western rules, then closing with a loss, every day nembutsu ten thousand hours. By the term, he said: "The date and time has come to see West St. Tam, rebirth will set it?"
He immediately read from the mass difference, clean shower, change clothes and sit facing west silent . The mourners flocked to, he suddenly opened his eyes said:
- I have gone back again. Birth and death is a big deal, everyone must be pure in mind the new Buddha!
Then he hands nembutsu that status, life expectancy of forty nine years old.
(The Pure Land Hien St. Luc)
Remember the room over the title to idleness. Great lawyers know the time and still hold the energy, key update nembutsu ten thousand hours. It's true that even a lazy bear no breath at all, it's a good example nembutsu so!
More and more and more miserable disease earnest
Professor Tao Dai Thanh life, the Qiantang district. Manufacturers participating school the teacher, after the invention is the nature of special training and then went Pure career. His head at Manjushri am in Hangzhou.
He periodically retreat: the loss is not anything to great lengths, except for a chair and a single (1) [(1) Application: a crude wooden narrow, long; inventory instead of beds. Because the wood was just enough for one person is fit to call the application. ] only! Few days have been getting sick very badly, he encouraged his own: "Reciting the Buddha's birth and death because, again perhaps because of illness but no idleness it?" Then the Buddha's name over the more urgent.
Suddenly, metal the projection optical bright furniture, Buddha removed his head, instantly heal disease; he immediately attained eighty Buddhist mindfulness. Walk, stand, lie, sit the whole no longer any other concept. Throughout the three years that, to the fifteenth day of March, he made ​​important, teaching U.S. court, told the public that
- as long as seven months later, we'll go west; the he can come off.
By the term, he Vu Lan ceremony went Bath Association design. They regrouped, reiterated his previous forecast. He said: "It is so, wait a bit" . The next day, he went head over setting boy told detector mass and then farewell to visit, sit still, stop breathing. Seconds long, regained consciousness, said:
- Parting with him, did not say a word. She does not speak well Sa suffering, please do not speak well Bliss. If I remember thinking it was just meditating Amitabha Buddha, not long after will see each other. Miss this life, circulated in the night long, painful, very painful!
went Finished status, life expectancy of forty-eight years old.
(The Pure Land Hien St. Luc)
Sick as the more urgent imperative to be attained eighty Buddhist mindfulness. How true it is hard to do drugs or get sick, turn obstacles into so smooth! Autonomy in the moment of death when the disease itself should be able to master the self in it!
Buddha appears as you
Ambassador Minh Hue Thanh life, the bank district, located in Hangzhou Bao Quoc Pagoda. Direct behavioral nature, only knew nembutsu. Every time he accepted responsibility red list, sounds like the surf, sticks out or not.
candidates who offered to release him immediately born. Species are born when reporters claim the title of Buddha, in the direction West. Talk to anyone, not just a courtesy call to ask said: "[Watch] deaths that occur, for Buddha more than that!" If anyone asked to possess, immediately said:
- Now before I get sick very heavy heat, some was not hard stiff floating base may be in effect is a question where Buddha empowerment is a question out, not constantly like properties; by which the sick are healed. Since then, no need to know is talking, silence, action, pure in heart have a just as many questions arise, the Buddhist name from the head there is an effect generated Buddha.
After his ill cancer sores on the neck, said the money is sufficient professional, full not whine, whine. At death, happy face, for Buddha's death.
(The Perfume Pollution Episode)
Nembutsu as the Don River, sticks out or not; see other people do not talk chatted; true that the government has reached maturity. But mental illness danger but questions still billowing Buddha emitted signal, the right is: very notion that concept, what disease did not interfere!
Zen master Tinh Photography
Not the Great Master Mong Road East Meets International Removal is The twelfth province of the United Apostolic. He their code, the Peter Phong district. Childhood through economic history, twenty-two, suffering from sickness went awakened by renunciation, taking place throughout the study, understanding wide two-tone and General Nature.
He studied with Tuy As part Zen master, expressed enlightened understanding, is successor as abbot of the temple in the capital luminous flux, mass meditation instructions, modern style concrete injury.
Later, deep industry by sufficient grace so very sick, think of the Five Quan concentration of the Church, for the many obstacles to the use of Buddhist mindfulness. Moreover, the great Bodhisattvas such as Manjushri, Samantabhadra etc. ..., the great Patriarch as Ma Ming, Long Life ... the great knowledge as good value and Vinh Minh, Department Thach, The Tri etc. ... total interest in a subject are provided this does probably because of the disregard for life that we dare not provided online. He immediately left for meditating Buddha, Pure Land practitioner specializing in industry.
Every day his only reception of long-term disabled home tree, the time left to professional holiday concept.
In old age, he Tu Phuoc Pagoda in the Red Mountain Speakers , who studied more and more, eventually becoming a director of The Apostolic colon. His mind never tired fatigue as a career, because people, a level that make Pure taking prescribed direction. Every time he took to talk about suffering at the happy kindness of the Tathagata, saying each letter as rates fall profusely. The listener is often difficult to prevent the deadliest of the shirt. Two volumes of his bed at night was necessary.
Ten months before his death, he was a tenor Western newspapers available, extradition of foreign households who:
- Illusory such charming long, unfortunate life worthwhile. Everyone should work for Buddha, next year will see the great generals that province.
By the term, he appeared getting sick, protect the public support concept. Suddenly not seen on numerous chalky bay back from the West. He told the public:
- General Pure Land is, we are about the West.
- To be led to Buddha himself, here we go!
Great we confess nembutsu as strong performance, great master sat facing west that status, age seventy life. Great they smell the scent filled the air. Funeral his body, opening the office for seven days, as was his expression still alive. Cremation was recorded over one hundred relics.
(By Jeet Language Enlightenment Zen Master Lu)
After informed throughout the Apostolic Church and also specializes in professional practice Pure Land, he is the one true "Meditation is a Pure Land" should be to master the sky, as the Buddha, is the group, but he would not be a meditation Song Tu! Deathbed mass public security concept to support a role model for life!
Mass with the concept
Professor Dai Phong Vien Truc Thanh Dung life, they Yao, the Duc Thanh District. In thirteen years old, ordained ordained, morality is not defective. He particularly enjoyed the ceremony concept, even up the West decided to rebirth.
He did not raise his disciples, not self-hospital abbot am, always someone to practice an attempt to distract from. He does not in any certain place, where they save, not where they go. Liberal temperament, no question nor accept people like to do. He usually am in quiet close, both ceremony and practical idea: Have the idea, no idea the ceremony, there was no interruption, nor any other legal practitioner, legal practitioner only took it for life.
In the middle noon, usually type unseal Buddhist monk until about daybreak the next day, others see him complete rest went like loud call, you just stop, self-concept is the same as last half day. Ask him hungry? Instant response:
- In my mouth often with water as sweet as honey soaked throat, feeling the infinite should not think what to eat anymore!
He did not put yourself down projectors throughout the decades, so little sleep. Despite momentary nap, did not leave the festival concept should no longer have any other coast. In dreams, he often saw Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are acting as the money, counsel, thought of, or recite the Buddha's instructions.
Suddenly he knew it was time, the president went to recite the Buddha, life of sixty four years old, marked Hot flashes are the generals.
(According to Process Perfume Pollution Episode)
Such maps are adopted, no certain place to live, just as peaceful liberation degree. Nembutsu through the night the day, no one calls it did not stop, no hunger, no thirst, dreams and provinces are identical. If not it has attained eighty Buddhist mindfulness, how to do the same?
No idea that self-concept
Wear Am Ambassador Chon Thanh Nguyen Thuong Human life, they Chu, the District Administration Zhou, Hunan Province. Childhood, he was given treatment, through Czechoslovakia, with the idea of that. Father died young, married to the mother, went away to renunciation.
ordained, studied the Tripitaka keen, penetrating teachings. After attending school throughout the North and South [China] he went up in fine amnesty Chuc Thanh Nam Music, crystal serious discipline, diligence, fervent detective. Each day recite the Buddha's six thousand languages. Over time, no idea that self-concept, not always interrupted.
After that, he was at the temple of Dai Nam Shan Music, modeled by the teacher bohemian Removal Enlightenment. Ten ways to learn, because there is room not fused together so he went to use the cardboard allows Eden assigned to lead, take the Pure Land master Di made ​​the ultimate user.
Suddenly, the temple looks like to communicate his head considered everything in the temple, he said: "I'm going to West." He immediately lost two week celebration of the Buddha, in the seven treasures that pond, water bowl merit. He linked the low poll, to refuse medicine, single-mindedly recite the Buddha told them alternately supporting concept map.
He saw the white minister's pride shining Amitabha, sat straight toward the West. Then, those who support the faster memory T-Case, he only went security type, only to recite the Buddha together over one hundred questions, hands that status, life expectancy of sixty four years old.
(According to modern rebirth Stories)
Such self-concept is the idea that the notion that very concept, very notion that concept. If such be the force concept to make the level of maturity that makes the popular stars like that?
Before the celebration of Buddha's death is lost, the public security concept to support the decision to be reborn. Mo English typing too loud not convenient for maintenance support concept should only type, only the nembutsu bar.
Every concept nembutsu aloud immediately
The Ambassador of the Democratic National Chief, they Chau district Through the Ocean, Jiangxi Province. The poor, often recited Buddha monk born to the West. Until taking care not who, buried his wife finished, the age of sixty-eight, he brought children to the new monastic, religious hard. In the mountains during thirteen years, engineers have not laid down in bed.
Everyone is nembutsu aloud his thoughts, often thoughts to the whole body was drenched in sweat and then stop. Others hate the idea he often upbraid Clarion. Advise his fellow little known concept from others to hate, he just laughed, told properly. When actually recite the Buddha is like the old idea that such large self-knowledge.
He used to recite the Buddha inside the temple or purified stem parts located before the mountains. Every time he saw Buddha standing on a mountain often referred others to see. Who is not to see again.
He suddenly knew the time had come, then said shelf, which sits just short of nembutsu.
(the Pure Land Hien St. Luc, in the third version)
As for Buddha, focused mind, reached the realm of mind to know just when to recite the Buddha for Buddha, no other concept; hour nembutsu big or small to disturb other people he did not even! Business Karma discrepancies and colon are strictly protected texts aloud nembutsu ten merits:
1. One is to eliminate the obstacles asleep.
2. The second is that natural awe.
3. Ba is the echo of the ten directions.
4. The four are eight maps are definitely suffering.
5. In the external noises not reached.
6. Six are making such scattered mind.
7. Seven is diligent.
8. Eight is happy Buddhas.
9. Eighty nine out of money.
10. Ten is Pure Land rebirth.
What is the evidence that makes us even more confident.
Specialist concept Guanyin
Before the Civil Ambassador Kim Nations, the European term. Eight-year-old ordained, shortly after that were ordained. To be teacher, every word and concept of St. Great Bi Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, recite each day he took forty-eight variable pay, in addition, specialized maintenance holy name never interrupted.
Thy fame as cell images; set air and taste are not eradicate all remnants. At that time, his healing to others, both hands on sick were healed, no remuneration. He lives in a small temple, face piracy. Robbers except that the coffee sa tear, no longer have anything else, too angry then used his commercial hit, hit two blows on the right forehead, hit a winning hand blows, not dead. Soon, the good brand, but the wound is still in check.
Suddenly, he was the residence of King Asoka Temple in Ningbo city. The way to increase control prescription, he immediately said:
- I am here no longer be reborn West. Respectfully ask for his mercy!
Immediately told the public:
- Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara hand cannon appeared in front of my body, in three days, I will be reborn. Please let's all take the same old, make it recite the Buddha or Bodhisattva concept. Most worthy to be born care about the West. Buddha did not lie.
By the time, he took up the line towards the embassy said:
- After a midday right now, I will be born west.
It is thought that he was lying. Between lunch and dinner as he is often, in the electrical finished Buddha sat facing west that chemical.
(the Pure Land Hien St. Luc, in the third version)
The concept is dedicated to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva victims escape death, also want a good role model reborn West should not die in a small temple which is situated in the temple of King Asoka fame, because the body mass sermon.
How heavy is the Buddhist concept of unbroken
Great celebration of the Democratic National Measures Japan, the District Management Association in Yunnan. Orphaned as a child, to go up at their home in-law Diem Nguyen, born two sons. The poor, he must be employed at Mount St. Chúc successor. In twenty years, he led all the eight applicants to ordain, ordained.
Damaged Venerable Master Yun taught his religious teachings Sanh Bridge Pure Land Buddhist mindfulness. And he rid the coast, one-system concept. His deaf ears, face, ugly, illiterate, on vegetables, worship nights, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva concept.
the collective net free coordinates, course of action and classic self painstaking best. Teacher threads just to visit the great famous painting back to the land fill (Yunnan), met him at the same manic Van Damage Van The temple, asked:
- I have not come under the jurisdiction?
Teacher said,
- I did not bother them.
The Master asked:
- Computer he do?
- The most heavy bear none, I would assume.
whatsoever things are heavy as wall covering, roofing, vegetables, trees, stone lifting, digging, stripping scan, the cooking, he will make no always rest your hands, but not a moment to recite the Buddha's question interrupted.
As night falls, at only net him on the sidelines of economic Kim Cang, Pharmaceutical Division, the business that province is a word on a bow. Daybreak, bell has struck, has power to attend the proceedings as usual, never sleep. His self-mending clothes, or slow and fellow shirt gium participate, each needle is a question a Buddhist name.
In terms of the world, was invited to Sun Securities, y he went to sell, bring all the money to purchase necessary items son mass offerings. Ask him where to go, not just laugh. About now complete, ground up his power at last, sat cross-legged, towards the western Buddha, self-immolation by fire, life and thirty six. Figure situation is like at life, the scent was to take away.
Great to see them compete, just type opening, he can move suddenly collapsed, it turns into ash.
(According to Van Damaged Venerable School Prussia)
A word not know, but when doing hard work never interrupted nembutsu. We are the ones who know the words to read books, if any error is to waste the days went by it not reasonable that shameful?
But the self-immolation is not attained eighty. Do not egg hope to avoid such movements based ma crazy, rotten in the realms forever!
Closing the stellar
Permanent Ambassador Quang Thanh Tam gift you are The thirteenth volume of The Tribe. He Zhao them, as the district allowance, Shaanxi Province. Childhood education Confucianism, Buddhism Outline chains, getting sick a few turns nearly blind eyes, to know the previous error.
In twenty-one years old, ordained ordained. Read the book Long Letter Pure Land Office, said the Buddha Mindfulness is the true key to willow birth and death, he took performance specializes nembutsu. While doing the back, left center no nembutsu. After his head at the temple on Mount Tu Phuoc Hong speakers, special training and access Pure Land Sutra Pitaka, the Buddha mind magic contract.
His reign Five long bow, to the capital, according to General Venerable Hoa Van visiting Tibet in Putuo, head Dharma in the temple, only from slopes, retreat for six years, took it forward, an attempt to recite the Buddha's day soon attained eighty Buddhist mindfulness. The position as Captain As lay people from bringing in the Van, etc. ... What makes him the teacher of his goods more widely. His self-taught and who, as one cause you get the Pure Land direction, leave no cause and effect, the district did not abuse allegations. The refuge in his more than twenty thousand, y teacher who was born to serve the West very much.
He was of all the prisoners and the allergic type, tend to keep notes on the Great Bi and rice to treat the disease. Later he held office at the Temple in Suzhou National Newspaper. In addition to the locks at the lo practice editing, additional studies are self-will of the Putuo Mountain, Thanh Luong, Russian Mi, Fire etc ...
Formerly, he vowed not to head over, such items are recorded; human because the increase, according to the overcrowding, his new enlightenment in Gaya Tong Tinh Linh Nham mountain mass to the same prison. She founded Hoang Hoa Commune (Hoang Hoa publisher), donated five hundred thousand in the Buddhist scriptures, Buddha images over hundreds of thousands. His protection method, secondary malignant Tong, who poverty relief, donations help guys in need stringent, the table can not think well.
Later he returned Linh Nham (2) [(2) Great Teacher am Linh Nham, but not up there but assigned to watch shaman Choose land, retire to solitude in Suzhou, 77 years old new again Linh Nham ], know the time has come, teaches mass:
- Mindfulness Buddhism that Buddha decisions being Western. To be Buddhist to lead, here we go!
him towards the West for Buddha, the coordinates of, life and eighty years old. At the cremation, teeth intact, iridescent relics collected thousands of particles.
(According to Indian Ambassador Quang Hanh Business Register)
The Master is Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva hybrid medium to malign the Tribe that is still often carry the stars, day and night concept Di Da! It opens four ordinary speaker should not be lazy diligent stars?
Sit not lie
Dear Ambassador Quang Chieu the Democratic National Kham, they Huang, An Hui province of Phuoc Kien district. In his four years old, because the poor should have to sell their house in Jinjiang Li adoption.
His physical weakness, very sick, the mother, Buddhist, vegetarian. In eleven, because foster parents are lost, he would ordain went in Thua Thien Temple in Quanzhou. The mistakes of the outside such as planting vegetables, weeding ... After he was through Indonesia, to thirty-six year old returned Thua Thien Pagoda officially the play. The play is done, he specialized in media ascetic, often sitting not lie, most Buddhist mindfulness.
In forty-two years after ordained, he was more determined to potential practitioners, through the side quartz ridge in Qingyuan Quanzhou to meditating Buddha, only the forest potatoes, wild fruit to support the heart. In the mountains there are many tigers, gibbons. Since then, monkeys, gibbons to give effect, to tiger refuge floor should he be called Easter effect is Tiger Master (teacher vanquished the tigers). Usually enter the Master, who has time to even enter a few months not eating, not moving.
June 36th in the National Population (1947), was already fifty-six years old, he cross the sea to Taiwan, the carved stone Ad Minh Tan Mountains in the back point of Taipei to potential religious retreat. Place it on the promotion of Quang Minh Temple. Rear right is the large cliff, he went into the carving of Buddha Amitabha large stone. Below, on the left to cut into the agar; later expanded into Quang Chieu Temple.
After this, he finds the natural stone in Turkey City, suddenly springs from the rocks in extrusion, python refuge . His promotion to the temple where he Thua Thien-directed fellow disciples. In the National Population 58 (1969), enlightenment in Quang Thua Nham Tran Tho City.
FAQ's weekly prayer from time to many believers, the local lawyer to Hualien, Taichung, the first year, Chiayi, Kaohsiung, etc. ... of our missionary activities. Then, he founded the temple walls at Thien Tuong Duc Pagoda in Quang Long Long Mountain Province ... so they admit a large map.
He often sat cross-legged Buddha, each entered the three times, each estimated the week up. Every day, monks only eat fruit, drink water to live should be given the effect is elegant fruit Shui Master. Finally, he planned to build the temple in the village of Noble The Master Schedule of Kaohsiung City, traditional cloth successful life fulfillment. Four disciples about where he needs to even thousands more. Disciples refuge more. He works Khai Thi Lu, Media States The Integration ... published by events in life.
Master skinny body but physically healthy, hustler action. On December twenty-six years of Democratic National seventy four (1,985), Professor accelerated return of Thua Thien Pagoda. One day of January next year, early morning, lawyers summoned his disciples in charge of public campuses and Thua Thien Pagoda, one the best deal for post-completion, instant return to the temple Noble Update, territorial public performance on night for Buddha, the more powerful spirit, crystal wall.
Two pm day of year, college professor suddenly told them:
- There is not going to, he had nothing!
He nodded toward the mass, smiling, an coordinates of the wall, ninety-five-year-old life. Cremation, save the relics of so many.
(under the Annual Master Kham Quang Pho and history)
Great Master but have not read the book, young age, very sick physically weak, according to Buddhist glucose, fasting. After the release of expert ascetic, often sitting not lying, single-mindedly recite the Buddha. After arriving in Taiwan, but the Great Master prospective practitioners, only fruit and water to live, but the body gently, healthy, live a life.
properly, ordain, missionary activities of them. Suddenly, the professor leading the mass rate of Buddha, smiling, surely must be the coordinates of the Shanghai Commercial Sanh.
Discharge of Buddhist contemplation
Tam Nguyen Hue Ambassador From the People of China, the Hebei province of Binh Uyen district. In seventeen ordained. Shortly after, ordained, the Buddha School Education Performance in Anhui Province, local case studies eyed.
He assumes responsibility Tho Pagoda and the Quang Sung Shan in Beijing. He founded, excited the VTP Avatamsaka. Before Noon each day, chanting his Hua-yen. Last year, he was the Buddha Flower Adornment Decor, religious leaders of public law orders the military Chon no French; each cut import Recurring Dharma Realm. After opening, each treatment was nothing legal about the multitude of constraints, legal full of joy, praise is unprecedented.
From there, he was even more diligent, self-government did not reverse. November thirtieth year seven National Population (1948), he came to Taiwan at age forty eight, territorial responsibility taught at the Institute of Buddhist pagoda in Quang Trung Calendar List. The following year, he came to the Department of Teaching Learning in Hsinchu Buddhism Buddhist teaching, and teaching experience at the temple the line for seven years.
Master usually live in the temple in Taipei, where they, the first year ... to clarify business, they do not count. Fifty-five years old, he founded Mountain Phuoc Hue Tho Lam Linh Son commune, Taipei. Each year, in July, his Main Tibetan Legislative Assembly lasted seven days, U Minh About one-time transfer. Each year, in Taiwan, the university's traditional cloth and men in the country, lawyers are usually appointed to a failure in mind. Both the earth and the underworld are beneficial and legal interests of infinity!
In sixty-six, even more often lawyers diligently, every day is key Buddhist concept of three thousand questions. In eighty consecutive start for Buddha, meditating group meditation, and initiated studies that poor diagnosis and experimental drugs within the premises of the temple; founder library for people to read books; advocacy, care of the faculty solutions, learning Buddhism. Well as adding depth and resolution, but religious wisdom blessing.
Master had responded to the U.S. from time to missionary activities, the Korean ordination, the ordination of more than five thousand people. Eight noon day of July of the National Population 75 (1986), after supper, master suddenly said:
- I want to go here!
Immediately summoned all his disciples in the temple, recommendations:
- After we lost, you should cooperate with each other.
After dinner, what he is not sick, are using encryption, life expectancy of eighty six.
(According to Journal Consultancy of 126)
Ambassador Hua-yen daily chanting, Custom Air Force, had entered France About Dinh Quan practitioners not retreat from it drop. By the age of sixty, start each day course every three thousand hours nembutsu; this is the contemplation of Buddha.
From the age of eighty years on, suddenly the meditation, Buddha Recitation group meditation. That is pure old age coordinates for Buddha, but neither is the divinity Song Tu. Not sick, are using encryption, the most blasphemous of God is Born.
Lost to disseminate
Professor Chu Yun Dai fact the Democratic National Provincial World, the district as Cao, Jiangsu Province. Disadvantages related to age (twenties), monastic ordination. He graduated from the university in turn Buddhist Institute in mainland China, to penetrate the Tripitaka, specializing in Pure Land practitioners.
Five Nations Population 39 (1950), professor in the army to Taiwan, leading missionary teacher at the rear hospital , leading to countless wounded soldiers seek refuge in the Three Jewels. The next meeting of the plea pleaded distribution Taiwan Buddhist Assembly, he returned to the island of missionaries, penetrating the rural areas, propagate Pure Land. He turns against areas overseas staff, visited the United States, Canada, Korean, Thai, Vietnam etc ... praised Buddhism, visit overseas. His martyrdom because of how steep the merits!
Five Nations Population 47 (1958), after holding the potential religious, missionary activities he loved not being very good. In the National Population 61 (1972), he began the practice initiated to disseminate That, every day until the end of September nembutsu incense trees, a thousand Buddha bowing, taking myself as an example to lead four of them and college student subjects Buddhism. During fifteen years, lawyers were kept as early.
He founded the temple planned Thanh Luong Son of households in the United Nations Taichung, use the Tong Buddhist Academy to begin to disseminate Myth That Pure Land Gaya.
Previous work has: Buddhism Christianity comparative data (compare Buddhism and Christianity), Nam Hai Pho Da Di Van Truyen Ky Son Lu (Records of weird things handed down on Mount Putuo in South Customs), Buddha wears away sign (note the strange place of Buddha), the owner of Master Instructors Forum Group, to disseminate That Khai Thi Luc ... more than ten books, is widely circulated in the country and abroad, wide the credit to them.
July 75 in the National Population (1986), he said a moment ago, from the fine residence in Taipei Da Di phone shaman Hue Ho Khai Thanh Luong Quoc Pagoda in the Pacific, Taichung:
- I want to commune in Phung Hoang Lien Son temporarily live twenty days, I want to go then!
As expected, 9 pm on twenty he went to The Social, every day for Buddha, reborn uncle cum over one hundred and twenty variables. By nine o'clock the evening of August day of September, just in twenty days (he lived there), he immediately lies peacefully, was chained hands, lips whispered the Buddha, suddenly commanded his disciples to stand almost detectors:
- Everyone please recite the Buddha's hard.
Then the impressive rebirth, life and sixty eight.
(as Chu Van HoaThuong Anniversary Specialist Group)
He tells us: "I heard the Buddha Amitabha, serving over title or a day, for seven days, any disorder of mind. At the instant of death the world Sukhavati rebirth "so diligently to recite the Buddha's last seven days, an attempt to achieve most any mental disorder.
If seven days is not a mental nursing home, the more diligent a loss, Furniture Furniture for two to seven. If still not attained Best Real Disorders Center have strong, diligent, and often lost it a long time Buddhist practitioner will achieve Best Real Disorders Center. Please be diligent imitation great teachers.
Pure Yellow River Law (Law preaching tone and grand total at the same time)
Ambassador Nguyen Dao Trung Tin the Democratic National Power Wheel, surnamed Wang, who Thuy Ha Nam trade. Since she was informed descendants, seven years on the school reading; ordained twenty years. Not long after, ordained, close to great teachers Xuzhou in Jiangsu province and the great teachers of the An Quang Pagoda Linh Nham.
For two concrete: Concrete Law and grand total, he was feeling deeply traditional and fully agree. His consecutive three-year retreat, Pure Land practitioner career potential, using two-tone Law and ease of administration and the people themselves, not spare effort. Division Three title reign ceremony paints: Prussian, fire, five long; each holding professors and the faculty at the Buddhist Institute.
Master consecutively served as teachers in six deft. His abbot of the tank capacity in Hebei, Van Tuyen Son Pagoda in Zhangjiakou, excluding An in Shanghai ... He always took Vinaya teachings, propagate Pure Land. Solutions are well-deep, four are specified threshold!
March thirty-eight years of Democratic Nations (1949), the Taiwanese professor, founder of Pure Land at Mount Tu Hai The Eightfold Path octaves ward, Keelung City. Buddhist monks are often presided over losses, preaching traditional Pure Land. In Taiwan, a traditional three-year college forum sex once or twice, ordained at home several times, almost always take on a great teacher positions in the Three Lions.
When Li was appointed as the Chief of failure of the Chinese Buddhist Association China, the U.S. Congress opened up the world, was appointed professor president of the Congress presidency. Professor resounding virtue of the globe. Chemical engineers often travel in the United States, Canada, Japan, Korean, Thai, Fine Asia (Singapore), Malaysia, Cambodia, etc ... Hong Kong is where he usually comes to teaching business and communication world. Wins French coast, less any increase in the well.
On the old Buddhist monk founder of People Skills Academy for training, financial training up positive apostolic preaching. A lifetime, usually lawyers throughout the monastic experience to teach, preach, preaching traditional Pure Land Pentateuch, particularly comments (3) [(3) Pure Land least five business Comment: Kinh A Di Da, economic Boundless Life , GLASSES Boundless Life, Samantabhadra products Avatamsaka Hanh Nguyen's business, and a Chi Niem The Pure Land Buddhism is contingent Telecommunications business. Comment is reborn most of the Bodhisattva World Body Reviews ]. In order to adapt to the place predestined, He also lectures and texts often as the Flower Adornment, France United, Surangama, Giac Vien, stratigraphy, and so on ... Lecture Reviews Volume texts which, lawyers are also provided direction that province. The hearing started legal trust, morality being Pure Land nembutsu not know for how much?
Unfortunately, the business, I've been explaining comments have not been fully recorded, only rolling green business faculty Da Di, Quan Business and Yangjiang Group Five Buddhist Dialogue is the printing and circulation in your life, but also universal enough to just south of the rules being Pure Land.
day of December Two-year National Population 76 (1987), marketing professor is suddenly disease, lies in hospital nursing. Knowing the time came, he took up the post of deputy wishes. Full Moon Night on April the following year, Master suddenly they're almost sure to reach him on Hai Hoi pagoda. Teacher sitting neatly mass nembutsu instructions. A moment later, the master bed is an organic side wall, each slot the nembutsu. By half past seven the following night, the sound of Buddhist concepts of mass, impressive press release, rebirth Bliss.
By day 18, when the university celebrated shroud, Master Body is soft, sharp face as alive. On the thirteenth of May, the cremation cell, collected over thousands of relics iridescent, bright lighting. Teacher age 89.
(under Master Lao Dao Nguyen Anniversary Volume)
Great law school professor from the two great Indian Quang Chau and Lao Tzu. Following the teacher should take Pure Industrial Law preaching to the responsibility but, universal public morality extension Buddha, of the universal throughout China and overseas. Since the thirteenth at the Organization of the An Quang Tinh Tong regression Convalescent great teachers, great teachers of preaching alone transmission Overall, the seat toward the general public.
He deserves to be honored as the fourteenth group of Calculate the total for the previous serial, paving the way for later, to the old ways, opening new ways put together, perhaps in the quarter they're all the same Sum agreed so! .END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).19/1/2012.

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