Saturday 21 January 2012


In this world, full of rivallife, struggle, struggle for survival, people often than suffering, suffering is often called, usually moan suffering: the suffering, pain and suffering so too! People, whether civilians or officials, whether white, black, or black, whether employers or employees, whether popular or learned, either male secondary aged child, whether under any religion, everyone will recognize that: "This life is suffering a lot less fun." Why so? Because human life is always up and down the steps , opened his eyes since birth until retirement from the world's eyes that she is suffering. Everyone in the world, everyone must face and deal with the ups and downs of life, no one can be avoided.
Books have a saying: "Blessed any future infections, painting numerous single releases." This means that on this world are the lucky, lucky things, also known as a blessed, blessed, blessed effects, often not twice, not to a turn. In contrast, the disaster, the story unfortunately, uncertainties, dissatisfactions, often referred to as bad luck, back to the intense, constant, endless joint tour. This story has finished, another thing happened. Sometimes this is definitely it has struck many other things. Many things have happened to rush, as we face the dark, you're dizzy, or not in your hands. With the spirit of weakness, weakness, for security, confusion, fear, the vicissitudes of life step will plunge them into the sea of suffering, full of tears, full of cries. In contrast, those brave strong spirit out, understand the principles, the retreat center, the step ups and downs of life's challenges, the training, to enhance their inner lives on a more mature, their energies on a more solid, bold step forward on the path of learning. Enlightenment and liberation will come with such people one day. The benefits of understanding the ethical, the religious education center, this place is so.
In the books, the step ups and downs of life known as "Bat Room". Eight rooms including four blessings and four unpredictability as follows: "prosperity and failure, and the destruction, justified and muscle pain and communication " . That is a bowl style with four pairs: One is prosperity, welfare and collapse, ruin. Secondly defame, denigrate and honor and reputation. Three is a positive claim, and of all praise, criticism. Fourth sorrow, suffering and happiness, happiness. It's normal eight winds of the world, not always stop blowing, then all this wind gust of wind, there was hiu hiu wind, light, cool, is when the wind blows strong, terrible , brutal, as in the storm.
In everyone's life on earth, no one does not meet the step downs, lost at the time, was honored at the flesh, was pleased at the size, at extreme pleasure, to the elephant was down at the dog, at honor at Liberty shame, pessimism was optimistic when, at step journey in a horse fall, when the king was lost to the enemy, at the age down to fame at the black mud, smiling joy at laughing down at the tears, rejoice at the present time crying silently in the mind, long time to live life at the minute I want to die. The step downs such as the reason for human suffering to suffering, because when faced with any circumstance, whether satisfactory or unsatisfactory, the human mind is always agitated, restless.
- So, if hard to find out ethically, honestly practice, the lower the elaborate, reflect the mind, then surely we will have peace and happiness.
- If not, man "is still alive, it also is still hard work", because the participants' lives, because of the ups and downs that this step.
1) Th I nh and failure : First, we try to consider pairs of ups and downs that life must constantly deal, which is now flourishing, and now enjoy the benefits decline, leading away the debt. Thinh and failure are two regular winds on earth, in the life of any person.
In mortal life, people often have two things: gain and loss, profit and loss, victory and defeat. Of course, now flourishing, while benefiting the people happy, happily, fun, gloating. This not surprisingly, so called normal world. The Benefits whether large or small, whether or not righteousness, and all bring joy hope that everyone, everyone is looking for. Without hours of fun, although short-lived and temporary, not life truly worth living. In this world full of conflict and bon chen, human beings are very few opportunities to enjoy these moments of mind cheerful, happy, gentle. Such pleasures, whether physical or mental, will certainly make people more health and increase longevity.
But when they fail, lose, losses, loss, dementia, depression, ruin, distress and suffering, then begins to start. People can smile easily at flourishing, when the time is favorable or when the benefits to, but at a loss, depression, still does not, hard. Many cases of severe losses, great losses, significant losses can make people hysterical mind. For example, bankruptcy, the industry collapsed, broken families, middle name listed, often resulting in suicidal life situation, because people no longer take it anymore.
Buddhism is the true sufferings of mankind. Therefore, it is in these cases, people need to apply and promote the study to understand the teachings of Buddhism, to the spirit out and try to keep the mind calm , do not get too perturbed. While struggling with life, all people who have to meet everyone at win, was quiet. So people must be willing to accept, willing to endure, preparedness, first is a living in adversity. We have faith in the Buddha, should try to learn the Dharma, which is extremely precious teachings are recorded in the scriptures, to be applied in everyday life and style to bear bowl anytime, in any way. So, the despair, the pain will reduce lot of business.
Ten mind, in Luan Bao Vuong Tam Mei, has taught:
"In life do not need the tribulation, because tribulation is far from arrogant rebel."
"Take the tribulation to escape".
Why so? Because the van please pray really get anything. People make little blessings past life, causing many of karma, so this life new life face many accidents and uncertainties, dissatisfactions. Want to reduce accidents of life, suffering more fun, people need to actively support religious nature center, more than doing good, do not make others suffer, whether by act, words or even thoughts, too. Those who do not live in the world in need, to do something easy and successful, consciousness often haughty, arrogant, boastful, luxury spending, the world's disdain, distrust people, makes people alienation, no one wants to close. When in need, people often do not mind arrogance, because arrogance is in distress, no lavish extravagance, not mind hanging on to the scene naked, well not easy to greed, not easy to anger, no delusions delusion, because greed is easier distress, anger is easier distress, confusion is easy to crash! In other words, help people in need soon freed from bondage, blessed slopes of greed, hatred, ignorance, conceit, that this suspicion.
When you lose something, even if the price or petty, but is used everyday objects, which course we will also feel angry angry inside. The very sad that makes our minds anxiety, fluctuating, restlessness, not to help find their lost animals. We can console ourselves: This is only a small loss kindled, not interesting . Many people have lost many things in life big, larger than many. What a great loss Nhut, most people are afraid, that is: "to lose" , ie loses his own life. People often take the concept of covering the body, have lost something often console ourselves: the network was good enough, is a blessing then, but people are also made ​​out of, worry! There are few who take died for wealth only. Buddhism is less direct help we fear, help us stop unless the concerns, worries over here, help us achieve calm, relaxed, in order, calm, before any bowl style .
We should observe that: Even the relatives of our four fateful day have also been lost, disintegrates and returns to dust, what case is anything other appearances, this world . Anything in this world and go through the stages: "life, universe, walk, kill." This means that all things born, formed, there exists a universe that certain time, it also turns allergic, damaged, until completely destroyed. Understand the "impermanence" taught by the Buddha so deeply, we will reduce much suffering and pain in life and can keep the mind calm before the loss of the earth, big or small, whether material or spiritual, whether in money or relatives. In addition, Buddhist teachings also help us find the "true man" of his own, outside the body of this insubstantiality.
In the family, a wife is accidentally break an item that, although important and valuable to wherever, virtuous husband should not be severe because unfortunately the word, making the country unsafe direction, let alone What things other petty errands. So, the couple needs to see a fortune from view until the end of primary term and all long-term, as long as the victims from the disaster, as long as the new peace. An optimistic and happy family right in their direction and then, off to search for hard work, very tired. In fact, university or state term limit is up to you all slippery, how long I still regret the floor vote is still for so long its hard to be anointed to reduce headache, abdominal pain for help. Also, when her husband has failed to do the work partnerships, losses, even off of capital, insolvency matter, your spouse should not be so severe words of regret, not to grudge, to he was to spend my money to buy diamonds, buy marble wear, dress is just beautiful, just to spend doing the latter. So, leading to peace in life is peace and happiness for sure, no doubt.
Everyone understands that despite the sun than the land charge, yelling vociferous matter there is no way compensate for the loss of material and spiritual. What has passed to let it pass away, not to mention, do not complain, do not think think.
In the Kinh Kim Cang, the Buddha taught: "The past prime interest impossible."
That means: the mind remember thinking about past, regrets about the past is not helpful at all, is that so. Once, the Buddha and his disciples settled down in a village of its fetters. Those who have the responsibility to worry about a food completely neglected duty. During the three months full-time low, the Buddha and the monks still use the food calmly manned by a horse gives rise, not a lament or troublesome charge. In all circumstances, although such horizontal left, the Buddha has always lived in the right concentration, the mind is always calm, relaxed style of life before the bowl.
Another story: At the time of Buddha, there are a host female candidates often go to the temple to take care of needs, from the offerings. One day, she wore a gown was very valuable to the temple. At left, the maid inadvertently, neglected to coat it. Arriving home, she told the maid returned to find. Then she decided to sell this shirt to work good fortune. For very expensive coat, no one has enough money, so she bought and used the money he built a beautiful home monasteries, offered to monks. After the offering ceremony is done, she addressed the maid gratitude as follows: "If you do not accidentally forget a coat, make sure we do not have the opportunity to make this good fortune. So we would share this blessing children " . Instead of sadness or anger bothered by the loss of a precious material, and scolded the maid accidentally, she thanked him for helping her have the opportunity to make merit. Respectable attitude of this woman is a lesson to those who deserve to be angry because of the mistakes of the maid under his jurisdiction. We must be brave to accept, tolerate cope with losses, losses to calmly deal with complete equanimity. We think that this is the golden opportunity to practice this noble virtue.
In the Dhammapada, the Buddha taught:
"Winning students animosity. Failure to suffer."
"Regardless of a draw. Living happiness."
Moreover, the important thing in Buddhism is "not-self doctrine" , taught that nothing is actually "me" , so nothing is actually "mine" . That is very noble philosophy that we need to study, learn, learning, thinking to comprehend, so that when having conversation rise and fall, than losing, good damage, draw, and should fail, the world This time, we still keep our mind calm.
2) Remove and d U: That is canceled ridiculed, despised and honor, fame, also known as fame and notoriety. Cancellation and the two winds, the other a pair of ups and downs that life must often deal daily. Common practice of happy life, happy to celebrate excellence, fame. As bad, libel, contempt, that human nature does not like. Fame makes people excited and boost morale. Reputation makes people angry, insecure.
Actually, people do not need to run the fame, fame. If worthy, people will have the fame of good, no need to find. Books have a saying: "Friends radiation natural flavor" . That is a fragrant flower, with excellent flavor, then naturally everyone knows. A real good, from good to show off, everyone felt. People often feel peace, peace to live next to a gentle saint. A foot from the school, noble virtues, often referred to as a shade tree to cover rop, people have to rely on, to avoid scorching sun, symbolizing the sorrow and suffering of the world. As for "natural muskrat bad" , no doubt, from the table.
There are people to do good but is often implied that profit. Example, every person also contains how much, how much gold to pray blessing, but count each bowl of food each day makes. There is a very temple cook, cook, wash dishes, sweep the yard, watering, weeding, doing enough things, because I think the temple is blessed work, work at home no nails, just the wrong people to do! Anyone who has done a good job, are also worthy of praise, there is more than not! News but we feel happy, extremely happy, when flying away reputations, to spread. However, we must realize that fame, fame, fame, glory, just go to the grave man is the same. Then it disappeared into the clouds, smoke. All the words are only words, even as her speech, it was the word, a fine language, which can smooth the human ear in a short time only.
As bad, why? Of course, people do not like to hear, not like the table, do not like to think. When these words reached the ears bad we will make your mind astonished, annoyed. Suffering in mind as more profound, if the accounts or reports that proved unjust, or completely false. It usually takes a long time to create and build a building material or spiritual there. But, in a flash he can destroy everything easily. Sometimes people take years or whole lifetimes to build a reputation. How many labors that can blight the moment. The life on earth were routinely "find bar leaves deep or removes hair trace" , always want to present shortcomings and mistakes of others. How much good nature of others nhem hidden, or ignored, never want to mention.
Ten mind, in Luan Bao Vuong Tam Mei, has taught:
"Unjustly no means transparent, because transparency is the falling action is not discharged."
"Let's get to the gate unjustified virtue."
Why so? Because human life before creating little blessings, causing more karma, so this life met many unjustified. Also see "their" was unjustified, that is not smooth "not-self doctrine" . And that "someone harm" is still suffering, does not make anything at all. Want to reduce the life unjustly left horizontal, people should actively support religious nature center, doing good more hours trying to avoid sowing resentment, not spreading rumors, slander not aging, not to suffer for another, whether it's his enemies who had hurt her, I do not like guys too. Why so? Because if you hand out for revenge, retaliation, seek to harm those that are different with each other where they are?
Every misunderstood or transmitted rao people unjustly, whether accidentally or intentionally, we should be calm, clear thinking: Thankfully, they did not know her much, only poorly known, so defamatory only have this much time. If they knew more, sure I was being criticized so much more! When criticism is too discredited, we can observe that they provide no reputation to lose that! Better yet, we do not need to answer the nonsense, the only way to irritate the other person only.
In Y Tu Dhamma, the Buddha taught: "Y y means any language."
That is: We should not bother with words, sentences without meaning anything. For example, someone said we stupid as a cow, if we are angry, the result is that we do stupid then, but said nothing more. The same nonsense is hard to make people understand mental morality.
We need not waste time in vain to correct false rumors, if the circumstances are not required to clarify the issue. Enemies will delight in seeing us upset because their words. That's what they want. If we are calm, relaxed, as if nothing had happened, the slander that the words will disappear into oblivion. We should only spend time focused nursing care to worry about a religious nature until enlightened and liberated only. In Business heresy, the Buddha taught:
"Do not care about the world."
"Do not spread rumors."
West as follows:
"You should not concern yourselves with worldly affairs, nor yet circulate rumours".
Why so? Because the world often talk about self multiplication, non-market, right or wrong, true or false, disputes over lost, and all kinds of rumors are often unfounded, unreliable, difficult to verify, only hurt reputations of others, all make their own mind restless, fluctuating only, not helpful. In the Dhammapada, the Buddha taught:
"The more, the more resentment. Losers never sleep alone."
"In losing all discharged. Sleep is peace."
Ten mind, in Luan Bao Vuong Tam Mei, has taught:
"Building a virtue, do not need no code because no code is not resilient aspiration."
"Take that as you lead troops."
In this code means praise criticism, the fame or notoriety. If we can see the merit processed as helpers on the way we practice, to train the mind awareness, it is your own direction, that good is knowledge, is inversely well-bodhisattva, a judge guidance on our way. So smoothly, the aspirations of our new resilience, not to quit the carriage, when to meet criticism or praise, fame or notoriety, and mind, we would not wavered. In the Dhammapada, the Buddha taught:
"Do not look at human error. Should consider his fault."
"Do not care who: have to do or not do."
"So, look yourself: do or not do."
For the faults of others, we must do as the blind do not see nothing, know nothing, to avoid annoyance, to out mind. For criticism of others, we must do as the deaf, not hearing, not private, not preach. For about slander others, we have to do dumb, did not attend, no debate, no additions. No one can stop the charges, the accounts or false rumor by those who intentionally or maliciously. This world is full of thorns and sharp stones. But if forced to go on it, can not be avoided, moreover we can not move up thorns and rocks are, the better off, we should bring a pair of shoes to make careful and go step by step. So we'll be safe. The shoes make sure that is associated with the teachings of Buddha and The Master passed on you. We should know that:
"If accepted, they will be obstacles smoothly."
"If the desire for smooth and you will find obstacles."
Buddhist Dharma teaches us:
"Be like a lion, does not tremble at the sound."
"Be strong step like rhinos."
"Be like the wind, not attached to the screen grid."
"Be like horns before every island a storm."
"Be like the lotus, from the muddy waters rise,
but not turbid and muddy water contamination. "
Forestry is not painted, not lions trembling fear, or shock you to hear the cries of other animals. In such books are often words of the Buddha's teachings, have the power to wipe out all delusion delusions delusion of being, as the demonic horror, roaring like the sound of the forest in the land lord painted woods, among the animals. In this world, everyone can hear recounted stories unfavorable left ear, false accusations, slander and defamation of the language, from the mouth of jagged blades act, actually not much bother, not to look to.
In the book have a saying: "On the way a dog barking, dog barks every default, the group who are going, keep going" , which implies that the life or, benefiting many things, very mouth to mouth, often interrupted thing, of many others, often playing, poking sticks wheel likes sucking blood, spraying the blur, often spreading rumors, frivolous claims, discourage right, often critical, for stabbing bored, did not want to do, everyone benefits. The life for which the class dogs barking, no concern, courage forward, the group who go on, such as dogs barking, crashing out discouraged, pointing vain.
But who knows, religious identity nursing care, often not for them, bad dogs, according to normal practice, not as those who, often verbally abused, or generally flattering, as the enemies. Why so? Because of this, if they do so, his mind was active, frustration, insecurity, meticulous practice, be quite difficult. On the contrary, we should see, they like the angry, good is knowledge, the judges, on the religious guidance, challenge the mind, practice, anywhere, that if the herd, keep your mind calm relaxed, calm yourself in, before every storm, every hour of merit blame, criticism, saying encouraging tease said, firmly Mind, never wavered. In doing so, meticulous practice, to achieve a quick, satisfactory results.
Many were from the lotus of the muddy waters rise, adorn life, without being muddy water and mud tarnish. We are living in dirty mud water is cloudy, make like the lotus, try to live a pure and noble, no film to look muddy mess that other people can throw at us. We do not expect but be ready for the red mud that other people can throw at her, rather than expect the roses that people can donate. So we will not be surprised, not disappointed, because we do not want to lose more disputes. Not only that, we are ready to go then go, make power serve, the welfare of others, and resolute to do something never harm their interests. Scriptures are saying:
"Service is being offered Buddhas," is meant that way.
In the history of ancient metals, from east to west, the great men have often been slander, aging, libel, poisoning, trial, or shot, killed. His life is full of obstacles, obstacles, unusual. But he remained calm when honor and shame at being canceled. They do not bother chasing glory, should not collapse when the spirit of criticism or slander. People are out there knows his job or not, they did not care to notice. They work in service, but no membrane inside to enjoy life, do not expect to be rewarded, in any form, whether material or spiritual, too, including the transmission of good fame future for posterity!
The higher people are all wholeheartedly praise, but always relaxed, never perturbed. The time to praise the life of the Buddha's ten titles, which to date of Buddhists still read in the business Nhut proceedings, namely: As Lai, Application Palace, the chief variable Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc celestial bodies, the World Award, The fisheries Phu Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, the Blessed One. Every time you refer to the noble qualities that we look up the Buddha statues, in pensive self, with all panels respect, admire, determined resolve to follow. Ten titles that often the subject of meditation for people with heart and enthusiasm was a source of great sexy for those who consider themselves Buddhists.
Moreover, the important thing in Buddhism is "not-self doctrine" , taught that nothing is actually "me" , so nothing is actually "mine ". That is very noble philosophy that we need to study, learn, learning, thinking to comprehend, to talk down to meet state or honor in this world, we still keep our mind calmly.
3) Title and body : That is the claim approved, and of all praise, reprimand. Title and body language also known as praise and criticism in front, directly, the two winds on earth, is a pair of other vicissitudes of life that must regularly deal.
Of course, people everyone on the engine hatch, joy, delight when praise, praise, praise. There was reprimanded, disparage, criticize, or mental decline of life, kept leaking, sad. Learners understand Buddhist teachings should know that: Between the praise or blame, not the intelligentsia delight laugh, nor frowning incubated leaking. Make is like rock solid, unwavering style under the three storms of life. In the Dhammapada, the Buddha taught:
"Who the position as the island, waves of difficult moments," is meant that way.
If we deserved, acclaim indeed mellow skin. But if we do not deserve, as the case may sycophant, the flattering words that are very harmful and will make us despair only. Anyway, it's just noise, the sound, do not bring any result, if we do not to reach the ear, accidentally entered the ear, not to reach the center! We do not receive the critical acclaim or keep the mind calm. Stood in terms of the world, words of praise can go very far. A gentle sound compliments at the right time, can help to easily achieve the desired revenue. A question worthy introduction, can make the whole audience listened attentively to the speaker. If the speaker has the audience praise, surely will be listening. In contrast, if the speaker begins with the rebuke or criticism, the attitude of the audience response would surely not favorable.
We know from the nature center support, so no one sycophantic, nor follow the sycophantic news, and not to be sycophantic. When you see who are worthy, we are honest compliment, no hidden meaning of jealousy, does not imply sarcasm, no irony or comic light. When it comes to blame, we blame for compassion, not contempt, do not scold, like heavy words, such school, at heart who just want to improve the road only go wrong. In the Kinh Kim Cang, the Buddha taught:
"The bad people despise the way, the world's urban poor, rotten application realms, of course the people despise metal coins, so sorry the news of defeat."
That is:
"If the contempt of life, we know that they were born before sowing sorry, should have been vicious evil of the three lines are: hell, hungry demons, animals. Because this is a despised life, so I Previous professional life must surely be destroyed. "
Pore ​​"logic of cause and effect" , understood during the Buddha's teaching on this point, we can calmly unaffected by the words contempt, defamation, contempt of death, to avoid causing more hatred superposition constant never-ending. Otherwise, people will feel instant too, that too, can not be seen, as fast as humiliation, iteration of the opaque, long legs and will hand the first time properly, the water will do to them, they will be their sources, their silliness, their stock! Oh time, every thought so skeptical, so human life forever deep rotation, forever suffering and sorrow, is not too hard coal, suffering too! Imploring, begging, complaining that there was nothing where? I still see it, otherwise, "born of the birth" , simply that's all!
Moreover, if the great accident, even death, spread in coral, shattered careers, or who slander to jail, then we know they have sown heavy pitiful life before, so immediately repentance, accept paid work, termination of karma, do good deeds, good-turn directions, help save the life, religious nature center support, does not hurt anyone, who does not retaliate, either bad guys, let alone a good person, but I do not know.
Not one hundred percent good. Not one hundred percent bad. The best way man, is also somewhat imperfect. In extreme bad man, also scores well. For example, the bandits of the person, is still the best for his wife and children, their parents. People know alms offerings, reciting the Buddha, who hardly help, usually poor people, but can also still angry popular anger, while others do not do that yourself or to see others do wrong and mistakes. However, people can avoid, avoid saying, avoid thinking of evil, to say the good thought, but if accepted into it, the mind is not pure. So therefore, the Kinh Dai Bat Nirvana, the Buddha taught:
"Do evil desert work. We serve the good."
"Self-purification public attention. The owner of Buddhism."
That is:
"Do not do evil. Well done the good behavior."
"Keep your mind clean. The words of Buddhas teachings."
Besides these two things to avoid evil and do good, people need to keep the mind to be calm, in accordance with the new teachings of the Buddhas. Those who can quietly, mouthing silent, relaxed surface, the pure in heart, when another attack, suing in court, yelling curses, then he stood before the realm of nirvana, although not attained nirvana. Why so? Because the person does not mind blowing to even bowl style, conception does not start at all, ie to achieve "very birth method" , is the nirvana that such results. We serve mankind with noble hearts Nhut, but the world is often misunderstood and attributed to the objectives and ideas that we never thought of. We can take to assist a person in the midst of danger. But later, the people then present, deny the good, heavy word shall disturb, defamatory maligned, and like it when we break down. In the Dhammapada, the Buddha taught:
"Take vengeance resentment, resentment toddlers industry."
"For the grace vengeance, resentment dissipated career."
"Anger never extinguish hatred."
"There is only compassionate to kill the anger."
That means: Do not take revenge, not vengeance. Hatred can not destroy hatred. Mind vengeance, revenge, never lead to peace, peace. The power to deal with certain strength. Will meet with bombs bombs. War causes more war. Violence continued violence. Just as suffering continuing pain, chronic do not know never finished. For example, for any reason, someone brought hatred, even put it slander, intentionally harm us. But when they met to talk unfortunately, we wholeheartedly support, with the compassion of a man for a man, surely anger the person's heart toward us no more.
Moreover, the important thing in Buddhism is "not-self doctrine" , taught that nothing is actually "me" , so nothing is actually "mine" . That is very noble philosophy that we need to study, learn, learning, thinking to comprehend, to confess to meet approval or criticism about this world, we still keep our mind calmly.
4) Size and l a c : That is sorrow, suffering and happiness, happiness. Suffering is both wind and touch the earth, the other a pair of ups and downs that life must often deal with, as well as the factors that have the capacity Nhut, Nhut impacted the lives of mankind.
For the world, happiness in life is to enjoy the pleasures of the five desires, including: financial, identity, name, actually, lobes. That is, they think life is short, enjoy your money, beauty, fame, eat well, sleep well, so when it dies, out of regret! But these things are indeed happy that brief, fleeting and illusory. Spend thinking people of the world: life is short, do not rampage and anger, do not intentionally harm others, not to dispute over losing, do not contain hatred, let's quickly take care practitioner nursing care nature, to learn how to be with the "human truth" of himself, so that escape birth and death are so much better!
Property, material wealth can bring true happiness and eternal or not? If so, the millionaire certainly never thought about suicide. In the civilized nations of material progress to the climax, some people suffer from mental nerve is not less. Why so? Because of assets, reputation, qualifications and career can not bring true happiness and eternal people. The power rule can bring true happiness and eternal does not? Life of the kings, political leaders, the bourgeois order can always be happy? Many people think it is, so the world knows how many who risked their lives for these things, but they are only happy, satisfied in terms of power, of fame, of wealth, on demand, material comforts , but they certainly can not have happy feet real and permanent way!
Happy feet inside our minds and can not be defined by words such as wealth, material, buildings, property, treasure, power, fame, beauty, talent licensing health, life, career, children and grandchildren. If things other life on earth is collected, appropriated by violence, force or by a means of unfair, illegal tactics, other dishonest act, or a wrong direction, or be looked with affectionate eyes, craving or greed, speed does not break off not leave, then those things will be a source of suffering and sorrow for the people who constantly holding ownership.
In real life what is happiness for this man, can not be happy for the other. Buddha never recommend everyone should reject earthly happiness and withdraw into secluded quiet place woods. In contrast, Buddhism is like four thousand eight religious teachings to ordain clergy and lay people to apply, to minimize the distress and suffering in life, is even more enlightened and escape from the cycle of birth and death. The place was different: "Enlightenment Temporary Admission nature," often referred to as the classic "Tanh Minh Tam Kien," only.
No debt is a source of happiness. If you know the basics, said part of what security was there, and if said food are the savings, we will not be in debt. The holder of the debt has always lived in the nervous mood, anxiety, after payment, throbbing, fear, anxiety. Some people do not know the power of his own, but want to show off toad a cow, went to buy the full width high, magnificent, modern vehicle purchase modern furniture luxury amenities, wild spending fees, gambling party. Therefore, job loss, accident, falls seriously ill, the company shut down, not make money, is the horror of such people. If no debt, though meager living, we still feel comfortable and relaxed carefree spirit. If we do not have what we like, be like what we have. Clean lifestyle does not mind the sublime happiness of laymen Nhut. The clean is a source of good fortune for himself and for others. However, we must recognize that it's hard, extremely hard, to live life clean and calm unaffected by the disparaging opinion, criticized, vilified.
We happily welcome happiness, but suffering and sorrow also come in many forms. We suffer in life, from birth until old age, sickness and was finally put away four great body panels, which are natural. One of the other afflictions that we encounter people who hate, life with people we dislike. We must try to endure it and think you are reaping a certain retribution, made ​​by himself, or past or present. I do take her, do not have responsibility and sky near the sun away! Let's try to create a lifestyle appropriate to new circumstances and, in one way or another, we must try to overcome all obstacles. Even Buddha, a perfect, has destroyed all impurities, and suffer because of illness or accident, but the Buddha remained calmly in order. Between scenes of suffering and happiness, Buddha keep the mind completely discharged. Achieve nirvana, the state news release from all suffering, happiness is a noble form of Divisions.
Moreover, the important thing in Buddhism is "not-self doctrine" teaches that there is something to be "me", so nothing is actually "mine". That is very noble philosophy that we need to study, learn, learning, thinking to comprehend, to the meeting about suffering or joy lactren this world, we still keep our mind comments peace of mind.
In the past, the venerable Ananda was the Buddha's attendant, who proved to be a high school wide out, remember the Buddha's teaching, not missed a word, but not of Arhat fruit. Therefore, after the Buddha's nirvana, the venerable congress is not in the classic collection. Size is taken as the venerable mind, went into the forest meditation under the tree with the determination of lead. A full day night trying to practice meditation seriously, he has enlightened and be allowed to attend the meeting aggregation classic.
A similar story: There is a true monk from the school, the teacher taught them more than five hundred up in a monastery, but still not enlightened! The patriarchs went to see it made ​​the situation urgent, rigorous, difficult, miserable, to help advance religious practitioners, to direct, by day and the tri patriarchs in the staff shouted stolen, all this stuff to other things. The teacher is very upset, thinking why in practice there are bad guys, so determined to find out. Night, when the monks heard the cough is a thief, the teacher immediately ran to and associated with the teacher holding shirt, said: catch it! Although measures transparent way, the teacher is expelled from the monastery, and the announcement to be known everywhere, so not included. It's a shield that injustice untouched, that show the same who, suffering can not describe screw, memory match our blue skies comprehend and honor how long this moment turn into smoke. Line up the road is a teacher, head of the general population, which has now become a thief, then living in this world to spend more, but who face does look here? After many days of suffering, torment, the more you psychosis, on appetite, night is not quiet, the teacher must bring all the warm fuzzy feeling to moral support to the bowl style, experience terrible wind storm, vortices take heart. One day, the teacher suddenly awakened, enlightened, liberated himself from the other mood instability , went running to the monastery, met the patriarchs, calmly smiling, said, Brother White, I've realized then!
We should know that offshore wind always blows, depending on wind, sea surface small ripples or waves to the corresponding well. Also, our hearts such as the sea, when something happens, such as wind to eight, then churn away immediately. For example, the wind at the moment of "prosperity" to blow, such as lottery winnings, then our mind will churn right glad, so glad someone stood looking out of breath! Now the winds have "collapsed" to blow, when the thawed product failure, ruin careers, then our mind will churn sad right, unfortunately there's people to commit suicide than die! For example, the wind was having "destroyed by" blowing up to, been decried, was applied jars, were defamatory, then our mind will churn right frustrating. Winds at the moment "honor" to blow, the people writing books promote, praise, then our mind will churn right fun. For example, the wind at the moment "proclaimed agree" to blow, to be flattered, praised name, then our mind will happily churn immediately. Now see the wind "of all" blown to, criticized, gambling, real name critics, then our mind will churn right anger. For example, the wind at the moment of "suffering" , blown up to tribulation, such as a relative dies, the mind will churn our sympathy immediately. Winds at the moment "pleasure" to blow, then our mind will churn right joyfully.
But fast or slow silent waves due meticulously observe, practice every day, every hour, every moment of our. As cars have won or not to eat that's all. Usually not win food, people "are the driver to" wreak angry, for most women, can not stop every time the wind blows. Suppose you see the hatred, heard yelling, recall losses, the heart of our famous pitch right away, hard to stop in time at the right time. Those who understand the principles, are meticulously practiced, is the eighth leading to withstand winds to blow this poison, which "size-ca-ra mind" is "as such ", is "very active transfer" , ie the mind's clear that not a ripple any waves, no matter how small to whether he is, he or she is called a "bowl style Françoise real" , ie the eight wind blows. Such people have been able to enter, had to live with "human truth" themselves.
What is "honest man"? the Tripitaka, the Buddha open market, displayed only a familiar turn, it is clear what is "human truth" of our own. That is not the body of elements insubstantiality, weighing dozens of kilograms of this, nor is it a cluttered mind whirring, thinking from our measurements. The Buddha also taught countless dharma practice, to realize that people can enter the "human truth" , to help people be "enlightenment and liberation" , or at least made ​​a life "peace and happiness" is born. In the Dhammapada, the Buddha taught:
"Despite living a hundred years, there were no measures of infertility, not that immortal law, not that the ultimate law, not by living a day, that is sterile solutions, solutions that are immortal, that is the supreme law."
That is: When we see the "legal infertile immortal law, the supreme law," it is "human truth" of all of us so. Business In A Ham, the Buddha taught:
"As on land, we want to throw, regardless of anything, whether fragrant or foul, whether clean or dirty, the land is relaxed, an impassive ink, no injury was not angry.
Just like that, living in happiness or in sorrow, was promoted at the bass, let us always, keep your mind calm. "
Zen master Hoang Ba has taught:
"The bad any Nhut session remains fully welded."
"Painting flowers Happiness prime rate home tomorrow."
That is:
"If not an alum cold frost penetration."
"Where Flowers bloom floral apricot aroma."
After suffering from the freezing winter, new apricot flowers bloom, emitting fragrant scent everywhere. Also, people do not experience frost style, do not go through great trials, tough, bitter, the flat, hard to become adept talented, hard workers are becoming higher. Book a question:
"People no mist style are veteran talent."
"See that any African scimitar."
That is:
"The wind does not fog, hardly successful."
"He is not suffering, so enlightened."
Zen master Man Giac also teaches:
"Mac the brutal spring flowers get lost."
"Family Money spent most hackers have tomorrow."
That is:
"It was not supposed brutal spring flowers have fallen off."
"Last night before a spike pitch tomorrow."
As time passed, how spring has come and gone, the practice has been meticulously mastered, everything was suffering depression and fall off, then immediately after that, "human truth" out of money, such as a spike tomorrow is still the only way.
In summary, the book is the sentence: "The tree that the wind did not stop to silence." Also, we want everyone's mind is calm, serene, time time, but life does not stop landscape impact, as the mind confused, chaotic, you disorder, insecurity. Buddhism is not only a solemn form of prayer, solemn ceremonies only. The goal at the glass of Buddhism is to help people overcome the sorrow and suffering caused by the death scene. Prior to the vicissitudes of the world scene, the mind of an Arahat never perturbed. Between scenes of gain and loss, fame and notoriety, praise and blame, happiness and suffering, let us keep the mind calm. That is the purpose of this study Buddhist lens.
  • Thus, the life we want peace and inner happiness is not to " churn, hatred and delusion "when" eight winds "blowing to.
  • If a " miss "churn and then enlightenment, to" know "immediately that internal waves are known. Upon learning this, the waves will go silent.
Smile so bright! Forget all about! It's done now! Well.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).22/1/2012.

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