Saturday 14 January 2012


Industrial (karma) can be interpreted as cause and effect, very similar to the way that physicists understand that for each impact, there is a reaction equal and opposed. For physics, the form of force feedback will occur, not always predictable, but sometimes we can anticipate the reaction and can do something to mitigate the consequences. Currently scientists are using many ways to clean up contaminated environments, and more scientists are trying to prevent the pollution worse. Likewise, the future of our life is determined by the current behavior as well as the behavior of the nearest partner and our past lives.
Dharma practice is to alleviate the results of the actions by our karma and prevent any pollution aggravated by the thoughts and destructive behavior. These thoughts and negative actions that lead us to a rebirth suffering terribly. Sooner or later we will die, and so sooner or later we will be reborn again. The realm of living that we can reproduce is limited to two realms are favorable and unfavorable realm. The rebirth where we are depending on one's own karma.
Industry was created by an agent, a man, a living being. Beings are nothing other than the self, based on the assumption of continuity of consciousness. The nature of the mind is luminous and bright. It is an agent of knowing, which previously was a previous moment of consciousness that caused it. If we understand that the continuity of consciousness can not be definitely cure in our lifetime, then we will realize that taking a medicine on the logic for the possibility of life after death. If we are not convinced of the continuity of mind, at least we know that there is no evidence to disprove the theory of life after death. We can not prove it, but we can not ignore it. There are many cases of people who remember their past life vividly. It is not a phenomenon limited to Buddhists. There are many people with memories like that, but their parents do not believe in life after death or past lives. I know there are three cases the children can remember their past lives vividly. In one case, memories of past lives so vivid that despite that the parents do not believe in life after death, but by a clear recollection of the children, now they were convinced. The child not only remembers clearly lived in a village next to which you have realized, but also has the ability to identify parents of children born before, whom I had no opportunity to know . If there is no life after death there is no life before, and we will find other explanations for these memories. There are also many cases where parents have raised two children the same way, in the same society, with the same context, but a little success than the other. We found that the reason there are such differences are due to differences in the behavior of the karma of our past.
Death is nothing other than the mind apart from the physical body. If you do not accept the phenomenon called the mind, then I think it is very difficult to explain exactly what life is. When the mind is linked to the body and their relationship continues, we call it life, and when the mind is to terminate its relationship with a particular body, then we call it the is death. Though our bodies are a subset of the chemical composition and physical, but it is a pure brilliance (clear light) do something subtle factors that make the lives of students possible. Because it has no physical properties, we can not measure it, but that does not mean it does not exist. We spend too much time, energy, and research in exploring the outside world, but now if we change the approach and direction of all the exploration, research and capacity This inward and start the analysis, I really think we have the ability to recognize the nature of the mind - the clarity, luminosity - in us.
According to the interpretation of Buddhism, the mind is said to not hesitate, it has no physical properties, and main effects of this mentality that every emotion, every delusion, and any defects humans arise. However, due to the intrinsic nature of this consciousness that one can eliminate all the defects and delusions, and create peace and happiness. Because consciousness is the foundation for much of mortal existence and the Enlightenment should have more extensive work on this issue.
From personal experience, we know that the mind or heart, depending on the change, which means that consciousness depends on the causes and conditions, they do change, metabolism and affects the mind: that are the conditions and environment of our lives. The mind must have a cause substances like nature of the mind in order for it arises. Without a moment ago of the mind (cash concept) can not have any mental way. It does not arise from something to nothing, and it can not be turned into a nothing. Matter can not be transformed into consciousness. So we must be able to trace back the causal chain of moments of consciousness in time. Buddhist Scriptures speak of hundreds of billions of the world system, countless world systems, and mental existence from beginningless time. I believe there are other worlds exist. Modern scientific cosmology also said that many of the world system. Although life was not observed on other planets, but concludes that life is possible only on this planet - a planet depend on our solar system - and not on other planets other, is not the logic. Buddhist texts refer to a system of life on other worlds as well as on the different types of solar system and the infinite universe.
Today, if the scientists are asking that the universe was created, how they can provide many answers. But if you asked them why this evolution occurs, they do not answer it. Generally, they do not explain that it is a creation of God, as is the observation, they tend to believe in the physical universe. Some people say that it happens only by accident. Now the point is not the logic, because if anything that exists by coincidence is the same as saying that the incident without any cause. But from the everyday life of us, we see that everything has a cause: making it rain clouds, the wind swept away the seeds that new trees grow. Nothing exists without a reason by . You can accept that the universe was created by God, in which case there will be many conflicts, such as mandatory as the suffering and evil is not created by God. How else to explain choices that countless beings that capacity by the industry they created this whole world as an environment for them. The universe that we live in was created by the desires of our own actions. That's why we're here. At least this is in accordance with the logic.
At death, we have the power of the acts under one's own business attractive. The consequences of the acts in bad karma is rebirth in the lower realms. To order not to prevent their negative actions, we must endeavor to imagine what we can bear the pain of the lower realms not. Once you have found happiness as a result of the positive action we will very happy to accumulate virtue. Once considered the experience of others is as important as our own experience, you will be development of intense compassion . That is because you will understand that their suffering is no different with your own suffering and they desire to attain liberation. It is necessary to meditate on the suffering of the animal realm and hell. If we do not make spiritual progress, the negative behavior will lead us there. And if we feel unable to endure the suffering of the freezing cold or burning or pain when not able to satisfy the hunger, the motivation for our practice to grow indefinitely. Currently, this human life gives us opportunities and conditions for our own self-rescue.
In the lower realms of reincarnation is reborn as an animal, hungry ghosts, or beings in hell. According to the sutras the hell is determined at a certain distance below the Bodh Gaya, a place in India where the Buddha achieved enlightenment. But if you've already been over that distance, you will end up in middle America. Therefore, this doctrine should not be interpreted literally. They are mentioned in accordance with the convention on time, or taking public confidence. The purpose of the Buddha's appearance in this world not to measure the circumference of the world and the distance between Earth and the Moon, but rather teachings to liberate sentient beings, help sentient beings from their suffering. If we do not understand the basic approach of Buddhism, we can imagine that the Buddha preached sometimes in a contradictory way and wrong. But in a different philosophical perspective that his teaching has a purpose, and each beneficial point for different kinds of beings. When we talk about hell, he must pay attention to many conventions and beliefs that the public nature of the special purpose is to make people listen to the Dharma.
I believe the state such as the hell kind of different hot and cold actually exists. If the highest status, such as Nirvana and full enlightenment, they exist, then why the opposition is the state of the most extreme pain, the mind is not the most subdued not exist? Even in human life also has two different kinds of people: some fun happy life and many more, some people have suffered more. So, all these differences in experience occurs as a result of differences in the causes - is the action, or karma. If we go further and compare human beings with different forms of animal life, then we realized that the mood of the animal shall not be more subdued and suffering with the error they are more obvious. We still have a natural tendency to desire happiness and avoid suffering. Some animals are so wise, if we try to catch them by giving them food, they are very careful. Once eaten, they tried to escape, but if we feed them with sincerity and patience, they can become full confidence in us. Even animals such as dogs and cats also feel the value of the good; them acutely aware of the value of sincerity and love.
If the spiritual level of attainment vary based on the mind have become subdued, so too has the level of consciousness has not been tamed different. Worse is the animal realm, the realm of the state as hungry ghosts, they can not satisfy our wants. The hell realm is the reincarnation of the state in which the extreme suffering makes them very difficult to sustain life any capacity to judge or know how. The suffering in hell because of intense heat and intense cold. To prove the existence of this realm is beyond the logic of our ordinary. But we can conclude that they exist because we know that the Buddha has proved very accurate, logic, and includes many other important issues, such as the impermanence and of causality, are what we can attest with logic. Therefore, we can infer that what he said about the different levels of regeneration also true. Dynamics when the Buddha presented the realm of hell just by compassion, and His desire is to teach something of benefit to sentient beings to free themselves from the cycle of reincarnation. Because he has no reason to lie to the mystery must be true also.
Every day we accept the fact there are things we can not directly demonstrated. I was born July 6, 1935. I know this because my mother said to me, and I believe in her. I have no direct way to recognize or prove it logically, but by someone I trust and believe there is no reason to lie to me, so I knew I was born on 6 in July 1935. The deeper issues of life after death and the existence of other realms accessible only by relying on scriptures. We have to prove the validity of the scriptures that by applying the inference. We can not cite a superficial way. We must study and apply it to our lives.
The different levels of pain in the lower realms of reincarnation in the clarification of many scriptures. A number of very intense suffering beyond our understanding. If you are reborn in any place in this lower realm, how can you stand it? Please consider whether you have created the causes and conditions for rebirth in the lower realms of samsara like that. How long we were under the oppression of delusions, the powerful forces of hatred and desire, we will also have to resist the desire to indulge in his negative actions, they would have been cause for optimism for our own rotten. If this actually happens, then we will have to endure the suffering. If you do not want to endure such suffering, or you feel could never stand the pain so intense, you have to control our body, speech and mind you do not plying in the area of action will collective capacity that you fall into the same state. The negative has been accumulated to be completely purified by the practice of relevance. And because all things are impermanent, there is no evil that can not be purified.
The more you reflect on the sufferings and feel more strongly that they can not bear it, the more you will see clearly the destructive power of negative actions. When meditating on the suffering, you have to imagine the effort you had been born in reincarnation and are suffering the pain of yourself. For example, when reflecting on the suffering of the hot hell, you have to imagine your body is burned, and the reflection on the suffering of the cold hell, you should think that your body is being the cold. For the suffering of animals should imagine so. You are advised to go to some solitary place, and try to enter the whole experience of beings like this, imagine the effort you are suffering their suffering. You feel as strongly as could not bear the suffering the more you will feel fear the lower realms. This led to the understanding of the destructive power of negative actions and suffering they cause. Then, when you meditate on compassion, the practice will help you grow your love for others are absorbed in the negative actions very seriously. Right now, if you can develop a fear of suffering as a human being, then you have the means, ability and opportunity to prevent the blame for the rotten your own touch. We can purify negativity and accumulate great stores of merit. We can increase the accumulation of merit it has, and will be able to merit that it is not destructive anger. If we make a practice right from day one, we will be able to make his life meaningful.
Quote from: Do DenTu Supreme Path

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