Monday 16 January 2012



DEATH, A Method TU

N will be surprised understand why death is also the practice. According to Buddhist teachings, it is very important practices. Deaths from impermanence, change and transformation, all things are born with death, there is the tan, is central to the practice of insight.
contemplation of death is not an exercise on the mournful, nor misfortune of life. In fact the contemplation of death is practiced correctly, it will bring peace to know how. Perhaps no surprise since most of us are confused when it comes to death. We did not compromise the nature of the body and not see death as a natural process. So we react funny jokes too much, and avoid or bi implications. The contemplation of death can give us balance.
In Business Sattipatana Buddha taught many methods of contemplation, in which the legal contemplation of the cemetery (cemetery contemplation). At the time of the Buddha in the world, practitioners went to the cemetery and sometimes they actually lived there for a long time. The corpse is not buried or cremated at the cemetery where discarded food for the vulture and other carnivorous animals. Therefore, he should observe the human body through periods of stinking, bloated rotten, rotten ... The main problem is that he should see whether this body of another who shall also be subject to the same laws of birth and death.
Currently, the practice of contemplation of the cemetery is still applied at the monastery in the forest in Asia. Buddhists believe that this application was young practices will help us to overcome the fear of death.
The contemplation of death is the practice of insight. This wisdom can be seen as the real nature of things. You can see that the contemplation of death will make you stronger, help you overcome the difficulties in practice, such as feeling anxious, sleepy or in pain. As the case of the writer, when I feel sleepy during meditation, I just think of our own mortality, it woke me up immediately. Or at my discomfort, crankiness or drop soul everywhere, I also thought about my own death. Few things hinder you light of death on it. Take a look at death as an advisor to you.
In the Dhammapada (Dhammapada), contains many unique Buddhist teachings, that man will not fight or argue when they know that they are all going to die . As customary in death we are also expressed compassion for the enemy. We see that we are together as colleagues together. Our mind will soften when we realized everyone have the same fate: death.
There are many other benefits when we practice contemplation of death. Now you are busy doing things, allow plenty of time to eat and sleep. Only one request is that you meditate on death, it can help you evaluate your energy consumption. Once you know that there is no eternal (forever), then perhaps you'll change active and spend more time to practice. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).16/1/2012.

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