Saturday 21 January 2012


Dalai LamaAs humans we are all basically the same. All of us are living on this earth. Everyone has the same desire is to live happily and do not like suffering. All of us love ourselves and look forward to seeing what luck. Now, in terms of their material development, we have so much success and all nations on this planet are targeting a perfect life and build a civilized society more prosperous.
Indeed, we have been successful have been these things. However, the development, progress is not enough material to bring happiness to people. The reason is simple, because man is not the product of machinery, it also has spiritual life. So we need to have things other than the external material world to be happy.
The most important thing in human life is love. Lack of love, man can not have true happiness. If we want a life, a family, a neighbor and a country happier than the secret of success lies entirely in the human mind. Despite a population of five billion people now living on this earth to become millionaires all, but the lack of inner peace, people still can not have peace and happiness.
A few people very rich, but we find they are not happy at all. The affection, love and compassion are essential materials for the life of humanity. More help for mental wellbeing of our health. Of course the material comforts, food and medicines also bring a healthy human body. But the spirit of happiness is most important for our health.
Everyone interested in world peace.
Weapons or military power, in certain cases and circumstances, can sometimes bring temporary peace. But in the long run the military conflict, hatred and suspicion can not help us get the true world peace and eternal. World Peace is only successful through inner peace, good listener, understanding and mutual respect of men. In brief, love and compassion is the key and the secret of success lead to world peace.
Let us consider the case of a happy family. It is basically built on love. The success or failure of our life largely depends on the environment and circumstances in which we are nurtured and raised. Children living in families with love and adequate care of the parents will be those who succeed and achieve more happiness. In contrast, the baby's life can be ruined if it grows in the rejection, abuse and lack of love of their parents.
The love comes from and how we can help it grow and develop? How long people survive heart the seeds of love exists. Although the idea of ​​good and bad, all comes from the minds of men, but the most powerful emotions in human life is love. So the seed of compassion is always the nature of capital available right from just born human.
When we are born, we are totally unaware of the ideological, or religious Republic, and all these things later on we thought. But our love is so needed right at that time. Indeed, a womb baby just can not live without love and care for her mother.
So is the food of love are important and need to feed their people. Compassion is not a passionate love of pleasure between male and female couple. True compassion is not only expressed his feelings to love but also a sense of shared responsibility and mutual helpful. True compassion arises when we see someone suffering, that we find ways to save them from their misery was to be happy.
We often think that when we have compassion for the person who is in love by living close to her. That is when they are close friends, we think of them. When he no longer loves his stick or do not want us to change our friendship with them, where his compassion is over. This is not true compassion, but a passion. People with genuine compassion never distinguish yourself who are relatives or preliminary relief, friend or foe; that we only know that guys that are struggling, suffering and they want to end her suffering to be happy like us.
Marriage and craving is not the sole result of love between men and women mad, but two people have to understand and sympathize with each other really. When you know the temperament, habit and health status of the person you love, you can completely trust and respect of his future partner. And when you decide that a marriage be married together. Also be aware of responsibilities between two people. So couples to marry and live happily long term, they must carefully consider all aspects mentioned above.
As human beings we have many special abilities and intellectual knowledge. Those who see them as intelligent as far and wide. Those who are rich as they increasingly are responsible for yourself and others. Indeed, as humans we are responsible not only helping others but also to think about the happiness of all humanity as well as the survival of the earth. If you use and the ability of our intelligence to work to destroy the happiness of man, it was a terrible disaster's existence. We should use their knowledge and talents to bring hybrid construction for all beings benefit. I believe that those who use their intellect for selfish personal interests, not thinking of the happiness of others; the latter will inevitably regret regret.
I think that both humans and animals have perceptual knowledge. If we treat cats and dogs are loving, they will be dear to us. If we hate them as well chase it and do not like that. If we live the good, warm feelings for that person who always want to. Where we are wronged, hurt others, they will respond well and did not cause sorrow for themselves, whether they are religious or not, rich or poor, intellectual or ignorant. So love and compassion are essential for all people because we all want happiness and dislike suffering.
Some people think that love and compassion are the qualities discharge joy of religion. Say it is not true, but they are good actions should be implemented. And no one can not know whether they are believers or not. That is the good nature is essential if we want to live a happy and become perfect citizens. In terms of religion, if that suits your direction, you should choose according to his beliefs. If not, then you give it does not matter. But it is important that you should love because it is basic morality and necessity of human beings.
Spiritual happiness. Machines can not provide, and we will not buy happiness. Money and wealth only gives people a somewhat happy, but happiness can not be perfect. The first on is not directly help us to be happy. Happiness comes from the heart but no one can give yourself. Peace of mind is the greatest source of happiness. It does not depend surroundings. Our lives despite the lack of material comforts, education and public service mediocre or unsuccessful name does not matter, as long as our mind is peaceful.
Share love, give alms to the poor to help destitute poverty is the fundamental secret of happiness for us. Try to become human morality with altruistic spirit, whether you are religious, political or business. A personal perfection can positively contribute to the happiness of family and community.
The religion was born at times and places vary. I think that all faiths are helping people develop good character and eradicate the evil nature. Many major religions of the world have collectively conveyed a message of love and compassion, although the expression of different doctrines. All religious people are taught that love, listen and forgive one another, as well as building and developing good virtues in man.
For centuries, millions of human resources has received immeasurable benefits from the religion. Unfortunately, different beliefs that have caused conflict hatred, terrorism and war. If the common understanding that the purpose of religion is to guide us into formation of human moral honesty, then we should respect all religions.
There are two kinds of religion. A group I call the theistic religions such as Catholic, Jewish, Indian and Muslim. The religious who believe in a God. Another group consists of non-theistic religions like Buddhism and Jainism etc. .. They do not believe in God, Creator and Almighty. Buddhism does not accept the theory of a soul immortal. This distinction between Buddhists and non Buddhists. The fundamental teaching of the Buddha is denying there is a soul or permanent self.
Buddhism is divided into two sects: Nguyen Thi or Mahayana or Theravada and Mahayana. The Buddhist religious purposes Nguyen Thi liberate yourself by practicing meditation and ng-mode rare Buddhist morality laws. The goal of Mahayana Buddhism, outside of their own liberation, he was allowed to practice six Paramita to save all living beings escape from the cycle of samsara, to finally achieve the results you Buddhist.
The essence of the practice of the cult of the violence. Why violence is important? Because the causes and conditions of life, all things have a correlation exists interdependence with each other. Such life and happiness of every individual depending on the cause. Similarly, the suffering and unhappiness arising from his well for several reasons. Therefore, the foundation of Buddhism and the practice is non-violence and Human dependent arising. Non-violence are two cases: One is, if possible, you should save all sentient beings, and two, if not possible, then at least you should never do harm to others.
Human beings are predestined to describe the difference depending on various doctrines. Noun correlation interdependence means that all things are formed by the conditions. That is not a creator, an animal is born with the cause, and this person's existence thanks to the previous and so continue forever without beginning. Everything is changing because of these causes and conditions. Human birth is the result of new and return to your results to the results of others. This is the unfolding of the process conditions.
For example, we learn the nature of the flower is, and when we look closely at it, including flowers made ​​disasters, so it is not real. This helps us to understand that when we name an object that does so many things together that small element of. If we ask "Who am I?" then we will never find the "we" it's true when separated from his body and his mind. If you go deeper to understand the nature of the people, then we will not find a self independent existence. We often referred to both the body and mind are "human" . For example we sure that the body and mind of the Tibetans from Amdo city is "the Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso" . But if the analysis to the end, we will never find true man of the Dalai Lama.
Similarly when we use the word "past", "current" and "future" to the time we should know that the past is only memories, future plans or ideas upcoming programs. Present moment is thuc.Tuy but even days, hours, minutes, seconds and the second part is also not present anymore. Because the present moment has just appeared, it went into the past, and then the future is not to be "present" no. If no "current" we can not identify the "past" and "future" . As time went on forever without a moment's rest stops.
If the past and no future nor the present, because now depends entirely on past and future depend on today. This is the natural law of the universe. If so, do not have time.
When we call "time" of course it exists, but without a word, including the abstract to show it. If the analysis end, we really can not find any object. According to Buddhism, the true nature of things, the universe is "no." But , "not" here is not quite "there" at all. Because things are so predestined form. So do not be an independent object that spawned it. Thus the philosophy of Buddhism known as "no" . I am here and it's true, not dreams. If I pinch the skin of meat, I feel pain because my body. I have the thumb and index finger to clearly see them move. But if the analysis to the end, we did not find them. In other words, relative emptiness and interdependence are two sides of a coin.
His first Buddha taught the Four Noble Truths: the truth about the suffering of four, the origin of suffering, methods of cessation of suffering and the path to liberation peace, to end all suffering. He taught about the suffering, because suffering is caused and all of us do not want suffering. He teaches us to identify the cause of pain and suffering in many different aspects.
Our goal is happy and close to it depending on the different causes and conditions. Happiness may be temporary or permanent. Happiness is more important, so the Buddha taught the truth Tuesday to eliminate suffering, that is up to the realm of nirvana or complete peace and freedom. He also taught the dharma practice to stop the suffering.
Four Noble Truths, including four explains the truth about the happiness and suffering the same cause of this suffering enjoyment. The purpose of human life is expected to be happy. From birth, all of us are entitled to happiness, and to have happiness, we must practice to develop the inner life, not who gives his or external factors responsible happy about that. How we can apply an understanding of the Four Noble Truths in everyday life. It's important we first need to be aware of the mind that knows what we are. Many people think that our mind is an independent entity, separate from the body (physical) of man. And so the mind does not exist because we can not find "the one" outside the body of this insubstantiality.
Buddhism does not accept a "self", our soul or something permanent. However, by the mind depends on the physical body that exists so we'll call it the mind or the notice of man. If the mind is completely separate from and unrelated to the body (physical) there will be no mental difference between man and animals. When the human brain stops working and if their minds do not exist, then how to explain reincarnation? Human mind is developed depending on the causes and conditions far or near, directly or indirectly.
For example, when your mind is aware of the need to have a flower compel the other. First is the eye. Without it, although we are conscious of the flowers or the flowers out front, we are not aware of it. In contrast, if only the mind and eye, without the flowers, we did not realize it. But if there are flowers and a good eye without a brain, we could not identify the flower.
Consciousness or mind is a subtle power by which we can understand these things. Tibetan called "Shepa" means "sense of something." So in addition to the brain need to be more subtle than compel, the new human consciousness and development activities. We can call it a light transparent (clear light) or the deep part of the subtle mind.
Right now when our senses are used, but their operation is the gross level. At the moment we are sleeping dream or some senses do not work, but our minds exist. The doctors said that patients had died, but their bodies still exist in a two-day rotting, and there are cases last for several weeks. The reason because the mind remains active and continues to place the patient's flesh. In other words, consciousness is not separated from the person's body. Because the mind is employed where the body so their bodies do not spoil, even though the patient had completely died completely.
I know there are at least ten or fifteen such cases have occurred in India in the past thirty years. Special case of my own teacher, after doctors said that he had actually died, but he remained in a coma lasted thirteen days. So I believe that the most subtle consciousness has always existed. It may be temporary but long-term changes exist but never destroyed. So the mind is composed of two types: the attachment to slash crude human body to survive this temporary false work, but the most subtle and will not take forever. And on that basis that rebirth reincarnation.
The nature of mind is neutral or neutral. It can be influenced by nature good or evil nature. For example people angry or temporary nature. When I was young so often, but never lasts all day long. If the original human mind is completely evil, when we pitch well, that anger will remain. But reality is not so, because now we pitch, while others do not. The human mind, the origin is not entirely good, as evidenced by its ever-changing morning we think about healing the mind and the perfect way to evil. Therefore, the Buddha taught that consciousness of being neutral or neutral. Moreover, what is the dividing line between good character and bad character? There is no absolute barrier that only relative. The virtues as compassion, love and wisdom to create long-term happiness is good for human nature. The reason we realize that happiness is happiness that everyone wishes to achieve. Practice good nature that will help us to be converted man is happier and more peaceful. Therefore we call them the good nature.
According to the Buddha's teaching, the reason people do evil to others suffering is ignorance. Action ignorance or misconception of this, by practicing meditation we can develop wisdom, keeping mind, is entirely pure and so ignorance will be removed.
We all desire to wish everyone a happy life. Happiness or misery depends on good or bad actions, good or bad on their own. The human mind which every original purity. So we can practice to avoid making the effort to do evil that good works. So people have to overcome, to eliminate the suffering. When we understand the causes of it (Episode De) Monday truth in all measures "Four Noble Truths' which Buddha taught. Thanks to comprehend the source of suffering, people find it to the end (kill God) is the truth Tuesday, and finally follow the path the Buddha taught not to escape suffering of birth and death reincarnation realm or reach nirvana (De Dao) is true Wednesday in the Four Noble Truths.
When you understand the purpose of their liberation, the new man tried to avoid doing evil. Want to achieve in practice this work, we need to understand the meaning of suffering and must be constantly diligent with mighty willed determination to eradicate the suffering it.
To achieve results, it is important that we should practice letting go. First, we try to stay away from the sensual pleasures of this life, and Monday is willing to abandon all craving passion in the next life. For example, when we think of the sufferings of birth, aging, illness, death and suffering now will fall into the realm of continental directors like hell, hungry ghosts or animal, etc. ... in the next life, then we well let go of effort or desire to free practice within samsara. To implement the will to leave the pleasures of desire in this life you need to think about the welfare and liberation in the future life. Or you can prevent these actions to avoid the evil by trying to do ten healthy (good collection).
Want to achieve in practice virtue, the virtue you need to have confidence in the ability of his own enlightenment. With the help of the body and mind of man, all you can do and achieve things if you know trying to be diligent practice. Bodhisattva doctrine teaches that all beings have Buddha nature or the ability to cultivate into a Buddha. This moral teachings of Guru Of Women has helped us grow in confidence meticulous practice of each individual to liberation from samsara samsara.
Some people, especially in the West lacked confidence in his virtue. I think it is something very wrong and harmful. We have a body with the mind and intellect. If we rely on it to use as a means of meditation we can develop your true mind become holy. With time and the virtues of patience, you will achieve merit to cultivate his inner conversion from bad to good and evil becomes good; so even though in real life or in the direction, confidence is virtue essential for us.
Moreover, compassion is also an important factor. It helps us to extend compassion to save living beings. With compassion, we easily made friends with the human body, animals and insects. When we are selfless souls we will have many dear friends. In contrast to the center of evil, selfish, narrow-minded, of good intellectual property will flee from us. Although others treat you well, but you just happy with their warm, eventually they will change the brand you love.
Furthermore, the realization of the Buddha's teachings all beings have Buddha nature or this world is born as a human body is an extremely good fortune and life is impermanent will help our efforts to diligently practice to look forward to the liberation from samsara samsara.
When referring to love, it consists of two types: selfish and benefit others . Man, if only to love yourself, see yourself as more important than others and never act to benefit others, that first love is selfish, not bring happiness to anyone. On the contrary, love is love tha benefit vastly widespread. It is the compassion of Bodhisattvas wants to save all sentient beings.
To his great compassion, they often continuous action to help people not only for days months or years but eternity; not in one lifetime, two or three lives, but millions, countless lifetimes . Bodhisattvas are never bored or tired of being rescued for long periods indefinitely so; will not rot the mind when thinking of the number being more unspeakable that he needs to save of them. If there is no compassion, no one large can benefit others to act to save such extraordinary beings.
Desire of human beings, there are two types: bad and good. When we are selfish greed, just think of interest to know for myself that suffering harm to others, they desire it, according to the Buddha as an evil deed. In contrast, when we know the direction of his desire to help bring the happiness to others and all living beings is the desire that is a good action that people should try to implement.
Next, we need to think life is impermanent. There are also two cases. First is the change that we can identify as clearly as a loved one's sudden death, or we die of accidents. Monday is a subtle change, slow in every moment that we are not with the naked eye to perceive. For example, the flowers in front of me this is changing slowly in the moment it finally wilting, destruction. Thanks to enlightened wisdom, we perceive the essence of life is impermanent, so that our mind is always happily freed themselves at the scene before any oil tank, change of life.
Now think, considering the body and our life. Buddhist perspective, we will not have eternal happiness, as long as the thoughts, words and deeds we are governed, controlled by ignorance. If ignorance is not definitely rule out the Nirvana and will not be freed. So we will forever be samsara, up and down the road in three realms.
To end all suffering, Nibbana, reaching the realm of complete happiness in Lord Buddha's teachings, we must practice diligent effort, breaking eradicate ignorance, negativity cessation. Also we should extend compassion, generosity observes, always think of the peace, welfare and seek to help all living beings beyond swimming deep moral suffering. In other words, we have shown the heart of Bodhi (Bodhicitta), the bodhisattva to look towards results and the Buddha's enlightened.
When developing and practicing the precious Bodhi mind, human beings regardless of the religion, they become holy with immense compassion, always want to help everyone in society is suffering be happy. According to Buddhism, after we developed the Bodhi Mind, the human heart becomes pure, the evil nature will be removed to make way for the good nature arises. With such good heart, he will certainly be re-born in a future peace in life. In other words, it is the path that leads us to true happiness, true and eternal.
Quote from the book "Live In A Better Way"Dalai Lama's.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).22/1/2012. 

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