Monday 23 January 2012


Symbols of the A-la-drought is one of the important topics in the Buddhist art. Art that includes the various forms, is widely circulated among the people. Over the years, spreading the direct method which has inculcated in the minds of men. During the propagation of Buddhism, in addition to clerical court to win books or explain the philosophy of the Buddha, who then and now commonly used forms of painting or sculpture to portray the iconic classic model often cholera. Style, style changes each time, so the formation of the statues have different definitions depending on the prevalence or failure of that dynasty. The preference, promote and paint the beauty of Buddhist art in part reflect the personality of each person. In China, the initialization Image A-la-draft form very soon, starting from the age of Northern and Southern Dynasties, grew in the late Tang Dynasty and reached its peak in the art of Song dynasty. Started and developed through the ages, symbol A-la-drought lively style with many special features, showing prominent high elegant temperament of the Chinese literati, expressing life and universe each time.
I. A-la-What is drought?
In the Buddhist monasteries in China, there are many places of worship are the 16 or 18 La-drought. General appearance of this strange an unusual position, not just someone who: have the stomach to; there are as thin as sticks; have your eyebrows up to her knees; with the face full of wrinkles; have to have ear, nose sharp; with the thick lips, small teeth; have the decency style; with you today, wild wild, having held the beads; is the structure holding sticks, etc. ... but in general, the shape of his bold are Indian-style shades, unlike those ordained in China. A-la-La-short drought drought, meaning "greatly respected Master", also known as "Respect false" implies full rank both moral and intellectual nature.
In business, La-drought has three meanings:
1. Hackers Attack: Master has a clean kill four enemy sorrow, anger, delusion, chronic, suspect, on his part, Jealousy, family comments, edit comments, broken puppet, selfish, narrow-minded, prejudicial to the purity peace of mind and hinder our spiritual practice.
2. Applications offered: A-la-drought level is greatly revered offerings. Why? Because he is a true religious order, qualities, achievements vast amount of merit, fortune favored solemn, didactic deserves to rank for the conduct and behavior of our language.
3. Real birth: A-la-drought took advantage unless all defilement defilements, no cause to create negative karma, so no early fetal life unpleasant turn of reincarnation.
II. Effect of La-drought for China
Since Buddhism arrived in China, the La-drought saint rose of virtue also gradually come to popular belief, living close to people. At first, people just love to see curious and strange appearance of His unusual. But then, that the ability to transform non-legal power is boundless praise, praise, admiration starting, finally, feel the heart of compassion, altruism, rescue workers of the world show faith in him respectfully. Therefore, A-la-drought People naturally be received, especially in painting, sculpture, poetry, novels Buddhist use Roman characters and drought made the subject of many stories. To date, China has many mountains, plants, food, supplies ... La-drought still get to name such as mountains and the La-drought; trees, have been at-drought; cuisine, La-drought with vegetables, rice, Vegetarian La-drought; uniforms, drought is La-shirt, shoes La-drought.
III. Made in the La-16 drought
Y on the classic original recording is only the La-16 drought. Today, we often say the La-18 is due to drought after Buddhism to China added two. This point, we will discuss it later.
16 La-droughts are the earliest sign of the French head, atmospheric scriptures by the General A-la-Han Nan-so-secret multi-la (Han Translation: Huu Khanh) theory in Srilanka. Here, let me outline the contents of the French head sign:
After Buddha's Nirvana 800 years, at the Lion (now the capital of Sri Lanka), there is a drought La-Nan-so-secret name multi-la-pious solemnity, eloquence very afraid, could explain all doubts to people they all happily. So people in that country are injured his glasses.
But then one day he said to everyone:
- Hey you, shall propagate Buddhism in the world I have temporarily done, not how long I will be away from you, who have questions can ask, I answer to.
Hearing this, everyone mourned, crying drop KSWs bag. Seeing this, his consolation:
- Hey you! Everything in life things birth there would be killed, surely there is the tan, not something permanent at all, please do not so tragic. Just shifting the position in practice the Dharma will naturally result. I live in this world or not does not have anything else!
heard him say, at this time, they shall stop crying, asked:
- Dear false religion! His going away from us, did not you know there are no La-drought continues to save the world not?
- Well, of course, is yes! 800 years ago, before the Buddha about Nirvana, he has brought wonderful dharma of the Deputy wishes to La-16 drought with their disciples, told them to continue upholding the multiplication of time devoted to preaching positive to the everlasting Dharma on earth.
- Ladies fake religion! That's what 16 the La-drought? People are urged to ask.
Seeing this, Nan-so-secret multi-la-stating the identity and residence of origin of the La-16 drought, he said:
1. Tan-canvas-the-la-la-fork-beam (also known as Tan-first-batch-Pha-la-rotten), this false religion residing in the West-Island-momentum-ni-continent.
2. -Anonymous-ca-ca-sa fine, the author of this religious residence in the low-Ca-di-la.
3. Ca-ca-anonymous-ly-fork-beam, the author of this religious residence in East-win-gods-continent.
4. Fill-frequency-momentum, the author of this religious residence in North-cu-block-continent.
5. Nac-range-la, the author of this religious residence in South-Thiem-the-continent.
6. Bat-momentum-la, this false religion residing in the Dam-a-la-continent.
7. Ca-ca-management, this false religion residing in the Sangha-tea-continent.
8. Fine-beam multi-la-la-waving, this reside in the false religion Bat-like-NOA-continent.
9. Animal-north-ca, the author is residing in mountainous religious orientations
10. Part-trust-ca, the author of this religious residence in heaven Training Benefits.
11. La-la-support, the author of this religious residence in Tat-profit-positive-island-continent.
12. Na-na-old-cells, the authors of this religious residence in Part-of-three mountains.
13. Human-up momentum, the author of this religious residence in Mount Quang Hiep.
14. Fine-na-she-view, the author of this religious residence in Mount Head ability.
15. A multi-market, the author of this religious residence in Mountain Animal Room.
16. Note-tea-sale-trust-ca, the author of this religious residence in Mount Tri Axle.
There is a curious question:
- Dear religious fake, but so far no one saw 800 years of his appearance?
- Sixteen general the A-la-drought along Disciples often attend the conference throughout the monastery. The thing, when the whole forest optical him how to dress just like ordinary people of ordinary eyes so we do not know the meat he is the General A-la-time limit - Nan-so-secret multi-la response .
- Your Holiness, the 16th when the new La-drought was far from the world of us? Everyone urgent questions.
- Sixteen in the La-drought have until no living human life span to 70,000 years old, while Buddhism has flourished in his new multiplication, the time to go. At that time, the La-16 drought will still set a place, used magic operation honeysuckle, pearl, saving glass, crystal, pearl, onyx, coral, amber dishes treasures of the world reviews create a stupa, and relics of Lord Buddha-an inside location. Then the disciples of nowhere flying around the tower interference, proclaimed the Tathagata canopy, spreading the scent stuff, sparse flowers and precious offerings to the Buddha: "Sir! His mission assignment, we have completed consummation. Now, we want to transfer the delivery to other countries to propagate Buddhism. " Finished speaking, he used the fire eighty feet ephemera middle of nowhere, lost much flesh may fire .- Nan-so-secret multi-la-hearted presentation for people to understand the world record of 16 La-drought status.
IV. Cause of the La-18 drought
After signing the French head Mage Xuanzang translated into Han culture, the La-16 drought are numerous Chinese Buddhists welcome, warmly praised. But only 16 are classic La-draft with no name "La Cross-bowl drought." So, again appeared as the first two? Name of Him? Background how? Administration launched the star? Why Buddhists he was later selected to row 18 on the La-drought?
In fact, the La-18 from the 16 draft is due to changes in the development, gradually add to the 18 position. The main reason is from the start of painting, sculpture followed, finally, literature.
The Great, more than 1000 years ago, in China, which the artist painted the school district 18 the La- droughts. This is the La-18 position as soon as possible that we are known.
The Song Dynasty, Su Dongpo great writer these statues found in soil Turkish Checkers (ie Nam Hai later) should be high interest make 18 posts Tan (an ancient documents after signing stories, short scripts used to ca action or critical natural and human) praises, but Su Dongpo not specify the name of each position. Therefore, we know two La-draft 17 and 18 in the general picture provided is.
Soon afterward, Venerable concerned are also drawing the La-18 drought. Su Dongpo return from the South Sea, was passed by the temple in Bao Lam Thanh Hiep saw this painting he wrote all 18 tonnes. The difference between this time and last time in each Su Dongpo are clearly annotated each of your names. He said that the 17 false religion Nan-so-secret multi-la, the Tan-18 is the religious head-fake plot. But Tan-first-batch is referred to the New-canvas-the-la-la-fork-beam, the first La-drought in the 16 position that Su Dongpo not realize this should be repeated two times the name of a false religion.
In 18 subjects of the La-drought and Venerable Huyen Truong concerned shall draw, the 17 is added to a religious author Nan-density multi-problem is, people say the French Head Sign introduced the identity, residence country, the 16 the La-drought area; 18 is the Mage Xuanzang, the Tang Cao increases to a visiting Indian business and is the interpreter, "French Head," in doing so nothing too much nonsense. Sai is that Su Dongpo Xuanzang gave him the same high-repetition-Tan canvas-la-la-rotten.
By the Song Dynasty, dating to the 5th year Ham Thuan (CN 1269), his book Chi Desk Sign flyers, do not agree to respect the author Nan-so-secret multi-la on 18 of the La-drought, respect for authors who introduced the La-16 drought, between the time he came to 800 years, how he can combine with other characters in the picture is. Moreover, adding religious Tan-first author Paul makes the same as making up lost meaning. He therefore proposed to bring the two Ca-lettuce false religion, military-map-bowl-of carbon into the La-18 drought. His Ca-lettuce is one of the ten major disciples of the Buddha, and his military-map-bowl-carbon is also the Buddha's disciples are very valued. At the age of late afternoon, the Buddha once told:
"I am now 80 years old, no longer live long, Ca-lettuce, Quan-map-bowl-carbon, Tan-first-batch, La-la-almost four religious practice of the life I should save them some time, instead of me preaching Buddhism beings. "
When the La-18 drought is transmitted into China, Tibet, in addition to the La-16 drought is, we also added the French lay up (multi-Dat-ma-la) and the General Monk. France Increases the mountains of Gansu province in the Netherlands. Everyday, his worship 16 the La-induced drought and always, always see the Buddha seated on the cloud optical zoom. His drawings carrying boxes back business, located next to a tiger. Great legend monk is the reincarnation of the Bodhisattva Di-touch.
The Secret Power European Forest Process Border Issue 4, also have the La-18 drought. Qing Dynasty Emperor Gaozong of praise ever written on the painting, but rather religious king fake lettuce with Hang Ca-La-Long drought and religious author Di-La-Ho reached by Easter drought, to do so far with the idea in the previous comments. On the other hand, the Emperor Gaozong put two Hang Long, Easter tiger change his lettuce and his Ca-Di-Lac is not approved for Long, Tigers are two of the Taoist symbol, a few unrelated to Buddhism.
To sum ​​up the comments above, we see the emergence of the La-18 drought with absolutely no scriptural basis, just because the graphics artist should, in addition to the La-16 drought, drawing and added two widespread public reception only. Since then, each time referring to La-drought is everyone saying the La-18 drought, no one told you La-16 drought. As for the two added to the two does the same for everyone so no opinion research to explore what to do.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).24/1/2012.

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