Thursday 19 January 2012


AmitabhaIn ancient times, in countries of origin Sa A Thau Thien Truc (because of the ancient Heavenly Bamboo has 16 major countries) have a line of Brahman (not that say your name), this guy's true innate nature , but very dense re-emerged as suffering a major heart infection natural love, so his love for his wife too much, with the husband and wife do not know boring boring. In contrast his wife was not only gentle, but intelligent alert.
She is born in a private family glass jewels, her own home is not only the jewels to the utmost devotion, the Buddha of very knowledgeable about the practice, she specializes in the Pure Land teachings, nembutsu school boys. She hired an empty net maker heyday. Every day she prescribed two times and late night lock nembutsu, because in busy day at the family during this time she also recited Buddha silently photographic memory center alone. Every time she nembutsu empty the tissue type, as mentioned above, her husband was too dull to love his wife not to leave too, so when his wife is offering drum for Buddha, but he held her hand pulled away protection bed, she calmly replied, "Do not you Oh, if you want me to go to sleep every night is the nembutsu with em drums for the new finish to bed together" . He injured his wife because consent should be ready, there are times when he is close nembutsu exchange bed, she is from the air said, not enough Waiter! Concept lacks die in mortal sin! From here he is the Brahman and his wife nembutsu not missed a night, over a period of three years, he was seriously ill and died, but because the heart is hot, so do not enter the shroud, over the five days he rose again , then he cried for his wife seemed a bitterly sad about something?! She Buddhists wife asked why, he says: Em Oh! Now he has no one thought to close them again! Only a mind tu lo nembutsu is hard to be the only Western Pure Land! So after he died was a good guide to the Planning hell Than Hell (Hell is the punishment sinners by cooking in boiling oil cauldrons), then he saw all sinners or cooked in the cauldron rising down, apparently like cooked beans, the guilty person was crying bitterly, crawling over the pan rim that want to run out, were beaten with sticks Forums best winning pan cook the listening port is the port and started throwing it into the pan, then he very together with Stunning horripilation, hitting you remember when the drum gold Buddha, both hands raised to the concept release "Namo Amitabha Buddha" is a concept only "Amitabha Buddha Namo" the pan boiling oil immediately turned into a lotus pond filled with cool water in it, how many sinners were sitting on the lotus, and that they are not happy tears. All are born in the Western Pure Land. Well hell away Minh train with United, he immediately came to boiling oil pan has become ao sen, infinite joy, and immediately commanded to release him on earth, to teach him right after the hard earth Buddha, standing near his wife again. So, he is now 100% do not want to close them. He also wanted to say to you is clear, Minh Vuong not only fun commanded to release him, but he also said:

Nobody under the sun in the sky by Buddhist
compassion his German Studies across populations born
there beings create more crime
threat to hell suffer torment
hear only a question of Amitabha Buddha
boiling oil into the fire data Immediately
All sinners are reborn
of water Pond bar food (cool)
West Germany compassion Bliss was
extremely high even what I can not
use expressions only press the
slash on Nature Network Place Tuc equivalent
(Merit wise).
This story I respectfully y in the Pure Land recounts St. Luc Hien Vietnamese text. In the record books with thousands of rebirth stories, stories he is a Brahman in his story (in this story who is reborn? That is the sinner was cooking pan).
You read this story a few points should be considered:
_ Action Buddhists her (his wife Brahman).
Mindfulness Buddhism has three years _ that was hell.
_ Action Buddhists in her short stories, we should praise, as if she like the others, there are many failures.
_ The family is not happy, why? So when her husband or recite the Buddha that were so disturbed, as the other women, will emerge si yard shouting that miserable, it is the fist time that religious concepts drawn urge to sleep. Meanwhile his Brahman 100% sure not fast, because although he is very dull place, but still have a loving heart, rather the husband is always in the win, which means people have more rights wife, of course he will curse and can happen to beat the other.
_ Unable to prison. Because as mentioned above, how secure that religious concepts? What is the age of your broken!
_ No user stack into Buddhism. This point need not be long because of disagreements between the two sides, has impact pride, aversion has revolt woks sizzle, because love does not go along with the ground it apart, the first idea because he too loves his wife and love in cases of sexual, but not as you are of course rebel ground fire. Summary point three above, we see clearly in the story she is Buddhist wise man of gentle re.
Buddhist mindfulness _ three years that were rotten. The last heard of this, everyone must have a doubt on the mind of the Buddha golden words. Because he is taught clearly in the Business "Reciting a question Amitabha Buddha, kill sin in the way of birth and death 80 lifetime memories" . Just a question but it seems effective, why Brahmins are there every night with his wife during the three years that nembutsu was rotten? Namo Amitabha Buddha! Please mind, that I will in Business Strategy doubt love it. We should know all the legal, the center head, master mind, if you use mental states that make it as professional as the ball is never wrong to run. Yet he Brahmins Buddha, the Buddha by reading Scripture alone, in the mind absolutely no idea. Why? For three years, although he recite the Buddha by his wife, but the heart always thought was his wife at will. I felt this story told over, you knew more, no more to say. There are things we should note that 100%, even though he was Brahman for three years without a minute to recite the Buddha, only oral reading performance by making Scripture says his wife had promised (ie she was Buddhist told him if you want to sleep with me for all nembutsu), due to the performance by reading Scripture mandatory three years, it orders into the official organ, the nembutsu is the seed in the mind forever, like diamonds not decay time, so when the conditions are met seed availability was so strong that it emits, according to Duy mode of Buddha called seed starting current. So should he Brahmins being led into prison hell good water boiling oil, to see how criminals are executed was extremely frightened, to hear the beating criminals to the pan-winning club was called the port is in the mind his immediate recall of a knock on gold blank nembutsu as in earthly wife, linked hands respectfully accept the notion that Namo Amitabha Buddha's huge! Ladies and Gentlemen, the question of his nembutsu Brahmins performance objectives at this very serious sin boundless life, not only in the memory 80 lives, because this question of his nembutsu not the media into which all the center will devote resources to it, so they are such great results. For example, to understand, as I have a thousand years, which brings light into the phase detector, all darkness will melt away. For this reason, the boiling oil pan boiling, immediately turn into a cool pond full of lotus flower, how many are sitting on it sinners.
Here we see clearly, the merit recite Amitabha From the side of his Brahman does not take as well so that the nembutsu Buddhist scriptures teach not only whether a person is away will be freed in a multitude eons later. Speaking of fake art is recalled, or used wheel left child instance is the idea that nembutsu way. As to why the sentence of his nembutsu Brahmins but all I get great effects such benefits, that I would lead a passage in the Lotus Sutra in Phẩm spectrum license you will clearly Hundred thousand memories thousand people, as for silver, gold, save glasses, pearl, onyx, coral, amber, pearl, and precious things of the same type, so the sea; assume devastating winds in election overcast canvas boat blowing sa ship on the island La Police, in person, if only one person shall recite Guanyin Dai Si, then the others would still escape the painting La Police.
Next assume the glass arts medicine in the Scripture. Economic hell, Lau PBL Business, Business A Ham, Dharma Mindfulness, Bin Lu Page The Art of Strategy reason why the news in the story of King Pluto called Minh Vuong. When you see sinners cauldron boiling oil into the pond water is much cooler and shower sit on it sinners. His sheer joy to release immediately commanded the respect and Brahmanical theory describes moral compassion shelves at the pleasure of German suffering from Accessories Da Di. Because of the underworld Pluto for all you sinners He had compassion for them so whenever possible Forums arrest to immediately protect warships commanded to bring the window to see, according words
declaration of a criminal suit in it, those who met here on earth, religious merit is more godly jewels centered vegetarian Buddhist concept of Him is extremely happy. Contrary to meet the charges made many crimes, the rebuke him, where art would lead author of the full text of King Pluto calls for rebuke sinners as follows:
"You are fortunate to have relatives who
worry that such practice will be like the
mountain has to treasure (golden mountain) that the hands do not
come here today must be torture
because you create more crime
by themselves create unpleasant feeling guilty, self-
Where someone suffering to Take
Now squalor mourning
for what Mong! I saved where
I can not take place of you! "
As was said by Pluto on a very important and very commercial glass Dhamma monk, which is hard to do vegetarian Buddhist concept of the good work, stay away from all evil, the view was just three short story authors Arts Pure lead in Long Tho following is clear.
_ Signature Room Buddhists in China, Tang Dynasty, a Buddhist name is Chen Chu. This person into glass jewels, practice diligently. A sick day is not what sudden violence, death, down to the audience Minh Pluto. Pluto deeply post-treated. He said that, based on the criminal docket of the station that khanh blessed to have a great merit, are recommended nembutsu an older person. He was reborn Western Bliss, khanh rely merit was also sure to be reborn. Percent per khanh should come here to be the last meeting, and also a few words of praise his great merit, because khanh makes a person will become a Buddha, the constant sa countless beings. Signature Room after hearing Pluto graciously praised his merit, he said forthrightly that the glass vessel Lord Yama, I sincerely thank the thousands of condescension he has called me here, and much of what you teach of it. Con extremely grateful! But Lord Yama ship, formerly the volunteers have found two things: One is to recite the sutra ten thousand Kim Cang, two is a pilgrimage to Wutai Mountain German Bi Quan Yin Dai Dai Si, so I do not want to rebirth Bliss at this time. Germany said a quarter of Pluto! But khanh two volunteers should know that absolutely soon be reborn in the Pure Western. Since water is the realm of Amitabha, not only suffering from really all in the birth and death, but the practice charming enough to win over the realms of memory Saha to thousands times. Moreover, the Pope face to face Dewachen owner, and two University of St. Quan Yin Mahasthamaprapta almost always next to me. At that time the audience khanh not worship the Buddha Amitabha which was worship Guanyin, Mahasthamaprapta was friends with at Lac Thien Nhan lowercase Bang. If khanh in this world to worship again, nothing but a relic of the Quan Yin Dai Si only. The words on both the unfolding and extension khanh are tons of medical education, not by Scripture from the private opinions of the station, would khanh should think carefully. Pluto has run training example such that said he did not obey, He is also possible depending upon the security Forums lead back to earth.
Read this story we see clearly the nembutsu recommended practice is not only a great blessing, which itself was reborn Bliss, the place u touched proving Pluto awe. So do Germany Great Bodhisattva from shelves explanation of spiritual merit recommend the practice to recite the Buddha as follows:
If anyone can recommend two people who
practice this meant that nembutsu
By self is very diligent
if advised to be ten or more
Then his boundless merit immeasurable
If that advises the Hundred of thousands of people who
do are It's such a Bodhisattva
Back To advance further the universal
So is Buddha Amitabha.
_ King Pluto had advised her to 70 years old Buddha, at Chau Lam, Kim Dan Tran Giang origin. She is dead to the underworld, but not all of it's time to return. Before Pluto cult to differentiate back to the old, old woman Pluto advice: She was older then, when they return to earth tu lo merit will be born to a happy realm. He asked her thoughts Kinh are not? She answered, O Lord! I do not know words are not action. Pluto was not so sure! She chanting not only to recite Amitabha for many, the public satisfaction of the Western Bliss will no longer return to this place. After the old woman back to life, she often told acquaintances that I am very blessed that no one from instruction to practice reciting the Buddha. Today's death to the underworld, Pluto King taught me to recite the Buddha, Buddhism so I know nothing more. Pluto Germany but also advised me to recite the Buddha, doubt, what I pray this nua.Tu Powering everything hang out, it does not come hungry, the children it may trade for meals no meals hungry whatever. From there she dedicated to Buddha, to live longer meet the new age 120. When she was dying patients not suffering much anything, just tired of walking as much as usual, then the escape of nembutsu. Just as this story shows two things in particular. An elderly woman is sure to be reborn as her calves nembutsu no delay, not only from day to Sheol and the human world, which was mindful of death is money. Two Buddhist concept that life is so very high, not dry.
Seeing people _ killing nembutsu be blessed.
During the Prohibition of the Spirit Yin notes suggest that Pluto nembutsu as follows: In at Multiple Stores (China) is the name of Zheng Lan considered in the army, died down to Hades, human error, because it should be released on earth (similar to the second story above). Before Pluto particular cult, he has some advice that prompted Zheng Lan: He struggled on earth healing, life is too short as the ball question (horse) through the gap, such as lights flickering between the wind, like dew first grass tomorrow ..
The good work is a vast amount, in which merit is the largest Buddhist concept. Extension Station so he tried to recite the Buddha for many, the end of birth is not Bliss selecting point Taiwan back, again at any moment he saw the killing, he releases the concept of Amitabha Buddha and Avalokitesvara Tat being prayed for delivery of Bliss was killed, although they are not to be born Bliss, the operator also being the realm of healing, he is a great blessing. Based on this story clearly recite the Buddha has three major advantages: One is to bring his merit promotion process for the deaths, two are blessed, she is being reborn Western Pure Land.
Now please say the dungeon bosses and a few A time table for sinners from speaking, because they hate him much more sinner who hates injustice in, the former, data tigers, poisonous snakes and look cheap like animals. They were yelling abuse brutally beaten, so that they are not satisfied. They want to do sinners suffer for real data, not one minute one second, they are still new and grandmother. It's not a bit from the center, so in this context said: "Ship of a security situation, the chest very well over the focal plane .. remove" (Tau was not the scream of treatment, chest, hands panicle better hand to remove ) have asked my people to see him so new that all I get here with much the same as his being, why the ruthless hand that has not already hit the mouth verbally angry all that is the cause? What he said: He shall we also be true, but if he's that much in the circumstances as we, the few he did so. Because they are all sinners come under torture, while they were on earth, all who practiced law may sound, because the body is calm, although the difference was also very much wrong, as poor-rich, hard fun, but there is no dark part as this terrible place! Yet it does have a bit of kind thoughts, let alone healing. They unfilial to their parents and grandparents rights reserved, defame the Three Jewels, do not respect Hien St., plated continental relatives of humiliation. With Master Chief rank arrogance they despised, with all the sly cunning to find enough time visit fraud intrigues harm them, they say harsh mouth, says something tongue, making cups of indirect relatives of who, speaking lies, says Aftergood. Mind greedy miser wanted to complete his treasure chest of gold, silver cabinet full of rice, filled with warehouses and found no shortage of hungry people sticking a penny, even if they fall into the state to die unattended, but this is routine. There are more sadistic murder or robbery, murder receptors, on the spatial grid used guns Na Arabia, the land is to trap tunneling, underwater fishing, then ignore that led up .. to break out neighbor burned village houses pagans, rape his wife to take more people to lose virginity, let lung causing a feud with the sentencing. We just briefly say so, if it does not know enough never to the same end, the crimes of those who have come here!
Do you know? In the moments that I get the hell out, the Lord of Hell, the Germans, as we overjoyed. So every time I get out of jail, his nails and security Pluto teach a counseling setting system that you sinners! From here you feeling guilty, sad and it hurts our station, but you know how! As you create results guilty suffer, no one place, even though the body as a parent, brother, husband and wife .. So today's station would remind you to remember the suffering in this drama, what it can not describe! The last time you tasted enough. So in this moment, try to remember your thin clients, and do not have to be back! Thin clients do not make you hear yet another crime?!
Yet sinners, with benefits counseling Lord taught, they remain the subject leaves the water, such as ear tray buffalo now, no one thought leaves off. Recently out of place on this torture, is back in a moment. Beings in samsara unpleasant scenes as their houses, without the slightest confusion clam bored, do not fear pain. Make us miserable for them, by beating all day wear slightly sore throat, body fatigue, bone pain tendon. This is not one, two days, but must go through its lifetime after lifetime. Because the cause was, he told us to have compassion to the sinner, the truth can not start from the center with them it is the contrary we want to give them pain, even more pain, suffering end to the unbearable. Since we have such vicious criminals would know that suffering, pain, sense of shame, that do not become bored again! But we see a multitude of sinners suffering is not a boring concept, not charity demand for Nirvana, refused to recite the Buddha's birth Bliss. With his teachings, they are ignored. The sinners were so, it's as senseless things, how sure we start from the concept to them to be?!END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).20/1/2012. 

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