Wednesday 25 January 2012


meaning renunciation

1.Tai so-called renunciation

Renunciation, Sanskrit is Pravrajya, is to refer people to Buddhism, to give families a life of dignity, not fame or sensual film, only hope for deliverance; their places in the forest or pure, away from family life. In ancient India, there are also Taoist Ba-la-monastic discipline as well, but have similar forms, but the German Shakyamuni gave the monastic life of Buddhist a full sense and more practical. Increase Business Nhut A-function teaching: "the lessons of direct hair down there must be a permanent trust, if not meaningful as it is known to not claim to be disciples of Shakyamuni." Indeed, after renunciation, Sa-chess-Dam has four words preaching chapel, which is voluntary at the suffering of sentient beings, except for offensive or prayer of beings, may the other of being wrong, and why beings from the cycle of birth and death. After six years of searching, he defined path to achieve the aspiration word spread, the man claiming to be religious order release, is Phat.Nhu world, ordained Buddhists to liberate not only for themselves but also for the good of all beings of all species. Did the renouncer is not always self-criticism in four said their vows on preaching.
Based on the well-wishes of the author, maintains that the ancient virtues of three-class family.
a.Than and mind are ordained: Export by each individual country is voluntary, no one and no power can force a renunciation. When the renouncer had left home to stay in the temple itself is called renunciation. When the mind is no longer nguoii outward desire the sexual pleasures of the year, did not care about fame or fortune is lost, it is the heart of family. Mind and body of a homogenized renouncer, an indigent communications director, is called the body and mind are ordained. This is the most ideal case for a practitioner and also the duty of the renouncer.
b. My mind has not ordain ordained: in this case the posts themselves in the temple, but their hearts are still delusions, chasing the fun in sex. Nguoii so because only part of enjoyment of life, because reputation that others admire. The Buddha said that, at common law alongside many such classes of persons ordained.
c.Tam ordained that the body does not ordain: This is a form of renunciation of the saint or the Bo-tat.Nhung the This route forms, or for fear of being admired that which becomes superstition, or because they no longer accept the forms, which only focuses on religious practices. Their relatives without the temple, but their hearts are no longer interested in the pleasures of sex in films nor fame. This mode is very special, ordinary person can not practice, so can not commit to the production model's normal.
In this form refers only to the monastic ideal, it is the first form , mind and body are ordained.

2. Renunciation is confronted with life and death

What we call "home" hi t call it the holy hell tuberculosis binding. Nirvana Business has taught: "living in the home shall be binding as urgent to prison, it's the kind of troubles that arise in aging. The house is comfortably off as nothing, as it is the growth of all the bad ones. "Clear expression of renunciation is giving up life in the house; shaved beard hair, wearing sa coffee, using life over the mind of reverence that Buddha che.Nhung rule here is just literally, but figuratively it is thanks to the glass over the life of the Buddha's precepts that may be out of the house afflictions, these five out of the house, out of the house three worlds, be freed from birth and death, attained enlightenment; like new call is made in any meaningful way. Based on the renunciation of Buddha Shakyamuni and the Buddhas have three generations of the Buddhahood. Flower Adornment Sutra says: "A life not knowing what the law of renunciation, only the fun and interest into birth and death without knowing it would get rid of bridge. As the Bodhisattva, the castle will renounce all property, as renouncer wish enlightenment. "Thus, renunciation is not the negative employment; on the contrary, it is directly facing the birth and death, find the path to freedom, to take on a noble mission and level of self-forgiveness, benefit beings never tired.

3.PRAVRAJYA positive in facing life.

Renunciation is out of the constraints of family life. Formerly, when the market is also made ​​All-gain-Prince has, Buddha Shakyamuni saw the suffering of dying patients being older life; then he determined to renounce the throne electric pearls, beautiful children and wife to produce poems in search for the truth. Experienced many ascetic to pursue all of the current practice of no results, and finally he himself defined his path and attain supreme enlightenment. Thus, renunciation is not an easy task, much less simple to both of these methods has felt lost; for it, renunciation is difficult, to go through many stages of the new practice into practice accomplishing; the work of the ceiling of sergeant rank, not the person is powerful or wealthy can do. Renunciation is out of the burning house of the three worlds, is the reincarnation out of the house of birth and death; want to do this renouncer should prepare yourself for a solid aspiration, a heart of glass to cultivate wisdom blessed to improve the good in human diligent practice of compassion and joy discharge to enter the realm of enlightenment.
The renunciation to remove binding themselves, gradually escape from suffering, temptation to let go of the fight, just a heart to reach the ultimate truth of liberation. Renunciation is the deficit ceiling to get to, always be aware of inner self, learning to take forward, to eliminate the suffering for elderly patients being dead, to eliminate the charm, the result of the high rise is dac.Lam How new is the positive part of facing life. The renunciation must always consider that renunciation is to break out of the house suffering of birth and death, from the evil tri wrong house, out of the house itself from self-interest, only to complete the personality, the corn temporary life is impermanent, being beneficial populations. The found poem (Hair Down) wrote: "Shaving the beard hair so willing beings, far from affliction, immediately attained citizenship." Kinh Dien Phuoc Pi-ni in Japan also talked about the five Essential qualities of a renouncer, "a mind is to ordain, as prohibited by Buddhism; two beautiful image is canceled, because forensic adaptation; three is love from the sand itself, because no body file; four is not including the network itself, as Buddhism worship; year is even higher excess demand, because of the people. "
Many people wrongly believe that temples are where shirking social responsibility or in the temple, then immediately be pure liberation. U think so, too superficial. At the temple, outside of work load split water daily reciting the Buddha, the monastic order to know the question was completed for each violation gesture, every word eat voice, maintain strict rules of the meditation subject. If not enough blessings, lack of determination to reduce the elaborate, or not enough time to practice and practice from the beginning it will be easy to defeat. When there is more to say about meditation, static coordinates, meditation, study teachings, proficient in the scriptures, preach the birth. Or maybe people think that the temple is evading the death, there was doubt in the mind where the matter in the temple defilement, defilement increasing them again. A warning that "when not wearing robes then talk as much." In fact, this is a lesson both sides, when the world of mind when the mind is pure and safe, the world police. When I saw that his heart was not right, how the net; practice of virtue is not pure, then how could police themselves. If you do not know whether the doctrine of the matter in mind also can not be pure; that's just the body of the form in which the mind is not ordained. On the other hand, is a part of our aspiration, such as the establishment media for his career, but the concentrated effort and improve learning. The meaning of family to continue to shoulder the responsibility of the Buddha, sacred serial line, favored maintaining the network. Want to be like that person to play in the heart of valor, on the research director for Buddha being, helping suffering beings be happy to leave, realizing the truth, free birth and death.

Signaling in the modern 4.PRAVRAJYA.

If the life insurance that filial filial piety thuongla parents, taking care of parents, the filial piety of monastic longer than that, as part of a more noble gesture, not as people might think that renunciation is the great and dear ones. In fact, the Buddha taught us the meaning or attachment unless the attachment, that is not expected to start concept of emotional attachment, rather than the gluttonous parents; instead, the renouncer normally bring the emotional sublimation of great compassion. If the ordinary except for the way they think of destroying the legal practice of no use, such as dry trees are not very meaningful.
Buddha taught us to respect all beings, all beings thanks, take the practice of freedom that parents reward voracious. After the Buddha attained enlightenment. He returned to Ca-Pi-la-protection signal stepparent. When his father fell ill, then he said to his father heard the Dhamma, his father until his own death, then his shoulder to bear his father's corpse tomorrow tang.Tang Buddhist intensive ancha repay her by using the capacity to prayer and guidance for parents to follow the right path, do good and avoid evil, deeds merit. Only religious people do not understand the new thinking is not respected Buddhist filial piety. In Buddhism emphasizes "hospitality center is buddha mind, well-understood as the Buddha", who always took compassion ordained as a skeptical, developed the Bodhi mind of the Bodhisattva-virtues, his interests who benefit, saving being, on heavy thanks to four, all species under study hard, love all the tiny insects. The ordained priests used their capacity to signal, if parents are difficult, the precepts of Buddhism are also offered for parents, even parents can be brought into the temple to support the elderly. We have many reincarnations in the green direction, there are many parents, if this life is blessed renunciation of practice must, of fortunate beings, compel parents dedicate many lives.
The progressive renunciation to know, beyond the three worlds, using their wisdom that corn being served, making beings are practical benefits, which come from ignorance to enlightenment. Buddhism used to guide sentient beings, take the time measured to teachers of all species; therefore, people must first be ordained for the good of all beings, the Buddha accomplished director, is just like a true renouncer , does not escape from life, not to leave this world.

5. Practical significance of the renouncer

-Ordained meaning for individuals: The world of health through measures that preserve life, due to rise to the growth of wisdom, eventually attain enlightenment liberation. If we use the true faith to apply Buddha's teachings into practice in life, beneficial to life, we will harmony between people; her ta-world peace, it is pure the label money, the renouncer are getting anywhere himself in, it's a noble sense of renunciation. Hair Down renunciation is engaged in official life, because life miserable sufferings we pray, take the pleasure of everyone to make fun of yourself, get everyone's happy to your happiness, bodhisattva practice is not as peaceful individuals that wish to help all beings be happy all suffering. So is going into real life. The newspaper assured security ordained by sympathy and harmony with others, need peace and understanding people, to use compassion for others, respect respect all people, to thank all people . - Meaning of monastic Buddhism: Buddhism has been handed down in the world is through the ranks of monks, adding a true renunciation is a powerful missionary activities, making Buddhism flourished on them. Buddhism was also spread widely through the power of the Sangha. To celebrate the German experience shows that the renouncer Security is responsible for maintaining network security Tam circuit, the lamp continued wisdom of the Buddhas; experience teaches: "The disciple is someone who can ordain undertaken and design Dharma of the Tathagata continue in the next life. If you take all the merit of the world combined can not be compared with an ordained Catholic holy preaching. " History of Buddhist activities have confirmed the major role in maintaining Sangha Dharma in the world. Today, although the full texts that people have access to good Buddhist. Their biggest obstacle is not to understand Buddhism, this problem involves the long-term educational, and missionary activities reflect operation is not effective. Moreover, their activities do not parallel with the current education, not by any means a fully accurate and comprehensive to make Buddhism popular among the masses. So the birth of their activities benefit a great responsibility that people take on renunciation. The meaning of family for the whole society: Social development can not only focus on material civilization, but also comments necessarily spiritual civilization; if not, the development of social imbalance. Dharmas propagate positive spiritual civilization contributed to society. Buddhism is the mind. Practicing Buddhism is self-discipline and perfection of the equality of all beings in the legal world. Modern society emphasizes the role of harmony, which are contracts with the spirit of Buddhism. Buddhism never talk to the opposition that comes to tolerance. Everyone can learn from Buddhism; if this world people are learning about Buddhism thithe is no longer war with people who love harmony. Made a career in the shoulder of the Buddhas, to continue Dharma lamp lit. The strength of an individual though small, but if you could speak as Chief Justice, as the Buddha, you can touch the minds of many people dedicated to social hoimot hoathan good comedy value. renouncer get everyone to the profit ichcho career; help build a peaceful society, improve people's hearts; uses that complement the compassion, support for the shortcomings of education, thus contributing to building a high peace and happiness for all beings. Made in the fine tradition of Buddhism, is the advancement of human needs, find themselves in genuine liberation and doi.Xuat family living with a purely voluntary individuals do not have any pressing any assignment. Renunciation is living with a harmonious Sangha, reconcile an individual in mass to the quality of personal training, make the ideal liberated at the same time, bring the energy of compassion and wisdom of the great we transform the world, promoting personal and community non-stop effort. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).26/1/2012.

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