Friday 20 January 2012


Transformation of self tha
The idea of ​​bodhicitta was inconceivable! It makes all the work involved does not benefit all sentient beings become boring and unsatisfactory. I really would not be interested or enjoy your life, except this meaningful work. Everything else would be meaningless, empty and without substance.
Happiness and satisfaction really begins when you live a life for others. You retreat for others, the French practice for others, learning for others, working in the office for others and cooking for others.
When your attitude is transformed, you will do all the work for others, as easing their suffering and bring happiness to them, in your heart will be a satisfaction and true peace.
When you only loved himself, just think of me too - "How can I be happy? How do I get rid of any problem? "- Is in your heart there is no true happiness, only anxiety and fear alone. You see all these problems, and your mind is not comfortable anymore. But the next moment, if you redirect your concerns to other beings - whether it's a unique beings alone - suddenly your heart falls out of love interest, such as hands and feet are exit the yoke chains.
As soon as the object of your worry from himself to others, your heart is free from the bondage of ideas full of self love. As soon as you change the object of love, peace will naturally be present in your heart. Right from the moment your mind is diverted from charity to charity tha fall, you have freedom, freedom, escape from the close tie of selfish interest.
Recognizing that the tragedy was created from the delusions in the minds of his unruly, practicing Falun practitioners use these circumstances to destroy their own delusions. You do not have to accept what loving thoughts bring you down. You can recognize the suffering and problems of others for yourself. Instead of blaming other people for you to feel happy and comfortable, instead of letting other people took on suffering, loss, misfortune, trouble, bad language, criticized, punished, or any What, you ask yourself all the hard shoulder and giving glory to others. This is the transformation of teaching practices of Mahayana tha fall, let him deny himself and love others.
Here, you love to return to the center intersection of the problems that it has made ​​to you earlier. This way, you use your own problems to destroy the source of pain, delusions and superstitions of his own. As in Chopa Lama wrote: "Please protect all children to understand that love falls chronic disease of children is the door to all suffering and help the child can master all responsibility for self care who, almost killing the demon love this huge ego. "
Who is the source of all falls experienced paralytic attention and obstacles such as illness or failure in work, education or the practice of France. Take the Who will fall brings many problems and failures. Instead of blaming external circumstances or raised in the heart of the hazards created by falling interest charity, let's use them to "destroy the monster that love huge ego." You not only provided all responsibility for self care who, but you pay for it all your problems, using them as medicine for healing self love, superstition and imaginary chronic expectations.
Use problems to kill Who falls
To achieve ultimate happiness, we must destroy their delusions. Buddhism, road repair, the Buddha, the teacher, for example, that the method enables us to destroy the delusion, love hurt ego and mind controlling it yourself.
Received criticism, disrespect, or bad treatment of others also damages the heart and love fall on the legal concerns of your world. This is not bad, but rather good too. So Who's hurt ego and concerns of your world is the practice of Dharma.
Usually, in everyday life, we see a man treat her badly with a negative thing, but actually it's a positive thing. It becomes a treatment dose of selfish interest and concerns of their world. Dealing with bad people we are helping to destroy our illusions, Who fall, concerns and worldly lust, like the French are helping us so. By doing something contrary to the will of one, the other is disturbed the comfort that we are pursuing the concerns of the world, so they hurt us. This is like the French. Their actions became real medicine to treat chronic diseases inner true that we have from without beginning - chronic diseases of the poisoned mind (greed, hatred and delusion).
The case is similar for any problems or unhappy that you go through, such as cancer or AIDS, because they are the result of following the fall and three independent charity care, in this life or previous lives. Who falls not wish this illness, because that, again, we like medicine, such as road repair, such as France.
If you look at people who treat you badly, or unfortunate circumstances such as illness in a negative way, they will not help you at all, it just kills you and others time. Let's see them as positive things, like how to purify karma. They help you clean out the evil heavy industry right now, instead of making you go through suffering in the hell away hundreds of lives.
Instead of all the things that hurt the ego mind and love the world of your mind is negative, see them as positive. Use them to destroy the illusion of your expectations, to achieve liberation and enlightenment. In this way, although you could find a solution to your problem or not - especially if there is no solution at all - then you can make your problems mean, when you have deal with it.
A method of transforming it said, "Suffering is broom swept negative karma and the karma." The difficulties experienced by the broom, a vacuum cleaner and wipe out the negative karma and causes problems.
This article also says, "Illness is broom clean u negative karma and intelligent." Illness is used as an example - but in fact we can apply this perspective to any other matter . The difficulties in life can become the teachings of Buddha . If you see the problem is positive, you can use them to destroy their self loving thoughts.
In the practice of Chod , you attempt to create a context of terror and invoke the spirit is to terrible to kill your ego. For practitioners have high levels of realization in the practice had achieved Chod , they are easy to recognize the title should be rejected, that's what really exists. If you can recognize this title as long as fast, then you will be able to realize the ultimate nature, emptiness of the self and the aggregates so as quickly as the condition.
However, you do not have to rely on Chod to create a context in which you try to realizing emptiness. Any other difficulties - such as diseases, or being critical of anyone harm - are also similar to these practices. Those who bothered you in everyday life is like the spirit that you beg them to harass you, like when you are practicing Chod so. Instead of using those nasty to develop hatred and jealous mind, creating negative karma, you can use them to recognize the title should be rejected and realizing emptiness. You can use the usual situation where you have to realization of emptiness and bodhicitta practice, this means charity care fell to eradicate.
Because those who bother you that they are destroying the mind love self and other visions of you, like France, Buddha and your masters are doing, so, in fact they did not harm you, but rather is are helping you. Like a mirror, they show you your mistakes and so have helped you with the most practical way. By pointing you toward your vision and help you remove them, by destroying illusions and worldly concerns like these, they are given to your ultimate happiness.
By destroying your ego mind love, who you awarded for enlightenment, because the main obstacle to enlightenment is thought loving self, and the main obstacles to achieve our liberation is attachment, locking you into the cycle of reincarnation. In terms of controlling it, who defeated the world's concerns will be a teacher is extremely great and so precious as the Buddha. By making your path arises in your mind, they have a chance for you to achieve enlightenment. This person is very valuable as a Buddha, as the French protection.
While this kind of unprecedented wealth and as such, they do not need a motivation to benefit you all. For example, the wisdom realizing emptiness terminate your illusions, but this wisdom has no motivation to help. Medications are also valuable, because it's healing, but it did not have the motivation to help anyone.
You do not love myself because you own e tevoi. This is not your reason. So if you love others, also do not need that person must be kind to you. Why do not you love others the way you love yourself? Why not love your enemies, who help you practice Dharma, to create a path and achieve enlightenment? The This extremely valuable, like your teacher, as the Buddha and Dharma so. There are countless reasons why you should love such a man.
Countless others are
You as an individual only. If you are reborn in hell, it's just a sa hell alone. If you achieve liberation from samsara, it is just a personal exit-only reincarnation nothing worth very much excited. And countless beings - who were called "others" - they just like you, want to be happy and do not want suffering. Their aspirations just as you wish, but they are much endless. Each of them are important and valuable as you think about your self, and these people are much endless. And you, only as an individual only, so completely negligible. You are nothing when compared to innumerable other beings extremely valuable and important. You really nothing is precious, not important at all.
If more then two more numbers larger than yourself, so they will be more important than you. It's like the difference between a rupee (Indian currency) and 2 rupees so: 2 rupees is more valuable than a rupee. And 100 rupees is more valuable than a rupee; 1000 rupees, the rupee value a lot higher. If you have to choose between one rupee and two rupees you will get two rupees. If you have to choose between a rupee and 100 rupees, of course you will get 100 rupees. If you have the option you select a rupee, then it is foolish. Of course you would choose a larger amount. Likewise, when you compare yourself with a hundred, a thousand or a million, or immeasurable beings, then you have nothing valuable, nothing is important.
Compared to all other people, a figure that does not count, you insignificant and unimportant. Moreover, in each of the realms of heaven, asuras, animals, hungry ghosts and hell beings are limitless. The number of ants that we did not only count it. So between yourself and how many ants you, they will be more important. In a dark room - even just one angle only - there are many mosquitoes; they are valuable and important than you. Think about every realm, every creature. There are too many animals being born only in the realm only, such as butterflies, infections, flying insects. If you think deeper, you will find it hard to believe. Only on this earth only, only in one country only, there were countless beings.
Like you, all beings want happiness and do not want suffering. There is nothing in life more important than you being served, do away with suffering and bring happiness to them. Nothing is more important than this at all. In addition to dedicating his life to serve all sentient beings, other things are meaningless and empty.
What we call the "I" totally insignificant when compared to bringing a multitude of people, animals and countless other beings. Every time we develop bodhicitta and thought to himself, "I will attain enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings", this includes all species, including mosquitoes and ants. Consider how many animals are suffering on a mountain, such as infections and other flying insects; bodhicitta arise in the hearts we cover all these beings. Mind cover all species of fish and animals that eat fish. It embraces every creature of the numerous species of aquatic animals, large and small, are eating each other. Each time we develop bodhicitta, the altruistic aspiration to bring happiness to others, it covers all the different races, all creatures that live in water, on land, in air, no any discrimination. Bodhicitta cover all living beings which had no mental distinction.
Thought altruistic desire to achieve enlightenment for all sentient beings is a very wonderful perspective! When you develop bodhicitta, you include everyone, all species in the idea of ​​benefiting them. No matter what difficulties they are experiencing, any where they are - the East, West, Middle East, or in a different world - everyone is included. Not a living being overlooked at all.
Why do we need to be fully enlightened mind
Every human being has a level of consciousness and different personalities, and you need to know the correct way to behave appropriately with each of these beings. You must be able to say a voice to millions of listeners at the same time and meet each person's inborn. Each person will hear something different, depending on the level of consciousness and their different karma, but at the same time, depending on their karma, what they hear from your words will guide them on the right path towards liberation and enlightenment.
But now we still do not understand the basis of consciousness and karma one of beings only. To be able to mentor all creatures perfectly, no mistakes and make it more beneficial for them, we need to understand everything about the root of mind and personality of each human being.
Moreover, we should have a basic knowledge of the full path, which can lead even a human being goes to enlightenment. We can not life taught by only one means only, because a vehicle may not be suitable for everyone. We have many different means to respond to the radical consciousness of being different. For example, when Buddha Sakyamuni advice Makyeda, who killed his parents, that "Father and mother is worth killing people", the Buddha made Makyeda happy. Amid mental disorder and his depression, which is useful but should be heard Makyeda. Itself has helped him realize the two-self nature, of man and the aggregates, and when he realized this, he has removed the two types of ignorance. These words of the Buddha is the cause for Makyeda realize the emptiness. Instead of being stuck in the literal meaning of this word, Makyeda understand these terms imply two kinds of ignorance need to be removed, there is awareness of self and the aggregates as they really exist.
If we say that all things exist in reality, this may suit some people's minds. When they heard this, it can help them practice better and bring happiness to them. Despite the fact that none of atoms exist at all, but for a person unable to understand that there is a truth never existed at all, the teacher would have taught that the Buddha said true existence, because this teaching is the means to lead sentient beings that goes to the liberation and enlightenment.
One has to understand is every karma, frugal mind and personality of each human being, as well as all the different means, in accordance with each of these beings, to help them goes to the well- welfare and enlightenment. Only a fully enlightened with a new location this feature only. Even seams in earnest with countless miracles can not comprehend clearly had a karma. Even though you have escaped the defilements of this chapter, they have not completely eliminate the subtle karma (knowledge of stumbling) to achieve the omniscient mind, so they can not see the subtle business or activity secret of the Buddhas. The Arahat can not help being a perfect way, even though he got rid of the reincarnation.
So to be able to benefit all beings perfectly, a place to achieve full enlightenment - no matter how much it takes up a public life, no matter how difficult this no. In addition, there is no other method at all. Once a location has not achieved full enlightenment, the realization in mind they are not fulfilling, so they can not bring that being necessary, there is the perennial happiness, the greatest. The achievement of enlightenment is most significant that a person can do to bring benefit to yourself and all beings.
We are responsible for all human beings
You can understand the concept of highest happiness through an example of everyday life. If the right to choose, even animals will select the most delicious food and do not touch the food less attractive. Both a dog will do so. And when shopping or doing business transaction, we will also try to obtain the highest boon by purchasing items with the best quality, most durable. Although one can not have some knowledge about enlightenment, but they have a little idea of ​​happiness song. Just because they lack the insight of the French that they do not understand is that enlightenment is essential that they lack in life, and that's what they should achieve.
Just as you are trying to get the most happiness, all other beings are doing so well. What people need is the infinite bliss of enlightenment, a state no longer caught up in a karma which, together with the realization of perfection.
I have been reborn as a perfect person, having been a teacher to mentor our virtue on the path to liberation and enlightenment, in contact with Buddhism - especially Mahayana teachings - each we have an opportunity to help all beings escape from all suffering and karma, bring them to enlightenment. The reason we have the opportunity to help sentient beings may be because we have received all necessary predestined to develop his mind, to create a sequential path to religious enlightenment and achieve the omniscient mind, and with great compassion heart embraces all beings, as well as the ability to mentor them. So we shall liberate all beings from suffering, causes suffering, karma and lead them to enlightenment.
I often use this example: If you see a blind man walking towards a cliff jutting into the sea, you will pull them back immediately, before they fall into the abyss. Even if they ask you to help or not does not matter. If you have all the necessary facilities such as the eye can see, hands and feet to climb, the voice to cry, then you will be able to help this blind man. Simply because you have these conditions, it is your responsibility to help people who are at risk of falling rocks.
If a person has the ability to meet this situation and they do not bear out a helping hand, then it is cruel and shameful, as this is that they did not use the function of limbs and eyes, as they should be used to help others. If such a circumstance occurs, it is pity for the blind to fall down the cliff, and it is terrible when one has all the means to help the other escaped death, but refused to do anything.
It is cruel and devastating to know how, if at this moment, when all means, but we do not cultivate Bodhi, the essence of Buddhism, especially Mahayana teachings. If we do not develop this ultimate compassion, not developed the ability to mentor beings, but only lived a life centered selfish, not thinking about anything other than their own happiness, then it is useful century and rather cruel. In fact, we are totally responsible to lead all beings to enlightenment.
Sacrifice myself
The anxiety for others to bring the natural desire is how do we help them be happy and not harming them. You would not want them to suffer. Do you remember the story of the captain is the Bodhisattva, who killed a conspiracy to murder over 500 merchant ships did not? Bodhisattva has completely sacrifice myself. The captain accepted the Bodhisattva was rotten to hell, to avoid the man who plotted to kill other people from creating negative karma. But instead of this act becomes negative karma and become the cause of rebirth in the vicious poor country, it has shortened the cycle of problems of this Bodhisattva to 100,000 a rise public lifetimes. By generating bodhichitta and love a being is, by swapping its own position to the other, the boat has accumulated reward bodhisattvas immeasurable merit and close more enlightened results.
There is a story about him Asangha. Over the past 12 years, he tried to visualize the Maitreya Buddha in the meditation, but he never saw this Buddha. One day, when Asangha are on the way back to his cave, then he saw an injured dog, full of maggots on wounds. He was feeling for a dog with boundless compassion. First, he snakehead meat from the legs to the ground and then he put the maggots on it. If he hand picked it out of the dog's wounds, they die, so he crouched down, using her tongue to get them out, let them perish. When Asangha bent down, eyes closed, he did not come near the dog's wounds, so he opened his eyes and see the Maitreya Buddha in front of her, instead of a dog. Sacrifice himself to help an injured dog, as you saw earlier, has become a means of purifying karma extremely intense; only then Asangha see the Maitreya Buddha only.
There are many such stories. Sacrifice themselves to protect even a human being is free khova lead them to happiness is a professional practice of purification extremely powerful. It not only purifies negative karma how much a rise in public life, but also help you accumulate a lot of merit, bringing you closer to enlightenment more. All you can attain enlightenment quickly by sacrificing himself only to a being only, have been a reason for you to love others then. Love itself is an obstacle to the development of mind, for the generation of realizations on the practice. If you only love yourself, you will never be enlightened. But if you love despite being only one time, you will be enlightened. loved one being alone makes the attainment of enlightenment becomes possible.
Therefore, there is a huge difference. With heart selfish, you will not have hoped to achieve enlightenment, but just love a being alone is so much to purify karma and accumulate great merit, bring you to enlightenment. From the stories and the reasons for this conclusion we draw is that even one other human being alone is more valuable than your own you very much. Without being able to think how many precious, as the number of sentient too big, you can see is just a human being has only extremely valuable then. There is no way to explain all the values, benefits that you can collect from a being of this.
So-called "me", is targeted to be eliminated forever; the so-called "others" - even just a being only - subject to receiving the love life forever. This is why when we live for others, dedicating his life to being one only, re-create the greatest joy and a most interesting life. True happiness in your life when you begin to love others. Dedicate himself to others, loving them with compassion, the door to happiness to enlightenment.
Quote from Wing Man Prayer of Lama Zopa Rinpoche Lozng Ngodrub.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).21/1/2012. 

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