Wednesday 18 January 2012


The Cu Cu Si Ha (1884 - 1965)
Next lay Ha Tuyen aging, self-Prussian Trai, effective candidates; as refugees in Japan, named Ha Tuyen, when the country changed to United Housing, nicknamed Mr. Best. Lower age who lay Yuncheng, Shandong Province, is the chief director of the Yunnan topic - Guizhou Qing Xia is the Tan Dau tools, posthumous name Vu Cong Trang. Lower aging lay birth 20 March 1884 (ie on Body Armor February 23) at Dien Vu, Xinjiang. Older, living in Beijing; to December 14, 1965 (ie November 22 in Ty Yi), no specific disease that takes, the 82-year head.
Born average, lower specific hold each province tri European Online Le Hai district tri, tri Jiangsu government, training union official commented vice Shandong Province. After the Xinhai Revolution (1911), particularly Ha was appointed the leader of Union of About Shandong Province to Shandong Province statement independently. When the National Democratic regime was established, tools are invited to hold supreme adviser to the Admiral Shandong province, but concurrently chief secretary, chief of staff, etc. ... in 1916, particularly the Chief Secretary holds invite the President. In 1918, was elected to the National Assembly members, holding museum director Kim Thach Hoa Lu Qi captain, and as head of Shandong Forestry Cu Si Lam Buddhist. In 1920, appointed Director Su Yun, Shandong Province, to take power away with long-standing evils in the taxation of salt, the same people praise wisdom. In 1921, resigned to specific preparatory plans a Complete Medical University and the principal holding of the East Hole.
Year of Ox Yi (1925), director Zhang Tong bone problem, the military leader in Shandong, slanderous propaganda engine Lower crime Communist ideology and practice firing order should be isolated by the Japanese instruments. While in Japan, particularly close to socialize with the men of the world of art, culture or religion as he is Tiger (the Hunan Province), etc. The Direct died ... he even has the Trans-Cat First Lang Hanh, Vu Thuong Thach Tu Kinh Lang and Mr. Kim Nine North Koreans to learn the specific requirements of Ha. Two years later, in particular the lower back, in the Tianjin convalescence - Ms. Dai. In 1932, moved to Beijing, dedicated to research and propagate Buddhism. During this time, Mr. Ha Tu Nguyen, who, in Shandong Province, was appointed mayor of Beijing, often to discuss and study Buddhism with particular House. The position as Hoang Niem Organization (professional recording broadcast on local radio central Beijing - Tianjin, head of Radio Beijing), Qi Peak Initiative (deputy chief of station), etc. ... all the tools to study Buddhism.
In 1939, along with The Minh elders, the Quang Pagoda International staff in Beijing, lay close to Duc Thanh (the title) Calculate the Learning Society founder, retrieved on Day Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva's birthday as the anniversary of the founding Assembly, with cardboard only "study Mahayana sutras, Buddhist spirituality found positive. Get over the title credits to enter voluntarily vowed Di Hai ". This organization does not have a central management structure that works only in the spirit of community self-cultivation of the union members, for the preaching to the cause of the Pure Land. Current guidance is advisory teacher Master Chin Kung.
At first, sum up the Learning Society courses Buddhist organization only lost a few plays each year at the Quang Pagoda International, Hien Luong, conceptualization, Am Bliss and primary schools from Germany, as well as monks visiting the great virtue, Property Name alternately lay lecture. In 1945, particularly along the Lower North Sea of ​​the team who organized the conference objectives ear peace prayer on the day splints Guru Shakyamuni Buddha, which lasted for seven days, to gather the thousands of participants.
When China fell to Mao Zedong, the temples are suppressed, heavily controlled, but the Apostolic School Association has consistently maintained that the conference "pocket" is no longer even have the chance to hold the Buddha Furniture group meditation as before in 1949 again. Thanks to the missionary activities of continuous silent Sum Studies Association in mainland China, Chinese Buddhism has preserved the raw gas and a chance for revival after the Great Fire ended the Cultural Revolution.
Lower tool is very studious, serious mood care, through descendants than people, often forget to eat or sleep out of reading. There are times when even the appearance of chaos, has not neglected tool of learning. Now children, particularly from the chapters focus, communication theories Sung Confucianism, Lao page, but older, more specialized research tools internal dictionary of Buddhism. Therefore, the understanding of the tools of learning and Buddhism was silver ore. Previous work includes all kinds of instruments, these poems are the literary detail commendable enthusiasm. People's Publishing House had intended to publish the posthumous election of specific peripheral Cross Race, but the Cultural Revolution that broke out this project abandoned. Lower tool is also a famous study of culture, especially mail art, antiques and assessment of the possibility of artifacts detail the research community is highly appreciated.
In terms of Buddhism, particularly the lower mass threshold of profound admiration for the wisdom of Buddhism, virtue strictly careful, poised, professional media propagate Buddhism is so strong and widespread. Buddhists are often handed down sentences mainland, "Nam Mai, northern Ha"; that is: the world lay spread Buddhism's most famous television in the South is the tool Mai Quang Hy (uncle lay Hoang Niem To) Northern Tool is The Residential House. After ordination refuge places in the Hue Minh Master An Khanh, Ha not specific to school with Presbyterian Minh Hue, internal case study, which also involved extensive study with masters degree sufficient public faith in the sect, including master Japanese Buddhist faith. Lower specific understanding baton smoothly Zen, Pure Land, Policy, but it remains the user Pure Land, for the preaching might Sum to live. Although each turn promoted throne taught how to both increase and continue, including through lower old monks lay out further enlightened ordained, life is always humble instrument of Ha, hold ceremonies to family practitioners for the religious order sufficiency Subjects in the Buddha. These people are often studied with particular reverence for life, regarded as a particular Lower level home Great Bodhisattva Si. Thread of the specific lectures widely, including most of the major texts of Mahayana Buddhism, but each lecture are provided on the Pure Business Guide. Unfortunately, most of the border art, except the old House of loss lay destroyed at the hands of Red Guards shouting frantically, "the elimination of cultural reactionary, radical ideas smashed review, feudal, Western lackeys "during the Cultural Revolution in mainland China.
Lower tool known Chinese Buddhists overseas best known works by collective economic associations Boundless Life. During the great prop hotel in Tianjin when returning home from Japan, specifically dedicated to meeting House in the translation file Boundless Life of the life of Wu, Wei, Han, Tang and Song dynasties, during such three year break, thousand mimic natural philosophy, developed into a complete set of business associations Boundless Life Mahayana called Boundless Life Ornament Giac Thanh Kinh equality, they are four internal waters, overseas conference praised the elaborate set of the best. Currently, the majority of Chinese Pure Land practitioners use this training as a key conference proceedings. Calculate the Learning Society of Master Chin Kung to use only this chant when providing business process Boundless Life.
In addition to the collective experience of Boundless Life Assembly, Assembly also set two specific theory of Buddha Amitabha Business (frequency translated version of the former Ma La Cross) and the Buddhist Pure Land Buddhist Theory of Photography Title Tan Tho (the translation of his Huyen Road page), entitled A Di Da Business. In addition to the collective experience of Boundless Life Assembly, the Czech Weak Adjectives files and Bao Vuong Tam Mei Sam's House is also publishing tools, a wide circulation in the domestic and foreign, are quartet happy life they lead, reviews is very high.
After the General Assembly Business training is complete, in the words of The Minh visiting elders, means Quang Pagoda International staff in Beijing, specializes in teaching business tool Di Da House. Each lecture, The Minh staff elders along the temples in Beijing to attend the hearing so often affect them for the throne. During the decades in Beijing, particularly Ha Tinh positive Apostolic preaching, training students to be more prominent in missionary activities and border art. The most famous of these is the Royal Mindfulness particular group. The shamans are sufficient contemporary religion as to receive, Hue Minh, Minh City are also fans warmly praised propagate Pure Land Company deeds, birth missionary activities of lower level university degrees.
Deeds, instruments insights of Lower Contact Housing silver ore, so spread the Dharma King intensive cutting activities of the Red White Buddhist Tibetan exclaimed: "He deserves to make a solitary pear vajra in this world only specific Lower alone! "Right to the level of Thai Son Legion of Zen is Damaged Venerable Van Dai also sadly said:" Not that we ever have the opportunity to meet new great improvement in the north of this knowledge! "Unfortunately suddenly to change very often, the coastal town of Si have higher levels of take. One winter day in 1965, specifically House suddenly felt unwell. Right in the night, an instrument provided for the Western wall amidst Buddha, the 82-year head, leaving the eternal grief for the human subject.
After the old Ha Tay lay rules, sum up the Lower School Association Tools co-founded by the disciples fully agree is a positive tool Hoang Niem To maintain and consolidate so widely found positive. Unfortunately, after specific regulations Royal West, influence and activities of this study would come primarily in mainland China; only strong in Taiwan. Now Calculate the support of Taiwan Studies Association, sum Mainland China Studies Association is a promising revival. Taking lower specific career, we can see that after the An Quang passed, the work of maintaining and propagate Pure Land as well as keep the law of the Buddha's voice still echoes in mainland China there is a close contributed the greatest of detail Contact Residential House. The town lay further embodiment, in particular have contributed to lower the level of training should lay property name, property records likely technical merit, articulate lectures, teaching nursing mass contributed by primary credit life, trust deeper into how the Dharma of the Buddha under the harsh circumstances of the society. The members of Sum Studies Association in Taiwan has brought inheritance of specific direction, replication of this practice in organizations throughout the U.S. community overseas. Thus, the Vietnam Buddhist overseas also predestined to be the grace of the French as triem higher up, master's faith in the Pure Land School Assembly Tong as Venerable Master Chin Kung, lay old Hoang Niem The Great Ha ... threshold would She re-integration Si Sa, four of them assigned to the same family members Prayer import Di Da Hai.
Order: Sum Studies Association Annual Anniversary Chu Thap Luc published in 1999 (The Sea Glass stated ).END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).19/1/2012.

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