Saturday 14 January 2012



Dalai Lama's first 14A simple, time of death, long familiar attitude often prioritize and direct influence regeneration. Along this reason, these problems, the strong attachment itself arises from a fear that self-harm that he is becoming non-existent (they fear that death is the end, for fear that leads to regenerate). The attachments to this serving as a link to the intermediate state between life (intermediate), a body of popular affection, in the transformation, as a cause of action established by the existing body at the time.
Dalai Lama's first 14
1 - DEAD
Through the pain of desire, hatred and ignorance, industrial pollution is formed, it produces the powerful energy in the form of mental tendencies. When a life ends, a person has the tendency to how to be born again in a cycle of mental and physical tendencies through this cause. A number of people die while completely exhausted in the promotion of actions that, other things in life, it will be based on this platform. Others die before the end of their life-time, in the incomplete state of life factors, such as the lack or need. This is called premature death, or died in the destruction of industrial targets, by promoting the implementation of actions in this present life, but where appropriate external achieved through virtuous deeds in life first manifest. One person was killed with a moral center, not moral or neutral. In the first case, the death of a person can bring to mind a moral object - such as Three Jewels (Buddha, his teachings, and spiritual community) or his masters, so born a message in mind. He can develop innumerable peaceful tranquility, become self in the desire and hatred to any sentient being, or meditate on emptiness or developing compassion. This can be accomplished either through the recall doing so or through the wake of others. If such attitudes are developed at the time of death, a death with a moral center, that will be enhanced in the next life. It is good to die in this way. But sometimes, it happens something else, even though not deliberately seek stirred anger, sorrow dying with fear, crisis , so make them angry. Sometimes, friends or relatives focused around hospital beds crying, lamenting in such circumstances they were awakened thirst conviction. Whether thirst or hatred, if a person dies in the mood problems, guilt, or things that he does not sound familiar, that's very dangerous. A number of deaths with a neutral attitude, not object does not generate moral thirst or hatred. These three attitudes - moral, ethical and neutral not - appear in the subtle mind of death. According to the scriptures, the timing of this final subtle mind needed neutral, unlike the supreme Tantra Yoga, classic does not describe the skills to transform the subtle mind of moral status, is the only security crude . However, a practitioner of Tantra true qualities, can transform the subtle mind of death associated with a path of moral awareness. At that time he should very deep. In all cases, the ants while spiritual death is important, even a moderate mature practitioner if disturbed at this, and craving revenge obvious anger will be incurred. This is because all of us have the tendency has been established by past actions are not ethical, the excitement ready to start up when confronted with adverse conditions. These trends provide the impetus for such animal life, etc. .. Simply put, we have the tendencies set up by the virtuous actions past, to meet the conditions, will provide the impetus for the happy life as human beings, etc. .. These capabilities have been continuously available in our hearts, we are nourished by attachment problems and attachment, leading to a good or bad rebirth. So if the trend is due to bad business activity, a life such as animals, hungry ghosts or hell will be the result. Put simply, if a person usually behaves wrong when death with a viewpoint ethics, he is sure to be reborn in a better situation. So, very important for both the dying person and those around you to avoid situations of hatred and thirst or better nurture the moral condition of the mind. We need to know this. Those who views the death of moral awareness came across a darkness to the light, free from anger and troubles appear comfortable. There are many cases of people ill, near death, speaking in a state of comfortable despite their illness. Others though are not serious condition but fall into two very scared, with heavy breathing. The person that finally sunk in moral ideas are not, are aware of the passing from light to dark areas and see what the situation is not pleasant. A number of body temperature is reduced by illness, became longing so thirsty heat strengthening trend for rebirth as a sentient being in hell hot, right now they are reborn in an extremely hot place. Others become entangled in a desire to feel cool, for example, drinking water, they reinforce the tendency to give birth to a living hell cold, so it is related to a rebirth as that. Therefore very important to avoid thoughts of death during hunger and radial directly to the object is good. In daily life, attitudes, craving, hatred, envy, etc. .. , the ideas that we are familiar, easy to manifest with little provocation, but what if we have a little knowledge, there must be a big provocation, as is cited reason to argue, to free themselves manifest. A simple, time of death, long familiar attitude often prioritize and direct influence regeneration. Along this reason, these problems, the strong attachment itself arises from a fear that self-harm that he is becoming non-existent (they fear that death is the end, for fear that leads to regenerate). The attachments to this serving as a link to the intermediate state between life (intermediate), a body of popular affection, in the transformation, as a cause of action established by the existing body at the time. For those who strongly related to unethical actions, the heat first retreat at the top of the body and then to other parts; whereas the strong link with moral action, first heat at the foot retreat. In both cases, the heat finally converge in the heart, where a sense of place. The small part of the reason there, combined semen and blood, resulting in what sense the initial entry into the mother's pregnancy pregnant at the beginning of life, became the center of the heart and from the very early point of awareness there-after all departing at death. 2 - intermediate state (intermediate BODY) Immediately thereafter, intermediate state start-except those who are reborn in the world not shape-invisible world of infinite space (not infinite origin), infinite knowledge (infinite mode of origin), numerous owners of land or cycle peak (non-ideal non-ideal non-origin), for those who began life immediately after death. Those born in the world of sights and thirst must go through a stage of intermediate states (intermediate body), going through a living thing is the human form as he will be reborn. Beings intermediate body has all five senses, but also divine and discreet and modest ability to instantly wherever they want to. He sees the intermediate beings of the same type with their own body - hell, hungry ghost, animal, human, asura, or gods, and see with spiritual powers. If a suitable position for birth for his tendency not found, a "small deaths" will occur in seven days and he will be born in a different intermediate. This can occur up to six times, with the results of the longest time for the intermediate state is 49 days. 3 - Regeneration This means that these beings, even die after a year, report report that they did not find a place of birth is not in the intermediate state but as a spiritual birth. If reborn as a human, he sees the future parents when they are together. If he was born a male, a student with a thirst to see how much she hated her dad this much - the opposite to be born again with a woman. In the desire, he rushed to the place to engage in intercourse, but at this point, he only saw the genitals of a partner. This creates anger, that makes termination of the intermediate state and creating links with new life. He went to the mother and the fetus begins a human life. When sperm father and the mother's blood to coordinate with this life or consciousness, they slowly develop a natural way into the human factor. He attracted a desire to appeal to local places for the future, even if it is hell. For example, a butcher, sheep can be seen in the distance as in a dream, in the surf to in order to kill them, spit facts appear faded, leaving him angry, at which the intermediate state cease and life in hell began. Also, as mentioned before, the enemy being reborn in hot hells are attracted to heat, and in hell with his cold, cool. Intermediate state of being reborn in a bad direction itself is terrible, and ultimately, their cheer to the place of regeneration and, if the desire is not reached, their anger, shortly after the state intermediate state to stop and start new life. The link with a life, so, was created under the influence of craving, hatred, and ignorance. Until beyond the negativity of this, people are bound in chains and there is no freedom. Indeed there are good and bad rebirth, but, while a person is still chained, he must carry the entire burden of mental and physical things under the influence of structural actions infection and suffering. This is not to be done once, but the same old can not stop thinking. To escape the suffering of birth, aging, illness, and death; - craving, hatred, and confusion must be weathered. Our roots are in ignorance ignorance ignorance renders - perception exists, associated with human capital and other phenomena. Medications to reduce the external surface of suffering, but not yet the core of the problem. The internal practice is more useful - as the antidote used to special treatment for craving and hatred, but their effect is temporary, but if a person broke the screen very si renders intelligent ignorance - our roots - then all the same affliction as they will stop. If ignorance ignorance ignorance renders are excluded, then the action profile of the infection but it will stop back. Further, no ignorance, the clinging (attachment) and the trends produced by the previous action to stop expansion, as soon as the cycle of rebirth no control over.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN  HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).16/1/2012.

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