Tuesday 17 January 2012


Grand Master Xu Tri
United Tribe Group Nine
Grand Master Xu location
Tri Yan ambassadors from Ich Incidentally, the life bar, they Chung, housing Wu district. Over the life his father and uncle Great White Bi Y, Yin dream that great virtue who gives a boy that he was born.
Nho childhood he studied, wrote the book Uncle Buddha. After watching the people of the United Bamboo Song Custom Tri Pen Grand Master, immediately burned his book writing. In his twenties, he recited the Earth Store Bodhisattva vow The idea of death, every day nembutsu.
Khai Thien Nien effective early years, his twenty four years old, after hearing a lecture economic wizards, suddenly found love suspected, at the public participation. Shortly after, the treatment proved, immediately close the retreat in Wujiang. That time he was ill, a new determination to recite the Buddha's Pure Land birth. Disease has subsided, gold letters over the links being a loss, burning three-dose arm, swore to being offended Bodhi Bliss, to quickly witness fruit, early sentient beings.
The next general abbot go through the place: Wen Lang, Zhangzhou, Thach Thanh, Thanh Khe, School of Marine and Tan An, broad teachings of Eden and subject nembutsu. Time, the one in the place of meditation, most of the Pure Land teachings are right to education; to meet the Buddha, all told take the word at Thuy. University professor to receive separate treatments of concrete members list is center cut. Mr. Ng Ta Xa, a meditation, Zen brings the supernatant suspension of the Pure questions, he replied in a satisfactory manner. Then, University professor of nursing at the Linh Phong.
Binh time, Great marketing professor had declared that the French subjects Pure strange not spending more especially, weaknesses just as deeply private, voluntary effort was necessary and the only . He tells us: "If someone professional concept of Amitabha, is the Supreme profound meditation." Value great master said: "Mindfulness is a Buddhist king of eighty and eighty subjects." The Van World also says: "One question Amitabha Buddha covering eight teacher, year round tone photography."
Unfortunately, people today see the essence nembutsu is trivial, it is well-protected class of fishermen, stupid additives. Therefore unlikely to trust, no real exercise of, the whole day delinquent, elaborately difficult achievement. Having re-established means of smart guys said: "To go into eighty nembutsu to take the letter at Thuy". Where they know: A mind is money, which had removed themselves from the old, absolute non-urgent, no need to leave work and great idea. One question nembutsu is present, which also leave comments beyond sex, it should just say say legendary? Just to make you believe, keep the firm, left to let go of all that memory. Or every day like a concept, the two want, in want, want seven, ten want to get a certain question do not lack standards. How to keep up to life, vowed not to change. And if so that is not reborn, then all the Buddhas of the three generations of false speech. Once on Bliss, is no longer rot permanently transferred, all measures are in turn subject is money.
Very intolerance who have no policy, so far the other tomorrow. When meeting preacher, they want to extract single-range program, law school learning experience. Meet meditator would take the phone at the beginning, in the language department. Meet over the law degree, preferred holding alms bowls, the first track practice. So then the disputes, which it did not complete. What Buddha said that the question be effective maturity concept, the three organs, including twelve in which the business; one thousand seven hundred of plan, the direction in which both upper and three thousand postures, like economic well-eighth , the heart is pure sex in it.
The true Buddha, letting go of both body and mind is the world's great generosity. Nembutsu does not start taking a higher morality, hatred and delusion. Nembutsu unmanaged market of non-self is great patience. Nembutsu is not interrupted, not a great issue expected to be diligent. Nembutsu no rough economic delusions is great meditation. Buddhist concept of no other charm is great wisdom. Try to take your criticism, if not the world forget the body and mind, not greed, hatred and delusion termination concept, our market is not absolute non-ego, not all hope interruption issue, not excluding delusions of cotton wool, not from some other book errors charm, it is not true nembutsu.
If you want to realms of mind any disorder, there is no way surprising. When set concept, using the familiar string of turn, and engraved on the keys do not allow limitations. So long, meticulous gathering of maturity, self-concept and still no idea. Until then, like signing or not signing the number also. If the initial rush seems to reveal his or good, just do not want to pre-general, who want to learn ways in content itself, ultimately difficult concepts into force. This information is largely because of deep, yet very real lemon.
People like that, although the three organ instructors through economic twelve, one thousand seven hundred and understanding of the project, are also the sides of the living dead reincarnation only. Who until his death, not to be used more ....!
In Tri Thuan Monday, at the end of the East, the Ambassador felt slightly ill, he wills everything and told the disciples, after cremation, mash to mix with powdered bone Air members, divide candidates for bird species to mate with our Pure. Sang of the year, on 21 January, Ambassador up early morning, the bright colors are not as ill health. Arrive midday, his radical located on the bed, built on the West accept the hand that nembutsu status, life expectancy is 57 years old.
Three years later, the subject of the meeting, the cremation ceremony forensic medicine. Now open the stupa to see great teachers of the whole body is still intact, the ears long hair, wear bright colors like live Province. Mass it is not obedience wills, church tower Linh Phong pagoda body.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).18/1/2012.

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