Sunday 15 January 2012


Someone asked Confucius: "who moved the House that lost his wife. That there is reasonable? ". Confucius said "guys beyond, as the King's head, also lost both Kings Exhausted myself". If you use DAO with that restaurant reviews, people today are forgetting myself. Why? From early morning to open his eyes, stepped down bed, until MAX up bed, both bare lao, unprecedented temporarily the review myself. It is forgetting its way!
, Man against himself, if in a day that said, nothing is more important is our hunger and thirst. Nấy should worry full diet.
If in a year which says it does nothing more important than the cold-hot, nấy analgesia have raiment in full. If you get a lifetime which says that nothing is more important then the birth and death. The reserve, which is not too stupid delights like why?
That such are not true, that's just because not knowing any French tu Jing, the reserve can do for the birth cycle. Such as someone going to spot distant front need to find accommodation, then go for work, a new room to relax. Before finding accommodation that is to say, when Max came clergyman Net is only for network delivery deadline, no room resting means birth in Lotus is no longer evil, suffered severe penalties where the things khỗ brain.
So that at the nianfo to tu Jing an, tu Jing to current birth. Biblical says, immeasurable, pleasurable life network not line, then the backup for a lifetime is not very full Lam sao!
Currently, there are people who know that no amendment is why? Rancid! Know it! Either because there is no room in the House, or could not be static vegetarian, or due to the troubling lụy Center coming. Where knows that major is right in that the nianfo noise reception to practice such punctilious go stand is seated. In the place where the most uproar that could interest not chaotic, a celebration of the nianfo is longer than the many, where the yen NET.
It's called: Tam thanh Tinh thanh tịnh realms of water then.
If left longer school boys are nianfo course too well, but only tier publishing family.
If the person in whose care made should also be good for all surfaces. Song for raise the poverty for the people, compelled to school boys is not appropriate to be used for advice.
If early morning wakeup releases the nianfo then was able to destroy sin in far away, at Network General to be super sanh Net.
Also like the amount of the nianfo, free roasted reciting as much as possible. If the mind Endlessly busy work that play must also be accorded divine Bodhi.
Keep pressed the that people can't do, is not to be appropriate to recommend that protects life. Because, full-time while busy but probably does not have little spare time? Why not reduce the time drinking tea, talk crap to gain the Regency Center that commemorates the Buddha?
The learner coming about strength, also thanks to the title of Buddha that bearing strength. Does have benefits not harm, there are things any more here anymore? Scenarios, such as the costs are effective at Network General, but also found it to be public places so far. Bible says: "If the life of Buddhist titles, lifetime maintenance are ten types of Germany:
1. day and night are usually all graduate schools of Heavenly, Divine force, along with generals in the hidden image protection.
2. is often 25 great Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara as him and all the Bodhisattva usually under protection.
3. usually lettered Buddhist mantras both day and night, flat Amitabha is often fired light photography tho.
4. all demons, or stomach rubbed, la police were unable to harm, all solid toxic, poison are inalienable.
5. has not been any accidents in fire, sword faces sophistication, the Raiders loot, prison, chained, sudden death, insanity takes the network.
6. The criminal career did previously relied upon were destroyed. The oan network was killed on motorcycles were to be freed was no longer a grudge.
7. Night lying idle an intimate ensemble show, or JAG WINS magic of Amitabha.
8. Mind often acclaimed Hy, beauty bright, full employment, have resulted in Nice.
9. usually everyone in lifetime supply glass, nasty looks, Bai as well as the glass Buddha.
10. when the General mind not Tsai fear, mindfulness, presence seen Amitabha and the saints they lead the current radio gold hands bưng being about Sukhavati, infinitum KIEP Futurism entitled tho the mysticism.
Buddha urgent prohibit certain people lie, he will e do not lie deceiving everyone.
The life lie, if not for gain as well as to avoid harm. The Buddha did not expect that what they are looking for worldly things benefit? Buddha view the birth such as knife nowhere then transcribe evading disservice? So, the lie for Buddha is just useless.
If you believe the Buddha does not lie, should review technical advice about current practice four-part Net following delivery; at the same time should borrow here to advice others, the German Catholics of his immeasurable.
Homage to this book, upstairs is the verbal auxiliary air base, she mind her elders. Suppose someone not associated with roamed Buddhist believe, would turn to others for circulation which, in turn taught lead each other, making both stepped up road nấy enlightenment, who together away from Ben. That's my expectations in place of the gods!
Lettered Thien Nhan! In life there is like a thousand ways, why only recommended nianfo?
Because, human relations Centre anniversary, lead weights, creating close networking allows the soul, which is due to being mindful Recited upon sanh. heaven, hell, evil mantras recited ma, ma, then the Buddha nianfo. so, advice.
In ten years there were three hundred thousand stars just like memories of Buddha, Amitabha Buddha recommended that notion?
Because, Amitabha played forty-eight vows, each Chapel were of beings. By Amitabha and beings in One She has charm; No treatise is rising continuously, male, female, who can recite Buddhas are Buddha then accession. So, single-minded maintained current birth list shall be led to other realms. Although the evil but said Chi TAM penitence, maintained the title Buddha ắt can remain current that is contentious. Therefore advice recite Amitabha.
People today understand the nianfo as well, just because many many lifetime parameters airfield si AI planting industry in past too deep so hard about.
Lettered Thien Nhan! Should know the World Is She suffering brain very much. He considered a poor person's life guys very cowardly, had someone met many accident sickness, guys lone solitary, who met his wife such gentleness, and aggressive. Everyone has their own police line, everyone had his own Center gauge, the famous line does not expect to say.
Even as wealthy, healthy, families gather in harmony, the full, every thing like, then they really are suffering! But there are limits, revitalizing networking know how? , Not to mention the Corps network, although he lived to age but when the term up to one hundred is also unavoidable death. The only way is to close your eyes invisible coffin, caught well end. Seems pompous erstwhile, now in place? It comes to this, is still suffering. If the life work evil, at dead fall into hell, demons, animals being, ngạ according to industry to bear fruit, it wasn't until paying off Karma evil newly moved as herself.
Although the life healing, for example through the only cultivated a few skilled Phuoc, my predecessor also e oan grim heaviness to the former, the temple paid debt then later suffered miserable fall into three lines. Assuming no previous heavy guilt, life after sailings are blessed. Hard back not to mention Phuoc example integrity that people enjoy the blessings are often also suffer. Ten percent but even glee when enjoyed all riches are still poor cowardly; scenarios details once enjoyed riches ắt easily create, for example, ensure that do not fall into the hell, demons, animals being ngạ.
Don't say the riches in the world, whether for working wholesome great birth up to enjoy heavenly realms but when most blessed Sun still be fallen. Ended is still suffering!
Because the three realms has said this gauge, so the Buddha of compassion comes a book teaching people recite Amitabha Buddha is the current contentious world Sukhavati, departed from every sufferer, forever enjoy the pleasurable life. That is the reply from Chrysostom's Buddha comes out.
Buddha prohibit lie, probably do Him again lied to dupe? Just as there are many different person class should cause no mind nianfo are also wrong:
* Who do not know the benefits of reciting Buddha should not recite.
* There's no trust should not recite.
* Someone by taking before joyfulness in front of the eye should not recite.
* Someone for having career article barrier should not recite.
There are many causes are not the same. Where to learn that a celebration of the Buddha, who also voices are and who should also meditate on.
If you want the whole infrastructure, agriculture, industry, Commerce, every technology to, that is the obstacle for people, for example, must be appropriate to encourage conservation. Because France Maintain mailing lists for all jobs are not to be afraid, for example the ruins of abandoned the profession is not obstacle the contentious chew, at the same time not breaking the law but also unavoidable suffering samsara where hell. Where is not the most beneficial innocuous, that dual DAC!
Even as the Government must spare roast should nianfo. or family property field Garden, not hard lo business; or have recursive dependency, parent, Prince, Princess to comfort self titled, unscathed, who is due to the accumulation of austerities from predecessor which has been, not everyone was so, so need to stay right here austerities even further. If quitting time went smoothly, [19] over a lifetime is very regrettable!
People busy right should nianfo. While not as atheists the six course, must also should enlist hours while busy. Van Long Tho Tinh An said "magazines carry every day early in the morning, The Executive, pray fervently Pro is also the current contentious". Otherwise y according to disciplines though to keep seem to be the mausoleum of gasoline but ended up becoming his entire life.
Wealthy right should nianfo. Although for long but not wealthy strength then know how? Why, for example, where the circumstances fully everything that develops mind nianfo?
The Government should consider together must By predecessor nianfo. not tu nay poverty, eternal life should now not tu after death like falling down wells, new ever escape? Scenarios, disciplines such as nianfo completely missed finding the bridge rice his coat. There are convenience like, why not practice?
The main youth must should. powerful spiritual Legacy at that bridge the Infinitely superior Bodhi; cumulative dates, for example through work smoothly. Genus scenarios such as the human lives, most often gets asset. If you know overcome Buddhist monastery, thanks to whisper that enjoy superior tho. maintenance household Then review those major network new news the firm is not misleading.
The elderly should nianfo. main failure must have undergone, or how many years, the still unfinished then ended up not finishing. Why not take a finite time rushing for being Tịnh degrees? It really is can be things that others clearly cannot be expressed.
The woman has the right should Usually say yes the nianfo. then yields the full, also said that progeny are blessed by it self. Who's main Buddhist should safely, but they are not removed, the si AI enduring a lifetime making Buffalo horse, completely not think how much enthusiasm has decimated charges, ended for yourself no involved something. When sanh came though the hugely dutiful is not replaced.
Husband and wife are not solitary not right should. they don't owes people should not to insist, there is also no shortage of them should not have the complete repayment. A single aircraft, such as lo married son, married to the daughter of troubling. Not that that single-minded Western places, beyond the round of birth and death?
Little part AI attachment qualities is less partial binding; at least one binding element is at least partially karma; pale for coastal life is deepened in charm, who is Buddhist. like the person class, living dead such disturbing unconcerned, it was the first class should nianfo in human time, out of the few that effective human.
People had concubines horrified right should nianfo. antediluvian says: "couples like common bird of forests, at great term to themselves". Back talk: "Reinforced the humiliation of grace love, hard top appointments, Bronze Star Silver luxuriant reunited tu Sukhavati, later holding hands on radio sen". Do you have Buddha in immeasurable KIEP, compared with finite where not horrified is much better?
Who are the main storyline humiliation towards hate should not join the nianfo. Oan, but is convergent ones that weren't, doesn't open, then as soon as tightly bound. If he usually recite Amitabha, far away sailings are freed.
The woman should own it. Do women who are themselves are fallen in five pirated, are anxious not to escape. Not easily met these disciplines that stars didn't nianfo rushing austerities, far left corners gauge? Scenarios, in forty-eight vows of Amitabha, Chapel 35th saying: "If when I finished the Buddhas, the immeasurable world methods, if the woman heard the title I, trust preferred, Bodhi mind, aversion, after female relatives if she left general networking body females I failed the Primary sense of". Therefore an all woman professional tu Jing can escape female torso, Bodhi, but may not result nianfo that enchanting place deviant opinions.
People with disabilities right should nianfo. body incomplete, were hardly comparable with conventional, if again fallen, ắt must fall into three lines more suffering than evil.
Who were the main illness nianfo. Who should be robust and precaution of sudden death, illness is more scenarios are imminent death. Although not dead but full-time patient suffering continual is like living in hell, rushing austerities and e do not match!
Accident right should. ripe smell, his previous Career was now hard to evade, totally right thanks to the power of Buddha to avoid this calamity.
Good person should recite Buddhas right. good people together in celebration of the power of Buddha households. If only healing without nianfo, compared to others not to make the other person feel more wholesome yet but for example this spin-off entitled died only a few Phuoc, Phuoc alone is still not fallen off. For example, by making healthy current account being relocated nianfo, Sukhavati up straight Superior products, forever no longer fallen.
The main right should nianfo. how evil guilty people all know, just because his unprecedented control that point only. He Geng in waking, each having each the judgment, if indeed is evil then rushing for penitence, this evil healing a pleasing nianfo. Buddha represents compassion, no one that he does not care.
Check back often on no evil reviews does not create, or what passed became big obstacle impossible to salvage; or the current scene as Miss climbed back down right nasty Tigger contrary to conscience; or girls, do thay event network staff charged of wealth being of many people; or fishing nets, the butcher who harm van birth memories. If by that comment result then result reported suffering in many past can't salvage, but the decision should not be thrown away his only attempt in the present, was left still more mistake mistake.
Should know, Buddha opened a major is due to the mercy nianfo the beings suffered this result, disarmament, led them to Sukhavati.
However, he created the black major's career that can meet current disciplines nianfo being, that is incredibly vast coast heals in many years. When the fruit reportedly suffering yet to decide the powerful nianfo, grasping a concept, achievement motivation, decided the current voluntary labour. Should look for knowledge mining town ranks Charity sermon to advance trust.
Try Professor Hung Tuan, Truong Thien Hoa previously i.e. extreme evil which current mirror was contentious. Excessive austerities, do so anytime soon that suspect! shalt not so suspicious! In addition to this, a Buddhist concept is no longer straight off to any other remedies of salvation.
Meditators should not, must have a class the nianfo. prior to the quiet meditation, craving for a notion of non-contentious, let go and let go. Or as the background is not in a two-day sailings that it i.e. quantitative Kim Cang, accept tighter not. How did not fit with his back not know consider Dhamma Quan tâm. Where did know that, despite undergoing eight muôn lives ended is still not turn a blind eye, for example, fell by early afternoon nianfo Muslim West, totally not obstacles the current being, extremely satisfied. So where is not very good or?
The main economic litigation should heed nianfo. just right to maintain, is not considered jobs retrieved. Nianfo, litigation experience both to revert toward certain current Western, was contentious.
The main meditation participants must Attend College should nianfo. insight meditation masters, being known Self Tanh Amitabha, parallel to the practice and understanding suited each other new called nest. So, the second Organization also said "Ta self serving interest" thing, green Organisations also said "Satori tự degrees", the key is to order convent, self hypnosis cannot decide where leisure foolish women decry Net architecture. Do not say death to birth cannot be owned, even being able to freely place being that if there is a clear notion of forcing mảy mai also unavoidable industrial workers in three directions. At warm scene appears, suddenly goes under it, Mainland remain the same but in samsara. Regrettable! Regrettable! Unfortunately! Wrong, wrong, left hundreds of thousands of men wrong. Backed by the current bridge being dense nianfo who wants the current contentious amendment.
The Assistant principal to experience should nianfo. thousands of Bible teaching disciplines like thesis although austerities asynchronous, but generally require consultant or new paragraph except the comments or get rid of samsara, song comment table is not easy. Cardboard Privacy Tanh, Western Architecture, no, let aside not coming soon to table three Paradise, Gentleness, Consciousness in China, which took the piece except opinion or second beyond birth and death. Second paragraph except the opinion or, where Payment is signed, in the quarter-final result Luohan where excess was Relatively tợ, Investopedia. Since Dharma from oriental tradition to the present, there are several who reached the site? In conclusion, much praised current birth. It should be among nianfo, according to the tenets that practice!
Nuns, led her to be so. Earth above, net bar, Buddha shume early afternoon releases the nianfo, as himself, because his amendment freed as exemplary. How true that current account Net, compared with the birth of others than immeasurable. Why? Because women in the life of the trust the ethical status, should be able to use Buddhist mindfulness foot path that advice, not only himself but also of the level, the German's truth is tremendous! Even the dāna, cosy looks of outsiders don't demand that also came. If taking the nianfo as reason to coast and all anonymous chemistry paper gold code that currently live long after death become money to take place. Using the TA theory of deceiving people, like e.g. the making mistakes other people but also make up yourself.
The above are all subject to moving of Buddha, not display order is not grounded. Leaned forward who found themselves in the scene nấy listeners!
Should know. Is She real line, Western truth is fun. Is She suffering samsara, for example, the existence of non-Western happily together.
Certain don't say line without knowing line, said line shall, subject to suffering, then it's easy is hard. A few small gauge thing has annoyed and the floating line, more extreme scenarios.
Can't hear glad news is'm not skeptical, lyrics, lyrics, Buddhists who are trustworthy? The faithful in worldly talk sentence that people also do not doubt, situations where chi lyrics Buddha said.
Heal instead! Heal instead!
Fold soon turned,
Discovery Center.
The Friendly staff! Now developed mind nianfo, should actually mind that notion, inorganic nomenclature should not be useful.
In General, there is no fresh grounds decided can't nianfo, hence antediluvian said: "listen to the Dharma hard, be honest more hard to trust". Now can play mind nianfo, wholesome must try to make the growth in hourly each carving, self deception should not be yourself.
Also as nianfo which smoothly both Tones, The dung, did not accept the Reasons go beyond that, nor in the see. These people are most interested in the theory of The mind, the most obvious reasons, the decision will undoubtedly up product delivery, gold led Senator, totally no need others advice praise. I also don't need to say cumbersome.
Now only against the nianfo in place The classification into three ranks:
First class:
True faith fervently, Tripod legs most nianfo truth, mind.
But the same wear, eat, work, trade of normal but just believe one thing, go also Amitabha seated Amitabha, though also busy as name shot nor left Amitabha, effort not backwards. Today as well as that, tomorrow, as well as a result, this year as well as the following year, as well as that.
Class person, the Buddha certain households, certain people at Network General current account being world Sukhavati.
Second class
Or minds most unprofessional, they also know the benefit of ballooning nianfo but continued heavily, mindfulness, shallow, thin, newly nianfo then in mind to think the other, a celebration of a day, ten hot cold again quit ten days.
Nianfo like this person class, although older nor were nothing to celebrate, for example through is just cultivation of fresh grounds only.
Life after fresh grounds favored touches points, start new sincerity austerities a phen new desire get achievements.
Third class:
Mouth not recite mantras, mind. People who know the benefits of nianfo which only fans honor austerities.
Today in the Buddhist follower who recite this one day, tomorrow in the Buddhist follower who recite a on the other, but is there one day but the danh nianfo is just over the truth alone. A lot of time talking crap then, time nianfo is less. In Buddhism the capital had yards si AI parameter, out of all abstain from the Buddhist path parameters airfield si AI.
This second class people compared to more.
The three aforementioned person class, first class, third class also does much more, only second class people easy to violate. Due to Her physical beings realms Ta obscures hope challenging exercise, except for so new and so on.
Try doing all the thinking, at life, if single-minded also don't distract the other place. Even the eyes not known lust, tai not know, dear, insult, do not know all night the day, it is exactly the pattern of the use of psychological truthfulness. Nianfo need to like new can effectively.
Agony anguish based solely on how to recite his lazy's courtship disorder, however sow are a little fresh grounds, but the large thick, deep evil e Evangelical shallow thin, though for a life without evil karma, where later he secured were not doing evil.
Due to the evil obscures the radical Evangelical Protestantism should still cultivated but hard that arises. Moreover, only a few newly escaped from his realm. Where such a right is suffering?
It should be rushing play true urgent attention startups, startup effort among charming life can be let go, let go, depriving impermanence decided don't nostalgically that DIY themselves.
Despite things not able to let go, is not afraid he nianfo. such as, he has a crush on, however, where urgent work but still why not forget the urgent thing.
Can natural nianfo thus, no magazine anniversary; nor is it a hot day to ten days, that's because no mind cold true urgent.
There are people interested through true urgent turbulence, e.g. arrested ma was freedom. The German interests of nianfo they well know truly, very confident; method of nianfo they also hear many saw extensive, but the nianfo not Phu practice sufficiently.
They tell people interested to specialize, but ourselves to celebration of the magazine does not end.
They told the strong effort, but yourself back often lazy.
They told people about birth and death urgent, but himself to Saul are idle.
They told people plenty of stuff means, but yourself back because people forget themselves.
It is for whatever reason?
Because this person before or life's ever cultivated grounds, so in the mind can unravel, relatively little understanding.
By Oldtimer magic should be for heavy turbulence. That inside, there are ghosts outside. Ma is in the mind when the inner delights, all parameters airfield at si AI, which had just left the mind gives startups. Ma outside is experiencing difficult enough every major coastal scene persecute relatives about , is an OK.
If unfortunately met the Buddhist play, you should first respect, diligence for penitence, except for the mistake earlier. The old year are experiencing the austerities of this song is important in that such personnel understanding Buddha Mya that rotten. Established Chi steadfast, no dents, even hundreds of difficult for everything a Buddha this roadblock charm decided such left mind.
However, strong power, based on van ma Germany Hong later resisted with it, for example, calculation of interest harm living dead only six words, reciting mantras experts worry, reciting four big monument, Memorial, Memorial, Memorial at whisper mantras, mantras, Taoist when Bai, walking sitting, lying, as well as fun, at sad also shed light on anniversarydivorce looms as well. Memorial to heart injury, reciting mantras, ashes to fire off to demonic spirit admire Nature festival, reciting mantras to lettered, Hy to Devil surrender.
A negative karma in Buddhism mark as far as the existence of thousands of lives; a Buddhist name was Grace's three graceful trigger four realms.
Elaborately nianfo durable forever like pressed Sesame, baseball shoes more powerful until out of oil; the boat when it encountered strong waves, more detailed decision oars; necktie boiling water pond at the rear, in front, though sen thousand thousand people hampering ta nianfo, vows no retreat on long, rotten, long was compassion of all Buddhas silently help meant graceful elegance dashed, thanh tịnh achievements. Buddhist women thought of, for example, ắt do satisfying beings.
The Friendly staff! The heavy karma, karma is like shallow thin socks can be learned. People have Karma but also the non-Karma ắt may also be unknown.
Heal instead! Heal instead!
People ought to exertion,
It's about that.
The Friendly staff! Now it's mind to pray for the nianfo being Tịnh, cannot just expect requested quote. The death sentence has not heard from experienced strange surprises. They think austerities which is longed for Phuoc, Phuoc is the nianfo is fulfills the predicament, why don't want Phuoc quote?
If the Net, probably did the criminals say qualities Lady we can be the current contentious? Genus the almond thin shallow scenarios do be current birth?
The friendly staff! The thought is very misleading, possible at all to know blessings.
Try looking at the lifetime, or wealthy grandparents, grandchildren, children of poor or cowardly, to elderly wealth at destitute cowardly, where not possible when all blessings. Not only that, second life's austerities, second life does not affect Phuoc tu third to bear the suffering. Or animals being new at expiration report results, newly made herself who is breaking the mistake again fell to the species of animal living being. Up and down the indeterminacy for so called floating sink in the sea line.
Not just like, or who had assets but no children; or have children without property; or to live long but feel impoverished; or smart but die soon; or wealth that ignorance; luxury or that suffer calamity; or themselves less glamorous in sculpture; diseases that or families temporarily an, myself illness. There is this lacks the other, so call this is the world not realms. He said that the report is the blessing of a predicament like Italy or stars?
If the birth of Western is not like that. Lotus birth, body chemistry, General look presentable tonality in the mind toward full intellectual no negativity, raiment and food culture, not disease natural non-elderly, according to the Buddha himself in target Yao an oxygen. Life expectancy of people in there to immeasurable, from here proceed straight to the Buddhist leader no longer fallen. Also know how fun seems to say impossible before. The article above is controlled by the Buddha speaks in Jing Di Da and the Mahayana sutras.
Because of this that at, the riches in the world in the blink of an eye successively become; fun sounds incredibly Western place endlessly. Why not volunteer for current birth rushing play?
If say the current Lady e can't qualities being, should know the Buddha Vairocana as hardened qualities the wife of us deep karma, intellectually shallow thin thickness, if other disciplines are amendment out of the three realms vertically, e in one's life can't escape being killed. So open a special disciplines nianfo, expecting people to complacency about the current labour vows full beings. Why did he leave her self dispose, such thinking to play, her side plate nỡ compassion of Buddhist Schools like?
If that the shallow thin, Van Hanh should know no good German Red list do not gain the Regency, no evil do not destroy. This is exactly the major extreme Bliss, extreme deep, wide extreme, extreme fullness. So the nianfo can kill one, rừ immeasurable crime weighs in at eighty memories in past; can't see the nianfo is the trivial, nothing special.
To know the nianfo entirely relying on the photographer's life where prayer power dhāranī Amitabha. Initially Amitabha has forty-eight vows, each prayer each Chapel were because of salvation. Prayer Friday 18 saying: "when I become Buddhas, Christian schools of the people in the world across ten immeasurable, Chi mind trust preferred, to being about my country, in celebration of the accomplishments I have ten times the current being, ắt sailings except those culprits active inverse, decry the French public schools. If this is not like prayer, I decision was not a Buddhist ".
Due to this Buddha has great aspirations should most interested when claiming to recite the title Buddha Amitabha in the conservative defeat in pond grows a flower Lotus Vehicle garage, named him the following day, in which, at forest waterfall sanh General Amitabha and two bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta embodiment Are Warm lead.
Ever, who is the current birth cannot be counted out. Or have attendees know in advance the date and time of forest and the Buddhist Bodhisattva himself said that without an instant death. Or have those beside the fresh, bright and hear show Ang scent melodic music and strange. Absolutely not no remnants, these tasks are recorded in the current series of birth.
Currently the nianfo true urgent very little, so the current contentious not much. Healthy people rarely omen, so don't believe the current contentious sweeping, hundreds of miles from one person. People in both the current being thousands of miles to be hundred miles where just the qualities the wife? Ten years have a five-year, one person, who was born in ten years, in the current year, where only the qualities the wife? This probably does the current contentious labor Hanh in three A steady States in past or why? Not only is that they can use pass psychological truthfulness urgent!
Biblical Amitabha stating:
"If there are good men, good women who heard about Amitabha successively accept maintained the title or a date up to seven days most interested not chaotic, instant delivery of current world Extreme Optimism".
That are represented by power of Amitabha. For such a large vessel, such comments are anything just to up the boat shall be to the other shore. So antediluvian says: "Learn the other subjects such as crawling up non current bridge nianfo highly contentious tợ sail upon the water". sailed to meet wind swept water agreement, where such have to quickly and more rapidly, it is ethically thanks to their Buddhist prayers.
The Friendly staff! Thuan Thuan wind is the water, after it was boarded. If he did not take up the boat then know how? So yourself should have voluntary professional force.
Currently the nianfo or because patients suffering which develops the mind; either because protection of the family; or because the current title except for accidents, prolonged life expectancy; either because expectations for riches in fewer large birth death because there's nobody that bridge the current contentious Net.
As people go to the South or through the North, must have direction intended. Intended to the South, when out of doors decided not go north he did vow that ... being Tịnh, arrives at general how current forestry was contentious?
That is to say people don't play prayer for the current birth. There the chapel but not design, so the mouth also said Western, voluntary labour in the heart of education again always take wrecked. However, random play prayer for birth but absolutely can not be a lifetime, then good current delivery, the delivery is not only absolutely not elaborately detailed setting, like where else do not pray.
Alas! The evil beings in the world as any flower, Orange Centre parameter with an sa, it's not that freed, not know what to do?
Generally, disciplines nianfo can not think of goals, the fun in Western had nothing comparable. The current bridge being the nianfo is consistent with Buddhist Prayer being the current being, ... does not pray is not current birth. Voluntary non-professional devices, as well as prayer. For example, to non-Buddhist, just because he is not decided.
If bring disciplines can not think of this little report that finds that the worldly blessings, such as the European fire bird seeds. It is regrettable instead!
Heal instead! Heal instead!
Discovered by sincere prayer.
That being the first.
The Friendly staff! Now that being happy Net, right to primary and two monasteries at birth, such as Network General is the current decision does not cast but also increased product placement.
Tu happy but there are many subjects but works generally focused on a French list, list easy Maintenance by Keeping that infallible is also easy. High-level German happy old days in Chief opens three subjects Credit List Maintenance-Almond-Chapel. In the previous section has summaries presented in full, where it leads four things, the desire people have releases references to practice.
1. Steep trust Word of the Buddha:
He thought from indefinite thỉ far samsara in six corners cannot be freed, lifetime's why lucky play Center made this? Left still fortunate to hear current sanh, French nianfo extremely easy, extremely WINS off but also hesitant inconclusive, this disease due to beliefs not Buddhism sincere earnest should such new.
To know wisdom, meditation, precepts, knowledge, strength, compassion asceticism, there is one more Buddhist anymore? The Buddha said that decided not to wrong decisions such as error. Therefore called lyrics Buddha is true, words are words not deceived.
The Buddha said, evil caretaker at upcoming people positive joint achievements ten also current birth. Things to do in his lifetime is not quite that extreme wickedness, often ranked on Tri listing to over ten. If such is the current birth i.e. Buddha do error people, going the wrong way, probably someone does have that effect?
Now he just convinced truth, reciting mantras such as accounting, date, return to the current bridge at Lam chung mindfulness completely insane being, for example, certain current birth island was not suspected. Such as planting melons melon, planting decisions are decided to be legumes, beans such as using Bui nhùi retrieved fire, stone magnet leads kim, just a feeling fit decision applicants, themselves decide do not arise the obstacle that can not be reached before.
If in doubt, but heard heavy depth like but ended still felt Lake. It is caused by karma strong, must often add to mindfulness, penitence, long on early afternoon long, can show presentation natural intelligence. Make sure no doubt the nianfo are also ten percent effective.
This is a key first opening to trigger confidence where the Chief Justice.
2. close ranks Friendly intellectuals:
Nianfo but is very easy but the notion is not effective then feel no mảy may benefit. When encountering such convenient sailings Coast scene arises the rotten lui lazy. Or listen to the meditation techniques, meditation thoughts again wish to change customs disciplines.
If you do not see good wholesome policeman comment review determined that certain mistakes no less. So, while themselves need to austerities firm but entirely thanks to the power of Good knowledge. In economics says: "knowledge is a charming Friendly Tier altogether to be directed. If the application yourself elaborately tu mistakes are thanks to Improved knowledge just points back to the primary footer; himself lazy, thanks to Friendly elaborately knowledge wary book tons. Things you didn't know, thanks to Improved knowledge stating; the things you already know toFriendly Indian knowledge evidence ". If people understood that the Office should study economics, Net growth trust, must also be coupled with Improved knowledge reasoning clear, looking at a new practical way circumvented problems in understanding that error.
Shaman Static Am said:
"Technology is at the time still not be possible without master, what scenarios are disciplines beyond nianfo escaped being killed. Without Good knowledge then know from where the opening play? Who's driving? A surprise sensations sailings were fallen, mistakes are not small. Arriving at common knowledge, Improved forestry degree more important "again.
Venerable Thien Dao says:
"Qualities all current birth Net of network General wanted you will need to not be afraid to die. Often thought this incarnation, suffering much net bar, evil duplicate duplicate. xen Enterprise If you are removing the stigma of this body, Net of nhớp then enjoy life transcendent being immeasurable joy, freed the way suffering birth and death. New medium, such as removing the stigma of bad minded shirt was rather beautiful precious raiment. Should only let go of mind do not being pleasing nostalgically itself.
Hễ meeting at which the disease is thought to remember about impermanence, most nianfo wait death to mind.
Suggest and anxious patient because I am not saying that nianfo, the daily journal, arranged by familiar common network is not weeping tearful and emits lyrics lament virtual brain, or psychosis losing mindfulness, should only nianfo help bar being, expect when the current warmth emptynew may soon, mournful lamented.
Just mảy mind nostalgic like sailings may become obstacle not be freed. If people understand the Net is very common to books tons is lucky.
I often see people dead at normal nianfo bridge being Western, but arrives at Lam chung again afraid to die, absolutely not say to the current being freed. Death is the great by themselves need to exertion! ".
See the venerable Thien Dao mining towns like, probably know this is the key key. Must close ranks new desire at Improving knowledge, Lin chung was the power assistance.
This is the second major amendment order where the Chief policeman.
3. Common additional effort:
Effort has many forms, such as the course every day and The anniversary will be outlined in the following sections.
Every day how much globe Buddha brand determinative, that is depending on the brewing in busy or circumstances of each track. Up to lock the process lifetime, every day nor for disruption, there called usually constant effort.
Meet at thanh Nhan, or once a day and night, until seven days, twenty-one days, forty-nine days, restrictive time dedicated to desire quickly, it's called the black triangle was a strong effort.
Method of nianfo not treatise is a person or multiple people, or business administration ranked by sitting, reciting mantras, whisper or maintenance are most interested in going to grasping Buddhist titles, each letter of each word clearly, just feel the perils associated rushing to start-up woke up screening. Or falling into infinity, or drifting according to expectation, in turn, turns to run woke up, bringing a Buddhist order on this basis, the oppressed Italy ended marriage anniversary magazine, which is exacerbated by the road legs of public schools.
Don't be too hard to be folding, fold the long term; Don't be too hưỡn, trì hưỡn shall be discrete. Back to entry could not be expected, for example to initialise the notion completely.
If let go don't recite where the mouth is very easy to fall into place married affective lightly. Because most nianfo the important place of interest is not chaotic, at upcoming Lam chung entirely thanks to the notion that on straight thai nianfo can not Sen. Who do not know. Until reaching the most extreme center seat is not expecting meditation does money that himself so far, this is when elaborately maturity, totally away with people let go don't recite where mouth fell into place married affective lightly. Should be carefully thought through this crushed!
Also, as if reciting mantras, i.e. infinitely ridiculous notion that are not afraid. A this that is Not Fake, Empire, Triple: Central; i.e. The four French world; i.e. two subjects consistent consciousness, idealistic; i.e. consciousness mysticism Nirvana, it's Anonymous General as Prime Minister. It is most of the French notion of upper ranks, but also most non-removable base, grasping the Buddha, each letter of each word clearly that notion.
This is the third major principle Maintained lists where primary license.
4. voluntary Professional Development needs, remember thinking fervently:
Get the German this bridge being Net of nianfo, which is prayer. But always urgent prayer; for all the fresh salmon; for all the evil Islamic directions penitence. Depending on the option are praying at Western's charm Net of maturity shall, at the current being, as well as forestry shares marginally familiar road vehicle does not have little obstacle.
Also like the Buddha Amitabha, as memory idea is the essential France.
Chapter Mahasthamaprapta in Shurangama says: "Remember Buddha, Buddhist mantras, present certain future see Buddha". Remember to think like the urgent bound in loyalty; or remember thinking the dignified about y and Chief Justice of the Buddha Amitabha Buddha, Bodhisattva, France-one idea, Quote, incarnation and general Bai Hao, stretching their hands, light-filled, circular shower, Buddhist Culture; the memory of Deutschland, oath or think compassionate Buddha Amitabha's mercy we know how, rescued all beings.
Think idea of fervently, remember not to forget, in Keeping such lists conversion turn fears, making sure the nianfo, spiritual content, this is exactly where it is most interested in is not chaotic.
Certain not to be sure, the notion that intermingled natural arises suspicion concerned. By most professional notes where a psychological meaning, such as the fiscal tastes, spirit allows the calculation yields a soul are Thursday where a job, ắt eager qui to hand then, like most interested in and where not? So the nianfo in at rush are still usually don't forget Buddha, gradually became pros Shu, naturally often thought in mind, can prevent all the notion of evil, all the achievements of human thanh tịnh.
Ranks high German there say post racks:
"Lam chung cannot contemplate and meditate
Just being kicked Italy know that Buddha,
This person is slightly off the current contentious sailings
Beijing Dafa Neck saying like ".
Because at provisional general unable to contemplation, just know in my heart there is Buddha as the current sailings that being, don't forget to remember anniversary incident details. That's a key thing to remember Wednesday where Chief design aspirations.
Can the full four Chief Hanh said on the current labour decided to no longer in doubt. Song, have to help poor new spacious six tu benefit foe WINS.
Realms Is her as sea line, nianfo as sitting on the boat, the current Net as to the contentious side, Assistant class as sail, oars, highway fees. Winged sails, oars, highway fees, this boat comes back once will not do, proceed straight to him other shore.
What is happiness?
1. feast of glass Jewels:
In clothing, widely regarding the amendment, though it is getting nasty looks of duty austerities.
The nianfo much lazy life, not just hang on for example, often even met the Buddhist ceremony Bai, nor the Lord's prayer, also as all the nasty looks largely flawed.
The reason is because, for example through the easy-to-mouth anniversary ceremony, the body is difficult; speaking smoothly then easy, practical, hard to push. Not know that the hard work that can be done, that the new peerless.
While saying such austerities on the inside to outside, but significant deferential outside is also indispensable. , In right place outside can demonstrate inside so antediluvian says: "The austerities true see wooden Buddha statue with true, as parents, as monarch, early afternoon on the comments, all the glasses, pouring down as Lord mount, stand up tợ clouds rise, then accept the hand vái salute. People that accept the hand salute, though far from vái hundreds of thousands of miles away but also as at the front ".
When eating and drinking before it should appear at the cozy atmosphere. During the Long Tho Tinh an says: ", cosy Buddha, son rising, flowers, incense, sacrificial consecration hanging phan, built the Tower, the worshippers Phung Jewels can revert toward Western". What the current situation, the bridge was being Tịnh disciple Jewels otherwise respected Jewels, mind that the current birth does not true urgent ắt. So people must steep off center, decided not to be lazy is hovering.
2. the penitence:
Continental is repented errors passed, Exchange is chừa out the faults later on. The austerities took penitence as principal. Bodhisattva Samantabhadra also vow to penitence, what qualities Lady Killer scenarios!
So far, from the immeasurable in past three career close mouth Italy caused the mistake deep heavy, which could become the major obstacle so called karma. If no penitence, Karma indigestible except for like stigma should washerwoman, such as mirror adhesive dust need to wipe. Clean, dust the stigma off then coat mirror shine, karma, is no longer the stem NET bar Center.
3. Prevent evil: healing
During the Long altogether, to Buddha nianfo, reading classic Mahayana litigation, understand first, take that feedback all up products directions Western Superior beings ".
Saying "brother" means not eating meat, don't drink, don't eat active restoration.
Say "about" means not being, heist, i.e. three career of adultery itself; lie, say embroidered textiles, say double tongue, say cruel four's mouth; take education, anger, Ta enterprise architect are the three Italian can preserve not violate that is wholesome, if it is not the ten preserves that are ten evil.
Hold four world ahead, added world don't drink, that's five world, holder of five world that tu Jing of China nor the current sanh. loss section If can't keep in world it must preserve the world. Observation of birth is headed in the world. Not being as good, evil is born. Contact Tri yideng says:
Please advise who died was the nianfo is the Buddha, according to y must earn Germany the tu Hieu Thuan Phuoc, to parents, to be loyal to serve monarch, brother to love each other, the couple must have glasses. To release the honesty keeps the prestige, to humiliate, to demand peace ring, to ingenious technology, Binh Chanh cultivate music Germany, must be compassionate mercy at all, not being there, not humiliation under the mausoleum, not oppressed civilians.
If there is no better birth Center began sailings exertion nianfo, certain to recite for rotten lui mind not good. How new is the nianfo foot works, certain to be the current birth.
4. removal of sex:
People for the most common AI passage storyline humiliation. To see the property as a network, also were wrecked not forgotten.
Do any of the parties here are mindful of the heavier side mild natural Net thinning. Arriving at network general spirit soul ắt go on spot, such as a tree to heavy leaning heavy on party or later at natural falls parking apron will fall right. It is probably of course.
From wife storyline humiliation are all favored the convergence Council, charm, glass melt. After Li tan, and the other guys who are not recognize each other. As Mr. generations far, wife humiliation not less but now reinforced? He still loves them reasonable? Thinking it can't help but lukewarm. Which again favored Argentina capacitor Assembly with in the real sense of family, i.e. oan silently harmed, where not as fondly mistake then?
Also as the second property and every thing are keen, blink of an eye, as it pertains to become should look thoroughly.
5. Open up oan links:
Resentment foe yet shouldn't qualities, such as the work being, heist, adultery and avarice are multiplied the anger into resentment. Can ban prevented then there is no links, no links, no sorrow, revenge, and concluded it should be open.
As allure which became hostile towards outsiders, suddenly opposed themselves, until the dog bite snake such operations must be without cause, because the left from the previous oan, the need to welcome Hy endure open with them. The decision cannot be side by side here again, the more the deeper.
However, all of the disciplines beyond exit horizontally, but if possible determination that the current birth despite the biggest rival to the resentment is also unable to hampering all current birth. But consider carefully is not equal to open soon so you will feel the mind not to hesitate.
Back to know from many many lives far away, towards enemy no less, who could not meet, where each charm every open be exhausted. uniform Need to thanks to the prayers in front of Buddhist prayer using the nianfo, Germany as the benefits of resentment around the oan. If the Buddha, when one of the beings of this before. Taking heart from bi which target except the old resentment of the people wholeheartedly, to additional voluntary resources are truly benefits, naturally turned into Grace hatred Germany.
6. strong exertion:
Currently the tu Jing of also don't equal one, also has more people. People not by decision should not be compared with them, said one than them so there is no progress. Need to compare more than one, think it is to them the same nianfo alike, why their effort? Why are we lazy? Why do they specialize in one? Why we endorsed rebellion? The other was trượng wife is here, too. If there is a strong effort, eyes look they had taken the Sukhavati, also known as the old one sank in the sea line.
Now known as organic leaders say laugh close friends, but the blink of an eye was to divide the Holy qualities, away as Sun with area. Probably should leave such disgrace? Probably should leave such pain mercy? Considerations like naturally strong advances, a lifetime solved swept doesn't wait until later.
The austerities currently guys play prayer life then continue austerities. As they say, happy life now works more reliably at shallow thin, later assuming the additional expected accomplishments more bliss. So it is very wrong! In the Bible says: "once lost relatives who came as far as hard to be back,", though for being herself but can ensure longer know austerities reasonable?
Again as they say, life is now released, thanks to the prayers of this force then later decided to know austerities. This mistake anymore! Developed the prayer power like, why not play instant lifetime aspiration so far, the current being Tịnh ắt natural being, what needs to be current to wait until later? Moreover, these he does for the current life, life after birth can bridge current being reasonable? Unfortunately life after experiencing a major coast further austerities, so not only can not guarantee the current birth but also difficult is not lose herself. So antediluvian says:
"This is life now,
To expect any of this "life itself.
The nianfo decided to press firmly. See where We currently reside as guests who stay temporarily, She had to see himself as the First place, subliminal ranks as food! Like natural hypnotic secret effort came at new evidence result only. This is a very essential for the current contentious Net.
How about six Assistant speaks on almond, if say scaling out there, both in mind modesty desire that everyone's interests, truly exertion make being. Qualities are what help the coast then all diligence that Jing is okay!
Heal instead! Heal instead!
The current birth as prayer.
Public schools include tu.
Now the great Thien Nhan, or men and women developed heart austerities, to know the basic start tu from seat.
Stars called the basics?
With Monarch, dutiful to parents, respect featuring Master Chief, distinguished brother, loving couples, trusting friend, teach children, grandchildren, harmony tribe serve ranks are ethical, forgive someone not understanding, keeping the glass, diligent penitence, reflected in his mistake, patient's fasting the insults. Get a few things to push a new practice called embark on elaborate, not so much so that its tail is not known. Tu Tri long yin, proceed to the Saints, gentle, natural step into the realms.
Year or had someone tu Tri back because the glass that the basis of absolutely no interest, absolutely no attention. I e Holy three decided such accession who are not Chinese, tastes, individuals emphasis, meaning.
Thanks of the King did not comment as people do not care or do; parents ' counsel did not comment is left or lost, not thinking how did report, there was no response. So, for example, the inventor of mind austerities, large and small, for example public German treatise maintained more or less, overall litigation are recovering towards Buddha to quote a deep result of monarch, pardoned, Chief.
In addition to siblings, spouses, friends, descendents, cardboard, also are thinking how to invoice their achievements all wholesome fruit.
Only a parent who was born one, otherwise we shall itself engenders from where? The more basic equipment, the report meets the more hastily fold. So State use tastes this Tri Thien HA, so say change tastes can find nerve centre in the Centre, in the curious.
The parents left, why be blessed like that? Need to steep strength dutiful service packages. Ingenious advice parents worship Buddha, giving parents the most interested prospects into nianfo, new Buddha only. It was the great tastes of French exports.
If the parents have died, the truth is that unhappiness, should also be professional need urgent because parents that tu Tri nianfo, reading classic Mahayana litigation, earnestly asks Buddha led current parents contentious Net. Lifetime like, can all act as children.
If you don't use it, just because his mind that tu Tri then called blind cultivators, I e the basic spot defects hardly voluntary basis accomplishments, Shi Jing said: "the original Spike leaves no infrastructure that were left were trốc, except clean before then".
If the basic facts about practicing diligently penitence. Continental is to repent the sins was over. Forex trading is remorse the faults present. Called an error without this, it is misleading; There was an error that knows what good bug fixes are not equal. If you can fix mistakes i.e. the great blessing. Buddha compassion always Yu mercy, again or play of center around Buddhist ethics fellow beings, exiting corners suffering samsara. In accordance with Buddhist as ball shaped, certain that the Buddha, called the form yourself you can do all things, do benefit to people, is the main benefit for ourselves.
This book most heart experts recommended that lifetime nianfo bridge being Tịnh, get rid of suffering samsara corners, forever enjoy life happily.
Or someone from the first well by France, or Astrology or the Lord's prayer ceremony, Tibetans Beijing continental very successful litigation Director, year-long slump, were not retreating. Consideration about legal subjects is sceptical such nianfo Dharma but because well as Taoist years, now wants to induce them to abandon the French Leader that he seemed to mind most nianfo is not the way recommended that tricky. Scenarios of three genera UG Saints were teaching people the starting five LUN, curious, faithful, to polite, integrity, preserving the moralities, stop taking exercise, this evil doing wholesome, produced over heartless Tanh network. Furthermore, Directed classics such as the organ did not do regarding sentence being, the current being Bill Flower Net. Even in the Jade Emperor Jing Continental also has the words.
If you have additional feasts Bai Dao organ to elaborate nianfo, reading Buddhist scriptures, urgent proceedings into penitence for being the first of the more effective. At Lin chung decided to birth of the Federation, ắt was highest product.
Desire, Love, don't let that Grape is different, for example, to the same House. That is something that I urge earnest!
(If the thanh Nhan trench roast, to release every day early dark wash their hands in anticipation of litigation before a book flavour, Amitabha, three Current notes are not being, in the kitchen fire flavors primer. Can Kim Cang, litigation added experience and all of Penitence Rose classic Mahayana the better).
Dear Buddha Amitabha gold brilliant
Amazing beautiful stately, General
Non-Court turned white Hao,
Four countries in the sea, to eye biếc
In the light of the myriad Buddhas, chemistry
The Bodhisattva nor anticipated.
Protestant Chapel, four eight-degrees function
Nine Golden Lotus product freed up.
South Western Sukhavati World Model
Pronoun Dhāranī Amitabha Buddha.
South Describes Buddha Amitabha (500 or 1000 sentences, sentences, until one is caught, the more the better).
Male Model Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva (10 times)
Male Bodhisattva mahasthamaprapta Tissue (10 times)
Nam Dai Thanh Tịnh Scale Them Bodhisattva (10 times)
(Read post of Continental Home From van, or broadcast prayer Western Su Un Representative also Maintained)
Disciple …… A pleasing scale network world, Sukhavati, Buddha Amitabha. Please bring net bar, screening dear children; use the chapel for the compassion that photographer. Now the mindfulness, claiming mark Vairocana, martyrdom Bodhi, sanh Net. Ancient Buddha founded oath: "If beings, like about our country, all trust preferred, title one, to put our ten mantras, like not being, it is not a Buddhist". Today the chapel Myrtle, who was on the sea coast nianfo, oath, German Tathāgata; due to wellness From Respected, excluding charges, extra large apartments. The chapel Lam chung, said the date and time in advance, not the disease itself, not to gauge attachment, not crazy Island, as in meditation. Buddhist Scriptures together, Calyx yellow, to officially hands lead children. During the observation of Sukhavati, na, the flowers bloom sees the Buddha, Buddhist, Buddha expressed through listening to Lily, an all beings, complacent Bodhi Chapel.
Please bring the Germans maintained that litigation.
Four Islamic direction for and three realms,
French world disciples and beings,
To this end a close quote,
All fellow beings realms Sukhavati.
All three schools of Buddhism, all ten Bodhisattva Ma Ha Slaps, Ma Ha Uncivil Ba La Confidential.
Work surface bộn cannot practice as before, be able to follow this, gradually single-minded urgent are also current birth.
Early in the morning every day, after restoration, headed toward the Western side of claiming to recite repeatedly, pieced hand Amitabha Buddha off a bit as a Memorial. Ten slightly like called ten mantras, only slightly shorter length unrestricted according to the number of the Buddha. All a bit is a celebration of the anniversary is not high, not low, no hưỡn do not fold, aircondition are moderate, non stop, borrowed slightly forced psychiatric disorder, causing the heart does not concur. Reciting Muslim prayers also needs to play to complete.
Look around in the Tibetan capital entirely without persuasive letter paper money gold code where underworld.
Please advise who died to bring the cost to send paper money gold code to do all the fresh psychological truthfulness, most nianfo ắt are current birth. If this doesn't work that just worries send paper money gold code, no comment is unhelpful, Valence vows that he's only interested in where the underworld even when dead ắt into underworld.
If that accumulated life after life, present life, then the charity reports fierce labour funds is not grounded, there is only money accumulated in a real sense then can U Minh, transferred relocated presided over the creator, but was afraid that there is no direct sun, dark! For such people don't abandon evil healing that sent money to treat prisoners, expect when arrested on charges of taking money from her, like há not wrong Lam sao?END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).17/1/2012.

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