Wednesday 18 January 2012


Dear Buddhists!
Today, you are on the French royal princesses nembutsu practice a day before the course carefully, as usual we have a Dharma talk. Dharma talk in the morning, we would talk about the meaning of 12 nembutsu prayer. Twelve nembutsu prayer, we have compiled. Before explaining the contents of 12 nembutsu prayer, we would like to hear read to you.
1. the Our ​​Di-Da Buddha,
I vow this application,
usually recite him,
today and forever.
2. Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
Position open for morning care.
3. Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
Living happily in order.
4. Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
No ill will to anyone.
5. Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
Always say a loving word.
6. Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
Do not cause pain to anyone.
7. Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
Hang over son's keep.
8. Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
Keep patience and tolerance.
9. Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
Financial identity is not responsible.
10. Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
Unless contrary to unjust suffering.
11. Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
Over the want of compassion.
12. Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
Not fade even rebirth.
This is the prayer recited Buddha 12. 12 In the context of this prayer to recite the Buddha, Buddhists to help us navigate through the practice and aspirations to the world of Buddha Bliss A-Di-Da. Now we will turn to explain the contents of this 12 nembutsu prayer for you is clear.
The first prayer
" Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
Today and forever. "
As you well know, the Buddha A-Di-Da is the world's cardinals Bliss in the West. In the business of Boundless Life is written, He was an ordained kings give rise to the French name Tibetan monks. He practiced with the German World Free As In Wang Lai. Because commercial beings immersed in the three realms of six lines, take so much suffering within samsara, He of practice, found prayer to establish 48 world Sukhavati, to create winning conditions the beings of that practice. Bliss World's A-Di-Da Buddha is the world very happy, very clean with no treasurer, the second pollution. When someone born on that will not be degraded to move, no longer fall into the three evil paths. There is no predestined evil sexual infections very easily advanced practitioners. Our world is in the world I called her the world of education, so education is heavily contaminated, people can hardly concentration, it is difficult to lead a life achievement results. Thus, in this Buddhist practice is to recite the Buddha dharma Buddha concept A-Di-Da, to expect the latter to the world of Buddha Bliss A-Di-Da, for sowing of the Buddha.
For now, when we recite the Buddha is to remember the noble virtue, wisdom Vietnamese, perfectly human, moral, noble and boundless compassion of the Buddha. Buddhism is a most beautiful picture on the high life. Remembering the Buddha image in the mind helps the body clean, peace and true happiness. If we remember the idea to other images like money, beauty, fame, eat well, sleep well, although appealing, to be happy but that happiness is something virtual, temporary happiness. The results often lead to suffering deterioration, leading to record direct cycle forever. And when we recite the Buddha, the Buddha mind, pure mind, of course, will clean words and deeds will be pure. Thanks to three cleaning business in creating negative karma should not cause us to live the present welfare and future of world peace born of the Buddha A-Di-Da. Thus, we vow to recite the Buddha is often the soul is pure, and is sowing the Buddhist concept of rebirth to the world of Buddha Bliss A-Di-Da, also in the sense Buddhahood. So when we recite the Buddha's life remember Buddha when we leave this body about the world of Buddha Bliss A-Di-Da. So, the first word vow that from now until forever, when we recite the Buddha, the Buddha mind. Only images of the Buddha is best in this life, the Buddhist must remember, always remember and forever remembered. Recently, we feel that this and the poem:
" Nice place small Buddha
As best picture
Precious this life
Rather beautiful small Buddha . "
If we do not remember the Buddha, it will remember that. But remember that it:
" Ma brought to you as guidance,
Just look for the school entrance that goes . "
(Nguyen Du)
Paragraph means the gut, just as with the gut pain.
Buddha is come to lead the way bright, happy, happy. But the devil guided only come to the school only. That is the meaning of prayer first.
Monday Prayer
" Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
Position open for morning care . "
Buddhism is the leading intellectual. Eight Great Business Sense in the Human, the Buddha has said "the only industrial property market", meaning to take intellectual career. For people who do not understand the direction, or for those who are more delusion for money, get home, get the garden and field, taking material things in this world to do business. However, they did not know that these things are temporary things and we'll leave all the other steps over the world. Only new business intelligence to bring us from one life to another.
The Buddhist concept following the example of the Buddha. Buddha, as we know, he abandoned his career all over the world. The professional career of the Buddha as a king, that is business as King, but he also abandoned all. Because he found that his career was temporarily assumed career, so he had to shake off and go find the cause of sublime wisdom. To get the intelligence you have, that is to quiet the mind. Center to the new location is bright. Buddha-Ni-Ca Mau during practice, he went into meditation and finally wisdom glowed. He can remember his past life from birth to ten lives, hundreds of lives, thousands of lives and countless lives. Not that he saw his past birth, name of what, where, and not just a child who lives, many lives. He remembers and knows other beings, not only lives but also very much a life is born, name of what, where, what, how death. So why this Buddha wisdom so? Because of the Buddhist mind has reached a very high level of. When your heart is light at the low, the light of many more, as the center of the brighter deep. This is understandable. You see a lake. Lake where it quiet for as long as all the dirty lingo down. When the dirty water will settle in. When the water in our country can look down to see the whole sky, see the clouds, because all things are possible to the bottom of the lake is the image that was in the water.
We vow to recite the Buddha's thoughts often, memory forever, always remember the Buddha, the mind will gradually calm, when the mind will be calm and wisdom. Thanks to intelligence they clearly see the Minister of the universe, life and from which his new charge of all the material world. Intelligence is the torch of inspiration to our exit path out of the dark cycle of suffering direct record. So, Buddhism is called the director and the Buddhist wisdom we must take to intellectual career, to cultivate wisdom. Only this new wisdom to give us peace, happiness and freedom. It's Monday prayer.
Tuesday Prayer
" Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
Order now live happily . "
The Buddhist school must have a happy life and self. There are people in your life is full of material, very rich, but life has piled the misery, the unhappiness. During his earthly Buddha and his disciples have no wealth, no maps stored to spend, only three y and a bowl, eat one meal a day, eating Slim seeking alms bowls. Day begging to eat that day, not to take food. So happy that he is free now. Because he seen the minister's life and everything that is not fake, no passion, no attachment to the self at peace. But we are students of Buddhism, Buddhism must take the pleasure to nourish your body and mind. Want to be happily at home in this life, we must realize the world is impermanent, temporary body is fake, not sure what is real. Do be aware of this, so we do not have attachments. The reason people suffering, people have no joy, no happiness is due to attachment. We can accept yourself, and accept things of yourself, whoever touches her, touching her what will upset, will suffer. Now I understand, the body is not yours and everything around him was not his, so will no longer something to observe more, can be fully discharged. Upon his discharge was the matter who said what, I do not have the attachment, without attachment, there is no suffering. Thus the Buddhist conception is always cheerful. I studied Buddhism, which is receiving the real nature of human life and the world is dependent arising, is not, there is no reason to accept the things that suffer. Hence, we face the need to always be fresh and fun.
I was a monk in order to recite the Buddha's teachings to the world of Buddha Bliss A-Di-Da. The world Sukhavati is a happy world, no suffering. So I want the world happy, there must be a "people" happy. This means that we must always cheerful. There's something that we have the results been born about the world of Ultimate Bliss. If we practice Buddhism, always grimacing, irritability, frustration, that is the result of disturbing the mind, so it shows up where new faces, where our actions frustrating , irritability, grimacing. In the past we have done a few sentences:
" Who wrinkled face like a monkey,
Death will be born as a demon;
Students who wish to do evil,
On every wrinkle like a monkey ".
Because his mind bothered the new face wrinkle, a new offensive, but that's what the people of hell, hungry ghosts. Students of Buddhism that every melancholy face, grimaced, annoyed to see people who can practice the Buddha. In:
" Who florid face,
Death of Buddha Di-Da;
Who is the Buddha Di-Da,
Florid right hand . "
Thus, the nembutsu is always cheerful faces, new worthy disciple of the Buddha, can the world's A-Di-Da Buddha is. That is the meaning of prayer Tuesday.
Wednesday Prayer
" Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
No ill will to anyone . "
Malice in this context means that the bad faith, that nefarious, that harm people, that appropriation etc. .. For example I thought of theft, misconduct thought to violate the details of the process, the thought of killing harmful organisms to satisfy their appetite, which is the evil mind. Or is his thoughts incite people to sin. Such as his enticement few people eat each other, that there is also evil. Because his enticement to eat it on the way drinking is the way the body damage, rotten. Or who blow ke drug trafficking, because they want to have words, so inducing, enticing people to sell their smoking, it is that bad. Or you tempt people to steal, steal. Or go to the temple of seduction, seduction monks born to live with them. Or that evil out of the monastic virtues, is that bad at all. The Buddhist concept to remember the Buddha, the Buddha never have thought to hurt, to pain, making one is rotten. The Buddhist concept, too, to remember the virtues of the Buddha and his thoughts not make others suffer, not the idea tempt people into depraved way obscene, Singapore beat production, loss of life or go in sin. It's Wednesday prayer.
Prayer Thursday
" Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
Always say a loving ".
Word of loving kindness is the word. Buddha-Ni-Ca Mau always say our loving, gracious, gentle, soothing, the listener is buoyed spirits, happy, happy, more confidence, energy life, help people get along, where the positive direction to heal, of practice. We are students of Buddhism, often recite the Buddha, they must imitate the Buddha, say love. In our life is to love words, gentle words to make people happy and peaceful place. The old instruments have a saying:
" Words do not lose money,
Choose words that speak to please each other . "
" When we say words out,
Speaking so mild;
Makes the listener feel love,
Do not forget to remember forever.
It is the lotus mouth,
Phen revealed a bloom;
Dharma radiating scent,
Sense for people to seed . "
When I uttered the words, say how the audience has a good impression, people remember not to forget. Also a word, I know the listeners skillfully comfortable, have confidence in life and it is easy to transform those bad habits, but also words if we say rude, said brusquely, said lashing out, saying bad words gate, which causes people to shrill, annoying and frustrating not convincing to improve chemical. So when you say a word out, to try how to listen and happy to receive. "It is the lotus mouth, one phen reveals it." As you well know, it's fragrant lotus, when relating it to the incense smells make people comfortable. We should not have opened my mouth like rotten fish sauce bad, people will run away, no one happy smell it first, people just love the smell of scented shower only. So every time we open the word out, how a crush on the listener, the listener happy, the listener is transformed faults, causing the audience to have more confidence, more vitality , more diligent. We should not say those words to make people suffer.
In Buddhist teachings are "Four photographic methods", are four methods to touched people's hearts. Of the four methods, including: photography generosity, kindly photography, photography and his interest of photography. "Ai photographic language" is to use the word love, words gentle, soothing words to that obtained for our people, photography of people. So when we vow to Buddha, Buddhist concepts often need to speak words of love. In this life to the words very gentle, soothing, gentle to help people converted, gives people more confidence in life. So, said Thursday vows remind us to say a loving word for everyone.
Friday Prayer
" Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
Do not cause pain to anyone . "
When we recite the Buddha, the Buddha remembered, things should not cause nuisance, painful for everyone. We can make other people suffering with thoughts, words and actions. For example we have of who you marry, or have thoughts of emotional cheating. Entice people to their sensualism, all done shirk their responsibilities. Or because they want to satisfy your appetite but try to kill living beings. Or we can say bad words, rude words that listeners have to suffer.
In our family, there are many things that the husband, wife or child as suffering for another. Sometimes we do not know which format to another, he has blamed the sun. Such as her husband came home from work, laid out to eat together, day and eat together. When eating drinking drunk fighting with the wife, the children made to suffer for his wife and children. There are wives and husbands to work very very hard, at home only "gossip", not to mention the infidelity, the husband must make the painful humiliation. Sometimes there is a family in difficult circumstances, she may just Joneses shopping, spending splurge, or play the husband to cause difficulties for children. Some people like to run the previous one, wrap it another coat. Rather it is this kind of fashionable clothes it may also require you to be with. See people with red hair dyed blond, I also want to dye my hair blonde red. Seeing people with cell phones, you also want to be mobile. Seeing we have Dream, I also want to Dream. Not to mention there are children not learning, and relationships with bad friends, was shot soy ke enticement smoking drugs. These cause for his suffering, causing suffering for the parents. There are cases where the mother is always demanding the money, while family child difficult circumstances, urging it to give; not take the verbal, and said any taste, that's plaguing our children her. Some people are very diligent to temple, this temple to temple to the other end but no money, it requires you to give money, not for rebuking also reviled it. We go the temple is very good. The more we go to many places, the better, but to review the money to go? If you have money to go, it's a good thing and that currency must be made by yourself or your children happy for. And now the plight of children caught difficulties which they themselves take it for the money to the temple, the temple worship happened to make the children suffer. He has to practice, have not explicitly recite the Buddha who tormented.
In Buddhism we have teachings "minimum educational basics" - and few want to know enough. When you know enough, it's all enough. But we do not know whether there is enough on that pile of gold is not enough. Hence, the legal "minimum educational basics" This, help us not make their pain, suffering people. We've known for Buddha, the Buddha mind, they must imitate the behavior of the Buddha. You see Buddha-Ni-Ca Mau, to give up all the happy position of wealth, beautiful wives the wisdom to live a simple life - most clinics bowl, begging for food, sleeping under a tree . But his career until now still forever. But we require more than passion, only their size, their size. The minimum education nembutsu to know from the basics to do their suffering, suffering people. It's Friday prayers.
Saturday Prayer
" Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
Kept constant over the boy's . "
When you take refuge, became a Buddhist to keep the five precepts. Thanks to the new world will help you become a virtuous and noble personality. Because gender is a barrier to protect the safety of our lives to be happy, happy. About the same as a railing of the stairs, it's become like a bridge, or the levees of the field. You just look up a house floor, if there is no handrail will not guarantee the life of the people above that could be thrown, dropped down the stairs to lose. When we come to a bridge over the river, if there is no bridge to our shores very afraid, very easily fall into the river. The plot, if there were no levees will flood into the country, damaging crops. So what's the barrier of our life is happy, happy.
Some said that without refuge, not even liberal precepts, the precepts of refuge and then bound. In our opinion this statement is true, that is not true. It is true that without the refuge precepts they spoiled freedom to kill, free drink, free misconduct etc. .. Freedom like this will have on the body losing streak broken, was in jail. Also not true is because they have a habit of killing, alcohol drinking habits ... so now the precepts not to kill, do not drink them feel uncomfortable, feeling bound. As for people not to kill, do not drink, the precept not to kill, do not drink where nothing is unbearable, it's nothing is binding. They are still there but free!
A person's life that does not hold, he will let go of lung, bohemian, not the evil that they dare not do. A family with no hierarchy, discipline, holidays mean families will lose happiness. A society without law, there will be social disorder. Buddhists, the refuge vow to hold five world: no killing, no stealing, no adultery, no lying, no alcohol. In this year's world is fundamental for our complete personality. Holder's full year will not fear prison, do not fear harm people. Because the pure precepts are not suffering one, not harm anyone. We are not killing is not murder anyone, and no theft is not taken by anyone; no misconduct is not otherwise violate the chastity of; not lie is not deceiving; not drunk is not making the other afflictions to fear. So when their precepts are not doing a clean format and not make others nervous. When the whole world is keeping his people and vice versa are not afraid of people who are not afraid. Because someone comes to us, they know we keep the world clean'm sure they will not fear. Living with a person that keeps our world clean very comfortable. When you close steal a professional, you are worried - worried they watch their pocket. Or your neighbor who harm or kill animals - watch them kill crazy rampage and his time is also scared! Or my neighbor who take sexual identity also eager fear, afraid of this day would violate their bodies. Therefore, the precept, who approached and without fear.
When we hold the world in clean show out of his majesty - General dignified body - in the book would say "general good clarity." Buddha's by keeping a clean, pure three-business, so he found a very good general clarity, one can see also affection. The reason we are not bodies of the solemn and general clarity is not perfect by three industry not pure. Those who achieve three pure business then they are very dignified family minister, who looked and felt love, peace and feel like everyone likes to close. Because these people radiate peace, fresh and clean. When we carefully keep the precepts, the three industrial air purification and people are respectful, are to close. Because a person with bad ideas, transgression - transgression that is evil, it is thought dark thoughts, it is with thoughts of the devil - the devil, the dark thoughts. Those who transgress those with dark thoughts, so the person with the devil so close - because of the ideas together. For example in the world to find good people who play good, play bad people find bad people, or how deep vegetables, where does this area. Something new together to be together. Those who keep the world clean their thoughts are thoughts morning, thought in accordance with the saint. So those are three industrial pure Devas Dharma protectors are generally supported. You see the true practitioners order, a curfew kept secret, three clear they do business and achievement, but because of moral support Devas Dharma protectors. Those who are evil mind, Devas Dharma protectors do not come close, only to close only the devil. So the sentence:
" Keep the world clean as snow,
Maintenance pleased to be consecrated near ".
I hold the world how to be clean as well as ice, snow and not have any little spotless. Maintenance pleased to be consecrated close, is when our hearts are pure Hien St., near new household gods are.
Therefore, students of Buddhism, who often have to recite the Buddha's precepts left over. Tri boys here that is vegetarian. The Buddhist concept needs to be vegetarian to foster compassion, not cause more crime to kill living beings foster their lives. We eat to live, not live to eat. Furthermore the body is assumed temporarily, when death is just a rotten corpse has no value at all.
The study Buddhism because the body should not assume that this temporary harm of killing animals to satisfy their appetite, lose compassion and cause hatred to a network of green cycle direction. So, over the years about boys keep clean is fully complete our personality, is also about fundamental step on the path to liberation. It's Saturday prayer.
Eighth Prayer
" Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
Always patient tolerance . "
The word "patient" is suffering. "Tolerance" is forgiven. Endure, there are those who endure to forgive, but there are those who suffer revenge. The practice of Buddhist must endure to forgive, do not suffer retaliation. For example, a person cursing, fighting with us, we're stuck in this world, because people are too crowded, people verbally his own encroaching assault alone will take patience, but the addition of portable knife to slice cutting it. This means that you have patience to endure, but endure and then have the opportunity to take revenge. As students of Buddhism we suffer, but suffering in forgiveness. When someone taunted, hurt her, I took mercy on their compassion. First you must treat all beings are relatives of the parents, brother. Monday is that we must love them. How do they trade? Trade ignorance of cause and effect. Because the law of causality, leading him harm, he took retribution, evil people are evil, sow the wind shall reap the storm. Now people are hurt her, taunted her, cursing her, I re-injured people, injured people are bad people to sow and to reap bad results. Like parents injured children deserve a chance, we must have love like that. We suffered for that forgiveness, not suffer retaliation.
In the economic spectrum license, the Buddha also said the sentence: "The label marketing beings", ie using eyes love to see them born.
We must have a mind of it.
" For the grace vengeance, resentment was shattered;
Take vengeance resentment, resentment resentment pile . "
This is a verse in the Dhammapada, very valuable. When someone treats us badly, we always take our word forgive them, naturally one day all the hatred will dissipate. If we cause their enemies, the enemies of themselves, so try try again, as resentment resentment pile, not only this life but the life continues for another. Let us imitate frankincense trees, people hammer it firmly, it to emit a fragrance for the hammer. As a Buddhist, when the vow was for Buddha, often for Buddha, must have patience, endurance trials, the insults of others and to know their spread kindness to forgive, pray for those person aware of wrongdoing, so they do not continue to cause further distress to others and is not cause for their suffering. Because the " sucking the blood spurts, her dirty mouth before ", or" spray of saliva into the sky, the sun, but not to back down on his face . " Thus the eighth prayer, reminding us to have the spirit to endure and forgive. It is the prayer of the eighth.
Ninth Prayer
" Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
Financial identity is not responsible . "
This identity in the five desires: money, beauty, fame, eat well, sleep well, this year to make people responsible, leading to pain and suffering deterioration. Lust is a very strong desire first of all beings on this earth. For us humans, when you grow up a little knowledge, had started thinking about lust and seek to satisfy their audience. Until death we still do not mind letting go of lust. There are those who know better to stop, but there are people who do not know themselves as disabled to stop beating. The wrecked identity will harm the health and longevity. The passion of lust that will lose power, or otherwise lost energy, which is human life. The craving for sensual excess energy is lost and will lead to disease, premature death. For example, a plastic tree will languish lives lost and died. For Buddhism, craving lust is the cause of people came to the suffering of samsara forever. In the past, the said office, the king or the identity immerse people, often suffering from mental "venereal." The time now if the passion of lust, the risk of HIV / AIDS. One thing ill so far no drug treatment.
Nowadays, science has helped people with the means to avoid infection through lust. It's a very good thing. But in our opinion, this is a means to enable them to easily fall into. In the past, a girl growing up without preserving virginity, sex before marriage could result in a pregnancy. That is a very heavy penalty, to hurt the dignity and honor of himself and family, so people are scared and looking for ways to keep yourself, do not dare relations indiscriminately. Today, thanks to the media to help people avoid pregnancy, they do not need to keep more virgin anymore, just spoiled satisfy lust. Thus, we see in Western countries, there are students enrolled in the inn, new age 14-15, men and women have had problems related to each other sensual pleasures. Thanks to their contraceptive devices should satisfy themselves without fear of lust. Therefore, people are let loose lung. For men by means of protection against HIV / AIDS so they have a mistress spoiled, spoiled beer hug going. If the scientific manufacture of contraceptive devices and means of protection against HIV / AIDS, combined with school education people are aware of excessive lust lose dignity and moral damage, targets demand on health to disease, premature death. Combination of education and science will help people realize craving lust is harmful, because it will avoid the indiscriminate release lung relations. As we found that this needs to be concerned about education for young people to understand. Without education we are not aware and can easily lead to identity immerse fall into place.
Dhammapada, the Buddha has said:
" Who are craving for hard goods for goods, the brutal sorrow will fall like drops of water lotus . "
If every person who is craving for, just as water droplets on a lotus leaf, the suffering will not have sex with numerous people.
Or questions:
" Victory is ten thousand angels minister is not a resounding; win their hearts the true most resounding . "
So keep in mind the Buddhist nembutsu and see the effects of lust, not undertaken in lust.
Monday is "money".
" The money I make,
To discuss the past;
I must master it,
Chia angles with the hard times . "
The currency is created by man, to do things in life exchange, it is not fake it, we die we can not take it, but if we do not know it all, to its own will path leading to pain and guilt. Because the money that you dare to kill the father. Just because the money that family discord with each other brothers, killing each other, sue each other. Just because the money that people have committed suicide. There are unfortunately people lose money than to commit suicide. Also because the money that the title of your message list. This you can see through the Nam Cam case. In this case, some state officials, who have a lot to the revolution, for the country. But also because the money they lose the moral quality, hand in a vicious circle, the result must be imprisoned, middle name listed. We have seen clearly. Because the money that these young people to rob, murder. Just because the money that the girls have to bring yourself to sell. Thus, money and beauty are the two things they want, it leads us to suffering, rotten. So that people know the disastrous Buddhist concept of lust, money, not passion. That is the meaning of prayer ninth.
Tenth Prayer
" Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
Unless contrary to unjust suffering . "
Negativity is what makes us angry, annoyed. These include greed, hatred and delusion, chronic, facilities, friendly reviews, record reviews, wrong views, opinions player, etc. .. the precepts Do they cause distress to create business. Because creating a new business so many lives many lives unfairly left. For example, we take food for the murder of countless beings. When we kill a being that has the hatred, injustice left. I of course have to kill another blood debt. Blood debts must be paid in blood. I killed them and then, one day they kill again. Round this injustice left many lives many lives connected together. Today we vow to Buddha, Buddhist concepts frequently to dissipate negativity and injustice of his being left open. I have such nembutsu new facility and create your new business does not cause evil, that is not made more of evil, so that gradually the injustice will be left open.
We are far from countless lifetimes, causing injustice as opposed to how they are born. You just think twice. A life we ​​killing so many sentient beings, countless beings against their injustice. And in countless lifetimes we killed many living beings anymore, so this left unfairly left to pile up the other unfairly. If we did not Buddha, not the unjust mind is not left open. When we recite the Buddha, a disturbing side to the minus end, on the other by Buddhist concept that the injustice that left her practice, they are praying for transcendence, they would no longer happy and hatred anymore. Therefore, the Buddha, Buddhist concepts frequently to calm the mind, but definitely suffering, injustice is left open. It is the prayer of the tenth.
Prayer eleventh
" Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
Over the want of compassion . "
The Buddhist concept not only trade but also to business people. I recite the Buddha, his first commercial. Since his injury, so the new Buddha, to be freed quickly. Business people want to save them is also freed. In other words, we the people have close relationships with each other within samsara. They are her children, relatives of parents with us. Already familiar with the parents of our brothers, their suffering, then we are not rotten still. Thus we must have compassion, they want to be enlightened, be happy, be free. And this mercy, when we go out, enjoy nature everyone is called dictionary or refrigeration.
In the past, at Buddha-Ni-Ca Mau in the forest for cultivation. The times that, you know that animals such as tigers, lions, wolves eat people ... things a lot. But why does he stay in the forest without the species that eat meat? Is because he has a very strong mind. This health center from impressed, touched but not the aggressive animals.
Recently, the Chinese side, there Venerable Quang Kham. In the biographical note, he on a mountain prison. At the mountain he found a cave in which sat immediately in practice. No surprise that hang from them. When he was half a day in jail or a tiger on something that appears natural. He was sitting meditating Buddhist concept suddenly smelled fishy odor, immediately opened my eyes to see the tiger in front. He is calm and said "A-Di-Da Buddha". Tiger hear him speak naturally alarmed ran out. It's a panic run on time and back. Make it thinks it's place in its place, why did this professor grab it back and probably with the intention of eating him. When it turned back on, he then said: "You shall rejoice in this place to us borrowing practice, when the enlightened will of the people". He had finished speaking, it nodded away. The next day it back, go back and forth for some time led the tiger to tiger wife playing with his play. We see the true practitioners can order from our vast natural feel of the ferocious animal, do not eat them.
In Vietnam we have, we have heard before on Ta Cu Mountain, with the German organization called Friends. In nine years it seems some four or five little something. He to Ta Cu Mountain, where we now worship traveling tour. We also have on it once, about 1981. Above that is a huge statue of the Reclining Buddha. We know that at the age of the German Friends of practice, and the tiger, and he touched and it will not eat him. You see the true level practitioners, with a large heart from the very natural feelings of animals.
Now, you live in your area, if known widely spread kindness, loving people, helping people, people close we are confident that you will get people to love. Those with large heart from loving all animals, animals also love them. So, the idea to try to expand Buddhist compassion. Because of this compassion that people with no separating us, always close and love one another. Love it like the sun to warm in the cold like the winter type. That is the meaning of the eleventh prayer.
Twelfth Prayer
" Dear Lord Buddha Di-Da,
This child would vow,
He often recite,
Not fade even rebirth . "
Our final question is gout "aspiration to rebirth." The word "rebirth" that is born to. So students go? Born to the world of Buddha Bliss A-Di-Da. We often say that "national rebirth Us". Why do we have on it? The Dharma practice we must first clearly see the suffering of samsara and samsara is the big deal. From beginningless lives far away we roll in the cycle of reincarnation, life hell, life as hungry ghost, animal, living life to the realm A-tu-la, human beings, heaven, turn around in 6 scenes this world. That 6 of this realm, all five planes of suffering, but suffering realm but enjoy the sun but not all blessed still return the other five planes, so the suffering is. Want to get rid of quadruplets in this realm to the world of Buddha Bliss A-Di-Da. So Buddha-A-Di-Da does not have the hard stuff. Born on that will not quit moving the Bodhi mind and by the good grace to practice to achieve direct results. It's the first reason that we need rebirth of the world Sukhavati.
The second reason is to achieve early results Bodhi directed that rebirth in the Pure World. The purpose of the study Buddhism is to become a Buddha. That want to become a Buddha to rid greed, hatred and delusion, craving, etc. ... clean off all the negativity. However, a life we do not easily rid of all afflictions, achieve direct results. If you do not achieve results Buddha in this life, we must continue to reincarnation, or returning to the practice followed, or born to enjoy the blessings heaven. Do cultivate blessings of this life, next life will be rich man, when craving rich will enjoy forget the practitioners, and then create negative karma, life certainly Tuesday we will be rotten. Therefore, to ensure the practice is not degraded to move, we have determined to rebirth in the Pure World. In the first prayer of the Buddha 11 A-Di-Da has said: "If I were into that heaven of Buddha in the land of my head on the right to build, until the fruit of Nirvana, I do not take into Buddhism " . That's why Monday.
The third reason for commercial marine beings immersed in suffering that mortal desire rebirth in the Pure World. Stay at the world, in a family, mother father and children do not worry, create wealth to care for his children to school, child care careers. The practice also thinking beings immersed in a sea of suffering, they must try tu lo, early success lead to results in saving sentient beings. We Bliss world not to enjoy that because I want to quickly achieve results leading to her return we save sentient beings. For example, a student living in a poor country, went abroad to study early desire to return home financing to help people help the country to be rich, be prosperous happiness. Therefore, people must make nembutsu even rebirth. " No matter who says reclining tilt said, my heart just as steady as a tripod . " When we had driven the practice of learning by heart and recite the Buddha to a life of labor determined a rebirth of the world Sukhavati. About Bliss to do? To become a Buddha, to escape the direct reincarnation of contents, in order to save sentient beings. That is the meaning of twelve vows.
During this nembutsu 12 prayer, you are probably wondering why we did not talk to the legal effort . Which is a legal effort is needed to achieve direct results. Actually if you read it in this verse, contain within the legal effort. We set out to see you. Question: " I now ask the vow, he often recite . " We often concept, that is diligent. Elements of this effort is essential. No effort, we would not be direct results achieved. So that in this we repeated the phrase: " I now ask the vow, he often recite . " Often recite the Buddha's time we also diligent, well aware, and mindful living. Through mindfulness, mindful that we can master the body and mind, mastering your life, clear headed on the path to enlightenment liberation.
Summary: We designed this 12 nembutsu prayer to help you realize your direction practicing Buddhist concept of dharma. If you regularly read and followed the prayers that we will have peace and happiness, not only for themselves and for all. The future will certainly attain birth in the world of Buddha Bliss A-Di-Da. That is the meaning of 12 nembutsu prayer that we just presented to you.
Nam Bon tissue Thich Ca Mau-Ni-Buddha!

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