Tuesday 3 June 2014

Why call "selfless insight".

It is no coincidence that after enlightenment, Bhagavan did not rush sermon, karma by being heavy, and it's hard to grasp the wisdom of dependent origination - selflessness. And so on, not to anyone, he also deployed on this

One time, stay in Baranasi Exalted, in Isipitana, Deer Park site. Then go to Vacchagotta wanderer, after obeisance, the Exalted said:
Dear Venerable Gotama, there is no self?
Exalted silence. After asking a second time, the Blessed One is silent, Vacchagota monk stood up and left.
Then the Venerable Ananda, after the artist's departure, asked Bhagavan why not answer the question of Vacchagotta wanderer.
Ananda, if I answer, "the self" of the mortgage so often is. And if I answer "no ego" of the mortgage segment such comments.
Again, Ananda, if I answer, "the self", so, my answer is appropriate for intellectual "All things are not-self"? And if I answer "no self", thus making it more Vacchagotta wanderer bewildered, confused over again: "Before we had the ego, the ego is no more."


Sorry you: 
It is no coincidence that after enlightenment, Bhagavan did not rush sermon, karma by being heavy, and it's hard to grasp the wisdom of dependent origination - selflessness. And so on, not to anyone, he also deployed on this, except for the auspicious enough, can perceive. So, he has remained silent monk Vacchagotta questions and many others also contemporary.
Self, soul or ego immortal dogma is rooted in the essence of those who believe in divine creation. In a vicious cycle of thinking, only two basic categories are yes and no, it's tricky to say No - selfless for the ego problem.
If you said yes immediately falls often left to accept, say no self acceptance period immediately fall into, which often accept segments are also wrong. On the other hand, said there down the left to see how the Buddha's selflessness, saying they do not have the ego to the listener confusion, loss of place attachment; silence is best.
The teacher lives after the body reveal the misconceptions that many people are crazy for meditation, it is essentially pagan Buddhist learning, by conspicuously silent as the Buddha or "chatter" or hit a stick is the same together. Selflessness is wisdom, truth is realized, not understanding, awareness. So, if the deployment of modern theory of selflessness to as "fake, origination, no entity ...." It is only "finger pointing to the moon."
Thus the Buddha was silent sermon, sermon or great wealth this same language in this case. Can not, not right, so what is the self? Just thinking about it to go, is something each person feel self-taken, will burst out maybe something can not go beyond thinking of the self.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.4/6/2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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