Wednesday 25 June 2014

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Four Ty Quan Yin (, Sanskrit: Caturbhūja-avalokiteśvara), is Venerated Democratic Bi Quan Yin Organ's Suite, delegates said Greater Bi, Tri, great force, is France's Mon tu as Excess Bile. In this respect, the Major Character Record (Ṣaḍ-akṣarī-mahā-vidya) along with Van Enemies Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva Player Dharani together called "theTam Clan Calculated Venerated". He is the master of the Household status and the mountains of snow, is A Ton of Organs and Organ.
In traditional Tibetan Buddhism, Religion is the Religious Home of the continental Order Major Notes "Oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ-" is the Mantra that benefits to Merit the huge infinity for should be widely disseminated in the region of Han Chinese to Tibet.
Direction Suite giáoTây Organs are that: OṂ MAṆI PADME HŪṂ "is the essence of the Wisdom Buddha lettered, is the essence of Buddha-realms 05 and the masters. Mantra of inscriptions Sonic 06 American Express is the source of all the good American, the root causes of all things useful, fulfilling completely the way straight off the pass the Earth, accomplishing the rescue Made World ".
Let the projected was more clear direction, Tibet has illustrated the continental Order Major Notes as follows:
OṂ (ཨོཾ) white, the maximum demonstrated Cross Germany of the Bodhisattva is broadcast from the force vacation himself in. OṂ is the General subject of meditation, constant fullness eradicate arrogance, especially the nature of the Sun, because that source arising negativity sa fallen (falling to the lower realms). OṂ goal except corporate arrogance and negativity. OṂ with powerful features and a general picture of the King of heaven stands for Love (Indra), the gods of Heaven. OṂ represents Equal Calculated Position (Samatā-jñāna) guided them beyond the South into the world They Said Buddha's Solemn Maternity(Ratna-saṃbhava).
MA (མ) green, typical for the stadium sound, resulting from Mental capacity by indefinite Compassionate mind of A Bodhisattva, before all sentient beings. MA is calculated to Humiliate their three-Ring La Suite, have a goal than he hated jealousy in particular is the A Tu La (Asura). MA assimilated with the General and his use of Dung Buddy (Vīra-bhadra or Vemacitra), Saints in A Tu La. MA represents the light of The Operative Department of Recreation (Kṛtya muṣṭhāna jñāna) guided them beyond the North into the world of Pure Magic Happy Buddha's Achievement of real non-Achievement (Amogha-siddhi).
ṆI (ནི) in yellow, the maximum expression to include Intelligence, export, Italy, Germany and the swapping ṆI. overcoming the world brain gauge reincarnation. ṆI expression for Mental capacity through vast Vacation embraces all, depending on the fate of a German Dhāranī Avalokiteśvara. ṆI is calculated to be of the Maintained Three La Suite, or eradicate the delusion, is brought to the sick and old students died. Copper and General ṆI Hanh's Germany Sakyamuni (Śākya-siṃha: Like Lions) incarnation of the Saints in the human species. NI represents the light of wisdom through God's marvelous, led them into the world of Buddha's Purity Result Friday as He Accepted Diamond (Vajra-dhāra: Maintenance of diamonds).
PAD (པད), Blue Cruise for herself (HIMSELF), expressing the God through endless equality vacation Germany Dhāranī Avalokiteśvara. PAD is calculated to be of essential Progresses Three La Suite has power eradicate the ignorance is the cause leading to the suffering of the animal. PAD the Council with the General and his happy Lion Dung Meng (Siṃha-Ugra or Dhruva-siṃha), Saint of the beast. PAD is a French light about Able Computer (Dharma-dhātu-parakṛti-jñāna) found 06 guide them into the central World Suite Severely of the Buddha Bhikkhu Plots Of Na (Vairocana).
ME (མེ) in red, maximum of languages (each) expression for Mental capacity through endless peace of Germany Dhāranī Avalokiteśvara proclaimed to all sentient beings. ME is the calculation of the Alms Three La Suite has cleaning except greed, took part in the exercise, screw the source generated the suffering of starving brain hungry daemons. ME with assimilation and the luck of Spending An Authorized Singer (Diem password: Jvala-mukha) saints of the hungry daemons. ME is there's light Magic A Suicide Location (Pratyave-kṣana-jñāna) guided them beyond the West goes to the Extreme world of the Buddha Amitabha(Amitābha).
HŪṂ (ཧཱུྃ) black, sounds manifest, manifest through God's capacity for vacation of the mind From eternity to which Germany Avalokiteśvara has already looked at all of them born as an only child. HŪṂ is its Intellectual might of Three La Suite, have a goal than anger and hatred causes polar bear alert results sent to your brain gauge in the realms of hell. With fellow HŪṂ General and the German's Match La France United Kingdom (Yama-dharma-rājā or Dharma-rāja), the Saint Savior beings in realms of hell. The light of HŪṂ Dayuan Glass Decoration (Adarśa-jñāna) guided them beyond the East goes into Marvelous World of Buddha ' (Akṣobhya).
In addition, the Tibetan monks also said that the literal 06 has a lot of sense for dark secrets, no one can know everything. However, due to this common spells has a extremely Magic House multiple interpretations should be interpreted according to its own understanding. Compounded for Tibetan giáoTây Buddhism, Self Record chart Major Notes have become typical spells for the Center and the grace sũng of all schools of Buddhist bodhisattva, as the German sũng Quan Yin Bodhisattva in order to rescue the King from all miseries ' yoke, while the Tibetan people are very confident that the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is one of Buddha free Bi, is the guardian deity of the nation (Chenresi-God of Mount Snow).
Today, everywhere in Tibet: in the chorus of prayer, on the rocks in the high peaks, on the stone, on the flags, on the plants of gas Zhuan Falun, on the lips of the people ... are able to perceive the existence of intelligent Comment.
The statue of the four Bad Sound Bar has a face of four arms, stem white as the Moon, first team Five Jessica Buddha, black hair into a bun, two main arms between accept back to in front of the chest, lifted the stone treasure Ma Ni; the right hand holding the Glass Rosaries, hand on the left handle Lotus eight wings, by ear. The appearance of static President smiled, taking the eye of Wisdom Bodhisattva silence looking beings. That means that people would be A projection, the end all or be freed.
Body wear clothes made of silk iridescence, precious coloured silk tie waist, Garland has a dignified body, two legs sit on Old urban planner in the asteroid moon on Lotus.
Chenrezig-Avalokitesvara 1
The meaning of this Surname are:
-A beautiful body: denotes the Buddha-body Message.
-A head: denotes the STAMENS of A computer.
-Four hands: signify the immeasurable heart 04: From, Bi, Hy, discharge.
-Two legs folded with in Diamond posture is located: signify the computer for LIKE mortal and Nirvana.
-Sitting on the Lotus of thousands of wings: signify the Center Ball.
-The asteroid Moon contain Religious Symbols: indicates to the COMPUTER (Śūnyatā).
-Two hand pieced together at heart and jewel: signify the Bodhi mind, as you jewels Board for Supreme achievements and common sense.
-The two remaining hands: his right hand holding a Crystal Necklace signify compassion does not stop his break as a line stretches not end through the heart of each one of them. The left hand holding a white lotus flowers signify purity of unchanging Wisdom, borne entirely on muddy death.
-Jewel: the great Intelligence signify the tribe as the media.
-Lotus: signify wisdom Doesn't like the food poisoning.
Or have the dogma says:
The statue of the four Bad Sound Bar has a face has four arms, stem white as the Moon, first team Five Jessica Buddha, black hair into a bun, two main arms between accept back to in front of the chest, lifted the stone treasure Ma Ni; The right hand holding the Glass Rosaries, hand on the left handle Lotus eight wings, by ear. The appearance of static President smiled, taking the eye of Wisdom Bodhisattva silence looking beings. That means that people would be A projection, the end all or be freed. Leather coats Retirement on the left chest covering the shoulder, torso wearing Angel Y iridescence, the bottom wearing a red silk pants, Siamese, precious coloured silk tie waist, Garland has a dignified body, ornaments, such as earrings, bracelets, wrist torus ring worn on the arm, leg ties are made of the Jade jewel You Lost the first chain Ring wears. the neckthe second chain rings, chest-length, third-string lap up to the navel. The legs sit Old urban planner in the asteroid moon on Lotus.
-Head: indicates that Reached France, a French General
-Four arms: indicates the four Infinite Minds of upper
-White Fuselage denoting Themselves As Pure doesn't mess, entangled by two obstacles such as: Department of Tri obstacle course and Negativity obstacle course
-First team crowns, Buddha indicated for Active Recreation
-Black hair indicates for the Infected
-Y bands denote the Buddhas in five directions
-Pink silk Pants signify the Strains of Lotus, Magic A Suicide Location
-From earing back down of six types of pages strictly denote for six degrees.
-I first Lost necklace worn in the neck represents the Real Future As Germans do Meditation achievement which was
-A second string to his chest denoting Debao Born As Hybrids do Alms accomplishments that are
-The third string to signify the German navel Real Achievement Not As a hybrid by the achievement of essential Progresses which are
-Whole body has a stately wreath signify to Van Hanh
-Two legs sit on Old urban planner indicates no mortal stood
-Press indicates no column in Nirvana
-Two middle fingers to rest--in front of the chest, the deputies for intelligence and the same means of transport integration
Right hand-own necklace made of glass, the quorum for each instant salvation jewel a sentient depart reincarnation
The left hand holding a private shower, delegate for the Pure negativity.
Self Record Major Mantra
Oṃ Maṇi padme hūṃ--
Automatic Rotating uncle of Major Organ in Suite:
Mr Green's London Major Self according to inscriptions Lantsa:
The Continental League Itself Notes
Six digit Record Major Character to be written into a text, to help Map Them to worship or carry themselves, in order to avoid disaster, Phuoc Said.
In addition, people also worship the Religion of the four Sound Consistent with Free Green Line Major
Stately Buddha Mahayana Doctrine And United Kingdom Business, vol. 4 noted the building side of the Noa (Maṇḍala: Junior School) to practice Self Record Major are:
"Consistent with the bodhisattva himself in white That Respect that:" People can't see the side Noa La (Maṇḍala: Junior School) is not possible. How to know the Indian Lotus (Padmāṅkamudra)? How do you know that Hold Ma Ni Indo (Maṇidhāra-mudra)? Do know thatNecessarily United Kingdom Press (Sarva-rājendrā-mudra)? How do you know If a beam of Pure Noa La (Maṇḍala-pariśuddhiṃ)?
Now the General of this perimeter Beam La Noa: four square, both bridges long around the elbow, the middle (Center), an established Man of La Noa Germany Amitayus Buddha (Amitāyus-buddha). User security chalk, should use treasure Entertainment Complaint La La Felt (Indra-nīla-cūrṇaṃ), treasure Bowls portrayals of Ma La Russia (Padma-rāga-cūrṇaṃ), powdered jewel Ma La Multiple Listing (Marakata-cūrṇaṃ), powdered jewel Pha To Ca (Sphāṭika-cūrṇaṃ), rich powder Bowl phộc La Noa Hole Evangelist (Suvarṇa-rūpya-cūrṇaṃ)
The right of Germany to Amitayus As Lai, to Maintain the vast Ma Ni To Bodhisattva (Mahā-maṇi-dhāra-bodhisattva)
To the left of the Buddha to Germany Lu Ming Dynasty Characters (Ṣaḍ-akṣarī-mahā-vidya) has four arms, the color white as the color of the Moon in the fall for all kinds of treasure. Left hand hold lotus flowers, Lotus on to treasure Ma Ni. Right hand holding rosaries, two hands below the United States Necessarily Impressed.
Under the feet of the continental Order Major to Heaven with everything dignified; the right hand holding the left Palm, flavors heaters carry a bowl full of the stuff in it.
In the four corners of the side four pitching big Dollar Noa, Thy gases traps.
In the four corners outside side of the Noa to four Hi n Pitcher (Pūrṇa-kumbhā) filled with all kinds of treasures Ma Ni (Maṇi-ratna)
If someone's brother, someone female friendly wishes to the side of the Dollar attractive full-heartedly Noa in the way according to the side of the Noa that only Dollar to their name. People on the first throw their name in the port into the loveliest thing of Noa in the Dollar's status were attractive. In him to be absent from the brain gauge, now shown to be A multi-Nậu L Miểu T Bodhi (Anuttarā-samyaksaṃbuddhi: Loads of Upper Level Primary Key) "
That means that people keep reciting the title of Four Sound Consistent Line with litigation hold Regular Major Character You can not only spend minus the fear of disease, suffering, punishment, sudden death is not the right time, but also resulted in increased longevity, the money of the wealthy personell. That is made after the General network go to gates in the 3 evil corners are sealed, that are born on the corners. Back to study Dharma, Endless achievements of upper German, the benefits are extensive.

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