Saturday 28 June 2014

Advice for meditators imminent death.

by Dodrupchen Jikmé Tenpé Nyima

You need to be prepared for the moment of dying. There are many things need to be aware of this,
but I'm just talking about some more here. In sum, the things being said here is essential to you to use at the time of dying.
Remind it repeatedly: "death has to come sooner or later, in the end, how then can not escape having to leave this body and this property. It is a general rule for the whole world ". When you think so please try to completely evacuate all the accept and cling to it. Go repent all the bad karma that you have created in this world and generations ahead, as well as knowingly or unknowingly do not hold true the words becomes the vow that you promised, again have to beg so many times that will never happen on the mistakes like that again.

Don't stalk tangerines and scared to death. Try to take the spirit and play a fun like, think of the good and wholesome solution that you created in the past. Don't feel a pride or complacency would, be glad so many times for this victory. The friendly helpfulness career as well as playing the words becomes the lofty vows so fervently and repeatedly, to the life after you have lofty moral penetration predestined according to the Mahayana path, under the guidance of the Friendly Owners knowledge, and have enough qualities like faith, effort, wisdom and enlightened province-in other words, the enemy WINS for, inside as well as outside. Also pray to never encounter Evil Possession of knowledge and have the life experience of real charity.

In the Vinaya also records as the basis for the chance to be reborn enemy WINS, as there is a life of Holiness at the Buddha left at that, is the invocation and prayer at the dying. So there should be directions is what most familiar and closest will have the highest impact. <1>

Words of your prayer needs should increase motivation by the appealing drastically as: "in all my life, I will do what it can to practice Dharma Does with a Compassionate mind it. the most!" to get to know the value of this; through the comparison to see which one works better, when you said "I will get up early in the morning!" or "I wish I was up early".

To be able to easily accomplishing the prayer or the computer, the basic useful thing is the refuge into the embodiment of a divine power. So remember to think of a situation where you have to be really sure belief, or to any that you feel most strongly associated in the practice itself; Maybe it was the high Master of Oddiyana, Lotus Birth, or Germany Avalokiteśvara, the protection of the Earth, with the news of the situation that is the embodiment of resources for you to cry, to have such a crush on an emergency crane for the voluntary achievement motivation.

At the moment of dying is very hard to focused thought is to meditate one about something new or not mature, so you need to choose a French convent before and practiced it until maturity. Then, in the process of dying, you need to specialize in French on the tu as focused as possible, as the mind thinking of the Buddha, or the mind of compassion, or the opinion of Emptiness, or remember to think about France or about the Increase. To succeed in doing this, you also need to practice before thought: "From now on, when I go through the threshold of death, I will not allow any notion of real charity would start up at all!".

The previous saints have taught this: "a day in the life with enough goodwill to France than to do so many things blessed friendly mind fuzzy and dark charm." According to this teaching, before you start a job start by a player who pray and wedding Festival, it will benefit a lot.

Though for someone like me, will be hard to do good for others, but I will also praise the shelf post refuge and pray for you in the next life will be Mahayana dharma.
Written by people who are named as Infinity Lt (Jikme)

<1> in other words, the thought that we have at the time of dying and the familiar ideas while remaining healthy will influence to the reborn of the us.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.29/6/2014.

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