Thursday 26 June 2014

The word karma in the Buddha says, what it means is very far-reaching. Here, we just please answer a brief sort of way. Karma Sanskrit origination is Karma, China room is. It means that an action is repeated several times into the habit, should call it karma.
As the smoking industry, tourism, gambling industry of tea drunk etc. As the drug addicted drugs, new at first-or a two-dose, no stars, but when doing multiple times then into the habit of addiction.
When did the drinker and the absence of it is not. Now it has a great power. It's the wrong control use we have to follow the order to enjoin it.
By so saying "original routine was just a stranger to cross the street, later became close friends and eventually made Mister picky." Once he became the boss we're demanding irresistible what boss dictate. It's an extremely damaging consequences.
Also, the word career is also used in other industries. As someone shared a teaching together, then they call the time co-workers. Any profession that doing the same together, are known as peers. Industry has many types. If talking in General, there are two main types, namely: fresh business and career. It emits and form career include: body, breath, mind. in 3 of these, the most important Italian industrial production., are the thoughts, so measuring the distinction of the only University, calls it "the Willow landscape distinct". It is actively creating career. When it healed, then it would think promoting a mouth speak out blessings and the body do heal. In contrast, when it thinks it's evil, evil tempts a mouth talking bad things aggressive evil and brutal acts of cruelty. The three main industry being the form of heaven or hell in humanity.
All the agony of human pleasure, from individuals to corporations, says wider is both human social pants, because it created both. So, in the Buddha's attention to this important industry 3. The austerities of the Buddhist, Buddha does not need tu no further, just 3 places in industrial conversion overhaul. Convert 3 evil karma into three career. As before, we're evil or bad thinking and bad deeds speak evil, such as mouth verbal, yelled at nhiếc, environmentally harmful actions, Rob, murder etc now know austerities, should we switch again decided not to create bad things that evil. That we may know and manual switch 3.
As before, because we're zany delusion into the way addiction, now we know are disastrous this drinker's deadly, it was decided that quitting quit addictions, which is we have moved the drinker drinker foremost industry. When done well, real life drinker fun happiness know how and I have a lot of freedom, is no longer getting sick is addicted It control wrong use. An individual know tu turn, then that individual benefit in the present and tomorrow.
The family would know tu turn bad karma into good karma, then that family is happy, warm, smooth harmony. And from there, spreading out society is orderly, peaceful, happy, useful, it is intended that the Buddhist towards.
In summary, the tu is moved. If the industry does not transfer the tu do. Turning is turning bad into good, turned evil into good, switch ties to the Chief Justice, turned bad into or ... etc.
The Department of correction did not say that transfer talk, by letter this page definition are broad, not deep in words. As the corrupt, damaged cars, people also use the Word edit. So, why say that overhauling the minor overhaul.
Therefore, should say move without saying this page. By unspoken transfer word comes up inside the inside rather than the outside ones said. Shift from the notion of bad to become good notion. Hence, the Buddha said that transfer did not say this page is.
I hope Dharma we should be conscious of the suffering in the present and tomorrow that tries frequently tu create 3 career. Just preserve and create in 3 places: body, breath, mind for good, then the lifetime guarantee I will end. That is the root of the austerities. By that, should My said: "Three bronze Buddha, constant karma as a guest At the". Current Western students is not suffering anymore.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/6/2014.

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