Wednesday 25 June 2014

Early life of Buddha left in it, one day the disciples Out of him, Mock Religious Symbolism the ECHO, go into Residence in qifu gangui. He suddenly remembered a poor friend of father, and wants to sow joy to him. False religion go to his house. When you see the fake Religious travel from afar, said he thinks silently "behold I Upatissa (false Religion's name at in life) my beloved old times to qifu gangui. Y don't know that we don't have anything to tell y. " Think so, he figures the stanzas are anything new donation to honor counterfeits. At least, he did earn a little porridge and a piece of the raiment of proceeding to read classics Brahmin. His plan for the belly will donation to honor counterfeits. Time to honor counterfeits are imported to a seen he wants you, he comes to, hug the bowl to his elders. False religion stands in front of the door as usual, wealthy girl out false Religious ceremony he invited into homes to donation. Fake religion only got half the bowl of porridge, and then cover the bowl. But he insist: "white false Religion, this is only a part. Please Respect all fake, for the approval of the full report. I would like to offer all for Him.
Told him to pour a full bowl of soup into the bowls of false Religion. False religion and symbolism Develop user porridge on the spot. When he finished, he left His clothes piece notes, sweet.
-False Religion, praying for you will get superior intellect like Mr.
-She LaMôn, you will be satisfied.
False religion, and after saying the word customized Hy merit, He stands up to continue traveling to States Members wihan.
Sage after the donation to honor counterfeits are excited, and increase your fan for Ton. Due to the AI of this glass, his birth falls on a laboratory Server family of false Religion and symbolism Develop. When she trusts pregnant ladies, she crashed out to desire more than ever is being daily porridge donation for them of false Religious Symbolism on stilts Bhikkhu Disqualified, including all 500. She aspires to be wearing gold-y to sit out on ports that wihan would eat the porridge of them Rising to inherited blessed position. Bereaved relatives and her husband helped her make her wishes, donation of daily porridge for them Bhikkhu on stilts. Someone said that the love of her yellow shirt foreshadowed his belly would be a Bhikkhu Buddha's disciple on stilts, and they get to do.
Thats right States procreate, a beautiful child was born, the family joyfully welcomed. They bathe baby using scented water, even for babies these extremely valuable clothes were available well in advance, and put the baby in a cradle of splendor as an Imperial Palace, up for a baby blanket plush Ocelot. And sometimes false Religious Symbolism and Echo them Bhikkhu stilts to the refuge for the baby. When the Sun come out, the baby is supine look into false Religious with a strange spirit eyes, an affectionate look like for the row in the progeny. She thought "this is the teacher's life before thanks to Him that we are on to you. We are donation You something ". When the mother holding the baby up to three life terms with false Religion, my fingers wrapped in rug GAM. The workers yell "Hey baby hands stuck in rug GAM" and run back to detach the baby Boo, cry as did not want to leave. The mother said: "To that don't make babies cry" and bring her to the Sun. If false Religion, the baby blanket to drop bottom covered on foot. Mother Angelica: the fake Religious interpreting, please get to the son of the donation, and let your life be tam attributed as his disciple.
False religion question:
-Name the baby?
-White Corrugated imitation is the child of his name at at that.
So, it will carry the area of Sa (Upatissa is the name of the false Religion).
When he was seven years old, the area of sa told the mother:
Dear MOM, I want to export their imitation in practice and symbolism Develop.
-Well, for me.
Then she offered a fake Religion back home white:
-White corrugated imitation, disciples would be with Him. This afternoon I will take medicine to the monastery.
After the fake was accepted, many mothers shopping gift donation and leads the boy to States Members wihan. False religion tells Sa Area:
-Area of Sa, the life of the Spice a mosaic. When you want to warm the people are experiencing cold, want to cool the hot-again. The Bhikkhu stilts to live life backward. Whether you have suffered?
-White Corrugated imitation, I will do all that You teach.
And false Religious teachings for the area of Sa French Consulate impure by the year the unclean dishes in 32 out of the hair, nails, teeth, skin. False religion again transmitted to the area of sa in the world and from that area of Sa began the life of a minor.
To celebrate the arrival of the child, the parents area of Sa increased their overall donation in States Members for a Vihara week with a delectable assortment of oatmeal. The Bhikkhu stilts have yet to show results of unceasing whispered to each other: "it's delicious! You see we always be like this ".
After the seven-day treat them Raises, parents area of Sa from pundits back home. The eighth day, the primary area of Sa started hugging the bowl away backup crew Bhikkhu on stilts because of false Religion and symbolism Develop leading to the Dormitories to qifu gangui.
The people in the city said: "hear today notes the minor area of Sa leaving qifu mumo carried out of the city. Let's arrange bounty donation ". Consequently, when the area of Sa, who knew his parents paying attention u.s. offers of food donation to pull over. Mr. minor received 500 bowls full of food and 500 costume brought back the temple. The next day, those who have not received offers of products stems back to the wihan. Mr. Xiao further 500 bowls, 500 y, then surges all 1000 y .1000 Bowl for them at the garden Level independent from Her stilts Bhikkhu. So I called the home area of Sa.
One day on the weather of the burning urination, while the area of Sa sweeping around the Vihara, the u.s. saw monks cluster, cluster, are heated Fireside Federation:
-White lettered Out Germany, why don't more Germans to Australian fire? (kids usually don't know what frosts).
-The minor shit, we have to reduce fever and all trussed up for warmth. The white lettered Out Germany, when Sun proofing agents, we're up blankets for warmth. The blanket will prevent the cold air to seep into the body. Minor note there are many blessed the new German preserve that blanket, how can we not rejoice over that blanket!
-White lettered Out Germany, then tomorrow, would need blankets, please go with me into the city.
And then I'm so notice monks for them Bhikkhu on stilts in the wihan. So, the next day there are 1000 the Bhikkhu stilts along take the minor notes.Before entering the House, I stopped at every house in the 500 and was blanket. When entering the Castle, everyone rushed to the donation according to the requirement of minor note. At one shop, the boss is sitting behind a towering blanket pile. A đêÙn leak disaster:
Hey, a minor is applying blanket that should hide everything away.
The boss says:
-If I want to, then I am for. I don't want to, not for. Hide do? But people do leave, he reflects, and tucked down two first-class blanket of blankets. Right at the area of Sa also has just arrived. See the notes state he fell wounded affection. Both the he crafted the beloved full. He thought: Consider the adorable yet Qi! Look face to a boy's Grand khỉnh like kia, though brought all the meat the skin, heart, my gut, I don't regret, said information to a few rug ". And immediately he withdrew just two most precious blanket placed under the foot area of The wealthy girl that Bach:
-The white Australian German, may be to instill moral light that He saw.
Renunciation will be satisfied.
I congratulate minor, and then say the word customized Hy merit. Day I got the right 1000 us blanket Bhikkhu on stilts. So, I called people for blankets. That's thanks to the new German birth area of Sa made meàn for false Religion and symbolism Develop.
In the wihan States Members, the primary area of Sa to welcome the boy you tubers to visit. Next we ask everything, make you not have time that take part in meditation to enter anything. Think that being large is paying attention to ask the Buddha to a heading of meditation to withdraw deep into the forest that practice.
When it came to a village. Area of Sa to meet him. I asked:
-Dear upasaka, recently had a forest would to hide the comport?
-Out of Germany. So, just make way for me to get there.
New look, says he has sympathy, should consent to comes. Just please just ask ônglão landmarks are places to pass through. As to the forest Sage says:
-The white Australian German, this is a good place. May go here and down the village I real qifu gangui. Area of Sa accepted the invitation, and from that day on I down the village to qifu gangui.
People love the glass with Uncle and beg: "out of sight, Germany please here with us so long we are tho tam quy ngu with him". They donation items needed for the area of Sa. Each receipt Of Sa are to bless the home lab as follows:
-Urge countries which host was happy happily. Looking forward to the home countries from the yoke of gauge.
After two months in the forest attempts to practice meditation, area of sa certification results A La Han. Now fake Religious Symbolism Echo intends to visit you, so the white Buddha:
-World Religion, I will visit you primary area of Sa.
-Investors can you keep going.
False religion to the people you try his tri is supposedly Maudgalyayana.
-Hien huynh I will tour the area of Sa.
-I also went with.
And all the Australian disciple of Buddha as you Ca Da Nậu, A Long aromatic herbs, Long Phu Da Di, Na, etc ... are all going with false Religious Symbolism the echo to see you pee in the forest. When they reach the Holy Union, welcoming residents. They were immensely joyful to see Buddhist disciples Saints reputation many, and asking him for a while. But false Religion deny.
I visited my uncle Sa Area profile.
When the area of Sa news, notes down the village and competition as the duty of a State to the Chief or upper full wideok. Accommodation is residential care at a temple in the village. They reiterated France's plea hearing, although darkness. False religious Symbolism echo says:
So, Let's burn the lights and loan information for Buddhists near and far to hear.
When villagers meet, mock Religious Symbolism to develop the area of Sa:
-Area of Sa, the owner of the competitor wants to hear. I speak French to them.
All the villagers were the gentlemen:
-White Corrugated, its German Out of the way, we don't know, there are two sentences: "To my server is happy, looking forward to her home to escape miserable yoke." Please let others speak for us.
Then I asked the fake Religious Biography:
-Area of Sa, but how can I be happy happily? People how to escape the yoke of gauge? You preach two wide.
-Sir, of the white Crown.
Area of Sa promoted to court, such as water flows to the agony of God, the cause of suffering, Nibbana and the path taken to the President. And he concluded:
-White lettered Corrugated imitation, that is the way of the arahats to escape a gauge yoke, to be happily.
-Good! I was in the mood to turn the Dhamma.
The residents heard the finished the French were surprised. Some excited long this is a donation your wisdom, but some expressed discontent to each other:
-No reservations out of Germany's sermon or so. Why has the German Australian just shut up a steel trap, refuses to say anything. That was tough.
From wihan Ton independent from the Level That You know are consider irreverent of the immigrants to the area of Sa. Him with compassion, the wish for them to escape the crime of insulting messages a arahats, should personally come to the village to visit Uncle Xiao. When you see the Buddha visiting the village just because to visit the area of The completely new villagers to recognize the importance of its German Out in this tiny. He said area of Sa put Him up to take the highest mountain which overlooks the sea, and asked:
-Area of Sa, when standing on top of the mountain, looking around I see?
-The Sun, I saw vast seas are not the banks.
-What do you think when you see the ocean?
-The Sun, I think: in countless caodaiists, it was pouring as many as tears to cry because of the torment, tears we're perhaps more water in four large sea.
-Thats right, area of Sa.
And then He goes to visit the rocks where the area of The residence.
-What do you think when reside here?
-The Sun, I think, I have died countless times, numerous lầøn bodies were lying on the ground.
-Thats right, area of Sa! There is a place on the ground that the beings do not discharge body there countless times there.
And he said:
-Area of Sa, you hear the Tiger Roar newspaper in the jungle are you afraid of?
-World Religion, I'm not afraid. By contrast a pleasure to forested mountains rise up in the center of the carpet.
And the area of The Buddha read his poem 60 player was inspired from the jungle.
After visiting the place, The World Crown from retired:
-Area of Sa, I now return to the wihan. I want to come with me or stay in the forest?
-World Religion, if you master (only false Worship and symbolism Develop) want you to return, I will return. He wants me to stay, I'll stay.
Ton fake guess what area of Sa does not wish to return should be told:
-Area of Sa, you stay in mountain forests, if you want.
Area of Buddhist ceremonies and Religious schools, wealthy girl Sa Supposedly returning to the forest, after seeing him walking away.
In the magic path in the wihan independent from Her Class, when they sit on stilts Bhikkhu about Hanh's discharge area of Sa, their unceasing his exclamation:
-Hard to replace what the area of Sa has done, remove all beneficial, respect, to withdraw into the hidden deep in the forest! The Buddha uttered that second shelf article 75 of the Dhammapada. "One way that leads to it, one other way leads to Nirvana. Every Bhikkhu disciples on stilts who Enlightened when out nhhư so, should not take part in worldly support benefit tracking, which make unique almond address residential meditation ".
"The eye sees colors then.
The ears hear the sounds and then not
Inert inert Locket quiet mind

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