Saturday 28 June 2014

Use the Disease as a means of cultivation Center.

Every time management appears we cause them to be weighed more by anxiety and restlessness. We need to see clearly: the physical body of a human is a collection of the "great" and they are always competing fighting with each other. Once this fell into the unbalanced or when they suffer from these external forces the types of illnesses will naturally appear strong and lasting way. So we need to accept that in this life the infected is a sure thing inevitable.
Once we get a sick pains torment, we don't need to worry about this. Instead, let's think of ideas to the agony of love in hell, hungry daemons or Fund Livestock living being; they're the new suffering than us so many times. Ask yourself: "When they are subjected to the terrible suffering that way, why I can't stand the pain that compared to them it's too short? I so weak by the gauge, then they have to turn to when that pain too so big? Pray that the pains of the remission they will bear my suffering disease. "
Think so and visualizations is around you there are countless beings are subjected to the kind of suffering. When you inhale, visualizations of all the bad karma, Karma charm, sick and in pain is ripe for you through which they get rid all suffering; When you breathe out, the French Protestants all visualizations in the form of huge orange fire to them and give them peace. Let's practice so many times.
The benefit of the French tu enemies wins than any French charity would, any disease suffering would also be viewed as an opportunity to practice. Think like this: "if I would have never healed, I could still continue meditating consistently receive all suffering of all beings in me and granted them peace-this is a legal overhaul foes wins over all. So I'm happiness absolute when bedridden with the disease. "
If you can work a sincere manner according to this guide, be sure that you will attain many benefits in this life and future generations, so make a note very carefully. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.29/6/2014.

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