Tuesday 3 June 2014

Does anyone know - until death do? .

After calm returned, he invited the Buddha and the Sangha to where he had lived for a meal. In the next seven days, as the food he offered to monks, and in the seventh day, he asked for permission to wash the bowl of the Buddha and Buddhist blessing please

"The rainy season is here ...".
These are the words of the Great Buddha taught him Phu (Mahadhana), a merchant, when he lived in Jetavana Vihara.
One day, this merchant used 500 wagon, laden with colorful dyed fabrics beautiful, up the road from the Ba-ra-na-si to remote areas for trade. As to the Xa-defense, he encountered a large river. He thought: "Tomorrow we will cross the river", then pull over, take off the yoke of oxen, and stay overnight at the riverside. That night, a storm dragged to the pouring rain all night. Over the next seven days, rising river, creating massive flooding, and people in the area must suspend all trade and travel. The result is that the merchant can not sell his fabrics conditions. So he thought, "I've gone through a long way, if we go back to it again delayed. Expenses by us on here the last rainy season, through spring and summer, the work continues transaction and try to sell all the goods of this kind ... "
When Buddha went for alms in the city, he said the intention of the trader and his smile. Seeing this, Venerable Ananda asked Buddha why he smiled. The Buddha replied: "Hey A-Nan, Mr. Dai Phu teacher know that?"
"Yes, yes, venerable sir."
"Not knowing that his life was almost, he has decided to stay here the whole year to sell off parcels of him."
"Really, venerable sir?"
"Yeah, this A-Nan. Mr.'re only seven days left to live, and if not clever, he will eat the fish." Saying so, Bhagavan uttered verse:

"Be diligent enforcement
things to do today.
Does anyone know for sure
death at any time?
Does anyone resist
Death's orders?
An optimistic on behalf of the
diligently day and night
mindful living each day! "
"Revered sir, I will tell him to say," he Ananda said to the Buddha.
"A-Nan, he kept going," replied the Buddha.
Ananda begging to Dai Phu where he resided with his trading caravans. He respectfully offering to his real character. Then Venerable told the merchant, "Did you sleep here in how long?"
"Venerable Sir, I have undergone a long distances, if the return is delayed again. So I'll be here all year, until it sold the new fabric to go"
"Hey you lay, although nearly all his life, but hardly anyone knows! He should be diligent!"
"Venerable Sir, why is that? Does my life have almost complacent?"
"Yes, you lay.'s Life he only lasted seven more days."
Mr. Dai Phu was astounded and thrilled. After calm returned, he invited the Buddha and the Sangha to where he had lived for a meal. In the next seven days, as the food he offered to monks, and in the seventh day, he asked for permission to wash the bowl of the Buddha and Buddhist blessing please. While blessed, Lord Buddha preached more:
"Hey you religious and lay people, a sage should never think: 'I'll stay here during the rainy season. Would I do this, the other.' On the contrary, he is always alive and aware of each other shoes always reflect on his death like I just survived another night alone. " He then uttered the following verses, the following is recorded in the Dhammapada

The rainy season is here,
winter, summer is here,
fool mind that,
not self-conscious of danger.
The passionate mind
children and animals,
Death caught him,
as flood line goes to sleep.
When death comes,
no child protection,
no father, no relatives,
not sheltered relatives.
Knowing this sense,
Wise worry morality,
rapid purification,
the path to Nibbana.
After listening to lectures, merchant wake, sincerely ask for refuge and save the project attained, the monks in position to win Group also achieved.
Then he Phu mourners Great Buddha to his residence. When returned to his residence, he said: "I feel headache, body tired!", And lay down on the bed to rest. Just lie down, then he died, and was reborn in heaven-Where-interest.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.4/6/2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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