Tuesday 3 June 2014

Encourage parents turned towards charity.

As well as the black sheep, although parents have "negligence" is what the parents, no one is changing the industry. Therefore, to compel mutual transformation, business improvement community is family better things to do Buddhists of filial

One time, stay in Savatthi the Exalted, in His garden Anathapindika. At that, the Blessed One called the brethren:
Brethren, for parents who do not have faith, encouragement, guidance, and he abides in faith. For parents follow evil world, encouraging, guiding, he dwells on the friendly world. avarice For parents, encourage, guide and dwell on giving. follow evil For parents wisdom, encouragement guidance, wisdom dwell on. So is doing enough and pay enough to please his mother and father.


Sorry you: 
Most of us are parents in mind as deities, are worshiped object, is sacrosanct. Nurture and cultivate this casting idea is inculcated in an important factor to influence the mind so hospitable, almond taste. But the fact that many parents are still so dominant karma should not really shown exemplary and all responsibilities, his parental role, leading to significant impacts for children and families.
The critique of everyday children's disloyalty against death but also strict rules when the "spoiled child in the mother, in her spoiled child". There are many people who suffer the bitter with the phrase "being in favor of" resentment and alienation both his parents. Here, we do not blame anyone, for that matter, the human role in how well you have certain drawbacks, none inevitable mistakes.
Need to observe calm ourselves, to recognize family line operation of karma, karma of the whole family. Through deep insight into the industry, we will see more clearly about the current state of family that are less blame each other and, more importantly, open up a new direction to transform and overcome. Even here, the exercise of hospitality is elevated well above the recommended products give parents the wrong rules.
As well as the black sheep, although parents have "negligence" is what the parents, no one is changing the industry. Therefore, to compel mutual transformation, business improvement community is a better family to do the dutiful Buddhists. With humans, any mistakes that are from out of ignorance, which formed from craving, hatred and delusion from which filled with smoke. Instead of blame, let us use credit (belief), sex (do good, avoid evil), experimental (letting go) and wisdom (knowledge) with the love, respect for cultural promotion towards parents Three Jewels.
Nobody could we see their loved ones go into the realm of evil. Therefore, cultural recommendations parents good direction, leaving the wicked shall not only bring happiness for parents happily in this life but the next life. How is this new take called hospitality, thankful, is "doing enough and pay enough to please his mother and father." END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.4/6/2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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