Friday 6 June 2014

Our Exalted, far from countless lifetimes, so that our spiritual advancement Bodhi, he did the hard work done, the hard ring of rings, the circular, hypersensitivity, newly Buddha. After the Buddha, the teachings of wholeness, the new Nirvana. Spread over two thousand years since the birth date of the Teacher of the messianic life to this day, disciples themselves Catholic liturgical practice medicine. In addition to the economic aspirations of compassionate beings to spread the Dharma, and tons of books unions studied the teachings of the Buddha on the human spirit. Since it has nurtured many high level tank full of piety, discipline, makes Buddhism increasingly flourishing. As post-delivery guys, we have entered into every blessing ordained clergy, and religious education to follow what the Buddhas and Patriarchs predecessors were thick build and pass on to us. The books he always attacked our practice, including the practice of patience is important that texts often refer to a lot.
So the word "Tolerance" has an important role in how the teachings of Buddhism? Is this a philosophy, an ethical guideline is condensed to only the employer, which means patience and self-restraint, self-control themselves and through internal and external. We do not have patience for the life of praise to be praised, not for fear of others before imposing force, not because of not knowing disgraceful lack of personality. If for reasons which we shall ring the "Rings" also harm than angry indignation field. Because it is a powerful henchman of selfish desire, greed, arrogance, etc. ... We practiced patience, practice center ring, the ring is nurturing qualities for a great volunteer, higher purpose, love great, so wise an order to purify three now.
Tolerance is fighting with himself, struggling with his bad habits, is a constant battle and silent. Because our enemies in countless unseen image, it is often a way of avoiding zombies, it is the God from whom we sheltered in help. The self-discipline to improve ourselves each of us must strive for a lifetime, right in the fight at rest. In this war, we do not have anyone to help power but also rarely be rewarded triumph. Ring to fight her, not only not opposed, but also support efforts to conquer the trials and hardships come from outside. It is an intimate relationship between self-improvement and social reform, known as the individual tries to deal with the unusual wisely and objectivity. In other words, patience is a prerequisite for implementing About The Brain practice, in order to get rid of the cause of suffering to liberation and progress. It can be said center ring is the first golden key used to expand the mind force or meditation center. In the Central Business I have the patience paragraph or the following paragraph except contraband. " This, monks - monks, if he can not afford the ring , so taints the devastating brain will start to heat up. If the patience he thus taints thermal devastating brain no longer available. Hey Ty - pretentious, he is known as legal or illegal rid patience ".
The "Rings" very positive sense. It speaks to the courage and determination, stamina and overcome hardships for noble goal, sticking with that goal in special circumstances. The employer can thoroughly understand the situation acceptable plot twists, with both the external humiliation, but in fact it's a temporary sacrifice pride and a personal doctor, to make use of favorable conditions for implement the desired noble purpose. Not only is the practice ring that important word in normal life it also works great. First of all want to live happily united happy to practice patience. For a long time my father had his life sentence: "A silent nine healing" to articulate its position in social life and family in maintaining good relations between man and man .
"Life is only beautiful when my heart is open
Knowing tolerance and overcoming your mind
Spread kindness to all individuals born
So that the garden center parted ".
Anyone who knows himself and does not have self-control, patience despised, always personal desire and yard draw attention, haughty arrogance, subjective, even temporarily talent and how much win , will surely fail. To succeed in anything, large or small, especially in difficult situations complex, must practice good almonds. Because determination and subjective capacity is not enough, we also need the objective conditions and must fit harmoniously combine objectivity with subjectivity, waiting to know the conditions ripe and evaluation precision capabilities, the level can be successful. Of course not shy requirements set too low, but absolutely not as anxious or intoxicated by a personal motive as curious name, mercenary, etc. bitter ... that exceed the limit. Everything is overdone leads to failure.
According to the writing of Chinese characters, we see the background of the "Ring" is the word "mind". Did the ancients were aware of the employer must be based on the basis of a righteous heart and? Of course anyone nor have heart, have the means can easily master the employer, because this is a very difficult job, requiring high energy and the practice of everyday life days.
In short, patience is a wonderful practice of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Patriarchs. Throughout history the Sages are praising the merits of the practice patience. French religious practice takes the center ring return to the purity of the substance itself. The fulfillment of a legal person who wins is the eradication of the ego, opening the way for the ultimate in clean three now, which flourish in the new path, go straight to liberation and peace The ultimate fun.

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