Friday 6 June 2014

According to Buddhist thought, people born in the world is already experiencing so many lives samsara. In samsara there, every life born out of human life and career to career and continued rebirth in the six realms. Thus, there is not a supreme god that humans are humans born from his karma. Action is now acting on the body, and the place where the border.
In general, our actions unfolding in two trends: either noble or vile by the impulse of kindness or malice. Unfortunately, people usually follow the trend of negative karma. How do you know? The longer we talked to a being that lives now this blessing thick thin, suffering more than happy by creating negative karma that out.
The majority of human actions under the impetus of psychology, so the psychological discomfort as greedy and destructive anger caused us a lot. With courts turning itself into a gentle man from evil, good to bad. With social anger shatters homes, children separated ... The greedy, selfish people do metamorphism can become rogue elements in society. With practice, aversion and craving attention very hazardous path.
To treat Nhue yard and lust, religious Buddha practiced patience . This is a familiar theme of the monastic life. Written by subject matter presented through awareness and learning their place within the school chairs karmas body, speech and mind through some basic catechesis and provide reference Central ,
Patience is khanti Pali (Sanskrit is Ksanti), translated Chinese music: SAN-de.Namtruyen translated as patience, virtue meant to endure adversity heart-rending and accept the suffering brought by external circumstances come. North is an infusion rings, meaning tolerability against unwanted scenes happily lap without a thought of resentment and hatred.
II. Why do we have to hit?
Germany said: "Rings: The most natural self needle" means a word is worth a thousand gold by the high value of its beauty.
Flower Adornment Sutra says: " First anniversary starting center courtyard, appetizers literature department "means a courtyard concept arises in which thousands of karma that open. When anger arises, people no longer act rationally act to follow, but only anger, so ready to do any evil whatsoever. To create evil and sow goodness, bear the sadness later. So as Buddhists we must practice patience.
Patience is an important practice in the Buddhist teachings. If like the other practices as generosity, morality, meditation ... practitioners can perform anytime you want, any time they choose, the object method patience can only be created when exposed to make the object of your anger and greed arise only.
Patience in 6 Balaam security measures that the level of Bodhisattva practice of population living under the Northern traditional Buddhist thought. According Namtruyen patient in ten Balaam security measures that word Bodhisattva should practice to the Omniscient Buddha, or Enlightened Buddha Single Thanh Van Enlightened saints according to the will of his head. [1]
Patience is the training of the mind. The mind is such mental harm to the practitioner, patience is the religious center in 2 angles: for anger treatment and curb the craving.
1. Regard anger therapy
a. Body rings:
As anger control when touching the body due to pain or other things for their cause. This is a difficult thing to do because everyone loves body. Moreover, the physical pain, the mind is unstable. When survival instinct that will promote psychological action to protect vulnerable body should fall into anger.
There is a Buddhist story precursor record patience of a Forerunner between people that is very powerful. Kinh Hien Ngu District 2, wrote that in ancient times, in the country of Balaam complaint, under King Ca- pears, which are available first-name-ballet threads  [2] and 500 disciples in hiding in the forest practice patience. One day the king led his entourage excursions, the first group show mercy maids immediately start to reverently worship center offerings. The king went jealousy cut all limbs and slicing off ears, nose luck that the first multiplication. First floor-topic goodness no king but resentment later a Buddhist prayer will cut off the three poisons (greed, hatred and delusion) of the king. The next aeon, the Buddha first multiplication is the king became his disciple.
Stories on us a lesson that the body is impermanent, will be worn, years of rotating time. So to keep the center director, who practice patience when they are ready to abuse the body.
Economic Quote Central I , Sutta "For example saws":
Chu monks, as those inferior Marauder, which used double-edged saws handsaw, saw legs; And yet, if anyone here starts the infectious disorder, so he is not my dharma practice. Here, the words of his monks to study as follows: "We will keep our mind not turn infected; we will not uttered evil words spoken; we will live with rambling heart, with compassion, with no inner anger. We will cover people living with a mind of words. And with this subject, we turn chronic and life around the world with the mind of friendliness, generosity, boundless, no hatred, no pitch ". Chu monks, he needs to learn the same.
And this word Monks, if he always thought teaching saw this example, this is the monks, and you see what kind of language, crude or refined oil that He is not violent patience be reasonable?
- Buddha, no.
- The monks, therefore, always thinking teachings such as this saw, and he will be happiness for a long time  [3] .
b. Import rings:
Import and export ring is the industry practice not to export uttered evil, abusive or verbally abused, whining people complaining being insulted or humiliated hurt us.
People in the highest regard honors life so very offended when people honor being trampled. Therefore, when people hear compliments their hearts glad, damn angry when people re numb. People are lost in love for the mouth and easily create professional as well as the mouth. Germany said: " Patients parts of importation, exportation spare graphics " , that is, diseases caused by oral intake, painting by mouth speaks. So we must be careful in feeding the voice said.
It is easy to see that we live in the world, despite how perfect it was still damn all. Even our Buddha too. But the difference is our attitude and his different. Buddha always an order in, we also anger arises. In the old days, when the level of a country and that, every heathen has insulted the Buddha for 7 days and 7 nights that he does not wavered. Another story says about the virtues of the Buddha ring border: false stories Ching-bearing father twice. He remained silent about the incident, the king of heaven broke Ching-father's plot.
Two stories on the Buddha taught us a lesson that moral virtues of patience export very beautiful. We must be limited to avoid the word evil verbal. Attitude silent benefactor was the winner of karma where border.
Who cursed me, and I deaf
Wait for the end of advised me to anger
One employer to first draw
What could bring plaintive requiem  [4] .
Then we have, from the receipt how? Ancient religious moral virtues taught by all patience export a very good speech shelves. This poem has himself recently made verbal religious peace between his life and the people around him.
Heard a wise man of few words
Choose words that ask for oral argument
Before the open sage wisdom
Yield on a broad step easy go
The people do not say do chi
I knew then that his new knowledge.
c. rings Italy:
The ring is the religious center to center not starting up anger. In contrast, the ring was arbitrarily extending from said center and seek forgiveness for how the association will defuse resentment. The ring is the intention of the ingenious mind. We should know that the body and are subject to the export of mind but due to the external effects on the body and also export consciousness arises as follow. So when adversity arises center is easy to anger.
Tu is the ring before the training center's compliment or criticism. Despite criticism, although we must also be commended not keep fluctuating center. The story of Gia Di elders in Business Development Dhammapada is a great lesson for arbitrary rings.
At some other time, the Buddha lived in the Member States themselves, Sravasti country, in a lecture period, no mention of elders Di Gia Phat.
At that time, there are elders Di Gia Phat practice diligently, the results obtained are A-la-drought. The low dwarf elders, often the young monks nickname is assigned to Lakundaka, which means dwarf stature. Mind elders very gentle nature, when being teased, never angry elders, even if the young person under the ear pinch, squeeze your nose or head, the elders did not scowl, but his expression remained calm, when someone teases or words to his lack of manners.
When the Buddha heard of the patience, gentleness of Di Gia Phat elders, he told the monks that: "For an A-la-drought level, never losing the calm in your heart, there is no speaks harshly intent, no malice to anyone. He also solid as a rock, not to be moved by storm. He calmly always being scolded, teased and being praised. Then he read the verse:
As rock-solid
Wind does not shake
Also between praise
The mind does not oscillate.  [5]
The lesson to be drawn in moral judgment on who is religious language to keep your mind calm calm before every plight. Forgive mind not to let go of anger arises.
Dharma often content with draw
At the extreme consideration for oneself
If we clear first part please
My first one was the first man.  [6]
2. Curb craving attention
Rahula in The Buddha taught that said that nature is the craving to explore and enjoy the satisfaction of being. Due to the promotion of human enjoyment so immersed in sensual pleasures to suffer the cycle of birth and death. Tu patience in addition to aversion therapy, we also toward curbing enjoyment. More and more easy to enjoy practicing the Buddha's teachings.
With ordained and practices of the Buddha's middle path is not ascetic mortification because it makes the body overwrought. Not condone such beneficiaries as prolific as body only benefit from the new middle directing money from now.
With at least has the lesson sufficient indulgence - little enough to know. People do not know enough though heaven blessed still not satisfied, though enough people know poverty still happily center. The practice must be curbed as the example of the ancient sages.
There is a name Lomasanagathora Venerable sat meditating in the mountains between the hot dry season, so Disciples saw Him in the cool white. He says: hot fear should sit here. He then observed the extreme heat hell billions of times greater than the heat of the sun, so should he attained A-la-drought.
A Venerable other alms on the road 3 days eating rice shortage, hunger makes him pain, but he still practicing patience, his volition as a reincarnation countless times being hungry ghosts in life than now infinite time. So thanks to cultivate his patience prime A-la-drought.  [7]
Therefore, we must curb greed overcome the craving thirst satisfied in that practice patience as the ancient sages.
In a nutshell, the book measures 38 happy Mahathongkham wrote his, the Buddha taught that: "We do commercial glass Tathagata being so patient out well." [8]
Patience is strength of mind, a strong capacity to promote professional practitioner of spiritual progress. In the study process, only a new inner strength accomplish two things: One master mind. Mind to let down the outside circumstances, when circumstances will impact our anger or greed, patience practitioners confront hatred and lust rein preserve spirituality. Second of practice. When a patient approach, we have been without a solid foundation that lazy diligent diligent practice. Thanks to our effort to overcome numerous challenges that go full thorny path to enlightenment.

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