Friday 6 June 2014

Trust issues and Wisdom is never old problem, because there is always the basic platform to build spirituality and religion. But it is not easy to realize where the true faith, uplifting, not what is easy to recognize intellectual beliefs.
True belief, faith is uplifting to the intellectual, human orientation to truth and noble values ​​(their beneficial interests, meaningful life, happiness right now and in the future ). But how do you know where is the true belief, correct and uplifting? It's not easy to determine, because there are so many religions, doctrines, spiritual tradition that worldview, the universe, philosophies, his thought is moral truth, noble .
At the time of the Buddha, in India there are many religious thinkers, philosophers, most famous at that time Clerk pagan and philosophical Six. Clerk pagan include Phu Da Nan Kassapa Incidentally theory advocated However, no causal information, Le Club devaluation policy Relic par Additional Comments, A Di Da Da Ba Thuy Xa Kham advocated materialism and hedonism, Da Ca Witch advocates fought Mind-character theory eternal duality, MT La Le Gia Pi Zi advocated meditate, Ni Tu Kien home to industrial policy and doctrine Money ascetic.
Six Main Reasons include philosophical sect advocated pluralism of expression, literacy advocate Wins Luc original thesis and argument ascetic, No. Proposals must dualism argument, advocated religious sect Yoga meditation, Turkey Man is doomed to Sounds advocated permanent (permanent Sounds) and moral practice, they have to scrap the policy of absolute unitary argument . [1]
Once the Kalama in Kesaputta, Kosala to pay homage to the Buddha and requested him to teach them how to identify and classic teachings of the missionaries, the philosophers, where is the truth, is true, correct and useful is worthy followers. The white people of Kalama asked:
"Revered sir, there are some technical Sa, go to Kesaputta Brahmins, they shed light and brilliance of his views, but all chains, scorn, derision and misrepresent the views of others. We have doubts and wondering what in these people, who tell the truth, who say untrue? " Buddha: "Hey, Kalama, so do not believe the tale hurry, hurry do not believe so traditionally, do not hurry up because the scriptures handed down, do not rush because information theory and metaphysics, do not rush for the right information in a stance, do not rush for information consistent with stereotypes, do not rush because information derived from where authority and do not hurry up because people say those words as his masters.
Hey Kalama, when he himself knew as follows: It is immoral, a sin; This is the place people have criticized; This way if the acceptance and practice leads to unhappiness and suffering, this is Kalama, abandon them.
Hey Kalama, when he himself knew as follows: It is good, there is no sin; This is the place people with praise, praise; This way if the acceptance and practice leads to happiness and peace, this is Kalama, be attained and dwell. " [2]
During religious thought, philosophical confusion as at that time in India, with the minds of ordinary people is very difficult to religion, ideology theory is right, close to the truth, value analysis extreme, difficult to identify any respectable masters, exalted one. Buddha taught the Kalama how to determine the value of the teachings of the masters, the value of the doctrine, scriptures, so that put their trust in place and not fall into the misguided path.
Buddha taught, what is considered truth and good, useful, worth towards, trust worthy, worthy to receive, just doing my own practice known (and not by others say or do classics, books handed):
1. Those things are good, there is no sin.
2. Things a location that is praised, praise.
3. Those things when accepted and practiced leads to happiness and peace.
Here are three tests Buddha taught the Kalama and teach us all. When confronted with the statement that anyone's teachings, his doctrine is true, is number one, is the absolute truth, is the supreme law, is the fastest path to Nirvana, to achieve is happiness, etc. to obtain release. we must be calm, wise, do not just believe in, but just based on intelligence (known method is good, what is evil law) and our own experience, and also based on the wise evaluation of the position (The location wise praise, praise or criticize, condemn the law was to encourage others to practice law or to prevent him, warned the practice was legal ?) must clear before the words "advertising" damage policy, exaggerated and embroidered flowery words, cleverly aimed at the heart, or the benefits that heathens made to induce, entice others follow them, their religious practices. If caught off guard, lack of clarity, there is no right understanding will easily fall into their trap. Be calm judgment, thinking, contemplating see what is preached, spread, is introduced, advertising, the right which is good, what is good or not? There is consistent with Buddhist teachings in the Holy Catholic classics or not? Things that have been the location wise praise, praise and encourage followers, practice or not? And when applied, practical things which bring happiness for yourself in the present and the future?
When you hear someone decry, all chains, broke something, we have to be calm, wise, do not believe in a hurry, do not respond quickly, because the left will not encounter errors due to ambiguous superficial. To consider, reflect the view that there must be a legal immoral, a sin or not? Things that have been the sage critique, criticize or not? If accepted and practiced these things can lead to unhappiness, suffering or not? If it is truly evil law, the legal position was critical gentle, criticism; where applicable, the practice leads to unhappiness, suffering, then we should abandon.
There are several issues to note. "The place" where Buddha spoke in the paragraph above Kalama who? It's the Saints liberated as Buddha, Bodhisattva, Arhat, Pratyekabuddha Bich Chi etc.. Or the truly religious man old respected directed learning, compassion, wisdom large, live the holy life as shining example for life, do a lot of hard work to benefit sentient beings.
Maybe something a lot of people praise, promote, support, but with intellect insight, thorough or not, it is not pretty, not good, not bring true value benefits, long-term human. The location is the erudite knowledge, life experience, insight and best practice is (this insight with those who only practice, practice, concentration, wisdom), so what the position notice that unlike the usual shallowness of people who look far to see location broader, deeper understanding, knowing full and more comprehensive.
There are things beyond understanding, with knowledge and practice level limited our evaluation is not whether it is good or not legal, there must be a path to peace, happiness in the present and the future or not? Then we must turn to the location, we have to consult, the only appeal of the higher education increased virtuous, good is the knowledge level of talent, virtue, reputable reliable.
Some things can not be applied, if the practice is legal unspecified moral or immoral. So if you wait to apply, practice then known, took her out to do "experiments" to determine which method is good or bad, unfortunately there is no good method is unpredictable consequences, then we are its victims. For such things we must seek to define them have no moral or legal right is then applied to practice. But it's not something we have the ability to determine the nature and value of it.
After evaluating yourself by relying on knowledge and experience of the practice itself; based on the comparison, compare it with the classic, the Buddha's teachings and still do not know whether it was good or bad law, then we must find time to teaching the true masters, the true practitioner knowledge the Chief Justice, who qualified practice experience, living in dharma and dharma practice, an example for life, making them great benefit for students.
Just like the new ones actually have the ability to determine where is the good way, where is immoral law; Where is the right belief, right, raise up, build confidence on the basis of right; Where is the mistaken belief, deviant, inferior, building confidence on the basis of wrong; Where is dharma, what is immoral; Where is the path to peace, happiness, enlightenment, liberation and where is the road to misery, suffering, confusion, guilt ...

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