Friday 6 June 2014

Worldly life is to enjoy life pleasures contingent (also called army chief nursing education , including money, beauty, fame, status, enjoy eating, sleeping), depending karmic blessings that each personal enjoyment of sensual pleasures conditions poor or fullness, people look to enjoy sensual pleasures as the demands of life and the conditions of happiness.
Five years is sensual human subjects exposed Buddha often mentions many classics. Buddha's disciples are often reminded to be cautious attitude to sensual pleasures, he does not encourage the pursuit of sensual pleasures, enjoy sensual pleasures, encouraged nor forsake thoroughly sensual pleasures to live lives of suffering mortification unfortunate, because two extreme lifestyles that are not brought to peace and happiness. Buddha encouraged Minimize your life motto (less libido, less participation requirements; know enough, to know the details) to get the carefree bliss, to avoid the consequences, insecurity, anxiety, loss Hope, fear ... is generally suffering afflictions.
Money (resources), improve the means of exchange and use of useful life; eating (really), sleep (lobes) are essential needs of man; the sensual enjoyment (color) is the demand for life, enjoyment of physical life and spiritual world. Basically, human beings are sexual realm, so that birth sex, because sex that exists, people need to have sex to satisfy the contingent needs of food, clothing, housing, medical, leisure, entertainment, active travel, communicate, enjoy, sensuality etc. ... People can not live without eating, not drinking, not sleeping, not entertaining, relaxing after work; can not live in peace when there is no home to stay; can not live happy, healthy lives without any medication, therapy facilities when illness etc. ...
Speaking of pleasure, the deep colors, sights, sounds, taste, taste, touch, including all legal worldly pleasures including army chief nursing education. This is what makes people born craving, clinging, to own, to make rotten drunk. Lust is the color, eye shape that exposure; give rise to sexual identity, including the desire for male identity, female identity is born clues that lead them in the realms of education reincarnation; Silence is the sound the human ear to hear; Perfume is so nose to smell the scent; The taste is felt by the tongue; Tactile sensation is caused by exposure, collisions; France is the shadow of the object remains in the mind, such as memories, nostalgia or fantasy images, color, sound, taste, touch that we love, a passion; This stuff makes people passionate, seek, want to own.
Seeking mind, the sexual desire is also motivating life and develop athletes more diverse and abundant. But peace, true happiness, and sustainability can not build on the foundation of desire, saying namely lust, greed and sex, by education can not satisfy the desires, passions human infinitum, at least if it is only temporary gratification, short-lived. So lust, desire for education about the causes of human suffering than happiness.
For education, the aspirants seeking, searching, people living with the anxiety of mood, anxiety anxious, worried not alone in waiting; When you have got the right idea of ownership, preserving your own, do not want what has been spiraling out of hand, do not want to drain the loss, which makes the psychology of human insecurity; While the decline in sex or is no longer available (by ephemeral) mind, the anguish, the body lose weight so familiar wallow in it, because the craving, attachment, to possess forever. The desire for the sexual satisfaction if not also lead to disappointment suffering ... Bottom line is, they are not tired searching, hoping, expecting, waiting anxiously; hoped for without suffering and sadness, then fear is lost, then the suffering. The essence of life is impermanent capital, nothing permanent with time, the sex too, even if as expected it also attenuated or lost over time. In the eight human enlightenment of higher education (university's Bat sense) taught: "Many desire, to participate for the suffering and hardship of life and death from all desires, to participate and generate demand. Less desire, not a cause (unconditioned) is happily self in mind and body "(Da suffering sexual behavior, tuberculosis spare mortal lust start packing. Minority Education, unconditioned, self in mind and body).
Life with Exercise also brings joy and happiness to people, such as people feel enjoy Dressed delicious; happy at home when the door wide high; comfortable with full facilities and amenities; happy when a beautiful wife, beautiful children, there's so much money ... However, once the sexual passions, such as the delicious bother wearing something beautiful, luxury homes, status, fame, money wealth, living Joneses, strife ... the vulnerable people depend, to become slaves to the training and education are the constraints, wrong use, dominant, arduous, want every defilement. The general education brings many implications, human insecurity for the man who has fallen into its power, slaves to it: Because sexual craving that happy family breakdown, a review body paralyzed, property squander, physical wear and tear, disease; Because greed of wealth that children can trade stories of moral failure, neglect of parents; won the competition for wealth that pot saute skin, flesh fratricidal brothers turned on each other; Because of money, you gain no meaning friends; Social evils, it theft robbery consciousness dark eyes as well as by money, possessions, as well as depraved debauchery, gambling alcoholism; Corruption, embezzlement, fraud, appropriation, crime, guilt, compassion alienation, confusion metamorphic as well as money, fame, status, beauty; Cultural, moral decadence as well as sex life chasing material. The joy and happiness brought by the sexual unsustainable long term, it is short-lived, temporary, but great harm is caused amorously infatuated man, immersed in it, reeling it resulted in many Implications of suffering and sorrow. As in business Dhammapada said: "These guys are making me evil thought disorder, wishing so much pleasure, is more durable ties himself" (PC.349), or experience things enlightenment Eight steps University staff also taught: "It does not know enough, just needs more participation, increase crime. Bodhisattva not like, the way he often remembered thinking basics (enough said), poverty peaceful happy that their faith, just as his career took intellectual "(Tam no sufficient cover, the only DAC for growth crime. Bodhisattva duality, often recite this motto, directing second edition, the only wisdom now).
Buddha teaches us to be cautious, be very aware of sex by attractive, charismatic keeps people lose autonomy, loss incompetent; should not let her in sensual life, must see the harm behind the perverted passions. Being a moral path, towards a noble life, holiness, must always remember the Buddha's teachings: "Those who are greedy, addicted, is bound by chief nursing education year, there was no harm of them, who had fallen into misfortune, falls into disaster, has been used in accordance with its evil wish. Those who live there like a deer trapped in the forest lies down, the deer was to be understood as falling into misfortune, falls into disaster, will be used as its hunters (hunters) want. When the hunters, the deer can not leave as it wants "(Beijing Central I).
The location, the sages temperament wise, knowing that deep, glad to know the cause of suffering, what leads to suffering, what brings happiness, happiness. As ignorant beings, long days immersed in the training, were used to confuse fun format, not so wise enough, will not have enough energy to escape the constraints, the impact, the dominant of Education. If not enlightenment impermanence and not be aware that the desire, desire is the source of frustration, pain, anxiety, sorrow, fear ... we always reeling in the education, living in funny cycle of suffering and reincarnation road never ends. So we need to work enlightenment and practice.
The Buddha taught the new practice center should move indulgence uplifting way: lust complete personality, desire to do good, desire discipline virtue, morality, desire to abandon the range Often, the desire to abandon worldly sensual pleasures (financial, identity, name, real, lobe), efforts to achieve the holy (pure virtue), the radial path noble, saintly to modern life and future happiness. And moreover, for those who have the will of the ceiling, should always target the enlightened mind, ultimate liberation.
Called uplifting indulgence of bad sex. In the four as the sufficiency (legal Four refuge to fully develop the virtue, morality, meditation, wisdom, divine magic as desired, under the guidance aids Thirty-seven of the island to ), there Education as the sufficiency is the earnest desire to practice, practice dharma, desired achievement, concentration, wisdom, eloquence very afraid as you wish. This desire is the motivation for us to boldly walk the path, seeking to escape from bondage of worldly sensual pleasures, achieve prime purpose peanut warehouse.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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