Friday 6 June 2014

EQUALITY Buddhahood.
EQUALITY Buddhahood.
Though not a Buddhist, atheist or just maybe one of us at least once heard the saying: "We are born into a Buddhist would." It is one of the famous sentences in education Buddha's when it comes to equality between people. This speech has opened an endless path and is great encouragement for everyone, making them rise up boldly on the road and life path. It can be said without a specific religious doctrine of equality so! The position of a believer's position on par with the pontiff. There is equality and compassion any more?
Talking about worldly, equality and compassion of the Buddha has denied class mode (Ba-la-keeper, Sat-de-profit, health and Chien-Phe-da-la) of the Indian society more than 2,500 years ago. Buddha enhance the value of Dalits (Lamb-da-la) to equal his position. Talking about the legal world, the question of the possibility of Buddhist claims of every living being. All living beings have the ability to become a Buddha, a Buddha is a being like us, but as an enlightened beings escape the cycle of reincarnation and is no longer bound afflictions. Buddha nature in the capital in mind, it is always a seed ready to germinate if they fulfill the conditions for germination that good. Word of the Buddha was not wrong when he said Pros-ba-li a his royal barber, has seen A-la-drought and become brothers of whom he had previously done work for them and First is the lead law. She Lotus Sac - a beautiful courtesan ceiling become A-la-han First sermon of nuns. He Angulimala an extremely evil man to kill his mother has become an A-la-han First born households.
In " Piercing Play Van Bodhichitta "You Really Hien has advised us: "What is in your character? Money out of our mind with Shakyamuni Tathagata not two, not others. So why Exalted from countless lifetimes of enlightenment soon, and we are still in a coma ordinary insanity. Again, the Exalted Buddha has innumerable miracles, wisdom, merit solemn; we also have boundless sorrow karma, samsara pitch. Temperament is a passion and understanding that as a heaven away from the area. That new thinking was quiet ashamed. For as priceless gem buried mud brick tiles that look like, not bit mercilessly esteem. So let's use that infinite goodness of infinite value afflictions. Has spiritual, moral character, the new highway. Then as now, the gem was washed, hung banners on high, glow, glare cover all. That's called not in vain teachings of the Buddha, regardless of their spiritual nature. "
Neng as his great awakening exclaimed: "Where doubt his nature pure equity ..." . King Tran Nhan Tong has also enlightened the mind's true:
"Gia said retired mid-range property is indebted,
For the opening scene with Zen heartless ".
Those who see their own Buddha nature is respected and his spirit was liberated pure will, even if not to the dark dirty. Although in practice many lives, and have not achieved results Bodhi director because he also still cling so.
Everyone understands that the Buddhist center was the center of being wise is not lit up, no thanks, not clean. The learning center director may not realize this went on your mind in mind, do not get the true center should arise that Buddha's imagination like this, like that, that is outward Buddha for not knowing that cling legal practice are evil, not of the truth, is not walking #-threads. The truth is directing attention where their right feet available.
Also ranks Switzerland's Supreme Buddha, the Bodhisattva of the typical age where people are available. Mind how can anyone else be alright. Referring to the Bodhisattva Manjushri logo is very afraid of the vacuum. Samantabhadra Bodhisattva's moral virtues. Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is pleased pronouns. Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva is steadfast heart. Bodhisattva Vimalakirti substance is pure invention ... In all states that are perfectly able to get in the mind of each of us.
All of us who are available Buddha mind, anyone can become a Buddha, Buddhism has the right to do so must be your mind that a thorough way. Those who are creating birth and death will now go on the road of birth and death, who nurtured ideas, bad ideas will come in four road to hell, hungry ghosts, animals, a-tu-la. Who would have a thought goes into improving road wholesome: kindness, favor. Who always keep a pure heart, not a concept right up from here, cut off the path of rebirth.
In the Diamond Sutra , the Buddha Bodhi Monastery told him that: " I am for the A - middlemen - the majority - are eight - Comment - three B oh -e • Session truth can not be grasped. If you have acquired, he would not have Buddha Nature Sign Up for our life ", which is true because the availability of our need to add or remove anything that calls that possessed? And also because attention to truth, the Buddha and sentient beings are not equal another capital call is directed unsurpassed Bodhi. We have rounded the equity interest of lights do not realize, you realize it's not only wrong substance see, hear, smell, taste, touch, thought of the mind, so are these masked mundane senses Should not that be the source of the mind.
How much of the Tibetan plateau, the area to give birth, the Buddha and the Patriarchs He will teach us to recognize the gift center every sense of yourself. Unfortunately, few of us getting her intention to run only in the language and literature from the wrong to the other liens. In the Platform Sutra reads as follows:
In addition to seeking guidance center,
Directed ever be found.
Attachment removed the harassment,
Negativity dissolve.
Trade hate do not care,
Stretch your legs are straight.
Thus, the moral transcendence is the universal nature which are kind of flexible function can reach the same freedom. Main Bodhisattva came from sin arises from mortal place. In true truth Truth is paradise, hell, hungry ghosts, animals, humans were created by our minds. All evil, sin blessed are being yourself, be yourself, not God, angels can bless or her crime was.
All vehicles Buddha dharma talk during the 49 years such as yachts or river as finger pointing to the moon, you've crossed the river and saw the moon or then did not need to boats or more fingers. The important thing is to have confidence in our Buddha nature or not? Despite describes the false pagan led Dharma, but it was not error to blame for the evil master, nor is a reason that people go into the wrong path was.
We must reflect, contemplate wisdom, of practice, so no extra boundless kindness of the Buddha, The Master's, vast as the sky kindness of parents in many marine life and many lives in the present life, to pay for the borrowed temple pieces of rice, and clothes misery of man na benefactor in how many lives birth and death seem to integrity, and respect for nature is the most flexible, our Buddha nature. Looking at the emptiness of our nature which diligently elaborate meditation.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.6/6/2014.

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