Thursday 5 June 2014

Pretentious self-study in the life
Some respect for the Buddha, the Bodhisattva should appeal all picture, statue of Buddha, the Bodhisattva that he was aware of the church. In temple worship Buddha Sakyamuni, Amitabha, Medicine Buddha, Maitreya Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Great Strength, Ksitigarbha etc. ... it's at home Buddhists also worship . If you like the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in doing the Red List, Ten Thousand Buddhas have paintings, statues, perhaps also invited Buddhists to worship. Solemn altar, incense burners also, incense, fruit, including ward, ring mo ... when entering the hall looks like a temple.
If the big house, has its own worship space and the unanimous approval of all members of the family too well. Behind this is an altar, altar at the front width was not very good, just make the cramped, poorly just pure, solemn, because there are also other family activities such as work, living, dining, and entertainment, there are many people out on, children playing vandalism, worship space so not suitable for practical courses ceremony (chanting, worship) and practice Dhamma (meditation, Buddha, taking classic work). Sometimes the belief and worship of Buddhist offensive to others in the family if they are not Buddhists.
Some Buddhists worship such as temple designs, Buddhist path, or until the same time open the presents out partying eating drinking, singing, shouting Buddhist altar as hard. If people worship pure faith, to witness the spectacle would feel insecure, afflictions arise. But if you disagree, oppose it, others upset, emotional affect families, relationships with family, friends.
2012Note WRONG THO this type.
Buddhists should practice at home or church paintings Buddha Shakyamuni or Buddha Amitabha and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Great Strength (Tam St. West). If you feel like, have affinity with Germany, the Bodhisattva Maitreya Bodhisattva Maitreya worship; love the worship worship the Buddha Medicine Buddha Healing is only a stop. It should not be too much like church in the temple. The many temples and Buddhist Bodhisattva statue is to meet religious needs, spiritual needs of multiple objects (people respect this position, respect other people, who have the grace to do this, people have coast to the other, and the charming center of attention not the same people), more than the temple is the place of worship should be different from home, should not imitate mechanically or emotionally.
On the Buddhist shrine just a small incense burner, a flower vase, three small glasses of water is enough, can add a pair of candlestick lamps plugged offerings to Buddha, no need to hang chalky, as told in the Buddhist temple in the temple. Important place of worship is relatively high and clean, not cluttered neat, dignified purity. If you have a private space to worship and practice, the better, to avoid affecting the outside world.
 The organization arranged a worship space and time for spiritual life fit is very important to help the Buddhist spiritual development, progress in practice.
The worship but significant, certain value, but if not eligible to set up an altar in solemn okay. It is more important is that Buddhists should learn Buddhist practice and teachings towards their loved ones healthy way, have right understanding, faith, and distribution center study.
lotus altar
If no change is perceived ones, not ones that give rise to a mind toward the Buddhist Three Jewels faced many obstacles during the Dharma in his family. Conversely, if the family members to faith, shall respect the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, the Buddhist additional support Coast, also has been the relative merits of their products, in return the grace of birth nurturing of their parents and grandparents and siblings love of family.
For example, Buddhists eat vegetarian but want your husband or wife does not approve of; wish Development Center offerings, alms house but not the sympathy and support; sitting meditation, Buddha, chanting the disturbed etc. ... This will hinder the difficulties on the way Buddhist study, meditation merit. Devout Buddhists will understand that religion is challenging, as training opportunities, cultivate, develop spirituality, but if you are new Buddhist center beginners will easily discouraged discouraged.
Buddhists despite enthusiasm for religion should not be neglected responsibilities, duties to family and society. Because the house has many relationships with family, society, friends, colleagues, living longer work, and bear a lot of responsibility on their shoulders. Diligent study, the results for the temple, active charity, but if the lack of interest of his relatives (grandparents, parents, spouses, children), not taking care of the family, leaving life family life is really disastrous mistake. Some people do not understand the saying, "I go to the temple as the blessed fruit family, how my husband / my wife not happy, do not agree?", From which the Buddhists and their relatives were born discontent mutual interest, attitude, action and gore then either make each family takes joy, happiness lost. In some cases, the Buddhist temple hated, hated monks, nuns everyone heard, referring to the famous temples negativity immediately. But here is the attitude, behavior not right, but a responsibility in the Buddhist, Buddhists do not skilful in practicing, practicing, doing his best role in life, make others think wrong, wrong understanding of the religious significance, the value of the Buddhists.
To become a true Buddhist and have a happy and peaceful life through the practice of the teachings of the Buddha, Buddhists interested in learning Buddhism, the temple often hear law, close masters and good is knowledge, know how to apply the Dharma in daily life.
Many people after taking refuge, take refuge paper certificates to hang in the house, so that I had to become a Buddhist, this is a misconception. A refuge ceremony is considered as the legal principles required before becoming a Buddhist, but to become a true Buddhist consciousness must be provided, the five precepts, preservation of Buddhist ethics at home, learning to live according to the teachings and spirit of the Buddha. Some people do not remember is what Tam said, this year's ethics laypeople (five precepts) is nothing, no words, employment is expressed as a Buddhist. They still gambling, recommendations, alcohol, swearing, profanity, mistresses still dear wife, behave poorly culture ... make others whenever they go see the temple, wearing robes is not possible to assess the Buddhists, Buddhists attributed only those who "as well as anybody," even "as gardenia", "non-interest export market," nothing respectable.
Buddhists should also specify where the spiritual values ​​of Buddhism, not to be confused superstitious beliefs, theocratic beliefs, practices paganism as the spiritual values ​​of Buddhism. Want to clarify this, people need to read Buddhist texts, religious education, dharma lectures, exchanges often learn to master your healing well. Certain Buddhists to understand impermanence, dependent occurrence, cause and effect, reincarnation, rebirth. Can not see a Buddhist without knowing the history of the Buddha, the enlightened Buddhist, could not see a Buddhist if you do not know the basic tenets of Buddhism.
 Buddhists should take note of the above. All expressions, the Buddhist way of life in accordance with dharma are valuable benefit to yourself and others, and also make sense in the mirror personality for everyone, is the representative element of Buddhism. Therefore, when taken refuge became a Buddhist, the Three Jewels glass, the morality of the lay Buddhist Buddhists have always considered themselves to be worthy to be Buddhists, and to get the price true value in life moral and spiritual.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=( THE EIGHTFOLD PATH ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.5/6/2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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