Thursday 5 June 2014

The meaning of prayer in Buddhism is not the same meaning in the prayers of other religions or folk beliefs.
The meaning of prayer is usually beg desire something. For example, it is desired riches, passed the examinations desire, desire promotion, development financing, we wish to bring this post to a divine being that they consider sacred and pray he makes their wishes come true. It's called prayer.
However, in Buddhism is different. Buddhists understand that no one can give her the satisfaction of desire, except the desire that is the result of causes and conditions which they did in the past life or past lives. They believe the law of causality, I can not believe that a causal escape by pleading avoid disaster, disease, the risks of uncertainty, and there can not pray for peace and happiness when you are not each sow sow little affinity or affinity.
The fruit can only be happy when people are sowing kindness and caring. The good seeds (karma) are cultivated and nurtured, to meet predestined when the automatic weather it bear fruit, well there is no demand. What or not, the misfortunes in life is the result of evil deeds that we have created in the past this life and past lives. It begs the Buddha's power or divine protection, help yourself escape fire with fire by accident with no results, because once the fruit has formed and now ripe (fully causal arise out issue) do not shirk from it. The Buddha taught us to avoid karma when it is not formed by changing many people's mind and create good conditions have the opposite effect was created with predestined. This is called professionalism.
If someone could see what was going to happen to us, due to causes and conditions that we have created in the past is about to achieve a result, the effect is gradually shaped object, so people can know the divine before. Although we flee by any event (as for divine protection, using magic spells to protect), we must receive retribution in the form of pain or pleasure or other forms of human charming full convergence. If you had to create wholesome karma, it received a positive report good results; if you've ever created evil karma, negative nature of the results received bad press. For example, people who kill the karma sooner or later, the laws were executed or killed again, the effect does not happen in our life it also occurs in later life, though attempted to imitate evil spirit , turn tricks wriggle, nor escape exit.
The Great Buddha and Bodhisattva, the Sages have the compassion to save suffering beings, but no one can act against the law of causality. We constantly create every student now, so life does not stop territorial retribution. Just as the poor miserable passion for gambling alcohol, if not denying black red now, now drunk, addiction can not be happy and peaceful life is despite the help of money, rice clothing, to shelter, support raising. Do not turn the bad karma they will surely suffer, suffer imprisonment not also suffering from disease, melt the broken door of poverty. Or corrupted by perverted ghost that decimated wild relatives, arising at the same time many incurable diseases like HIV / AIDS, lung cancer, liver cancer, cirrhosis, etc. ... there is no divine miracle rescue be.
So that Buddhists do not pray for the power to declare blessing, painting fire protection. Buddhists pray So what?
The Buddhist prayer carries a different meaning. The word "demand" in Buddhism does not mean "pray" that is desired, aspired. well as saying "Upper Bridge Buddhist, lower sentient beings" (On the Buddhist demand, as sentient beings), the "On demand Buddhist" does not mean that the "begging" Buddhist. Where the Buddhist who you ask. Thus "bridge" here means "desire to achieve success", "eager to obtain."
Prayer in Buddhism is not desired Buddha gave his thing, which is expressed wishes, desires . The prayer is often repeated, repeated aspiration, desire that we always keep in mind, from which we endeavor, strive to fulfill the wish, that wish.
For ease of understanding and to avoid misunderstandings, Buddhist texts often do not use the word "pray" that only one word "prayer". The word "prayer" is only used widely in religious life, spiritual masses.
The word "prayer" means desire, desire, intention (aspiration, ambition), wish, desire. For example: "Let the wicked stage the most essential, the most essential atomic friendly, the most essential reason they are born" (May end to eliminate all the evil, all the good atom, cause all sentient beings), "Prayer certainly merits test, the most universal set U, Russians are evil beings, plus the Buddhist period "(May take this merit, dedication to all, and our beings, are full of Buddhist) etc. ...
"Prayer" in Buddhism is only one step on the path to school, on the way to improve ourselves, human migration path from the holy city, on the road to benefit beings. Therefore, Buddhists do not stop praying in that, but to step into the teaching practice period, the teachings of the Buddha to achieve desired his wishes . prayer and practice must be linked together. Prayer helps to practice more diligently, brave, and vice versa, helping new practice prayer practical significance.
Pray shown minded . For example, the Pure vowing level, for Buddha A-di-momentum is there to lead the Bliss minded students, but practitioners to practice Pure Land Buddhist practice of reciting the perfect minister or visualizing optics intelligence, merit, prayer vast power of the Buddha A-di-momentum, wins the solemn realm of Bliss, and must keep the five precepts (five precepts), Cross-friendly action, Bodhi and Development Center create religious merit blessing.
There are wishes, aspiration without practical action to implement the wish, aspiration, then there is no point. well as people who want to become doctors, engineers without being educated, just sit there dreaming or invoke divine. Whether someone is supportive umbrella, have acquired diplomas, degrees also not be a doctor, a real engineer, and diplomas, fake degrees will be the other, is predestined to bring disaster to that person later. A fake degrees tomorrow uncovered; Doctors treat or fake death, fake engineers build shoddy work, no standards, just the cost of depreciation, had caused serious consequences, make sure the doctor, he will engineer thrown into prison.
We often go to the temple to pray peace and happiness for you and your loved ones, then we must practice the Buddha's teachings, what to do, how to live peace, to limit the the sufferings and afflictions in the body and the mind . Unable to pray persistently and industrial artifacts of evil, unwholesome, creating bad karmic, negative; entrusted to the Buddha and Bodhisattva, HH legal protection for their mission, do not see the Buddha and other sages as the embezzlement, the servant they bribed (by fruit offerings), due to its arbitrary dictates.
Many people come to the temple on major holidays, to burn incense bundle and plug harrowing everywhere though no place to plug censer; took bread left on the altar, picking flowers and ornamental trees break the temple to ask for fortune; full amount sprayed on the Buddhist altar, the altar Bodhisattva prayer, this works not only not helpful but also damages blessed because of wasting money and defamation Buddhas, Bodhisattvas monks, saints gentle, dignified lost temple gates pure place. How scattered is giving money to the Buddha, the Bodhisattva or bribe bribe? It is not defamation to make sages then what? Truly evil deeds! So confused that inadvertently create more crime and increase industrial wrong.
People have faith, belief, whether Buddhist or not Buddhist faith, are required (true faith on the basis of right understanding, right thought), avoid negative actions, wrong, any jobs that also have meaning and value of practical benefits . In Buddhism, the Buddhist prayer is different from that usually, not for the purpose of begging, demand side. If superstition, demand side, begging for peace and the gains we have committed to participate, si. At the same time the form of his hands for prayer, but others in mind the significance and value of different actions as well.
Buddhism also encourages prayer not only for themselves but also for others. Prayer something meaningful to others and beauty shows his heart for that person, the spirit, the love, the spirit of compassion, selflessness, altruism. For example, to pray for their parents and grandparents healthy, long life, praying for peace, happy family, praying for their homeland, their country and the world, for humanity, we are living in peace and security communication etc. ...
After each trading period, Buddhists always pray for blessings merits of the practice for the practice of the legal world beings, for all beings are born quickly up to the Buddha; voluntary leg lucid wisdom, eradicated all defilements, guilty ... distention (Feng Jing well merit wins, wins boundless dedication blessed period, common law employers voluntarily beings, Buddha of Boundless Light blonde look . Vow three major objectives, defilements, may attain wisdom buried willow, common crime voluntarily eliminate all obstacles ...). Content just pray for her, just for all sentient beings, not personal selfishness, not equal discrimination.
In summary, the vow expressed wishes, aspiration and our determination. Also vow to cultivate a practice of spirituality, piety development and growth of faith, blessings to practice, practice Dharma. A beginner Buddhists vow to practice the healing of law, legal morality life, the good deeds remove the evil that is "early" (turned - just turn your head let alone walk, new practice phase step to the destination), while the "distance to the shore of enlightenment, liberation, happiness" (feeling left bank, shore) How far is depending on the level of diligent practice, practice, performance his vow.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=( THE EIGHTFOLD PATH ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.5/6/2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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