Thursday 5 June 2014

Bodhisattva Way.
Gueshe Langri Tangpa
(Gueshe Langri Tangpa)
Bodhisattva Way
Eight more poetry to help train the Mind
Tibetan monk Gueshe Langri Tangpa
1. Prayer brings happiness,
for all sentient beings.
I would love them,
with all my heart.
2. During all beings,
the worst May do.
Pray for all
sentient beings than me.
3. Prayer in my watch,
crazy emotion?
Determined to give me away,
my heart pure.
4. Aggressive beings,
Sow immense grief,
I would love them,
Like priceless treasures.
5. Those who abused me,
insults, slander me,
my patience to endure,
this glory dedication.
6. Those who although unprovoked,
Hurt me,
I'm grateful to them,
as the supreme teacher.
7. Place thousands of the world,
we are born parent.
burden of suffering children,
the rise is Happiness.
8. Between life hallucinations,
not the path that inimitable.
reassured me move a step,
a realm does not empty?
Above is the rhyme "translation" (or "borrow") from "Eight more poetry helps train the mind" of Tibetan monks Gueshe Langri Tangpa (1054-1123), who described the path of the Bodhisattva . That path represented by eight vows and actions as follows:
Advanced 1: May the love and bring happiness to all sentient beings. That is the goal of the early and most important of the Bodhisattva.
Advanced 2: Prayer as a poor person and see all sentient beings than himself. That is the way to practice modesty and humility.
Advanced 3: May not control his mind to give any emotional hysteria appear. This method of training attention and help proactively alert mind, not for the negative effects manifest actions bring disastrous.
Advanced 4: May all beings look fierce priceless treasures, because thanks to them that I promote forgiveness.
Advanced 5: Prayer before the patience to endure abuse, insults and slander of others, virtually eliminate their collective hatred.
Advanced 6: Prayer for those treated unjustly hurt yourself as the most valuable teachers, because they have taught her patience.
Advanced 7: May all beings see his mother have the strength to bear all their suffering and sacrifice your happiness for them.
Advanced 8: Prayer keeps the path not tainted by worldly worries and to recognize that all phenomena are hallucinations, to help her achieve enlightenment born to serve them more effectively.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=( THE EIGHTFOLD PATH ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.5/6/2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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