Wednesday 4 June 2014

Part II - Four Noble Truths (continued)

Right Concentration

"Concentration is how?

M. 44 - "Eligibility attention and a unique character," Cittakaggata "(and do not think about anything else). Such is the legal mind."

"Meditate perfect status" Samma samadhi '(Concentration) in the broad sense, it belongs to the type of interest that arise in every thought about the good work "kusalacitta" (kindness).
Kusala accompanied by:
- Thought true "Samma sankappa" (Right Thought), in the 2nd step of the Eightfold Path.
- Right Effort "Samma vayama" in step 6.
- Mindfulness "Samma sati" in step 7.
Meditate state Unjust (bad) often arises despicable dirty thoughts. It belongs to the realm of the senses, not Concentration.
Abhidhamma (Abhidhamma) have to say about the state of the two foods:
- Kusala Kamavacara Jhàna (Instilling good in noble thoughts.)
- Kamavacara Jhàna akusala (bad thoughts Instill in sin).
Both 2 states that belong to the realm of the senses.
If applied separately, the word Samadhi means "Concentration" (Samma Samadhi).

M.44 - Four French conceptual basis "Foundations of Mindfulness" is the subject of concentration or meditation.
Four key measures diligently, "Effort" (step 6), is essential for the practice of meditation.
Practice makes development and cultivation of the French above is called as a "progressive" (Bhavana) in the practice of meditation.


There are 2 levels of progress on provisional status righteous, or "Concentration" (Samma samadhi):
- Requires (Upacara samadhi) is adjacent provisional status (Jhàna) things I (Jhana) but did not enter Samadhi.
- Provisional perfect (Appana Concentration - Complete set) is fully accomplished meditation 4 level.
However all 4 grades obtained that Zen is not necessary to achieve 4 holy, or "Four ethereal way." So says the nature, the state of samadhi or need to have the ability to put the goals of "the World Export Path" (Deliverance). And meditation can not purge the evil French mansion.

Four directors saints only result achieved by the French "insight" (vipassana) or intelligent mind is emptiness. That is used to enlighten inner wisdom to see the truth clearly in accordance with state Impermanence (aniccata), brain size (Dukkhata) and Anatta (Anattata) of all legal entities created life.
But the ultimate wisdom can only achieve in stages "approach to" and not in time to enter.
Zen meditators do not elect to achieve but one of the four holy person is called "Sukkhavipassaka", meaning that people can label all fiber optics, or the one who used "Vipassana" draining affliction.
As the practitioner has practiced Zen masters do development that results obtained in four urban called "Yanaka Samaka," meaning that the method used "Pure Heart" as its basis.

M.141 - "When you no longer involved with the ceiling color with the mess, one step of the order is provisional first Jhana. Persons instill peace and happiness, not craving."

M.43 - "Dwelling in Jhana, one kind of obstacles are 5 things are: Greed, anger, sloth, bathroom, Skepticism, and the goodwill developed 5: Range (Vitakka), Chad (vicara), distorted communications (Piti), An pleasure (sukha) and Concentration (samadhi Cittekkagata, the heliocentric).
Vitakka (preliminary coordination of abstract thought) and Vicara (continuous coordinate ideas). These thoughts have dependencies versus nature center.
In the Visudhi Magga (Path purity), Vitakka (range) such as umbrella and grabbed Vicara (Chad) is the umbrella clean.

M. 27 - "Following that, the mind becomes calm and ideological balance, one step into the state no longer Range (Vitakka) and enter the Second Meditation, arising out of stickers (samadhi). Administration instill false joys (Piti) and An amusing (sukha).

Then joys vanish mind, he should dwell in peace but also knew his Samadhi. The test of this state sages often cheered: "Happy! Once people get to dwell in purity of mind and memory." Until that Zen meditators enter Tam arise with equanimity (upekkha), wellbeing (sukha) and Concentration (Samadhi).

M.27 - "Subsequently, the joy vanish from past suffering, he should no longer feel sad at all, beyond the boundaries of the pleasure and pain into charity. Sees here , the only remaining mind and equanimity. "


Four steps Meditation (foods) can be achieved by the concept out breathing (sati anapana) and four spots noble Meditation (Charity is), then by law "spiritual retreat" (and thoughts).

VM.9 - Join the meditation on loving-kindness (metta bhavana), meditation on compassion (karuna bhavana), and meditation on the joy (Mudita bhàvanà) can lead to samadhi.
VM.6 - Join the graveyard meditation as well as the impure material (asubha bhàvanà) only leads to meditation only.

VM.6 - Mindfulness body, sealed Buddha, Dharma grace, kindness and Increase About the only idea I need to put (upacara samadhi).

S.21 - "The people should try to develop practice meditation, who have an interest as a new hope to understand all things as truth. Which is what the characters? dollars from being out of the way five aggregates: form, feeling, perception, consciousness.

M.48 - "That should be understood by the five aggregates created intellectual life.
Ignorance and greed need to exclude intellectually. Disciplines concentration (Samatha - Security only) and insight (vipassana) must be fully developed in wisdom. "
S.56 - "This is the way to go between (Middle Way) by Ð? ng Omniscient discovered and brought popularity to lead to peace, to know the distinction (right, wrong), to the Enlightenment. .. coming Nibbana.

DHP.275 - "And follow the path that ultra Vietnam, you will cease to be the source of suffering."

A.IV. (198) - "And the mind (of rank were Enlightenment) becomes free, no greed, ego and have no escape from the murky darkness (ignorance).

The very excited: "I've been liberated!" This observation arises in humans Enlightenment.
People understand that, "I will not be reborn. Has moral integrity. Having to do and we've done nothing to bother on this earth again."

M.26 - "We are free forever.
born I was only in this life only.
rebirth There is not any one lure. "

M.140 - "Actually, this is a great intellectual grandeur. did I know that the source of pain to vanish. And here is an absolute pleasure. did I know that extinguishes lust, ignorance, resentment hatred. "

M.140 - "Say: I am here, is a vain intention.'re not here, is a vain thought. would be me again, is a vain thought." These thoughts, such as an illness, an injury, a sharp thorn.
When the removal is not an idle thought benefits, people become pure grade "Muni" (Keep silence for those useless thoughts).
And it is no longer pure grade was born again, not dead anymore, and no longer want to participate anymore. If there is rebirth and old anymore, then how can death to be? But nothing dies from fear to anxiety? And if you were not afraid of what they need to attend to? ".
True purpose

M.29 - "So, the moral purpose of life is not just rely on credit experimental animals, aspiring to fame, but also not so high knowledge intensive academic achievement through.
Only as fully liberated open mind is life and it's super basic, it's purpose. "
M.51 - "The Great Sage, the past Enlightened disciples promotion of goods to that purpose. Currently have taught the world how death also. And in the future Omniscient also act that way. "
D.22 Does - "O the disciples! However, after passing the Tathagata, you might think:" He's Dharma, no more! We then took the Cardinals' ".

O disciples! Do not think so. Main Dhamma (Dhamma) and Discipline (Vinaya) of the Tathagata teacher will leave your organization. Dharma will be your light. Dhamma as your refuge of thanks. You should not find any place else to lean on.

O disciples! Tathagata Dharma tradition, you should try to preserve carefully, making continued moral life flows smoothly, is extended in several generations, to bring happiness to many people, providing security source fun to the world, bring peace and happiness to mankind Gods ".




LOCATION OF FRANCE "four foundations of mindfulness" in Buddhism

L Theory "Four Noble Truths" such as a display of the wonders of art and architecture during an extraordinary time and then be forgotten in the ground. Now then, thanks to the wise minds and meticulously excavated by archaeologists that it was re-exported before the welcome of people. The Ð? Ng in the era of Enlightenment are based on the Four Noble Truths to build doctrine.
Four Noble Truths as well as the foundation of a splendid temples located deep underground but solid crystal pillars to support him "Eightfold Path". But only temple roof shape with high roof with beautiful upright to take the space "Four Foundations of Mindfulness."
Buddha's Eightfold Path is called super-Vietnam road. The way out of this world, the path to enlightenment, the way to end suffering, a path to an absolute pleasure ... for anyone who was willing to follow. Four Foundations of Mindfulness (Sati Patthana) or Mindfulness (Samma Sati) genus 7th Eightfold Path and is going into the "suspended". Mindfulness is the core, the lord far-reaching influence of the way first 6 chi ultra Vietnam.
In the Agama School (Digha Nikaya), the Buddha had theories:
"Asked the monks! Sole method towards investments in clean completely, so disturbing beyond the preferred termination misery, to pave the way to righteousness leading to Nirvana result, the method is "Four Basic French Mindfulness" (Foundations of Mindfulness). "
Thought is the most important activity in the human being. As it is now causing elements created beings must turn in cyclic populations. Perhaps that is true thoughts only way to stop the source of suffering.

Satipatthana is divided into 2 parts:
- Mindfulness Body parts belong to the material (Sac.)
- Reciting Tho, Tam anniversary, the French concept of the psychological component (List)
Buddha Body upcoming first anniversary is a procedure very regularly so easy steps for practice times from low to high. Concept itself has nature than simply chanting the next three psychological, but it is very real ways and big. Because the body is attached to the subject of the human ego. and if not what is remembered at his side reach the surface very hard to think about distant. According to Buddhist teachings, Body concept is aimed to explore the purpose insubstantiality of 4 elements (Sichuan University) constitute the human body, virtually eliminating the ego go to liberation.
Method of exercising the body "Hatha Yoga" than the other Indian Buddhist chanting Body, because the followers of this method focuses on the extraordinary capacity or desire or achieve a miracle than finding escape routes. Hatha Yoga yogi can control your body as you want, as fast food, stop breathing, stop the blood vessels, tendons motion, endure frost or searing heat, hold a posture very long, etc. ..

The Buddha taught the Dharma practitioner Satipatthana started to focus on his breathing out. But why? Since the activity of the body, breathing is regular and continuous memorable than the other abnormal movements.
In terms of science, breathing is essential for every living creature. Born out, the air was very still when stopped breathing life and life is terminated. Gentle breath helps smooth blood lead system operating normally makes people healthy, sharp, long life, as well as in motor gasoline engines are running.
In ancient times, gas bar on abundant space and technical human respiratory sophisticated, less sickness and longevity. These animals such as turtles, snakes or other creatures foraging is not as drought, snow ice, but still live a long time thanks to a special breathing apparatus thereof.
According to Hatha Yoga, if known practice breathing properly, then it moves across the continent itself, through the nerves and purify the acupuncture points (chakra), removes toxins (toxine) in the blood, bringing health and wisdom for practitioners. So we need to know the way we breathe irregular daily incompetent to dismiss it entirely toxins. Hatha Yoga methods over 10 different ways to breathe better, but other forms of Buddhism.
Buddha teaches the practitioner long as you breathe out briefly, indigo need to know. The practitioner should be aware of the state of mind, see if it's quiet or agitated. Since the heart rate depending on where breathing fast or slow. And while clearly knowing the situation, one must adjust for moderate breath, depending on the nature and his ability to breathe and feel comfortable while enjoying all of breath and not focus on the breath indigo, then go for a long brief breathing apparatus freedom not continue to operate like normal.
The attention and arrangements for regulating breath so long in the habit of running into months, it seems natural body while the practitioner whether they are meditating on a certain subject or executive insight. The angel said that breathing in this case toward the rear to support practitioners for quick results.
The spirit can only become clear in a body purified and healthy. Maybe that Buddha upcoming titles topped the mindfulness of breathing and chanting relatives that are also elements of avant-garde practice the Four Foundations of Mindfulness.
Life belongs to psychology but is somewhat simpler concept and idea center France. When practitioners have high levels of concentration and memory, the executive know Tho very easy concept.
After completing Tho anniversary, one on the inside of the temple, "Foundations of Mindfulness" to observe the royal palace. From here the part of the practitioner becomes very difficult because people have said delicately over the stage winner's complex "Vipassana" with 2 section notion and concept of the French mind. Who have painstakingly cultivated, moral dung, charming circular base enough to desire the power pearl new Nirvana.
Through the practice of mindfulness, new Buddhist practitioners grasp the impermanent nature of the five aggregates and kill their status, to finally break the causal rope "Paticca samuppāda" (interdependent) and exit the loop birth and death.

The essence of Buddhism wonderful things like fruit trees: the roots are deep underground "Four Noble Truths", the majestic trunk above the "Eightfold Path", and the leaves on the tree blooming flowering Left is "Four Foundations of Mindfulness."

Huynh Van composer CELEBRATION

"To try to practice their religion, morality, monks more perfect day. Vices are eliminated purification, is now ready to step up to the chapel area, as gold is compressed skilled artisan foods made many women page.
A monk leisurely spoiler free spare, nothing prevents cranes flew like birds in the sky.
A monk becomes calm, calm, cold world before the law illusory.
He is not scared like anxiety king Badhya acclaim when meditating under the tree: "Happy! Blessed! Dwell in the past, the palace, the military is protecting, the fortified city wall, but we do Where to sleep ... Today we no longer fear anything for themselves and life. Wherever we are in peace. " - Majjhima Nikaya
"Before you kill finished the obstacle, monks such as debtors, carry disease, imprisonment, wander in the outback ...

But when it removes the obstacles that the person has done as well as debt, is recovering slowly from prison, no longer see anything dangerous.
A monk is satisfied contentment, mind flooded with happiness "- Digha Nikaya.
"Action Method" Foundations of Mindfulness ", the electronic world is always in the state" Insight "physical, emotional, and test the phenomenon of examining the (legal) arises.
The Rough regular, attentive and knew he dismissed all the sorrows of the world. "- Digha Nikaya
"Grade Purity (Muni) calmly not anger, misery, no ambition for worldly contrast of (good, bad, big, small, to, coward ...) and exited through the mail from disaster birth, aging, sickness and so on. " - Anguttara Nikaya-III.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=( THE EIGHTFOLD PATH ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.5/6/2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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