Wednesday 4 June 2014

Part I - Zhuan Falun



Anuttaram abhisambodhim sambujjhitva tathagato. Pathamam yamadesesi, dhammacakkam anuttaram. Sammadeva pavattento appativattiyam loke.
Tathagata who is Catholic Home, has seen levels Supreme supreme Buddha, those who practice in the world will not be, he could make out in the very right feet.
Yathakkhata ubho Anta, patipattica Majjhima. Catusvariyasaccesu, visuddham nanadassanam.
His first move Falun explain two extreme measures, the law bars low, with the e Central guidance and wisdom that understands the four Noble Truths quibble intellectual simplicity.
Desitam dhammarajena. Sammasambodhikittanam. Namena vissutam suttam.
Now I recite Zhuan Falun, the chief virtue of Tri variable, the French Service level he has certainly interpreted.
Dhammacakkappavattanam. Veyyakakaranapathena, sangitantam bhanamase.
Business was released on Tri lemon variable, but the A level meeting Soap Le was to establish and revise e pipes according to Sanskrit (Pali) is usually written without any confusion shelves language.


BUSINESS Zhuan Falun

Evam me sutam.
I (Nan A. A name is a) to hear something like this:
Ekam samayam Bhagava baranasiyam viharati isipatane migadaye.

Buddha seated childhood in Forest Retirement (Isipatanamigadayavana) near rather nh Baranasi.
Tatra Bhagava pancavaggiye Bhikkhu amantesi warehouse.
The Buddha calls a day 5, monks, where he lived, taught that:
Anta bhikkhave Dveme pabbajitena na sevitabha.
The monks! Two extreme measures, the practice of low bars. The religious persons, should not follow trends, not follow up action.
Katame dve?
Two extreme measures that, how?
Yo cayam Kamesu kamasukhallika nuyogo Hino, gammo.
A law making body and mind is decided according to the sexual attachment, despicable way.
Pothujjaniko, anariyo.
France's guys like, of human kindness law, not the higher-order multiplication.
There is no benefit expenditure.
Yocayam attakilamathanuyogo dukkho.
Second, the law makes it difficult to fix the body, mind, body workers for e au pain
There must be measures of higher-order multiplication.
There is no benefit expenditure.
Ete warehouse bhikkhave ubho anupagamma Majjhima patipata ante. Tathagatena. Abhisamnuddha cakkhukarani nanakarani upsamaya abhinnaya sambodhaya nibbanaya samvattati.
The monks! The path between practice, unbiased way excessive under 2's, which have been enlightened Tathagata, the law makes arise, the quibble that said, the calm wisdom, understanding feet district, an end to suffering.
Katama Casa bhikkhave Majjhima patipada tathagatena abhisambuddha cakkhukatani nanakarani upasamayasambodhaya nibbaya samvattati.
The monks! Rhetoric between hanhh way, that the Tathagata has e Testament great awakening, as the born legal practice to intellectual labels, understanding exactly quibble, the calm wisdom, understanding right feet, the How hard is that end?
Ayameva ariyo atthangiko maggo
As Eightfold Path, the path has 8 legal costs as noble.
How did the Noble Eightfold Path?
Sammaditthi, Sammasankappo, Sammavaca, Sammakammanto, Sama-ajivo, Samavayamo, Sammasati, Sammasamadhi
Seeing understand right feet, right feet Thinking, Say right feet. Occupation right feet, right feet farming network, Diligent right feet, Ideology and right feet, the provisional right feet.
Ayamkho swooping bhikkhave Majjhima patipada tathagatena abhisambuddha cakkhukarani nanakarani upasamaya abhnnaya sambodhaya nibbanaya samvattati.
The monks! Eightfold Path is the path between, which went Tathagata and e Testament great awakening, as the practice according to, for unto wisdom arises labels, understanding real quibble minister for e tu ang serenity, to have wisdom, the One who knows right feet, for unto an end to suffering.
Idam warehouse pana bhikkhave dukkham ariyasaccam jatipi dukkhā, jarapi dukkhā, byadhipi dukkhā, maranampi dukkham, (soka parideva dukkhado ghost nassupayasapi dukkhā) appiyehi sampayago sukkho, piyehi vippayogo dukhho, yampiccham na labhati, tam po dukkham.
The monks! Born, is the thrill Aggregates, e is the child to suffer. La o is the frail elderly, as well as e's children to the suffering, the sick are sick, as well as bring human suffering. Death is a solid tan Aggregates, as well as e's children to suffer. U ? t memories, inside exasperation, not to be expressed, as well as e's children to suffer. Uninterested in which case, as well as e's children to the suffering; preferred but must leave, as well as e's children to suffer.
Sankhittena pancuppadanakkhandha dukkhā.
The beginning of the end of the agony of birth was suffering, call l à Noble Truths of Suffering.
Idam warehouse pana bhikkhave dukkhasamudayam ariyasaccam yayam tanhà ponobbhavika nandiragasahagata.
The monks! The merchants want to get every new birth creates life, because of the sexual desires of the heart, usually preferred that follow the happy realm. The trade is how he wants?
Tatra tatrabhinandini seyyathi damkamatanha bhavatnha vibhavatannha.
The merchants wanted was:
- Fishy fish ha (kamatanha): Craving earthly sensuous.
- breaking through fishy ha (bhavatanha): Craving born of gender identity (as often is.)
- you break too fishy ha (vibhavatanha): Craving birth in formless (for reviews section).
There are 3 merchants wanted was known as The Noble Truths of Suffering.
Idam warehouse ariyasaccam yo pana bhikkhave dukkhanirodhayam tassayeva tanhaya asesaviraganirodho cagopatinis saggo analayo mutti.
The monks! How to stop the trade from want, not remainder due by the Noble Eightfold Path. Craving no way to avoid residual mercy, so that by the Noble Eightfold Path, called the Cessation of Suffering Truths.
Idam warehouse pana bhikkhave dukkhanirodhagamini patipada ariyasaccam ayameva ariyo atthangiko maggo seyyathidam samaditthi sammasankappo sammvaca sammakammanto sammaaajivo sammavayamo sammasati sammasamadhi.
The monks! Noble Eightfold Path that is how? Being: Understanding right feet, right feet Thinking, Say right feet, right feet Profession, network culture right feet, right feet Effort, Ideology and right feet, right feet provisional.
He called the Eightfold Noble Path Cessation of Suffering.
1. Idam dukkham ariyasaccan ti me bhikkhave pubhe ananussutesu dhammesu cakkhum udapapi Nanam udapadi, panna udapadi, vijjà udapadi, aloko udapadi.
The monks! Property has clearly arisen, arisen wisdom knows, wisdom knew not mistake arises, wisdom rupture skepticism arises, wisdom ignorance destroy Tathagata arises then.
In the law, but at dd 's opening Tathagata had ever heard, to be understood that: This is the Noble Truth of Suffering like.
2. Tam warehouse padidam dukkham ariyasaccam parinneyan ti me bhikkhave pubhe ananussutesu dhammesu cakkhum udapapi Nanam udapadi, panna udapadi, vijjà udapadi, aloko udapadi.
The monks! Property has clearly arisen, arisen wisdom knows, wisdom knew not mistake arises, wisdom rupture skepticism arises, wisdom ignorance destroy Tathagata arises then.
In that way at first Tathagata ever heard, to be understood that these Truths of Suffering, Indonesia n memorialized by such wisdom.
3. Tam warehouse padidam dukkham ariyasaccam parinnatan ti me bhikkhave pubhe ananussutesu dhammesu cakkhum udapapi Nanam udapadi, panna udapadi, vijjà udapadi, aloko udapadi.
Hey , monks! Property has clearly arisen, arisen wisdom knows, wisdom knew not mistake arises, wisdom rupture skepticism arises, wisdom ignorance destroy Tathagata arises then.
In the law, but at dd 's opening Tathagata had ever heard, to be understood that these Truths of Suffering, the Tathagata is remembered and how.
4. Idam dukkhasamudayam ariyasaccan ti me bhikkhave pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu cakkhum udapadi Nanam udapadi, panna udapadi, vijjà upadadi, aloko udapadi.
The monks! Property has clearly arisen, arisen wisdom knows, wisdom knew not mistake arises, wisdom rupture skepticism arises, wisdom ignorance destroy Tathagata arises then.
In the law, but at dd 's opening Tathagata had ever heard, to be understood that: Ð The Noble Truths of Suffering This is like that.
5. Tam warehouse panidam dukkhasamudayam ariyasaccam pahatabban ti me bhikkhave pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu cakkhum udapadi Nanam udapadi, panna udapadi, vijjà upadadi, aloko udapadi.
The monks! Property has clearly arisen, arisen wisdom knows, wisdom knew not sa i wrong arise, break cynical wisdom arises, wisdom ignorance destroy Tathagata arises then.
In the law, but at dd 's opening Tathagata had ever heard, seen, understood that: Suffering The Noble Ð ? this right except such stopped.
6. Tam warehouse panidam dukkhasamudayam ariyasaccam pahinan ti me bhikkhave pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu cakkhum udapadi Nanam udapadi, panna udapadi, vijjà upadadi, aloko udapadi.
The monks! Property has clearly arisen, arisen wisdom knows, wisdom knew not mistake arises, wisdom rupture skepticism arises, wisdom ignorance destroy Tathagata arises then.
In the law, but at dd 's opening Tathagata had ever heard, seen, understood that: Suffering The Noble Ð ? Tathagata has this issue been so categorical.
7. Idam dukkhanirodham ariyasaccan ti me bhikkhave pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu cakkhum udapadi Nanam udapadi, panna udapadi, vijjà upadadi, aloko udapadi.
The monks! Property has clearly arisen, arisen wisdom knows, wisdom knew not mistake arises, wisdom rupture skepticism arises, religious ignorance mplementation kill Tathagata arises then.
In the law, but at dd 's opening Tathagata had ever heard, to be understood that: Ð This is the Noble Truth of Suffering exterminate it.
8. Tam warehouse panidam dukkhanirodham ariyasaccam sacchikatabhan ti me bhikkhave pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu cakkhum udapadi Nanam udapadi, panna udapadi, vijjà upadadi, aloko udapadi
The monks! Property has clearly arisen, arisen wisdom knows, wisdom knew not mistake arises, wisdom rupture skepticism arises, wisdom ignorance destroy Tathagata arises then.
In the law, but at dd 's opening Tathagata ever seen, understood that: Removal Noble Suffering Ð ? This, to act for such categorical.
9. Tam warehouse panidam dukkhanirodham ariyasaccam sacchikatan ti me bhikkhave pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu cakkhum udapadi Nanam udapadi, panna udapadi, vijjà upadadi, aloko udapadi
The monks! Property has clearly arisen, arisen wisdom knows, wisdom knew not mistake arises, wisdom rupture skepticism arises, wisdom ignorance destroy Tathagata arises then.
In the law, but at the beginning of the Tathagata ever seen, understood that: Removal Noble Suffering Ð ? This Tathagata has issued to quibble like that.
10. Idam dukkhanirodhagamini patipada ariyasaccan ti me bhikkhave pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu cakkhum udapadi Nanam udapadi, panna udapadi, vijjà upadadi, aloko udapadi.
The monks! Property has clearly arisen, arisen wisdom knows, wisdom knew not mistake arises, wisdom rupture skepticism arises, wisdom ignorance destroy Tathagata arises then.
In the way that when e Tathagata's opening has not been found, understand that: A. This is the Cessation of Suffering Truths like Austria.
11. Tam warehouse panidam dukkhanirodhagamini patipada ariyasaccam bhavetabban ti me bhikkhave pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu cakkhum udapadi Nanam udapadi, panna udapadi, vijjà upadadi, aloko udapadi.
Hey , monks! Property has clearly arisen, arisen wisdom knows, wisdom knew not mistake arises, wisdom rupture skepticism arises, wisdom ignorance destroy Tathagata arises then.
In the law, but at dd 's opening Tathagata ever seen, understood that directs Ð Cessation of Suffering ? This must be carried out for such increase.
12. Tam warehouse panidam dukkhanirodhagamini patipada ariyasaccam bhavitan ti me bhikkhave pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu cakkhum udapadi Nanam udapadi, panna udapadi, vijjà upadadi, aloko udapadi.
This t or Bhikkhu! Property has clearly arisen, arisen wisdom knows, wisdom knew not mistake arises, wisdom rupture skepticism arises, wisdom ignorance destroy Tathagata arises then.
In the law, but at dd 's opening Tathagata ever seen, understood that directs Ð Cessation of Suffering ? This, Tathagata then acted to increase the like.
Yavakivanca me bhikkhave imesucatusu ariyasaccesu evam na tiparivattam dvadasakaram yathabhutam nanadassanam suvisuddham ahosi.
The monks! Wisdom ever known, visible under chief probably, three rotation, may twelve transport in the Four Noble Truths does not arise in the Tathagata clean.
(Three rotation is: Tue evident Truths, Tue clear "the" in Noble Truths. Tue clear "the" in Noble Truths was operating and, in her third rotation wheel transport. Every thing to have 3 rotation , the four Noble Truths: 3x4 = 12 possible)
Neva tavaham bhikhave sadevake loke samarake sabramake sassamanabramaniya pajaya sadevamanussaya anuttaram sammasambodhim abhisambuddho paccannasim.
The monks! While Tathagata no more sublime understanding of the world are both heavenly realms Mara, Brahma realms, necessarily within, beings, always the rank and Samana Brahmin, the Tathagata and yet call themselves Tri-order variable that attained Chief.
Yato warehouse ca me bhikkhave imesu catusuariyaccsu tiparivattam dvadasakaram yathabhutam nanadassanam suvisuddham ahosi.
The monks! When wisdom known, visible under chief probably, have three rotating, twelve can follow the Four Noble Truths that have arisen in the Tathagata clean.
Athaham bhikkhave sadevake loke samarake sabramake sassamanabramaniya pajaya sadevamanussaya anuttaram sammasambodhim abhisambuddho paccannasim ti.
This, monks! Then Tathagata called Tri-order variable as Supreme Chief of the world are the heavens, the realm of Mara, Brahma realms, necessarily within beings, are all steps Samana and Mrs. La Mon, the word mercy of people out and out again, does not have the understanding, more sublime understanding of the Tathagata.
Nananca pana me dassanam udapadi akuppa vimutti me, Dani punabbhavoti natthi ayamantima jati.
Wisdom knows, clearly arisen for liberation should Tathagata Tathagata sorrow no longer lay e cancellable change again, dropping life care is last life, from here Tathagata born life expectancy had no other
Idamavoca Bhagava attamana Panca vaggiya Bhikkhu bhagavato bhasitam abhinandunti.
Blessed commentators "Zhuan Falun" Okay, five monks offended infinite joy.
Imasmimca pana veyyakaranasmim bhannassa virajam vitamalam cakkhum udapadi dhamma, yamkinci samudayyadhammam sabbantamnirodhadhamman ti.
While Tathagata explains dropping countless economic health, the manual method is e virtual momentum Huon, dust mite eradication is directed sexual Kondanna arises, he knows: The way nature limb natural birth, are suppressing the natural qualities.
Pavattile singer Deva sadamanussa bhumma dhammacakke Bhagavata Bhagavata vesum Etam baranasiyam isipatane Migadàya anuttaram dhamma - cakkam pavattitam appativattiyam samanena and bramanena and devenava Marena and bramuna and kenaci and lokasmin ti.
As explained Tathagata has stopped doing Falun Gong, all the Gods dwell on the earth that went praise, wheel This wheel is supreme, the Samana, Brahmins, Gods, Mara, discounts God or a certain rank in world e interpret EU. Only Tathagata he interpret it, in Isipatanamigadaya forest, near the Baranasi.
Bhummanam devanam saddhamsutva catummaharayika Deva saddama nussavesum: "Bhagavata baranasiyam Etam isipatanamigadaya anuttaram dhammacakkam pavattiyam appativattiyam samanena and brahmanena and devena and Marena and brahmuna vakenaci and lokasmin" ti.
In the realm of the four chief gods Uranus was heard praising the gods dwell on earth, praising each other in the east and follow him praise.
Catummaharajikanam devanam saddam sutva Tavatimsa Heaven sadamanussa vesum Deva.
The gods in heaven Interest Act are heard by the gods in heaven Four Great Heavenly Kings, then immediately praise him like that.
Yama Deva devanam Tavatimsanam saddam sutva saddamanussavesum.
The gods in heaven Skin that was heard of the gods in heaven and Benefits Act are also praising praise him.
Yamanam devanam saddam sutva tusida saddamanussavesum Deva.
The gods in heaven-Where performance has been heard of the gods in heaven Yes Ma, and also praised other Arab follow anymore.
Tusitanam devanam saddam sutva nimmanarati saddamanussavesum Deva.
The gods in heaven Thien Hoa Lac been heard in the realm of the gods of heaven and at the same rates that have been praised silence followed.
Nimnanaratinam devanam saddam sutva paranimmitavasavatti saddamanussavesum Deva.
The gods in heaven alienation Why, to hear the voice of the gods in heaven and fellowship Thien Hoa Lac praise praise him.
Paranimmitavasavattinam devanam saddam sutva brahmakayika devasaddamanussavesum: "Bhagavata baranasiyam Etam ispatane migadaye anuttaram dhammacakkam pavattitam appativattiyam samanena and brahmanena and devena and Marena vabrahmuna and kenaci and lokasmin" ti.
The gods Brahma in goods, to hear the voice of the gods in heaven alienation Why then, also repeated praise like this: There is no more sublime Falun Falun do this, the word Samana, Brahmins , deva, Mara, Brahma, or anyone in the world would not interpret e Testament, only Ivory Tathagata i have explained before, in Isipatanamigadayavana forest, near the Baranasi.
Tena Itiha khanenatena layenatena muhuttena YAVA brahmaloka dasasahssi lokadhatu sankampi sampakampi sampavedhi.
Popular consecutive resounding praise to the only Brahma realms glance. Because the transmission report which praised the Changing World 10,000 vibrations behave ideally, are both late and the bottom n.
Appamano ularo obha loke paturahosi atikkamma devanam devanubhavanti.
There radiant light infinite, supreme over all optical Republic of gods, luminous in the world.
Atha warehouse bhagavaimam udanam adanesi "vata bho annasi kondanno" vata kondanno annasi ti ".
With that Tathagata is the owner who is Catholic, went to voice that has e Kondanna great awakening Testament, A Song of Kondanna was great awakening.
Iti hitam ayasmato kondannassa annasi Kondanna tveva Nanam ahositi.
From A Song of Kondanna called Kondanna faith.


Zhuan Falun

S Ang June 14th Lunar Solar energy meters head, seated Buddha begging for real life is finished. His last coming to Deer Suppose sermon to the 5 position Kondanna. You have to walk by week 18. The Buddhas of the past time, when sleep first sermon are mystically fly away, only Buddha seated our current walk, because he saw the good grace of a dainty Dai religion numb n Upakajivaka He should just think: "If Tathagata mystically fly away, pagans will not see e Testament as Lai to inquire and after praising the Tathagata would not have affinity e To properly follow Catholic monastic France ".
When he e ang sleep, h 6 colors bright ray loud. The name Upaka saw pagan physiognomy and aura of the Buddha cringe, wondering whether or chi chi gods so respectfully approached politely asked: "Hey teacher, his senses so pure, teacher in the afterglow of 6 color lighting. teacher genus name? Ordained to? Who is his master? "
- This Upakajivakha, no longer the center of the Tathagata in sensual indulgence, get rid of all the evil way, no longer craving acceptance Aggregates. We are greater than all beings ash ng Three Realms, we attained unsurpassed self-chief Ð ? ng Enlightenment, there are teachers who do Tathagata? Tathagata, who is the name which has 10 red gods Brahma and constant praise. Now Tathagata dwells e en Loc garrulous garden Falun, drumming measures for being awakened ash ng dream ignorance, and clear the way.
When Upaka heard this new thinking, "said Mr. Samana very ethereal voice, sweet speech, body beautiful", new teacher pure heart, said: "It is he who has much merit on their own Enlightenment. therefore he is the person named Anantajina (ie sublimation Ultimate arrive). teacher who is above all beings. "
Blessed teachers want to cultivate more new sprouts taught him to believe that "this Upakajivakha who all negativity in this world in every corner of the goal. No longer a character by the Tathagata. As So well worth the Tathagata called Anantajina as you have given. "
He's heard this pagan nodded appreciatively and said: "It is true". Then he was gone.
Afternoon fifteenth day of May 6 Rooster lunar year.
In the master bath is finished Kondanna conversation with each other. When he remembered the Buddha said to one another: "Hey guys, after we were gone, he does not know Yes D Samana somewhere warm, now e where he was sitting, is what m, He knows not think they remember me? "
Talking To this, the e memories just also coming Exalted, galaxy shining ray o, 5 he saw the shining aura astonished and horrified. Every direction he looked in that light seen from e to Europe. There he foresees a Guinea n the other call that: "My friends, teachers Samana Gotama to find us. act he has give the e virtual diligently, seeking alms food, unusual lot, they do Star attained supreme supreme Buddha is? Maybe he should look at his sad to us. If he likes the place where he sat. "
But both agree with each other 5. But when the Buddha dwells in you can not sit still because dread e memory of the Buddha, and his whirring, he is to bowl, then ladle wash his feet. Security Blessed are finished, 5 new teacher asked: "Master Gotama this, I strongly gender? Also e beg fully Testament? "
When he heard the call of his nation as such. He recently said, "Hey teacher, the teacher should not call the Tathagata so, because the Tathagata has attained supreme and supreme Buddha. Therefore the hearing ear let him approach. Tathagata will address where the unborn Nirvana is immortal, the teacher, in the words of the Tathagata will enjoy the taste of the fruit is great unborn eternal Nirvana. "
Although the Buddha taught as such, he is still referred to the Russian nation i. New Exalted says: "Behold, the teacher, the teacher considers remember, ever. Tathagata told the Ever using him like this before? Then he let the legal hearing ear".
When the teacher does not dare call his clan again. So he began dd 's opening sermon virgin n the Zhuan Falun.
It reminded her profile i doing Zhuan Falun. You want to see clearly in the book please see the Venerable Business Litigation verbatim escort service (see section I-1 above) .
In summary Zhuan Falun Buddha said: Do not move goods under 2 conditions, should act according to the Middle Way. After that is the Noble Truths.
By the way I would like to devote your permission Ð Noble ? according to spokesman Notes and surface facilities so you study. I intend this solution a long time, but have not had the opportunity.
The Buddha is called rank supreme Buddha's Enlightenment through Him are the Four Noble Truths. And the Four Noble Truths is that besides legal e Enlightenment Australia no one understood.
Ariyasacca is Sanskrit, we translated the Four Noble Truths. First we should understand more about call ariyasacca .
Ariya means noble or holy. Sacca means truth. ariyasacca true meaning noble or noble truths, or the noble saint of Nhon, Nhon violations and that a thorough understanding of the legal nature that immediate no more reincarnation. Becoming a saint. Voice ariyasacca noble truth that there are two meanings:
- Ariyasacca: true sublime mystery. The law says that the truth of it is high 4 deep mystery. The affliction was never received e Estimate is, if not the Hoop enlightenment can not identify well.
- Ariyasacca: true sublime mystery. The implication is that the information gained high significance deep mystery of the 4 measures was the great man he became absolutely sublime in this realm I-grandmother.
Please further explained the meaning of the first sentence. The Four Noble Truths are true c pond you talking about full legal Nguye n noble human mysteries such as the precious diamond of its own, as beautiful qualities you value so highly favored everyone. It is not material that the other day to change the color or its products. Not like the other animals because that reduces time lost value because it roots.
Second sentence: This sentence makes me a little hesitant cynicism because it makes people become noble. So I (composer) please pose and answer questions to clarify the reason for you to be more easily understood.
Q: Why do the Four Noble Truths to be noble?
A: The question says: When people fully understand and practice according to the Noble Truths, the person's mind will also change from place amorous interest in the Three Realms become dear unfortunately no longer desires anything Three Realms of oil is this Aggregates.
Q: I just said that: This Suffering, The, Kill, director, how high do you also become stars?
A: People are suffering out here, Tap, Kill, Act like you say but do not practice, it is not useful at all. Like the parrot speak clearly but it does not make sense, if only to know whether you know that only briefly. So do not give that person becomes noble.
The reason for saying: Make the nobility when he finished school understand the Noble Truths and the morning practice radical step virgin n is made ​​to get rid of negativity sequentially until completely clean Bothered brain, no pain. Intellectual see real suffering, suffering human being, kill and directed Suffering Suffering practice extinction, or the dd drink to say no more suffering n.
The distinctly understood how people find meaning in AI or also referred to as legal label. He became great man because he no longer sins and become even more reincarnation.
Understanding the Four Noble Truths a clear definition, the understanding and practice of true religion according to the new incoming call is noble.
Understanding what we do not know of any other kids knew the gold was young and not understand the value of gold and not know how to use gold to do to be useful.
Here are the laws of that call is to understand the Four Noble Truths:
Suffering, The, Kill, Act, every thing divided into 3 different stages that people need to understand 3 phase dropping medicine called Three London. Three rotation for 4 d people suffering ventilating, set, kill, leading to the so-called 12 to 12. It is understood that the law really understood Noble markedly.
The third rotation is hardly understood:
- Suffering is real.
- should know suffering
- suffering that he saw clearly and
The Group has three rotating understand:
- Craving was born workers make real size.
- It should be understood aspects of Craving
- Craving who clearly see it.
The moral is understood Kill 3:
- Eliminates real.
- should understand Kills
- Kill that people have understood and
The Act has three rotating understand is:
- Directed true
- Ne
e n understand Austria
- Directed that
people understand, d ay enough.
It should be noted that: The Noble Truths understand there are other more commonly understood. As understanding of the Noble Truths longer need to follow the action is sure to eradicate negativity, and know that: In the center is no longer any negativity at all. For example, knowing yourself sick is feeling ill and said:
- This is a drug.
- This is the healing medicine of're sick.
- Ð
ã medication through drugs and he was calm but also relieved slowly, and make sure to arrive healthy.
Patients such as these beings full of negativity, e ang suffering in samsara sea, who learned this method from easy, Galaxy nh according to him, and thus also from such afflictions kill sick people medicine relieved by little, and probably stronger, that is quite liberating.


T Noble Truths legal weed that e enlightenment preset memory is suffering.
When you hear the sound of suffering, no one cringe. As someone who has also tasted blind i's are suffering more or less. Persons born in life nobody is suffering despite the bourgeois or the king. If you ask anyone who e behave ideally know life is suffering, even the sure: When an infant crying baby voice "a suffering, suffering a ", but he can understand how e batteries are direct results do ! Because he only understands the outer shell of suffering, knowing that suffering does not practice e To eradicate suffering. Understand how other people suffer more understanding with wisdom of the Enlightenment, a heavenly one. The tubers understand a man is to understand the nature of knowledge. And what is understood by the wisdom of the sages Nhon. We know the pain of birth unknown method but avoid suffering or end suffering. Contrast as do many suffering. Just as the torch bearers running against the wind blew the fire into the hot side crying, wailing but did not leave for fear of losing torch light of her torch. I'm as evil for i, color, favor, title or fitness lovelorn record
But the best saints who Enlightenment Nhon know suffering, know the cause of suffering, cessation of suffering and the causes.
For example, two characters who suffer and doctors. Patients just know that I'm sick tortured, miserable, but do not know how to get better. But doctors said the disease causes arise. Know how to prevent that and more drugs and how to cure disease anymore. Because two different understanding how he should doctors and various diseases. The disease becomes sick and dying just not all suffer because of that sickness. This is despite knowing beings suffering but no method how to liberate suffering.
Then on to remind you that that understanding of being, of St. Nhon different knowing with wisdom, and to know by the way perceptions of nature. Because I suffer by being informal nature should not freed e Testament. But for example, I bring to your piece on Ivory i know I suffer more or understanding more suffering have other Enlightenment not.
E first sermon of Australia's sense means all Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta BUSINESS Zhuan Falun. In her e n the concept as above. Here I explain the Noble Truths.
In the Four Noble Truths or the first method called size. In this suffering can be divided into 2 parts:
1) Sabhavadukkha: Suffering from when we are suffering and the suffering according to the stick side we're never far away. But now the wise man or government that is to end suffering, but probably is not. 's Suffering in all Zhuan Falun Buddha taught that : idam warehouse pana bhikkhave dukkham ariyasaccam . This, monks, this is truly suffering:
Jatipi dukkhā : dystocia. Jarapi dukkhā : Aging of Suffering Maranampi dukkham : from the repository.

2) The second thing called Pakinnakadukkha : Suffering dependent or can call the following format is:
Soka: Sadness disappointed parideva : Shen Yun. Dukkha : Suffering Suffering domanassa : frustrations, annoying. Upayasapi dukkhā : Mind temper, flutter. Ayampi sampayogo dukkho : See what your favorite is not suffering. Piyehe vippayogo dukkho : Being away from the peace Dear unfortunately wounded animal. Yampiccham na lapati tampi dukkham : The love that is not nearly as hard.

Suffering is a summary:
Sankhitena pancupadanakkhandha dukkhā - In summary, this approval is obtained Aggregates size.
According texts Zhuan Falun shows that: The Buddha divided into 2 parts Suffering is suffering and suffering really new to this later. When finished 2 Suffering taught him, he left short again shows us clearly makes negativity so he taught that suffering : It boils those who cling Aggregates should also suffering .
If I meticulously award of suffering, I believe that just fills grab your paper and make the reader bored alone, so I should be short, suffering is the foundation of life is really suffering. And the following are suffering to the suffering that people had when this body before.
Suffering in Buddhism after a place called Akantudukkha , objective size. This size you have to opt out many award.
Suffering true, that means the suffering according conjoined with us since we started living life in the womb. In the teachings in Zhuan Falun, the texts of this size 3 is:
Jati dukkha : Birth size jara dukkha : suffering in Marana dukkha : from the repository.

As we often hear and know that birth, aging, sickness, suffering, death is 4 real. But no mention in Sanskrit suffering, because suffering is suffering the birth, or when the mother's womb, but when the pain due to some reason, not as old and die, because older each moment of time . As e au long long time, not a minute of each hour as old . After stating this new annotations and more than familiar pain in the mouth should say old age, sickness, death. Do not really in Zhuan Falun, the article does not say e en pain is real suffering.
3 to the actual size:

Jati (birth)
Born here started being mean, and o womb. Again you are suffering sentient beings, this is only the mother's womb and not tell the suffering of birth mothers. Dystocia was divided into 3 periods:
- Suffering while still in the womb
- are born suffering
- Suffering due to place of birth, meaning birth have this body is aging, pain, death and suffering to later.
Everything in this universe including our bodies e behave ideally place by the combination of the four elements. But though things are called long-ng old. The body is an old term we use called Aging, 2 hours though pronounced differently but also a sense that the place deteriorate. all things in the universe have different shapes, colors ... But the same might be an old, old, damaged and pepper.
So the question Annotation: Body our e old he started ever since?
A: According to the Buddha's teachings and life of people understand the Aging has 2 different ways:
- The tax life to understand the cost ng inception in 60, 70, or 80 years old last called. Because people's lives when you will see clearly the change of external appearance.
- In terms of morality, then left the body changes every moment, a moment that through this body is getting old and things in life and the e behave ideally change that by themselves do not know the person well change that, neon n just did not know he was founding. The only other obvious ones alone exercise price.
The Buddha taught that old can be divided into 3 parts:
1) Appaticchannajara : Aging is not evident. This means that the e oi saw the baby tomato growing coal ng robust shape because that's where things change in Europe itself is old, but e OI often it is the big man, but he know where each moment is passing ng who did were older than the prices do not appear obvious to people looking to see, so everyone favorite and pride in this age. And this is also one reason only shows that people have not been allowed to see the Four Noble Truths
If you want to know the order and asked the researchers about the microbiologist you he will tell you that the blood particles and bacteria in our bodies e continents behave ideally a momentary change. Co n, the Buddha taught our cells die and then change the other ones instead.
2) Parijina: Aging makes this body has changed for the part can be found. The implication is that, when 4 or 5 or 60 years that people have changed and i distinct parts to make the change we see e guava that, as long as it is a new subject called old. There are people who really want to hide the hair dye by the Old ....
3) Paripakka : frail, elderly e implies transformations is not what is m. Themselves nor their control, such as hand shaking, vacuum lift e To go ...
The elderly sometimes find Khu is aware that new storage pricing. Because the elderly to levels that only e expectations to bring death to give no n do anything.
Now, if you're talking about old it's hard to understand, just ask and they said stuff like how the meal price. I own a new 50-year-old, gray hair just shows, in addition to not see anything more, because long-sighted eyes. But I saw the other day is not far away, I no longer use this body of elements in e Europe is, only current, I tried to add an hour to each frequency is m his day job benefits for the future.
Aging can be divided into 2 parts:
1) Aging reduces the strength of the body. mean we all have very heavy duty on the shoulder, but the greater part of that extra weight piled up forever. As small as I am not that hard small classes, high school, the bigger the stack the more difficult forever. By growing up to live birth and can not remember where aging parents nh forever, then the heavier parts. We have the most suffering is inevitable old age, sickness, death, when my wife has the old age, sickness, death like me, has a heavy body, but how much more to add a body more like us, but perhaps even more severe if more demanding wife met her son, happy, beautiful clothes, or diamonds, gold, etc. .. then you can weigh up the public. As more of a child is a further worry, e en 2, 3, 4 kids, the more severe the multifold. But increasingly heavy burdens hard to say when life means as much to old and sick are often added to old age.
Aging reduces the effort here might like a better car. less damage when it was new and nice, fast run fast. But taking too many days carrying heavy or running distance, then nolai nowhere fast. K hi was old then as spoiled seamless, whole body like this when the older sick more often.
2) Older bring sick leave. implies that: When the patriarch was to never e happily ever popular, so that it leads to the illness, such as blurred vision, dental r deaf ears ? ng silver hair, trembling limbs etc.. .
If anyone asks: What dd you sick to me? I believe that you will not hesitate He said to bring sickness to the old one.
Marana (DEAD)
What is death? - Death is the grinding away this body, and not bring anything with us though is the most loving animal life. After this body consciousness from the body slowly change bloated and foul, to disband the same as a pile of bones left blank.
People have died, not of actions, and not used in e Europe with the corpse 's body foul. Life is like people have enough oil lamp, heart, when ignite lighters on e en if all the oil off. Human lifespan pressed for oil in n, day off oil to shallow, short-lived life of people living here is like many small oil lamp so th vomiting have in common is a turn off. When the end of life can not live more e conventions oil for a minute, and to all oil n can not add a second fire. When the lights do not turn off the flame was found lost and can not find a living person has died.
The pain of death not to use words that describe for us because people are living longer, affordable only the dying and dead last found her suffering. Suffering death we can conclude is brief: Losing the peace of a lifetime. The house was at peace, wealth, relatives. This is the best body.

Suffering the fate of the Empire
Most Noble Truths of Suffering, the Buddha taught that suffering must know a subtle way as the doctor understood illness, the cause of sickness and disease treatments excellent.



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