Wednesday 4 June 2014

Part II - Four Noble Truths (continued)

Right Thought
"THOUGHT right feet" (Samma-sankappa)
D.22 Does - "So what" right thinking? ". Such as:

Thought not greedy
malicious Thought not not
not not brutal ideology. "
Thought the world and supramundane right thought.

M.117 - "said Tathagata Thought 2:

Thought not greedy, not malicious, cruel not called "Thought of the world" (lokiya sammà sankappa). The idea was to bring happy results on wide world.
On the other hand, while also thinking, and reasoning, and judgment, and debate, and practice, but the mind (the saint Nhon) has been completely purged, not revolutionary world, but only toward "hyper-Vietnam".
Eightfold Path modalities that psychological operations (Vaci Sankhara) is called "Super Chief worldly thinking." The thought does not belong to the area of ​​the world, the world outside them and merge with the hyper Vietnam.
"When you know what thoughts might have left with, is wrong livelihood, as any true idea truth, people (practitioners) have the" Right "(step 1).'s Always trying to avoid the bad thoughts away to awaken noble ideals, who have practiced "Right Effort" (step 6). tame And when evil thoughts, the mind power to bring all these ideas cultivate righteousness shall have been made practice "mindfulness" (step 7).
All 3 spent on, Right, Right Effort and Right Mindfulness, always associated with Right Thought "


Right Speech

AX (176) - "What is Speech?"
"People lie and get away from the tooth homemade, only verbal truth, honesty cultivate virtue. Certainly others who will be reliable and not cause sorrow to anyone.

Between meetings, crowded and close friend, or a holiday representative in adoration before the court yard, if anyone wants proof something, the (Buddhist) know the answer to what I already knew and not know anything about what you do not know. The answer to what you see and not see if we can not see.
Thus, people did not intentionally lie, though doing so has benefits for yourself or for others, or for any other benefit. "
2. Speechless piercing
"He tried to get away from the constant slander others and homemade. Hearing about this place, people should not be repeated elsewhere to cause quarrels. Know for it, people said it did not bring over here, to create paintings accepted. Doing so brings harmony to people who are divided and encourage those who are interested gentleness makes the poem while and bring much happiness. "
3. Did not speak gruff rude
"He tried to avoid the vicious verbal rude, and homemade fried, just use gentle language, listening to mellow cute, elegant incense, graceful useful to induce sympathy for the majority."
According to the China A Ham (Majjhima Nikaya) Blessed be the theory:
"This, O monks! If robbers or murderers handsaw, cut leg, saw cut joints, which give rise to anger you then do not listen to you have taught. Therefore you should exercise like this: "We're very strong mind. There was no word of any indecent beyond my mouth. Let's try to keep the attitude of friendship, charity instill compassion, does not mean anything malicious mysterious deep in the heart. And I tried compassion immense popularity boundless, never confuse anything in anger. "
4. Did not speak in vain

AX (176) - "He tried to avoid words and tried in vain homemade. should speak only as needed, depending on the job and at the right time as the Catechism says, talking about the Rule of Law. speech Every time something , words as well as a repository of treasures given time, with reasoning that is meaningful peaceful. Such is Right Speech. "

M.117 - "Speech Tathagata say there are two:

1) Avoid the lie, saying piercing, ferocious say rude, useless to say, the nightly happy mundane results. It is the "Speech of the world" (lokiya sammà vaca).
2) On the other hand, there are four things to hate evil heart border, far from avoiding, restraint, restrain, mind (of the superhuman level) has been completely purged, not towards the world and incorporated with super-Vietnam road (Eightfold Path). It is called "supramundane Speech" (lokuttara sammà vaca), no longer dependent areas of the world, and the world outside of Vietnam with the super path ".
THE RELATION BETWEEN Speech, and others.
Once you know what words are bad and undesirable speech is indecent true, people (sex e) have the right view (step 1). Trying to curb undesirable words and uttered only the primary loichan have practiced the "Right Effort" (step 6). avoid uttering indecent words, was involved introspection (Right Speech) who practice "mindfulness" (step 7).
"As such, there are three costs associated with Speech: Right Understanding, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness"


Right Action

AX (176) - "What is Right Action?"
NO killing
"The obstinate creatures murdered and that the restraint, not with swords, sticks, always careful, open-minded personality constant worry beings be happy".
"He tried to avoid the theft and tried homemade. Their What does not belong, like foods, furniture, bed mat of men in the village or in the forest, who did not have heart seizure slim".
Sexual misconduct
"People try to avoid intercourse with girl Unjust keepers, as parents, brothers, or her uncle married women, imprisoned women, girls strap corolla (girl losing streak). Such calls the right action. "

M.117 - "said the chief Tathagata now have two:
- No killing, stealing, sexual misconduct brought constant joy in mundane called "right action world" (Lokiya sammà kammanta).
- On the other hand, knowing the evil creepy 3 now, trying to restrain restraint, restraint mind (superman's level) is completely purged, not toward the world, which has merged with super paths Vietnam (Bat Fold). It's called "Right Action super world" (lokuttara sammà kammanta). It is no longer attached to worldly realm, outside world, and has merged with 'super-Vietnam road'.
The correlations between CHIEF NOW WITH OTHER EXPENSES
"Once you know what evil is evil now vachanh now is pretty high, who practice right view (step 1). Conquer evil and trying to un casting industry right action, who have practiced" Right Effort "(step 6). Overcome evil from now, attention now consider the chief who practice "mindfulness" (step 7).
"As such, there are three factors related to the chief's career: Right, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness".


Right Livelihood

D.22 Does - "What is called Right Livelihood?
When Buddhist practitioners know to avoid sin and seek to feed the network with the righteousness of professional honor, which is called 'Right Livelihood'.

Business Majjhima Nikaya (117) reads: "Working betrayal, adventure talk, act treacherously, exorbitant food, feed network that is how evil misbegotten (evil network)".
Anguttara Nikaya V.117 also says, "There are 5 jobs being chewed, but should be avoided Buddhists: weapons trafficking, human trafficking, butcher, selling and selling water drunk poison."
When Buddhists try to avoid sin, find themselves raising by way of righteousness, that action brings results mundane fun place. It's called "Right Livelihood world" (Lokiya sammà ajiva).

On the other hand, self-indulgent lifestyle disgust, knowing restraint, restrain, restraint, mind (the saint) not towards the earth merged with super paths Vietnam (Eightfold Path).
"Once you know what is evil and wrong livelihood livelihood is pretty high, who practice right view (step 1). Trying to overcome evil Unjust network for un casting livelihood, who have practiced" Effort "(step 6). Rang overpower evil network, and the attentive thoughts of the Right Livelihood who practice" mindfulness "(step 7).
"So there are three costs associated with the Right Livelihood: Right Understanding, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness".


Right Effort

A.iv - "What is called Right Effort? - Effort Tathagata says there are four:
Diligent shun
Diligent glance from
making progress, effort
, effort to conserve.
1. Diligently AWAY (Samvarappadhana)
"Effort is how to stay away from?

Want to avoid sin, death trying to improve the world not mind it awakens thoughts evil or despicable actions when the mind has not arisen. The attempt to tame the strength of the idea and oppose it.
In so doing, to see what shape with sharp eyes, ears hear any noise. What smell the odor, taste any thing or body tongue collide with anything, who does not stop with that in mind, despite the comprehensive nature or subtle. Those who tried to fight back, contemplating the evil aspect evil, vicious bastard desire (the ceiling color) very destructive if not kept senses know, do not watch and control them.
When the master of the senses and a noble, global electronic feel joyful poetry Thoi, had nothing ignoble ugliness can get in (mind).
It's called "diligently shun".
2. Diligently glance FROM (Pahanappadhana)
"What is diligently pass out?
Want this perseverance, presented facets cultivate the mind to overcome the evil of sin arises. All the energy he brings to tame ideas, fight back the idea that despicable.
People do not stop in lust thoughts, malice or anything bad was distressed and that dismissal arises, it dispels destruction ".

METHOD OF Ð? THOUGHT dispel evil (Ta Thought)

M.20 - "When you see something that can bring guilty of bad thoughts, awakened sexual desire, ignorance, hatred, death world should act like this:

- Observe the object, then compare it with other objects noble character than cure.
- Think about the despicable character like this: "This thought sordid truth. It makes us be criticized and he will bring painful consequences
- Or not ignore it any more thought to the animals.
- Or consider the nature of its coordination.

- Or biting her teeth, tongue curling up potholes, pressing mind forced it to remove roots in mind.
Doing so, the evil thoughts of sin, greed, hatred, delusion will dissipate, will ... and internal deformation will be strong, calm focus.
It is "diligently glance off".
3. Diligently FOR PROGRESS (Bhavanappadhana)

A.IV.13-14 - "What is diligently making progress?

Want to be so, the world needs to encourage death of his goodwill towards the noble lush yet arisen. People try their best to manage both the mind and trying to fight dau.nhu world, who makes the "elements of Enlightenment" (bojjhanga, interior enlightenment) is more progressive, the mind has enjoyed a quiet place, no attachment, extinguished (negativity) to go next release "
They are: conceptual (Sati), Transparent Dhamma (Dhamma vicaya), Effort (viriya) joys (Piti), calmness (passaddhi), provisional (Samadhi) and Equanimity (upekkhà).
It is "diligently making progress."
4. Diligently to preserve (Anurakkhanappadhana)
"What is diligent to preserve?
In this regard, international mail encouraging his goodwill towards all that is good fresh and noble arisen, noble thought not to dissipate it, but try to make it to the ripe development, to completion excellent and thorough evolution (Bhavana). The try our best to dwell mind and try to fight.
It was "diligent to preserve."

M.70 - "Actually, the world does have a full electronic morality, has informed doctrine throughout the organization masters, the mind often have thoughts like this:" Though our skin, tendons me, my bones weary, though flesh and blood dry we can, we will not stop a determined effort if not achieve the purpose for which man can achieve with energy and ability. "
That's Effort ".

A.IV. (14) - "Diligent shun (sin), diligently surfing out (sins), make the development effort (the good), diligent conservation (the noble method) is four stages of the effort that has proved an excellent undergraduate. Whoever tried to stick to the qualities that will be the finish of suffering "


Right Mindfulness (Samma-Sati)

"Just as forest elephants left brutality difficult to train to become domesticated streak, not panic at combat sortie, and the key is king ...
A monk's integral ... not even let loose a stubborn, trying to cultivate virtue CAMRY attained Nirvana by themselves tied on four pillars "Basic thoughts" (Foundations of Mindfulness). - MAJJIMA Nikaya III

FOUR BASIC thoughts - (Foundations of Mindfulness, "Sati Patthana")

D.22 Does - "What is Mindfulness?

The only method to proceed to completely clean as, to pass out of affliction, ending hurts and open to the right path leading to Nirvana result, four methods in "Basic thoughts "(The Four Foundations of Mindfulness).
Under four foundations of mindfulness, the electronic world is always in the state "Insight" physical, emotional, and test the diligent separation phenomena (legal) arises. The Rough regular, attentive said his party rejected all the aspirations and troubles of this world (living in the present).
"How do you visualize the world of electronic body like?
The find in the forest, under a tree, in a quiet place, sit cross-legged, upright body, focus forward "
Concept out breathing (anapana Sati)

"With attentive mind, countless people breathe. With attentive mind, the breath out. Inhalation very long, who knew he inhaled breath. As you breathe out slowly, he learned he exhaled slowly. Inhalation very Briefs, Briefs who knew her breathe. presto When people know their exhaled breath out quickly.

Get full breath clearly, countless people breathe. Get full breath clearly, the new exhalation. Meditators practice just like that.
With quiet body posture (Kaya-saṅkhāra) countless people breathe. With the body in postures that calm, breathed new people. The yogi should practice like that.
Then he visualizes himself as a subjective judgment to the body and others as an objective. The body was identified clearly formed and disintegrated like? People recognize as being out of the body and thought: "There is a body in here" (talking about his body).

The body that is not a living creature, not an individual, not a woman or man that is not ego. There's something to be mine or others or of any person. "
FOUR ON skeptical thoughts

D.22 Does - "Subsequently, electronic world aware of the truth in accordance with the four postures: standing, walking, lying down, sitting, as saying" we're going, we're standing, we're sitting, we are located, It is in this posture or other postures. "
About e know of no one being or a real self is going, standing, sitting, lying down, etc. .. And that's just a style of language only.
Thoughts KNOW ABOUT wisdom (sati sampajañña)

D.22 Does - "Subsequently, electronic world is always wise to know when to go or come back, know what I'm looking forward and peered behind, said his stooping down or play up, know what I'm real life, drinking water, food tasting chew, know when operating the purge impurities (college or urine). wise person knows his or while standing, walking, sitting, sleeping or awake, know what I'm talking or silence.
In these cases, death lucid world know his intentions, said the perceived benefits, and every known duty to act in accordance with the truth. "
DETERMINATION OF RELATIVE thoughts in front (Patikkula Sanna)

D.22 Does - "Subsequently, electronic world observe yourself from the feet up to head back down the leg hair, envisioned as being covered by a layer of skin that are filled with impure material. thinking person says: "This body is composed of hair, feathers, nails, teeth, skin, flesh, bones, marrow, kidneys, heart, liver, lung, midriff, sugarcane, stomach, intestines, feces, bile, phlegm, pus, blood, odors, urine, serum, water joints, tears, urine.
As other people look at a bag, open mouth showing the brand which contained grains such as rice, beans, sesame ... and thought to myself: "If we are not blind, it really is the rice grain, bean, sesame ... "
About e-evident observation and body like that "

"Following this, observe yourself, compare it with the elements, the electronic world thinking:" This Body by nature: solid, working, hot and rocked constituted ".
"As professional gourmet butchers standing at the crossroads, chopping the ball on the meat of cows recently was shut down. Likewise, we are like, world body the death of his thoughts and compare it with four original factor ".
IN thoughts graveyard

"That followed, international electronic acts like this:
1) When you meet a person found to be hard on the graveyard. The corpse was one day, two, three or four day, filthy dirty smelly tired. The thought to himself, saying, "This is my body. Nature It also (to the body) and suffer the inevitable fate.
2) Seeing a dead body lying on the graveyard had resulted, vultures, dogs, jackals, wheel or a hose, gouged, presented himself to death thinking: "This is my body. It is also the nature and suffer the inevitable fate.

3) About contemplate death in front of a dead body lying in the graveyard, that it's just a bit of meat still wets remains, the bones held together by the tendons interlaced.
4) ... The core is no longer dry meat soaked in blood, bones held together by the tendons.
5) ... The core of all flesh, all blood, just stick with tendon bone.
6) ... The core spill dispersion direction, each song is a bone, here a hand, a foot behind the other, a spring shoulder bone, a thigh bone, sacrum, the bone shaft ribs, spine, a skull. About e rethink myself: "this is my body. Nature and it also suffered the same fate inevitable.

7) Next, the world saw death as bone dry the shells, snail shells.

8) ... Seeing the bones piled for years.
9) ... His bones turned to ashes moss. Looking back at her, the thought: "This is my body. Nature and it also suffered the same fate inevitable fate like that."
So also, the right to practice their religion and thoughts themselves another body, or any other object. The obvious way from being out of the other objects. The statement says: "There is a body" (see herself as the interim prime material false).
Through lucid thoughts, he knows exactly identified, should live freely, no longer attached to anything on that plane. "
Yogi's body like that. "
TEN blessings

M.119 - "When the body is chanting the proper practice, the continued non-stop, is developed and becomes a habit, it creates a solid basis, the practitioner can hope to achieve 10 merit as follows:
1) The management is the same as the format of amusing. Agitated mind. There's no feeling happy or sad in these circumstances arise to yourself.

2) Prevent the dreaded anxiety. Not to mind confused when fear arises.

3) withstand the attack of mosquitoes, snakes, hot and cold, hunger and thirst. Have patience when physically tortured painful, even terrible pain, discomfort or danger so much. Have patience for bad words aggressive.
4) The practitioner can enjoy the joys arbitrary four spots in Meditation (samadhi fun while), inner purification and magical happiness on this earth.
SIX miracle (abhinna)
With a calm mind, one can achieve miracles:
5) Dak Kabbalah (Iddhividha), can fly out of nowhere, walking on water, ground chun, chemical form, etc. ..
6) God atrial communication (Dibbasota), heard of the Gods, and his voice any more or less.
7) Tha clearinghouse (Parassa cetoparinna nana), predict the thoughts and intentions of others.
8) Additional intelligent network (Pubbenivasanussati-nana), recalling his life, said in his public life named anything, any caste, profession and how hard pleased at how he died, and was born Where is it, etc. ..
9) God invented label (Dibba cakkhu), visible as birth and death of all living beings. Seeing beings in every life happy or suffering, or cowardly according to karma.
10) Long Tan Minh (Asavakkhaya), smoothness of the Four Noble Truths and the French eradicate greed, hatred, delusion. Knowing this is the size, this is the cause of suffering, cessation of suffering as it is and this is where the path to end suffering. People know where I Negativity arises. When removal is greed, hatred, delusion and ignorance disappear, who have achieved liberation and wisdom that he has lived a full life ethic, work to do and I did not even fate of this world anymore.

In the aforementioned miracle 6, 5 head under the earth (Lokiya) that class human being can achieve. And finally, the long lasting nature of how intelligence is supramundane (Lokuttara) specially dedicated to the Arahats because he's outside the ring. Just 4 ordinary practice full of world-class workers can also gain 5 magic into it.
The magic is the result of four fundamental capabilities (Iddhipadas) is: will focus, focus energy, concentration and focus observations.
CELEBRATION (vedanā nuppassana)

D.22 Does - "So instead of a yogi life like?

When a collision with a feeling. The said judgment pronounced like this: "I'm feeling uncomfortable, we're feeling pleasant or innocent. (Tho this feeling of not contacting her to see or hear other people's stories)" .


Other than the concept of European psychology, Pàli "Vedanta" can be applied to cover the 2 cases of joy and sorrow, hence the saying: "Feeling innocent (neutral) ". That is to ignore something that does not involve itself but I still hear. Only the feelings related to their body or mind give rise to new life happy or unpleasant. The life by sight, transient headphones, touch sketchy, food tasting drink etc. .. were in a "feeling innocent", has negative nature.

D.22 Does - "Life Like a yogi on all 3 aspects: thoughts about yourself, about others, introspection, or to the second thoughts at the same time. Recipient of" Life "appears the stars and How to disappear, know as being out of it and thought: "Here are feeling," he knows himself so wisely through attentiveness and intelligence.
So, who live freely, no longer attached to anything on the wide world ... yogi life like that. "


Meditators identify ways to say "I am feeling", it is not beyond conventional notions of language to explain an event that's all. Absolute discretion think, "paramattha", then only the life (sense), do not have an entity, a character or a person who is emotionally tested at all.

D.22 Does - "yogi mind like?
At this stage, people are fluent, clear thoughts arise? We kind of have sexual nature taking or not. We kind of hatred, delusion or not.

The Thought That know how to clean or filthy, consciously or unconsciously, humble or noble, important or trivial. Thought it or discrete focus, freedom or dependence. "

In this case Pali "Citta" (Center) is synonymous with "viňňāna" (consciousness) should be called the "Soul" and not able to make it synonymous with the term "ideology". Because the thoughts and ideas of activities are within the scope of "Reason" - Vitakkha (range) and Vicara (Chad) - is the component of "volitional" (saṅkhāra khanda). Maybe that thought and have humanness depends meet 6 "consciousness". When obtaining the binary Zen practitioner, Moral charity (step 8), the ideological exclusion.

D.22 Does - "Mind yogi like that. Persons his heart and mind the other, or both at the same time 2. distinguished thinkers who know how awoke and vanish like? virtue morning During her know it is the result of meticulous persevering practice Mindfulness training methods. And people are living freely, no longer involved with any of the wide world.
Mind yogi like that. "
"And the concept of legal practitioners like?

The visualization of the 5 state is called the obstacle (5 hindrances) ".
The "legal" or a state of mind, thought, sensed, etc. .. all of "Perception" (Sanna khandha) and "volitional" (Sankhara khandha). Two aggregates contact to know his judgment and perceptions subjective difference (to the circumstances).
So in step 4 of the 7th thoughts about the Eightfold Path of Mindfulness includes five aggregates generate life:
French first thoughts, "Mindfulness Body", belongs to the material (aggregates of matter.)
France 2, "Mindfulness Life", belongs to sensation (sensations).
3rd France, "Mindfulness Center", under know about his judgment (consciousness).
4th France, "Mindfulness France", the concept of the subjective nature differently (volitional and Perception).

IN FRANCE obstacles (Nivarana - Hindrances)
"That is:
- When the mind sexual desires, "Kamachanda" arises, he should know: I'm lusts ".
- When thoughts of anger, "Vyapada" arises, someone who knows: "We're in the heart of Wrath".

- When dullness, "middha" arises, who said: "I was languid boredom here."
- As a distraction, "uddhacca" arises, who said: "I'm confused tumultuous"
- When disbelief, "vicikiccha" arises, who said: "I am puzzled suspicion here".
And what obstacles do not arise, who also knows: "I had nothing all obstacles."

People know the law that arises out why and how to tame them. People know they are excluded and do not arise again. "

Examples of sexual arise due to the lack sanity may be excluded by the following six methods:
- Pay attention to a case that could launch boredom, as visualization of physical objects.
- control of the senses, not the ceiling bohemian previous identity.
- Decrease in real objects (avoid dishes stimulation, using real-digestible material.)
- Your Inner healing (like-minded people and have as their moral sense.)
- Find the wise learn from the formula (to gain experience of the truth).
- Reflect and look books (to smooth what relevant to enlightenment).
The inner disturbances destroyed when enlightened Da Huon results. Sexual anagami specialty gases. Go direct arahantahood the newly distraction cessation.

Five aggregates (khandhas)
D.22 Does - "And following that, the practitioner thoughts about life 5 aggregates form:
The clear conception of the physical body (excellent), "Rupa", and is known as being out of form.
clarify the concepts he feels (life), "Vedanta", and know how to kill the life.
The concept clearly emotional acceptance (idea), "Sanna", and known as being out of ideas.
Viewers clear concept combination ideas (out), "saṅkhāra", and known as being out of action.
Persons concept clearly identify the understanding (knowledge), "viňňāna", and said as being out of the way ".
SIX MAIN ELEMENTS OF CONTENTS and objective need, "Ayatana"
"And next, the practitioner thoughts about the law known as" six factors and subjective and objective senses of objectivity "
Who knows the nature of the eye and appearances.
Knowing the nature of the ear and sound.
Knowing the nature of the nose and flavor.
Knowing the nature of the tongue and the.
Knowing the nature of the body and touch.
Knowing the nature of mind and thought.
Finally, someone who knows agitated state of panic after the cause, said impure mind arise and perish like. who knows when distractions are eliminated and it will not arise again. "
SEVEN ELEMENTS enlightenment (Bojjhanga)
(born July's results are true Bodhi or Enlightenment)
"And next, the practitioner thoughts about the law known as the" seven elements of Enlightenment ".
People know when you have the thoughts (Sati).
Knowing when you are thinking about saving Dharma (Dhamma Vicaya, Trach France).
Knowing when you have a perseverance (viriya).
Knowing when to have their joys (Piti).
Knowing when you have a happy and peaceful (Passadhi).
Knowing when you have Concentration (Samadhi).
Knowing when you have self-interest in equality, "Shampoo" (upekkhà).
People may not know when this (person) then the other (coastal) does not arise and perish. "
FOUR Noble Truth (Ariya Sacca - Four Noble Truths)
"And next, the practitioner through the legal thoughts is called" Four Noble Truth ".

The right to understand what is the truth according to the size.
Persons under properly understand how truth is the cause of suffering
known as The Suffering kill
people know where the path to end suffering.
"So then, the legal practitioner thoughts to themselves (subjective) and for others (objective), or both at the same time 2.
People understood as being out of the way and think: "There arises the law is."
The insights of this is due to the result of meticulous study, persistent mindfulness practice law. And people are living freely, no longer attached to anything on that plane.

The only method leads to virtue completely clean, to eliminate as weeping sorrow, to the right path to reach Nirvana, which method is "four basic conceptual approach" (Foundations of Mindfulness ).

All four measures related thoughts are with the aggregates formed life. Conceptual means deliberate introspection.
Relative concept related to "Aggregates of"
contemplation of feeling associated with "sensations"
Mindfulness Center associated with "Consciousness"
Mindfulness measures related to "Thought and Action aggregates"

M.118 - "Tu thoughts on the way out breathing (anapana sati) is practiced and development makes four basic conceptual approach (Satipatthana) more perfect. conceptual Four basic methods are practiced and development and arises seven elements of enlightenment. was seven elements of enlightenment and development practice and insight from arising altogether.
But to practice and develop breathing thoughts about how to put four conceptual approach (sati Patthana) up to the ultimate point?
1) That is when the practitioner:
Know yourself and remember clearly breathing and breathing out long,
Knowing and remembering clearly breathing, breath shortened,
Knowing and circulation of breath wash over me,
Knowing tame breath to regulate more mellow.
By this time the practitioner dwells in relative concept, full of energy, our minds will always know her intently. The surf through all the greed and suffering in the world.
As Lai said out breathing is also a component of the body. Although not visible, but it is a physical breath (excellent).
2) When the practitioner to practice controlled breathing out:
There are joys feeling (Piti),
there is feeling peace and happiness (sukha),
Having Your mind (Citta Sankhara),
There is a peace of mind issue.
By this time the practitioner dwells in life chanting. Full of energy, our minds will always know their intent. Surfers from all over the craving and suffering in the world.
Tathagata said as remembering know about breathing also belongs sense (Tho).
3) When the practitioner to practice controlled breathing out:
Knowing his heart condition,
the poet Know Blowing in mind,
know that the practice of bringing peace to the mind,
Knowing that practice liberate the mind (ego out).
By this time, the practitioner dwells in the mind chanting, full of energy and memorize his know. The craving glance from suffering in the world. Perhaps then, without knowing his lucid thoughts (Mind concept), it is impossible to control breathing out.
4) When the practitioner to practice controlled breathing and thoughts on:
Impermanent status (of the world),
status extinguished (Ignorance),
leave status (Greed and Anger)
status terminated (Greed and Anger)
By this time the practitioner dwells in legal status concept is full of energy, always remember to know her. The surf through all desire and suffering in the world.
Method of control and out breathing is practiced and accomplished development makes four basic conceptual approach (Satipatthana) up to the level of perfection.

But "four basic conceptual approach" to practice and make development and achievements of seven elements of enlightenment like?
1) When the practitioner dwells in law: Body concept, concept Tho, Tam conception, conception France, full of energy, always know the surfers from all over the craving and suffering in the world.
And until the conceptual France no longer neglected, attention level is not strong unshakable, then the practitioner to achieve Enlightenment elements "Sambojjhanga Sati" (thoughts insight, or Portuguese to list).
This Enlightened elements are practiced and developed to the extent that such perfection.
2) The practitioner used to study the wisdom teachings "Dhamma", then the tonnes of goods a step further and successful elements of Enlightenment "dhammavicaya-Sambojjhanga" (Transparent Dharma).
This Enlightened elements are practiced and developed to the extent that such perfection.
3) The practitioner's full capabilities to observe, speculate, intellectual thoughts about using the Dhamma, not unshakable, then the evolution a step further and successful element "viriya Sambojjhanga" (Tin Tan Sang throughout).
This Enlightened elements are practiced and developed to the extent that such perfection.
4) As determined diligent practitioner practice, the peace and happiness feeling arises because the force has escaped the influence of the senses. At that time people reach Enlightenment elements "Sambojjhanga Piti" (noble joys).
This Enlightened elements are practiced and developed to the extent that such perfection.
5) When the mind and body are imbued with the practitioner only and joys of poetry, then the gain element Enlightenment "Passadi Sambojjhanga" (super-happy Vietnamese).
This Enlightened elements are practiced and developed to the extent that such perfection.
6) When the body is permeated her mind for the purification and concentration, then the more evolved one step and successful elements of Enlightenment "Sambojjhanga Samadhi" (noble provisional).
This Enlightened elements are practiced and developed to the extent that such perfection.
7) And when the practitioner concepts as the state ideology of equality (despite) and focused mind, then people have evolved a step further and achieve Enlightenment elements "upekkhà Sambojjhanga" ( equanimity).

Four measures are fundamental conceptual and practical development, including seven elements to the development of Enlightenment, put Enlightened seven elements to perfection is like.
Those circumstances are seven elements of Enlightenment practice and could lead to the development of intellectual liberation perfect - "vijjā vimutti"?

About this practitioner try my best to hone seven elements of Enlightenment: mindfulness, common throughout the Dhamma, Diligent, joys, happiness, provisional, and Discharge to put the next generation how to dispose of the investment , eradicate greed, put all negativity ...
Practice and develop seven elements to bring the Enlightenment intellectual liberation is like ".

M.125 - "Just as ground hunters with a solid pillars and columns in ancient forest elephant that makes it sheds the old and disabled humanness popular place to live jungle, leaving all let loose, leaving aggressive behavior stubborn jungle where ... and set it to a rural lifestyle domain. hunters who taught him the good qualities needed to reach the human body.
There is nothing like him, who presented the need for thermal power center on four basic conceptual approach to eliminate these habits are: excessive greed, sloppy slack effort, stubborn and difficult to train the brutal nature , in order to reach the truth, enlightenment to Nirvana results. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=( THE EIGHTFOLD PATH ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.5/6/2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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