Wednesday 4 June 2014

Part II

FOUR Noble Truth
(the Four Noble Truths - Ariya Sacca)

- Signature is standing questions spokesman.
- Italic is the explanation of the Venerable Nyanatiloka and composer.
- Numbers and letters inscribed on the sidelines of the Canon of the product:
D ... Digha Nikaya (School Department) M ... Majjhima Nikaya (Central) A ... Anguttara Nikaya (Increase Expenses) S ... Samyyutta Nikaya (respectively) DHP ... Dhammapada (Dhammapada) UD Udana ... (Buddha Self Theory) IT ... Itivuttaka (Buddha Speaks so) SUP ... Nipata Sutta (Business Group) VM ... Visuddhi Magga (Path of Purification)

M. 141 - "O Bhikkhu! who is perfect, who super-Vietnamese, who are fully enlightened being built at Deer Suppose (Isipatana) near Jiangshan Baranasi a great truth that in all over the world: ascetics, Brahmin, Brahma, who, Mara, asura or someone else could not deny.
Exalted published, enlightening instruction, in accordance with the actual interpretation of the 4 sublime truth how?
Noble Truth of Suffering.
Noble Truth of Suffering causes.
Noble Truth of Suffering in the end.
Noble Truth of the path leading to where the end of suffering. "

S. 54 - The Blessed One theory: "Behold disciples! Prior to reaching the ultimate intellectual and 4 sublime truth not detect obvious, we've long suspected about vile as that from ancient to Enlightenment Today, all over the world does not have any classes of smoothly including: fakir, Brahmanism, Brahma, Mara, asura, human. grasp only the wisdom and success of the 4 legs subliminal reason that we have a new assertiveness is fully enlightened to where there are no match. "

M. 26 - "Then Tathagata discover the profound truth that magical, difficult to comprehend, difficult to clear. giving it an absolute pleasure, but can not argue with success and only wise new philosophical grasp.
Beings focused on fun, passionate in blissful delight in self-indulgence, no grasp of the rules at the root of things, not smooth as the end of the compounded material, not be reborn destructive elements, desire to Nirvana attained.
However, there are classes of eyes containing little dust will remember that the ultimate truth. "

Noble Truth of Suffering
(Noble Truth - Dukkha Ariya Sacca)

D.22 Does - "What is the Noble Truth of Suffering?
As the width was born. Droop old, is suffering, death is suffering, pain is suffering. mourning, sorrow, frustration, want not be that hard. In aggregate maintenance is the life source of suffering. "
"Status of sentient beings chief of the world level since its inception, the structure throughout the process to life, awakening as the Five Aggregates, the root of life, the activities of the senses are called was born. "
"Status of old, being of the world level has more longevity, body moss, grimacing depression, decreased vitality, weary senses are called fake".
"Special status since the departure of beings permanently attached to the world level, broken body disintegrates, livelihoods disrupted, dispersed Aggregates, the body no longer, are called the Dead".
WHAT IS misery?
"Where troubles arise because of loss or disadvantage to throw them off, panic, deep pockets, are disappointed in the brain center called grief."
Unfortunately THAN WHAT?

"Collapse accident, loss of property or disadvantaged treasured objects caused sorrow sadness, nostalgia helpless, unhappy fate of coal that is unfortunately".
Why is it called pain?
"Identify yourself tortured beaten. Displeasing Meet the inverse heart, depressing feelings, no pleasure when touched flesh, are making painful".
"Guilty conscience, not a pleasant character disgust, discomfort, while aluminum to touch the body, such as hearts."
"As the risk arises due to disaster, loss, decay no return call was disappointing."
"For the classes of that is stuck in with the idea of ​​reincarnation, saying: Alas! Would we not be reincarnation. Wish us not from reborn!

Or are the scenes: Sickness, old,, bye, misery, frustration dominates, being that it wishes: "Alas! Would that disasters do not come to us! Would we not encounter such things! " But that can not be wished empty - maybe that is not satisfied is suffering ".
Our attachment to the five aggregates (khandhas)
"In aggregate they are: physical (color), feeling (feeling), admitted to the center (wall), thought coordination (action), understanding (knowledge).
Attachment as that is one of the aggregates, which is derived bring untold suffering ".

S.21 - "any physical phenomenon, where any one, whether it's a high bar despicable, far or near, all made ​​of Aggregates of attachment arises.
Life expectancy of aggregates.
perception of the aggregates idea.
Acts of the aggregates act.
aggregates form of belonging ".
EXPLANATION OF Venerable NYNATILOKA (according to Abhidhamma - Abhidhamma)
That which we call a personal life, in fact just a long series of physical status (physical) and mind (spirit) called and matter (namarupa). The status of spouses was that before this life and will continue forever after death, and so on in endless time. The aggregates mentioned above though individually or in combination together, and not to be a "true self" (Entite-Ego, Atta Pali), which also does not have a real self outside. Trust in a real down every man is mistaken ambiguity.
Just as we named the car it's character. It's okay to have a car that can happen if there is no connection to the observance of many different parts, such as truck, rims, axles, etc. .. or should assume the house is a combination of materials and patterns, with different methods, do nothing "entity of the state".
Speaking of things or people too. This is the structure of the phenomena of the physical and psychological changes constantly and phenomena that can not survive any situation.
Aggregates of Aggregates IS OR HOW ARE PHYSICALLY?

M.28 - "Being four basic elements that the body depends on it: Quality solid, fluid dynamic, heat and material quality shake".
EXPLANATION OF Venerable NYNATILOKA (according to Abhidhamma)
Specifically, the four elements of nature here is simple. According to the Pali Sanskrit: pathavì Dhatu. Dhatu Apo, Tejo and vàyo Dhatu Dhatu, which means: real estate, combined, illumination and shaking.
According to Abhidhamma pure body 24 depending on which elements are: eyes, nose, ears, tongue, body, appearances, sounds, smells, male, female, energy, agency, thoughts, gestures, words, spaces (such as the nose, ears, etc. ..) took a quick, supple, assimilation, time evolution, aging, deterioration difference .

1) solid element (pathavì-Dhatu) - Land
The revolutionary quality is solid in our own or other relatives are subjective and objective.
Substances in the body one solid hard way nature are subjective, such as hair, feathers, nails, teeth, skin, tendon, bone, marrow, kidneys, heart, liver, midriff completely, sugarcane, lung phèo, stomach, intestine, dung, and everything that brought nature in such a way are referred to as "subjective element solid", and called out to us, "objective". However, whether all or objective, they are only "solid elements" Anyway. So need to get to in accordance intellectual truth, saying, "It does not belong to us, but we did not have to be."

2) mobile element (apo-dhatu) - Country
The carrier is working the way nature in our own or other relatives are subjective and objective. Substances in the body one way mobile nature; Wet software are subjective, such as bile, phlegm, hats, blood, odors, tears, snot, urine, urine, serum, water joints, and all that nature brings such a way are called is "subjective element mobility", we were on the outside is called "objective". However, whether all or objective, they are only "mobile elements" only. So need to get to in accordance intellectual truth, saying, "It does not belong to us, but we did not have to be."

3) heating elements (Tejo-dhatu) - Fire

The carrier is in the nature of how our body heat or other relatives are subjective and objective. Element in the body one way optical zoom nature, are subjective hot as the warm state, combustion heater, illuminated by eating foods that are included in the tasting chew, digest and generator of optical zoom heat, and bring all that are separated by so-called "hot subjective element", and called out to us, "objective". However, whether all or objective, they are only "hot element" only. So need to get to in accordance intellectual truth, saying, "It does not belong to us, but we did not have to be."

4) Element rocked (vàyo-Dhatu) - Wind

The carrier is rocked by nature in our own or other relatives are subjective and objective. Element in our body have shaken humanness, evaporation, shakes, are subjective, as the steam ran up and down in the European mobile body, breath in the stomach, intestines, and out of breath, and all what carries are split in such a way is called "shake subjective element", and called out to us, "objective". However, whether all or objective, it is just "rocked elements" only. So need to get to in accordance intellectual truth, saying, "It does not belong to us, but we did not have to be."
Just as the earth formed by the wood, reeds, mud mingled together, which we call the body is just a combination of bone, flesh, tendons, skin, blood, etc. ..

OF THE awoke "knowledgeable"

With integrity eyes, but the eyes are not round outside perspective and there is no special case, thus not understanding why Deng arises (as seen in the night).

Or with integrity eyes, formless outside perspective but entered no special cases, the activity did not arise understanding (open your eyes in sleep or death).
Only when the integrity eyes, that formless outside round vision and special cases, the activity state of understanding of the eye (consciousness) New awoke.

M.38 - "Listen to the Tathagata theory here:
Awoke the status of "knowledgeable" status depends much, if not more, how such understanding is arising. "This is the kind of understanding:
- Look sharp image viewing and understanding awakened eye "perception" (cakkhu-viňňāna)
- Listen and wake sound understanding ear: "binomial" (Sota-viňňāna)
- Smell and odor evaluation understanding of nasal form: "olfactory consciousness" (Ghana-viňňāna)
- Tasting and understanding the wake of the tongue: "practical" (Jiha-viňňāna)
- physical touching and awakened understanding of body "Eater" (Kaya-viňňāna)
- The mind and awakens thoughts of the understanding: "Sense" (Mano-viňňāna)

In terms of psychological identity formation is demonstrated by the comments of consciousness. For example, an object can not be detected with empty eyes that should depend on the comment and our thoughts through light and color. According to the physics department is the energy that moves in light waves cause the chemical reaction of the material in perspective and as the nerves of the eyes such as arise sense of color. Sounds too, it depends our own feelings. Material basis of sound is only propulsion power of breath luongdo put eardrum, collided with the nerves of the atrium makes us feel that it is sound.

Material basis of the smoky smell, the taste is the chemical composition of, etc. .. So bare all 5 colors shown are due to reflections of "consciousness" (Mano-viňňāna) that out.
In conclusion, the images seen by the eyes is consciousness and is now close your eyes because the mind (or consciousness).
Booty or dreaming during sleep related to consciousness and no matter how important to the perspective or atrium.

M.28 - "Lust ceiling enters the state arouse interest depends" khandhas "generator of attachment and ego in life.
As sensation enters the mind, arouse status depends "sensations" do arise craving Vanga acceptance of life.
Accepted for pleasure intrusion into state arouse interest depends "aggregates idea" generator of the attachment and ego in life.
The combination of thought stirred status depends "volitional" generator of the attachment and ego in life.
The comments infiltrate understanding the mind, arouse status depends "consciousness" as the craving arises and ego in life. "
CONTINUOUS ALL 5 aggregates are interdependent

"No one can explain the beginning of life from time to time, the transition phase of this life after life as a star and flourish, evolution of consciousness, if not based on the relevant option between years of regular aggregates: form, feeling, perception, consciousness "
Three-point crushing of life

S.21 (5) - "All things are composed bring humanness" impermanence "(anicca) and coordinate things are" suffering "(dukkha), there is no real self or" non-self "( anatta).
Temporary identity is false. Life is insubstantiality. Is the insubstantiality idea. Action is insubstantiality. Consciousness is insubstantiality.
Of course, what temporary nature are dominant anguish and constant change. Thus we can not assert that "there is one, it's mine, it's ego"

S.21 (6) - "For example, a thorough look at the other balls floating in the water of the Ganges (GANGE.) After careful observation, he found that the balls that are hollow, not reality nature and not at all obvious.
Just like that, the monk attentively contemplating the aggregates: form, feeling, perception, knowledge of whether past, present or future, whether near or far. A monk thoughtful observations (evolution of the 5 aggregates) and understand that it is not real, is not empty, there is no real self ".

Absolute discretion think (paramattha) the amount of waves on the sea surface changes constantly moving the five aggregates: form, feeling, perception, knowledge as well as the fluid state and often interrelated and not have an entity separate falls.

S.21 (3) - "He who delights in the five aggregates: form, feeling, perception, consciousness, that guys really enjoyed the anguish and suffering do not expect an end unto".
Listen Tathagata theory here:

DHP. 146-48 - "Come where there is pleasure, there is nothing as fun as the only visible fire burning all! Being darkness, why do not you have to find the light?
Let's see what this effigy, the dirty rotten garbage filled this desire in which nothing is permanent.
"The form is so fragile! It is what drives filled with rotten disease. The body has limited damage and death is the ultimate place of life."

A. III (35) - "So when you can not see a man or woman of 80, 90 or 100-year-old star? person's body curved like the beam on the roof corners, wasting back ground, shake hands with a cane, walking limp body maimed, deformed youth long since, that there was no more, her thin gray hair, clean pair of fibers or loss, hunched bent limb trees as the eye?
Then you do not always think that I will also old and not so old star unavoidable accident? "
So when you can not meet in this world, a man or woman seriously hurt why? The danger that illness, suffering surface stations, impure animal lying on its own, thanks to relatives Hold onto the bed.
Then you do not always think they also carry diseases such unavoidable stars? "
"So when you have not met on this earth a dead man or a woman? He died 2, 3 and day. Bloated body, stinking uncomfortable and stormed out began moss apart.
Then there is always how you think yourself well and inevitable death star? "
ROUND rebirth (Samsara)

S.14 (1) - "Star Actually not know how to kill and transition from life starting from when? Nor is the starting point to explore the life of being a star? compassionate beings" Ignorance "opaque covering, trapped craving, pushing, shoving each other, hustle stormed the wheel of birth and death."

EXPLANATION OF Venerable NYANATILOKA (according to Abhidhamma)
According to Pali, Sanskrit, English Samsara means "wandering status constant drift." It is a noun referring to the marine living resources, with the volume up high tide and low down represents a nonstop continuous schedule indefinitely by the state: birth, aging, sickness and death . And so there is no termination date, more clearly Samsara is a long chain of birth and death, no final period due to the contact activity and frequent changes of the aggregates undergo the infinite time not Star comprehend that. In this cycle, each life is only a very small point not hide. So want to see clearly the first point, "Noble Truth" in the Four Noble Truths, we should look at the whole cycle of not just pay attention to a life alone; because sometimes, life is less painful and optimistic.
(Samsara "Samsara", which changes the way nature and change. Therefore it is the subject of Nibbana, "Nirvana", always fixed and eternal).

S. 14 (2) - "You think any more, if compared with sea water, flush tears during the long journey from college when you hustle hustle dance round birth and death? Additionally, ye shall mourn too much for promiscuity with the unsatisfactory character and separation from loved objects affectionate ".
"Over time endless suffering because you have every father, mother died, because it takes the son, daughter, for special glasses brothers and sisters. On the natural way, the Indians to know how many tears, many more countries in four sea ".
"You think any more, the red blood flowing from your body from being beaten up, massacred throughout the journey even more persistent in four sea water".
"How phen Forums, you are punished for robbery, store loose parts box, brake sex. Ye mutilations torture, more blood spilled in four sea water".
"Which is why like that?"

It does not know that, the wandering drift and they start to appear from the time of birth? They are covered with ignorance, craving trapped, jostle, hustle jump into the cycle of birth and death.

Maybe that, from a multitude you shall bring misery fate, being taught at the body, and the burden of suffering have emerged identified throughout the graveyard.
"Craving create life long has arisen! Supposed that you have fought so hard and so long, if it is to destroy the wheel of birth and death."


Noble Truth of the cause of all suffering.
(apron - samudaya Dukkha Ariya Sacca)

D.22 Does - "Noble Truth of sexual desire to be reborn to a new life more fun, look ambitious, enjoys finding new pleasures in this place or elsewhere."

EXPLANATION OF Venerable NYANATILOKA (according to Abhidhamma)

According absolute sense really is not a being, an immutable self or ego is a real go reborn. Actually there is something unchanged condition in two consecutive short. Because the five aggregates (Khandhas) constitute life is always changing, all arise and kill, and destroy all living in a second non-stop. Maybe it does not have a body or a living being that fact that not only is there the progression ending, a constant state of change, a continuous development. The state is the cause of that effect is "rebirth" (Uppatti bhava).
The string representation of "cause and effect" can be compared with the wavy, not a separate component of water traveling over the sea. Illusion of the waves is moving, causing us to feel that there is a single body of water. But in fact it is only the state of the movement of the sea. Due to the thrust of the wind, many different water masses rise high thirsty heavy down pour forming around the valley. Water in this valley about trying to rise high and then lower down ... forever like that. Just as the Buddha taught not have a real rebirth go down, but that's just "glide tide of life". Depending on the circumstances and the good and bad behavior in every life, human beings appear here, as elsewhere interesting, or be reborn in the invisible realm.
There are 3 craving mind:
1) sexual desires (kama tanha)
2) Join want to be reborn (Bhava tanha)
3) Join want the best pleasures ceiling (Vibhava tanha)

According to the Visuddhi-magga (Path purity) noun Bhava Tanha have intimate contact with the virtues as "living" document, listed sassata-ditthi (usually is), that there is a "real self "absolute unchanging (soul) and not depend on outside the body.
Vibbhava Tanha is a consequence of the belief in materialism, "Uccheda ditthi" (paragraph reviews), said that the damaged ego will be destroyed and it is unrelated to the time before life and after death .

D.22 Does - "greed is derived from?
Across the world, wherever there is game playing pleasure aroused greed and rooted it. Eyes, nose, ears, tongue, body, mind, and provoked passionate attachment to it.
Awoke and sexual desire originates from somewhere: Beauty, the sound, scent, taste, touch objects pleasing, emotionally appropriate.
Luc continent collided with bare root cause: Emotion, enthusiasm, interest, thought, reflection attractive. Awoke and greed stems from that. "

M. 38 - "When exposed to appearances, sounds, tastes flavor, body, emotions, pleasant, people were attracted immediately and if not satisfied, then tried to get away from."
ORIGIN AND RELATED put me between the states suffering
"Thus, any kind of feeling (feeling) usually does arise, whether or enjoy normal human passionate embrace, and hold fast to it and stick awakened desires. Status and craving satisfied for each object means mouthed embrace life. craving is the cause which led to career "rebirth" and then sequentially entice caused the industry to take "Rebirth" and entice sequential want thousands of suffering such as aging, illness, death, sorrow, mourning, pain, frustration ... piled even more misery.
"It is the supreme truth of the cause of suffering."
Don suffering PRESS

M. 12 - "Actually, greed is the main cause of misery. Was greed dominates and dictates, and being attached to what happened?

Dispute with kings kings, the most conflict with the most, with a master teacher, people to people. Quarrelsome parents with children. Better than reckless with his parents. Brothers and sisters against each other, friends, enemies together.

Hence arises divisive discord, quarrel, conflict. Whether it overwhelms the other, in conflict with the fist of stone, with sticks, with weapons, causing suffering, miserable death. "
Also for those who desire that broke into the rampant looting, attacking passengers on the road, raped women. Then the murderer authorities arrest was imprisoned, that punishment enough. They were tortured or decapitated for causing sin.
Thousands suffering in this present life are caused by greed. Was greed dominates, dictates beings fall into the trap and are completely dependent on the sins of sense.
And if continues like this, we have to go on the road being bad ignoble cause so much evil industry body, speech and mind. By the time we die we will be in the realm depraved vile, entered the plight of suffering, being dragged down deep abyss of hell. That's where the greed or distress caused so much suffering in the future life.
Beings desire to be dominated and totally dependent on it. "

DHP. 127 - "Anyone with the high overhead, lower abyss of the ocean or the alley take place daily, all over this world such a place can be man-made cover data now!"

S.35 - "Human beings are masters of the industry, heir to it. Kamma is a sown seed. tied to maintenance It beings. Humans have the benefit of beautiful women or poor warm same good or bad depending on the industry has created. "

A.III (33) - "Wherever they appear, being a mature industry there. beings to reap the results reported in this present life, or in the next life."

S.21 (10) - "Up to a certain time, the water in the sea dried up and disappeared. Sees a certain time, a globe of fire was burning, the land is no longer available., but the agony still exist. beings still covered ignorance, still fall into traps and still craving jostle, hustle jump on cyclic ".


Noble Truth of Suffering OF DUT
(Kill Empire - Nirodha Dukkha Ariya Sacca)

D.22 Does - "So sublime truth of the cessation of suffering is how?
This is done as gone, extinguished, discard, shun, to escape out of greed. Wherever greed can be deformed? And at last where it extinguished?
On the world wherever there is no communication concepts have fun, then this was the place that greed can disappear or be extinguished. "

S.12 - "Whatever is in the past, now or in the future, he hermit or bhikkhu know how to recognize the impermanent nature of the pleasures playful place on earth, for it is a vicious bastard, temporary, is a disease, a tumor bother, Taoist teacher or new Bhikkhu that survived so desire. "
IT.96 - "And when it is freed from greed, no desire to be reborn, or Magi teacher Bhikkhu, the world will not come back again".

S.32 - "What makes the termination of Suffering?
Main status disappear completely extinguish greed makes the mind a desire to terminate rebirth. His desire was born to be suppressed, the state took no longer believe. There is no fundamental progress of the case dissipate and rebirth. Termination was born, these aging, illness, death, suffering, despair arise would not be. So that the suffering ceases.
Maybe that should eradicate, extinguish, beyond the influence of the five aggregates: form, feeling, perception, consciousness, the desire to terminate suffering, no pain, aging and victory is the source of birth and death. "

EXPLANATION OF Venerable NYANATILOKA (according to Abhidhamma)
The model put single country that we call the "wave", for lack wisdom, let it cause the illusion that a single body of water moving over the surface of the lake. The wave of momentum sustained by the wind and the capabilities (strong momentum). But once the wind stops blowing and the wind does not have a cross on the other side of the country, the capabilities and time worn once no more wavy. Just as when there is no fuel was introduced into the furnace of fire only some time off because of all the fuel has burned down and shatters the old capacity.
The above phenomena like status "progress" of Aggregates has created an individual. For the less wise, it can cause an illusion "The self". This illusion (the ego) and it also sponsors a prolonged time capabilities through the (now former) are long storage life.
But when fuel (greed) is worn without other amounts included in the aggregates to grow, it only lasted a life time and then terminated because Capability (now old) dried. Status "progress" of the five aggregates vanish while dead (talking about the Saints Nhon).
Thus, Nibbana (Nirvana) means "extinguished" or "stop blowing" and are identified as two forms:
- Extinguish all impurities, "kilesa Nibbana", while also Arahats in cash (Nirvana organic residues).
- Extinguish the unfolding of the Five Aggregates (khanda Nibbana) at saintly nirvana (parinibbana).

A third (32) - "This is the truth of supreme happiness, to terminate the structural phenomenon, being disposed root growth, eradicate greed cling to out, to extinguish and attained Nirvana .
Confused as greed, anger was hysterical, blinded by delusion, overwhelmed feelings, people toward their destruction, destroying others to suffer pain, and when the mind is greedy , anger, delusion, are removed, as long as that person is no longer on his destruction, destroying others and not suffer anymore.
So Nirvana can succeed even in this present life and attracts sages know by intellectual judgment ".

A.III (53) - "Quench lust, anger extinguished, extinguish delusion, so that is Nirvana."

A.VI (55) - "The electronic world is freed, calm mind, then there's nothing to foster any more, because he has done a job to do. A big rocks, not firmly intact My voice was unshakable. Likewise, we are like, no appearances, sound, taste and touch can be shaken free world, because little attention was calm and people who have been award get it. "

A.III (32) - "He has a pure heart, free from hatred, ambition afflictions, see the contrasting situation (good or bad, good data, large and small, high and low, to humble ...) , which was not agitated calmly, he was suffering beyond belief because birth, aging, sickness and so on. "
Unchanging dynasty

U.VIII (1) - "Actually, there is a kingdom where there is what is: compact, mobile, heated, shaken (big four), no globes or globes other, not the sun, the moon, not high, not low, not coming back no, not born, not destroy, not the foundation trienkhong. Such is the state terminated the agony (Nirvana). "

U.III (3) - "There is not a root of the situation, not being chief, no artifacts, no form. If there is no situation that is okay as rescue work.

But it was not proven that the root cause of the situation, not being chief, not a true picture, so as to escape the world rakhoi done "


Noble Truth of the Path to end suffering
(The Noble Eightfold Path - Ariya Magga)

Two errors and extreme path BETWEEN

S.36 - "passionate indulgence in worldly pleasures are very often sexual, profane, vile, useless. On the other hand, homemade act by itself can damage it hard, not noble nor beneficial What good. Omniscient avoid all that and have 2 way between the building, and bring it explains, professor of (being) to place peace and righteousness to the comments, to enlightenment, to Nibbana Tables ".
This is a super way Vietnam has eight sections, the way to end suffering resources:
Right Understanding (Samma-Ditthi)
Right Thought (Samma-sankappa)
Right Speech (Samma-vaca)
Right Action (Samma-Kammanta)
Right Livelihood (Samma-Ajiva)
Right Effort (Samma-Vayama)
Mindfulness (Samma-Sati )
Right Concentration (Samma-Samadhi)


The absolute evolutionary roadmap on inner discipline, cultivate morality must be based on Right, mean comments show correctly. Maybe it Right the first step of the Eightfold Path.
But want to consolidate my inclinations, Buddhist practitioners must follow the schedule arranged the order as follows:
About (sila)
Concentration (Samadhi)
Wisdom (Pannà)
So Right and intelligence are closely related to each other in the Buddha Dharma.

S. 56 - "This is the way" Chinese solution "that Omniscient discovered and brought to lecture, to take the place of religious peace, to the obvious comments, to enlightenment, to Nibbana.
The way out is not possible dissolution of the body, not painful lament, anguish. It was magical way.

DHP. 247-275-276 - "Actually, apart Eightfold Path, there is no other way to disinfect the interior, to find the truth. To follow the Noble Eightfold Path, you will cease to be the source of suffering.
But each individual must satisfy themselves by fighting. Parent class who have shown the way. "
M.26 - "immortal status have found it! Tathagata bring a common and correct interpretation of truth. ye obey. sake of noble moral life had had the honor leave the family home, to find life wandering nomad. Soon, as in the present life, if you try the learning, persevering successful practice will not result wrong direction " .END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=( THE EIGHTFOLD PATH ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.5/6/2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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