Friday 6 June 2014

Jodo Shinshu PRACTICE.

As we all know, is one of the Amitabha Buddha in numerous legal world, and each Buddha exists a space operations, Buddha or the Buddha realm. It's best Vietnamese place Amida shifting the nature of his vow, is creating a path whereby it may all beings attain enlightenment. However, the nature of this path that is real - the practitioner should demonstrate how the practice, highlight it, and why it impacts - are elucidated only gradually through the development development of a long tradition in different cultures, and it can be said that the works of Shinran which should open up the path laid out perfectly, than a thousand years after Pure is the classic text on self-aggregation. Throughout the Pure Land tradition throughout, the central question is how and when to enter into the work [reborn] arising from the completion of the vow of Amida Buddha ( meaning we reborn is true because we practice, integrated into the capability Vow Amida Buddha, and also means that the completion of his four principles, equal if not he has not become a Buddha - Tue Park).
GREAT PRAYER eighteenth
According to the Pure Land sutras, practices that can make a person break the shackles of Samsara by reborn in the Pure Land Buddhist concept, that is meaningful texts remember or think about the concept of (CONCEPT) Buddha ( in this section when talking about the Buddhist concept mainly talk about ' remember thinking ' Buddha, not to lay emphasis on 'reciting' title - Tue Park ). In preliminary tradition of Buddhism, a form of "Me thinks the Buddha" is focused on the practice of Gotama Buddha. It includes elements of remember thinking (CONCEPT) of the Buddha: characteristics, trust, and prayer. After this, it is also going to include a reflection on the other Buddha. It is in the Pure Land tradition, there are Buddhist concept as a means to teach reborn to the Pureland of Amitabha Buddha, it is the development of its importance. Document attention to the practice of the Pure center Amitabha seen in forty-eight great vows of Amida Buddha. During the vows, there are three - eighteen, nineteen, and twenty [[1]] - forming the method by which it is displayed "in ten beings can reach the reborn in the Pureland . From the beginning of the Pure Land tradition, Eighteenth Vow - presents the simplest requirements for practitioners - has been understood as the foundation and center [of practice]. That said
- If the child reached Buddhahood, sentient beings in the ten directions faithfully believed and wished to be born water baby, even just ten practical concept, if not be born, I vow not to achieve supreme enlightenment. Except offenders and defamation against the five teachings.
Here, it's claimed that, everyone will be reborn Bliss, who:
1) Sincere belief in "voluntary" [of the Buddha Di Da] and yearning to be reborn Bliss.
2) Practice "concept even ten." Mindfulness involves Buddhist concept is understood and interpreted either "think about" Amida Buddha and his Pure Land or "recite" Amitabha Buddha. Therefore, the concept of voluntary ten [Amida's] right can mean the scripts that we have to trust yourself to focus or main idea of meditating Buddha in ten; or it could mean, as is The Dao Thien said that, we must recite Amida at least ten times.
How such a practice has the capacity to bring us into the world of birth enlightenment? In India, two influential people of the Mahayana tradition, is Nagarjuna and angels, outlining the framework for understanding the Pure Land path as forms of Mahayana. PRACTICE EASY WAY Nagarjuna is the greatest system of teaching chemistry mentioned in the Mahayana sutras. In his commentary on The Venue Bodhisattva, he claims that the original problem for Buddhists aspire to reach the level of Bodhisattva first (primary site), grade retrogression. When a person reaches the stage of this - he sees the Dhamma, penetrated the Dhamma, the teachings reached, and firmly based in the teachings, from where he would never move fluctuations, and thus he reaches ultimate nirvana (Practice, 13) The right in this hierarchical conduct of bodhisattva practice to move through the remaining nine sites, but with the realization of the wisdom gained in the first place , an important change took place. In the practice of Bodhisattvas before this, there is always a danger of falling into the lazy or hopeless, or sink into a permanent resting in a form of selfishness is not perfect nirvana. Nagarjuna later called it "the death of a bodhisattva," so he had to try repeatedly with caution and with a million times the energy of the people only seek their own salvation ( personal liberation - Theravada ) if he wants to fully implemented and take effect bodhisattva others and the person's enlightenment. So to reach the stage of retrogression and become a bodhisattva that final enlightenment he is "firmly stable" and is cause for great joy and so hierarchical order First place most or also known as "local festivity." However, to reach this status, only after every eons (kalpas) of the vows and make efforts to fully implement the three perfections. After this, Xuoc Act (562-645) suggest that such practices, "the Path of the Sages," only for those with adaptive superhydrophobic Vietnam. Relating to the interpretation of Nagarjuna, Dam Loan (467-542) note that "the quest for fruition retrogression in the world can not sleep before Buddha" expression endless difficulties for practitioners (internships, 18). It is difficult to purify the mind and achieve deep meditation which was the root of delusion apart, especially at a time when human life was short, human intelligence and ability moral power is withered, and the social conditions are unfavorable (to AC's contingent). But above all, the practice is so difficult when practitioners lack the guidance of a Buddha. So, in his commentary, Nagarjuna uphold the question whether or not a more simple way, more quickly for this fundamental objective. While claiming that such a question in itself expresses enthusiasm waned a difficult adaptation of a bodhisattva, but he taught that there are numerous local roads to rejoice. Some bodhisattva conduct in the practice of difficulties that can compare to the arduous journey through the land, while others reach the status retrogression entirely quick and comfortable, like walking on a boat. Instead of a hard struggle to purify the mind and manifest Buddhahood through it, according to Nagarjuna, can also apply, "the practice easier by the trust-wide waterfall ( TIN) as a means "to reach the status retrogression - [Joyful Place] (Internships, 15). The easily practiced on credulous belief to overcome operational difficulties of diffuse pollution; (out size) and the absence of an instruction by the Buddha to bring the practitioner into a relationship with Buddhas and in contact with the world of enlightenment. This belief is not an easy acceptance because it can not be proven; it is not belief in the theory is not well agree in a certain teaching. For Nagarjuna, the practice is easy to "think about Buddhas (Buddhist concept) and in ten mentioned in the title of his prayer." Consequently, faith expresses itself above all as the main Great concept of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas throughout France, the expression of wisdom and compassion in the Mahayana way through the brilliance and splendor of the form and degree of his country, to think about these things can be understood and included reflection and deep contemplation on the characteristics of each Buddha. So "think about" representing penetration of Buddhas in operating activities through various trust-trust (TIN) about it yourself. Nagarjuna unlimited "easy practice" focused on Amida Buddha, but he pointed out the private University of Amida prayer as a clear example of and delegate to this and so is Body Loan Saints honored as one of the seven First the great patriarchs of the Pure Land. sexual immorality, followed by Nagarjuna, compare Pure Land path to the path of practice and other difficulties by noting that he is based on self-reliance and lack of support from ruling "(Practice 18). Loan Dam was the first to use the term "self-reliance" and "ruling," it was stated that the fundamentals of the concept of trust in the practice of Buddhism. On the one hand, sincere trust in the practitioner's cover, an awareness of the power and influence of voluntary Di Da (ruling), was completed through the bodhisattva practice of Tibetan France monks (the precursor of Amida), and on the other hand, an awareness of the inadequate capacity and practice of autologous (self-reliance). So, in summary, such as the Pure Land Teachings easy road, incestuous statement: - The easy way to practice, he should be born aspirations satellites with only single-wide belief operator ( TIN) in Buddha as their cause, and let yourself be cuddled by the capacity of the University of Amida prayer, he should quickly gain reborn in the Pure Land. Blessed by the power of the Buddha, he should immediately integrate security into the Mahayana refuge. (Practice, 18) righteous While Nagarjuna logical basis set of paths Pure - the practice of "thinking about Buddha and recite his name" and retrogression goals (Joyful Place ) - it was the first angel to provide a systematic explanation of the Buddhist concept in practice Pure Land path. In Pure thesis, a treatise on University Economics (Amida four), he announced include Buddhist concept as "righteous in the door," or practical aspects of the center and the realm of Amida Buddha Pure: 1 - Respect, worship 2 - Praise, especially through reciting the title 3 - Threshold hope reborn 4 - Reflecting on Buddha and Pure Land 5 - accumulating merit through four dimensions on the edge of the practice to all sentient beings. door of righteous year can be seen from a few different concepts. Three doors first describe the behavior of body, speech, and mind, in the corresponding three specific things that all human behavior is distinguished in Buddhist thought. Further, that the third and fourth anticipation and reflection, to meet basic samatha meditation - or just meditation (quiet mind) and vipasyana meditation - Vipassana (insight reality ). By focusing on Amida Buddha and the Pure Land practitioner penetrate eighty calm (the regulations), but in all her thoughts were dispelled harassment. And the solemn contemplation of Buddha and Pure Land in this condition, one of the manifestations of awareness or enlightenment reality. - With great compassion, contemplative practitioners in all beings suffering and bothered brain, and assumed the form of different metabolism to guide them, to dig into the realms of life and death, and blind ignorance forests (positivist, 17) The concept of this two directions - come and go, or can enter the Pure Land and reappear again in this world-a concise statement of the core bodhisattva path, and become the foundation concept of team teaching Shinran. We see the concept of angels in the door of mindfulness, a way to practice comprehension, can be seen as a bodhisattva in receipt of the Pure range. He spoke wholeheartedly trust of practitioners to Amida - "refuge with the true mind" or "best refuge center" - as appropriate attitude in practice, and is also " capacity of The Primal Vow "as a means of completing the practice. However, while the path may angels guide called quick and easy in comparison to other methods of bodhisattva practice, it still requires a capacity of religious and spiritual Premier League. The core of the Buddhist concept of this practice to maintain reflection, which practitioners have found that the characteristics of Amida Buddha, Pure Land, and the Bodhisattva was born there as the incarnation of reality true, and is directed to a method body awareness to the formless, infinite work. ever read TITLES Pure thesis is explained only system of thought and practice Pure Land in India. However, from the late second century, the starting material is converted Pure translation pattern, and in the early sixth century, incestuous wrote a commentary on the work of angels, but it is the foundation for the establishment of the Pure Land as the full path and independence in China. Loan negotiations follow the doctrine of angels in the door with contemplative mindfulness as the core, but he also acknowledged the possibility of a lifetime to achieve evil reborn through the forest while reciting the name of Buddha general. Additionally for Buddhist concept presented in the eighteenth voluntary, have a tendency to be taught to recite the Buddha Amitabha in business for four. It is taught in a message describing three levels of practice, the difficulty in distinguishing and ensuring the quality of the practice, but all include the practice of think about Amida (Buddhist concept is understood in this sense) and all current results in the birth of Bliss. Shinran understood this message as taught voluntary finished nineteenth. This describes the practice has two important characteristics. First, a practice level is described: the highest level of religious conduct religious practice [of the monastery]; The average level of lay people doing the commendable behavior, offerings, and build temples; and the lowest level of the people can not do the good karma but still yearning for Bliss and reflection on the Buddha can be ten times. Awareness of the various radical beings, even so they all achieve reborn in the Pure, became an immutable ideas about the practice. Secondly, be reborn reached by to see Amida Buddha at the time of his death, and according to the Pure Land. This is the highest level seen in Amida Buddha directly, the average level found in one incarnation, and those at the lowest level that dream Buddha. While the Bodhisattva's way of hard practice (other than the Pure) can penetrate deep meditation high in practice their teachings, but those in the Pure Land can not accomplish this. However, the Buddha appeared to them at the time that their future life is determined, and the pure consciousness through awareness of Him, He guides them to the Pure Land and biochemistry there in next life. interpretation of trends impact Buddhist concept of economic thought is Amitayurdhyana, in practice he teaches a gradual increase, with each level is divided into three. Contact the lowest level, it describes those who have done evil things all my life, but have the opportunity to penetrate teachings at the time of death. It was claimed that, even if you can not think of Amitabha, if they simply speak or read the title ten times the Buddha, take refuge in the Buddha, they will gain reborn. In, say that the statement, the effects of a lifetime of evil, is what will tie them tightly in countless reincarnations, but will be wiped clean, and when they die, they will see before them a Lotus to take them to Bliss. while Indian tradition continues Pure see the path of the Bodhisattva practice range, whereas properties in the Pure Land tradition in China has turned his attention to the more widely aspects of reflection on the conditions of human nature in the Pure thoughts and find the means by which all people even in secular life, and those who do not have access to practice religion [in the monastery] can be reborn. Because classic presents a practice level, with attention being focused on the practice of minimum necessary, and the message from business Amitayurdhyana at the lowest level of the practitioner goes to the basis of the interpret the meaning of the Buddhist concept of the eighteenth Vow ( ever or in the Pure Land of India, has two characteristics, then there is a practice of bodhisattvas, and two lay emphasis on the Buddhist concept Buddha meditation on identity rather than reciting prime *** ). This striking appearance in Act Xuoc, who lived in the time when the concept of historical decay or loss in the practice of law and facts rooted in the teachings of Buddhists goods. Directed Xuoc annotated by consolidation Vow things with experience teaching in Amitayurdhyana: - If they are born, even though they have committed crimes of their life, should recite the (Di Da ) at the moment of death, continued for ten concept, and if not yet be born, children will not voluntarily supreme enlightenment. (SSZ I, 410) Throughout the Pure Land tradition until The Body Loan, Business Amitayurdhyana maintain basic understanding Eighteenth Vow. There are two fundamental importance. 1. - A, Buddhist concept as reciting the Buddha's name - other than the mental focus to meditate or contemplate - away to deep point promoting an important position within the expanded form of the practice, it is seen as an essential simplicity, an action consistent with University primitives. Thien Dao group dubbed this as "an act of true decision" to distinguish this approach focus on Amida Buddha as worship and contemplation; Thien Dao has lowered the other practice (with reciting the title) to a secondary position or support. Honen group developed such ideas further, and teaches that reciting the title of the practice Amida's Vow recruited in His Compassion to save all sentient beings, and other practices be set aside. 2 - Second, the idea that the Buddha Amitabha leads us to the Pure Land became strong elements of teaching, and practitioners seek to prepare ourselves for the moment death of the life that they see as important for the birth of their current. Shinran declared that economic Amitayurdhyana teaching is a right of succession and not a true message of the Buddha as in business four Amida. Shinran the teachings of Nagarjuna in emphasizing hierarchical retrogression, Profile Joyful Land, can be reached in the present, which is not dependent on the facts at the time of death. Moreover, he goes even further, claiming that the evidence that body-wide belief operator () since it means that the position reached retrogression, Joyful Land, and then we like Bodhisattva Maitreya - a bodhisattva in the highest position - because we'll supreme enlightenment itself immediately at the end of this life and be reborn in the Pure, without having hard time progressing through the story other ranks (of the remaining sites ***.) This development in the Pure Land can be done through the foundation's review Nianfo perspective. Shinran group that litigation-read-recite the Buddha as a minimum require action in living beings, but it does take it out of the mold all knowledge of the practice of communication.  18) THE NOTION While Nagarjuna logical basis set of paths Pure - the practice of "thinking about Buddha and recite his name" and retrogression goals (Joyful Land) - Psalm Body is the first to provide a systematic explanation of the Buddhist concept in practice Pure Land path. In Pure thesis, a treatise on University Economics (Amida four), he announced include Buddhist concept as "righteous in the door," or practical aspects of the center and the realm of Amida Buddha Pure: 1 - Respect, worship 2 - Praise, especially through reciting the title 3 - Threshold hope reborn 4 - Reflecting on Buddha and Pure Land 5 - accumulating merit through four dimensions on the edge of the practice to all sentient beings. door of righteous year can be seen from a few different concepts. Three doors first describe the behavior of body, speech, and mind, in the corresponding three specific things that all human behavior is distinguished in Buddhist thought. Further, that the third and fourth anticipation and reflection, to meet basic samatha meditation - or just meditation (quiet mind) and vipasyana meditation - Vipassana (insight reality ). By focusing on Amida Buddha and the Pure Land practitioner penetrate eighty calm (the regulations), but in all her thoughts were dispelled harassment. And the solemn contemplation of Buddha and Pure Land in this condition, one of the manifestations of awareness or enlightenment reality. - With great compassion, contemplative practitioners in all beings suffering and bothered brain, and assumed the form of different metabolism to guide them, to dig into the realms of life and death, and blind ignorance forests (positivist, 17) The concept of this two directions - come and go, or can enter the Pure Land and reappear again in this world-a concise statement of the core bodhisattva path, and become the foundation concept of team teaching Shinran. We see the concept of angels in the door of mindfulness, a way to practice comprehension, can be seen as a bodhisattva in receipt of the Pure range. He spoke wholeheartedly trust of practitioners to Amida - "refuge with the true mind" or "best refuge center" - as appropriate attitude in practice, and is also " capacity of The Primal Vow "as a means of completing the practice. However, while the path may angels guide called quick and easy in comparison to other methods of bodhisattva practice, it still requires a capacity of religious and spiritual Premier League. The core of the Buddhist concept of this practice to maintain reflection, which practitioners have found that the characteristics of Amida Buddha, Pure Land, and the Bodhisattva was born there as the incarnation of reality true, and is directed to a method body awareness to the formless, infinite work. ever read TITLES Pure thesis is explained only system of thought and practice Pure Land in India. However, from the late second century, the starting material is converted Pure translation pattern, and in the early sixth century, incestuous wrote a commentary on the work of angels, but it is the foundation for the establishment of the Pure Land as the full path and independence in China. Loan negotiations follow the doctrine of angels in the door with contemplative mindfulness as the core, but he also acknowledged the possibility of a lifetime to achieve evil reborn through the forest while reciting the name of Buddha general. Additionally for Buddhist concept presented in the eighteenth voluntary, have a tendency to be taught to recite the Buddha Amitabha in business for four. It is taught in a message describing three levels of practice, the difficulty in distinguishing and ensuring the quality of the practice, but all include the practice of think about Amida (Buddhist concept is understood in this sense) and all current results in the birth of Bliss. Shinran understood this message as taught voluntary finished nineteenth. This describes the practice has two important characteristics. First, a practice level is described: the highest level of religious conduct religious practice [of the monastery]; The average level of lay people doing the commendable behavior, offerings, and build temples; and the lowest level of the people can not do the good karma but still yearning for Bliss and reflection on the Buddha can be ten times. Awareness of the various radical beings, even so they all achieve reborn in the Pure, became an immutable ideas about the practice. Secondly, be reborn reached by to see Amida Buddha at the time of his death, and according to the Pure Land. This is the highest level seen in Amida Buddha directly, the average level found in one incarnation, and those at the lowest level that dream Buddha. While the Bodhisattva's way of hard practice (other than the Pure) can penetrate deep meditation high in practice their teachings, but those in the Pure Land can not accomplish this. However, the Buddha appeared to them at the time that their future life is determined, and the pure consciousness through awareness of Him, He guides them to the Pure Land and biochemistry there in next life. interpretation of trends impact Buddhist concept of economic thought is Amitayurdhyana, in practice he teaches a gradual increase, with each level is divided into three. Contact the lowest level, it describes those who have done evil things all my life, but have the opportunity to penetrate teachings at the time of death. It was claimed that, even if you can not think of Amitabha, if they simply speak or read the title ten times the Buddha, take refuge in the Buddha, they will gain reborn. In, say that the statement, the effects of a lifetime of evil, is what will tie them tightly in countless reincarnations, but will be wiped clean, and when they die, they will see before them a Lotus to take them to Bliss. while Indian tradition continues Pure see the path of the Bodhisattva practice range, whereas properties in the Pure Land tradition in China has turned his attention to the more widely aspects of reflection on the conditions of human nature in the Pure thoughts and find the means by which all people even in secular life, and those who do not have access to practice religion [in the monastery] can be reborn. Because classic presents a practice level, with attention being focused on the practice of minimum necessary, and the message from business Amitayurdhyana at the lowest level of the practitioner goes to the basis of the interpret the meaning of the Buddhist concept of the eighteenth Vow ( ever or in the Pure Land of India, has two characteristics, then there is a practice of bodhisattvas, and two lay emphasis on the Buddhist concept Buddha meditation on identity rather than reciting prime *** ). This striking appearance in Act Xuoc, who lived in the time when the concept of historical decay or loss in the practice of law and facts rooted in the teachings of Buddhists goods. Directed Xuoc annotated by consolidation Vow things with experience teaching in Amitayurdhyana: - If they are born, even though they have committed crimes of their life, should recite the (Di Da ) at the moment of death, continued for ten concept, and if not yet be born, children will not voluntarily supreme enlightenment. (SSZ I, 410) Throughout the Pure Land tradition until The Body Loan, Business Amitayurdhyana maintain basic understanding Eighteenth Vow. There are two fundamental importance. 1. - A, Buddhist concept as reciting the Buddha's name - other than the mental focus to meditate or contemplate - away to deep point promoting an important position within the expanded form of the practice, it is seen as an essential simplicity, an action consistent with University primitives. Thien Dao group dubbed this as "an act of true decision" to distinguish this approach focus on Amida Buddha as worship and contemplation; Thien Dao has lowered the other practice (with reciting the title) to a secondary position or support. Honen group developed such ideas further, and teaches that reciting the title of the practice Amida's Vow recruited in His Compassion to save all sentient beings, and other practices be set aside. 2 - Second, the idea that the Buddha Amitabha leads us to the Pure Land became strong elements of teaching, and practitioners seek to prepare ourselves for the moment death of the life that they see as important for the birth of their current. Shinran declared that economic Amitayurdhyana teaching is a right of succession and not a true message of the Buddha as in business four Amida. Shinran the teachings of Nagarjuna in emphasizing hierarchical retrogression, Profile Joyful Land, can be reached in the present, which is not dependent on the facts at the time of death. Moreover, he goes even further, claiming that the evidence that body-wide belief operator () since it means that the position reached retrogression, Joyful Land, and then we like Bodhisattva Maitreya - a bodhisattva in the highest position - because we'll supreme enlightenment itself immediately at the end of this life and be reborn in the Pure, without having hard time progressing through the story other ranks (of the remaining sites ***.) This development in the Pure Land can be done through the foundation's review Nianfo perspective. Shinran group that litigation-read-recite the Buddha as a minimum require action in living beings, but it does take it out of the mold all knowledge of the practice of communication.  18) THE NOTION While Nagarjuna logical basis set of paths Pure - the practice of "thinking about Buddha and recite his name" and retrogression goals (Joyful Land) - Psalm Body is the first to provide a systematic explanation of the Buddhist concept in practice Pure Land path. In Pure thesis, a treatise on the General Business (Amida four), he announced include Buddhist concept as "righteous in the door," or practical aspects of the center and the realm of Amida Buddha Pure: 1 - Respect, worship 2 - Praise, especially through reciting the title 3 - Threshold hope reborn 4 - Reflecting on Buddha and Pure Land 5 - accumulating merit through four dimensions on the edge of the practice to all sentient beings. door of righteous year can be seen from a few different concepts. Three doors first describe the behavior of body, speech, and mind, in the corresponding three specific things that all human behavior is distinguished in Buddhist thought. Further, that the third and fourth anticipation and reflection, to meet basic samatha meditation - or just meditation (quiet mind) and vipasyana meditation - Vipassana (insight reality ). By focusing on Amida Buddha and the Pure Land practitioner penetrate eighty calm (the regulations), but in all her thoughts were dispelled harassment. And the solemn contemplation of Buddha and Pure Land in this condition, one of the manifestations of awareness or enlightenment reality. - With great compassion, contemplative practitioners in all beings suffering and bothered brain, and assume the bodies metabolize different to guide them, to dig into the realms of life and death, and blind ignorance forests (positivist, 17) The concept of this two directions - come and go, or can enter the Pure Land and reappear again in this world-a concise statement of the core bodhisattva path, and become the foundation concept of team teaching Shinran. We see the concept of angels in the door of mindfulness, a way to practice comprehension, can be seen as a bodhisattva in receipt of the Pure range. He spoke wholeheartedly trust of practitioners to Amida - "refuge with the true mind" or "best refuge center" - as appropriate attitude in practice, and also " capacity of The Primal Vow "as a means of completing the practice. However, while the path guiding angel can be called quickly and easily in comparison to other methods of bodhisattva practice, it still requires a capacity of religious and spiritual Premier League. The core of the Buddhist concept of this practice to maintain reflection, which practitioners have found that the characteristics of Amida Buddha, Pure Land, and the Bodhisattva was born there as the incarnation of reality true, and is directed to a method body awareness to the formless, infinite work. ever read TITLES Pure thesis is explained only system of thought and practice Pure Land in India. However, from the late second century, the starting material is converted Pure translation pattern, and in the early sixth century, incestuous wrote a commentary on the work of angels, but it is the foundation for the Pure Land as set path and fully independent in China. Loan negotiations follow the doctrine of angels in the door with contemplative mindfulness as the core, but he also acknowledged the possibility of a lifetime to achieve evil reborn through the forest while reciting the name of Buddha general. Additionally for Buddhist concept presented in the eighteenth voluntary, have a tendency to be taught to recite the Buddha Amitabha in business for four. It is taught in a message describing three levels of practice, the difficulty in distinguishing and ensuring the quality of the practice, but all include the practice of think about Amida (Buddhist concept is understood in this sense) and all current results in the birth of Bliss. Shinran understood this message as taught voluntary finished nineteenth. This describes the practice has two important characteristics. First, a practice level is described: the highest level of religious conduct religious practice [of the monastery]; The average level of lay people doing the commendable behavior, offerings, and build temples; and the lowest level of the people can not do the good karma but still yearning for Bliss and reflection on the Buddha probably ten times. Awareness of the various radical beings, even so they all achieve reborn in the Pure, became an immutable ideas about the practice. Secondly, be reborn reached by to see Amida Buddha at the time of his death, and according to the Pure Land. This is the highest level seen in Amida Buddha directly, the average level found in one incarnation, and those at the lowest levels seen in dreams Buddha. While the bodhisattva path in the difficult practice (other than the Pure) can penetrate deep meditation high in practice their disciplines, but those in the Pure Land can not accomplish this. However, the Buddha appeared to them at the time that their future life is determined, and the pure consciousness through awareness of Him, He guides them to the Pure Land and biochemistry there in next life. interpretation of trends impact Buddhist concept of economic thought is Amitayurdhyana, in practice he teaches a gradual increase, with each level is divided into three. Contact the lowest level, it describes those who have done evil things all my life, but have the opportunity to penetrate the teaching at the time of death. It was claimed that, even if you can not think of Amitabha, if they simply speak or read the title ten times the Buddha, take refuge in the Buddha, they will gain reborn. In, say that the statement, the effects of a lifetime of evil, is what will tie them tightly in countless reincarnations, but will be wiped clean, and when they die, they will see before them a Lotus to take them to Bliss. Whereas traditional Indian view road continues in the Pure range bodhisattva practice, whereas properties in the Pure Land tradition in China has turned his attention to the more widely aspects of reflection on the conditions of human nature in the Pure thoughts and find the means by which all people even in secular life, and those who do not have access to practice religion [in the monastery] can be reborn. Because classic presents a practice level, with attention being focused on the practice of minimum necessary, and the message from business Amitayurdhyana at the lowest level of the practitioner goes to the basis of the interpret the meaning of the Buddhist concept of the eighteenth Vow ( ever or in the Pure Land of India, has two characteristics, then there is a practice of bodhisattvas, and two lay emphasis on the Buddhist concept Buddha meditation on identity rather than reciting prime *** ). This striking appearance in Act Xuoc, who lived in the time when the concept of historical decay or loss in the practice of law and facts rooted in the teachings of Buddhists goods. Directed Xuoc Vow annotated by merging it with her ​​experience teaching in Amitayurdhyana: - If they are born, even though they have committed crimes of their life, should recite the (Di Da ) at the moment of death, continued for ten concept, and if not yet be born, I vowed not supreme enlightenment. (SSZ I, 410) Throughout the Pure Land tradition until The Body Loan, Business Amitayurdhyana maintain basic understanding Eighteenth Vow. There are two fundamental importance. 1. - A, Buddhist concept as reciting the Buddha's name - other than the mental focus to meditate or contemplate - away to deep point promoting an important position within the expanded form of the practice, it is seen as an essential simplicity, an action consistent with University primitives. Thien Dao group dubbed this "a true act of decision", this distinction with the method focused on Amida Buddha as worship and contemplation; Thien Dao has lowered the other practice (with reciting the title) to a secondary position or support. Honen group developed such ideas further, and teaches that reciting the title of the practice is Amida's Vow recruited in His Compassion to save all sentient beings, and other practices be set aside. 2 - Secondly, the idea that the Buddha Amitabha leads us to the Pure Land became strong elements of teaching, and practitioners seek to prepare ourselves for the moment death of the life that they see as important for the birth of their current. Shinran declared that economic Amitayurdhyana right is a teaching ministry and is not a true message of the Buddha as in business four Amida. Shinran the teachings of Nagarjuna in emphasizing hierarchical retrogression, Profile Joyful Land, can be reached in the present, which is not dependent on the facts at the time of death. Moreover, he goes even further, claiming that the evidence that body-wide belief operator () since it means that the position reached retrogression, Joyful Land, and then we like Bodhisattva Maitreya - a bodhisattva in the highest position - because we'll supreme enlightenment itself immediately at the end of this life and be reborn in the Pure, without having hard time progressing through the story other ranks (of the remaining sites ***.) This development in the Pure Land can be done through the foundation's review Nianfo perspective. Shinran group that litigation-read-recite the Buddha as a minimum require action in living beings, but it does take it out of the mold all of the practice of informal communication.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.6/6/2014.

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